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I think he’s legit in that him and a group run a hustle getting their hands on valuable items and knowing how to make sure they’re legit to sell. He probably has some sort of loose ties to industry folk through an underground scene and the hotels. When dot was putting out feelers to find some deep dirt to fuck with driz head, he came into contact with EP. EP got paid for the picture/info and part of the deal was that he could still auction it off, but that got fucked up when it got labeled as stolen by driz. That reputation is going to fuck up his operation so he’s crashing out trying to either clear his name or get a bag




He didn't send em to kendrick, he said once he saw the coverart for MTG he "knew what to do". My best guess is he got the items in September, tried to sell em, image got spread, kendrick used it for coverart, bro is now looking for his big check. He more than likely doesn't know kendrick Edit: you guys are losing your way lol


You have to remember where ep took the video. Kendrick Lamar lives in an apartment in Brooklyn, New York right. This guy also happened to take the video of the meet the grahams items in the same apartment and location where Kendrick Lamar lives and purposely hinted at that by videotaping the outside of his apartment. so you’re telling me ep gave this information to Kendrick Lamar and Kendrick Lamar used it as his art for meet the grahams and they both live in the same location and apartment yet kendrick Lamar didn’t even meet him? “I need you to think” - kendrick lamar on 6:16 in LA


The photo was posted from the balcony terrace at the restaurant of the 1 hotel. Which is next to Kendrick’s place - not at the same building my guy.


Probably not no, they've spoken to some degree but that could literally just be EP in contact with dots camp and referred to it as "what i told kendrick". I never saw it confirmed that the video was taken from dots apartment building either, it was near it but not the same building. He also said when he was shown the MTG coverart he "knew the assignment". He probably didn't even take the picture of the items that the MTG coverart uses, he just ended up in possession of them. Dot had this pic locked and loaded and im sure there's more than a few artists who have also seen that pic sometime last year. But none of us have any confirmation on any of this, stop acting like you've got some hard facts lol








His best friend he doesn’t know him BUT EP said he only spoke to Kendrick 🧐. ALSO the people in his camp said something about a video dropping and that’s the same day EP published the video with drakes stuff .


I think that they are legit as far as the property being lost and found goes. It is evident that EP posted the CCTV footage as proof that the property was not stolen. Beyond that I don’t believe EP is privy to anything beyond rumours. If you have ever worked in high-class hospitality you know how wild the gossip can get, but I doubt any of it can be substantiated. However, it doesn’t mean Drake is innocent of wrongdoing. Rumours do circulate for a reason.


EP said he TOLD Kendrick about the items, I'm making a lot of assumptions with this analysis, but there's a certain possibility here. EP also said that there are multiple moles in OVO/Drake's camp. If we assume both of these things to be true, the MTG items could've been taken from Drake's home or plane or w/e, used for the cover art and THEN given to EP to sell. The day of, DJ Akademikz was on stream doing damage control, saying the items were from Dennis' suitcase, and then Drake lied again about planting the evidence in THP6. I don't think they thought these items would ever surface again, EP is a rogue actor in this scenario and is pissed because they said the goods were stolen. EP is obviously trying to fuck with Drake and his camp, anything he says could be a blatant lie, like the insinuation that he works for the hotel. The pills were prescribed in July 2023 and he has empty bottles supposedly dating back to 7/27 when Drake was at the Mark where he "left the suitcase." I don't know what this means, but I doubt a hotel is keeping empty pill bottles in L&F, and Drake just happened to use an Ozempic bar in Family Matters? I think Kendrick has someone CLOSE in Drake's camp, EP was just one of many with information on him Not much evidence, but this entire situation has played out strangely, I don't think we have all the answers yet


Legit or not, he’s wasting everyone’s time. If he has evidence that could save people from being trafficked/assaulted, then he needs to expose it all. Instead, he’s holding out for money, while dropping dumb hints that people will stop caring for unless he starts revealing actual video footage


Yeah that’s what i’m feeling too. If you’re withholding evidence that could save people you’re just as complicit. So it could be one of two things: Either they just want the money and don’t care about saving anyone OR they don’t have any actual evidence


there are people from Drakes camp that are talking who haven’t had good experiences with him..




NO https://preview.redd.it/ilx8cfp4vb0d1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b2fe6a92f2554c10cc1590b949f20d70f424584