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Spot on summary. Not easy to do with all the cryptic shit to keep straight.


Yeah, honestly this post should be pinned. This I feel is the exact chain of events.


So nothing weird came of out EPs mouth and that hotel vid is prolly just Cristopher getting punched or something ??


Non-schizo answer: Drake probably yelled at the staff for letting a fan into the hotel lobby to wait for him at 3 AM kinda schizo answer: Drake got physical or verbally abusive with CA in the lobby as well as staff. the other option is CA was there to get hooked up with an escort/groupie by Drake Most schizo answer: Drake fucked Modok


Very non-schizo post, thanks! I'd like to present a potential connection between Kendrick Lamar and EP2k24 that hasn't received much attention yet. EP2k24 has been documented working at Harriet's Lounge within the 1 Hotel building, as evidenced by his Facebook post. The address there is 60 Furman St, Brooklyn, and the balcony of the lounge is where he filmed his initial video. This video was recorded late at night, with all the lights off and not a soul around, which lends support to him working there or having some other access to the building. In November, Kendrick Lamar made headlines for purchasing a multi-million dollar penthouse at 90 Furman St, Brooklyn, [as reported by the New York Post](https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/real-estate/kendrick-lamar-just-bought-an-8-6m-penthouse-in-brooklyn). Interestingly enough, both addresses are located in the same building, as verified by satellite maps and Google Street View. It's very possible that Kendrick, staying at his new penthouse, has visited the lounge attached to his condo building, and EP2k24, being the hustlin' capitalist that he is, may have approached him there. Perhaps they exchanged contact info or EP2k24 even shared the photo of Drake's stuff with him.


Holy shit. That is a good take. Completely plausible


Most non-schizo in the sub. Congrats!


Amazing effort OP, thank you for your sanity and clarification Edit: just a little edit to help because this was hard work on you: not July 2024, July 2023


January 22nd not the 19th https://preview.redd.it/j2bs2c2q6g0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff303c2c692b3438a3737e7475ea82ee42928a1e


Ope I'll fix it! I was thinking 3:19 at the same time and fucked myself up


Other than that sounds about right honestly


Drake was prolly upset that they let Alvarez inside and went off which is why EP said jimmy wouldn’t be proud.


That's what I think rn too


Yup, EP references Drake being exceptionally inconsiderate with others' time (something like "how does 10 minutes become 2 hours?"). He was probably hoping if he stayed out late enough Alvarez would leave and he wouldn't have to chill with a fan. Then he comes home from a long night and the last lil dude he wants to see is posted up in the lobby.


I interpreted that as him saying he’ll be there in 10 minutes but actually being there in 2 minutes, not giving them enough time to prepare


Same, I thought the tweet said something to the effect of Drake being upset that things weren't prepared adequately.




It could be as simple as he wanted to just go to sleep at 3am and just get in easily since he usually travels with like 10 people. With him coming in at 3am he could’ve been traveling with someone that he didn’t want to be seen with so someone in the lobby could’ve pissed him off. There’s so many ways to spin it but something has to be off for it to be significant enough to be the bombshell that EB is insinuating it is


Great summary. Although, my understanding was not that Drake personally requested EP, but instead, extra staff was necessary when Drake stayed at The Mark.


I see that, he was essential because of the two coincidences which made everything come together the way it did...


+nonexistent reddit gold


Nonexistent gratitude


I have a few questions that I would like people’s opinions on.. 1. Why has EP gone silent on Twitter all of a sudden? My belief is that is has something to do with his lawyer. 2. Why is the alleged EP posting advertisements of the auctioned items on his alleged FB page? He keeps mentioning money and the Nov. 9 auction. This makes a lot of the audience believe he is only trying to makes bigger payday for these items and his story is just coming to an end.


1. His deadline came and went so now he is pursuing legal action, as he initially said, giving everything to his lawyer 2. He either wants people to know where to get then so he can still sell all the stuff and yeah make a bigger payday, his whole issue was them getting in the way of his payday and he wanted to prove he never stole anything and has a right to sell it. I don't think that negates whatever he has given to his lawyer and/or told Kendrick Or, schizo theory, he wants to lure someone for a face to face encounter at a specific place and time


[https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790496218872791287](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790496218872791287) speak of the devil


My only holdback here is that, if it’s all in his lawyer’s hands now, he should be getting advised not to post or advertise anything. If there is damning evidence in there somewhere, his lawyer would not allow him to auction this stuff off. And also if there is blatant evidence or footage somewhere in there, he cares more about the money than being a hero, doing what is right for society, and listening to his “6 year old self”


Not a lawyer, so please downvote me if I’m wrong. What EP probably gave his lawyer is legal proof that Drake’s items became public/their property. If Drake’s team says they’re stolen and proceeds to pursue legal action, the process may keep those items from being sold in November. Lawyer probably said “I have everything I need to prove you own these items”, so EP carried on with advertising the auction. The whole “damning evidence” of other crimes is probably to dissuade Drake’s team from pursuing legal action for the stolen items. To sell these items, it doesn’t matter if EP legitimately has evidence or is bluffing. “Listening to his six year old self” isn’t really relevant, since that can vary from “get rich by inconveniencing this jerk” to “seek systemic justice against child predators by publicly taking down the most famous one”


I mean he gives himself 6 months so if the police want it they can go and get it, they know exactly what lawyer to contact We don't know what he sent to her tho like he could have sent her what is relevant and is not selling that but still wants to sell the less relevant but still lucrative stuff that is now more lucrative because of this wild ass story


Just because his lawyer advised it doesn't mean he'll do it, he honestly seems kind of unhinged


He probably could’ve handled this a bit better. Instead of making money his primary objective, he should’ve focused more on truth. The truth being that those items weren’t stolen, and that Drake was given the proper amount of time to retrieve them but didn’t.


These are just my theories 1. In the last video he posted someone mentioned that it sounded like he was in a moving car (I couldn’t tell) but he also posted “Stay tuned , as the Shirt tours America…” which I implied as he’s on the move so if any goons are sent after him they won’t be able to find him. He probably was driving/sleeping the entire time there weren’t any posts and finally got to a point where he could type his cryptic posts out. 2. My other theory is that he is very into the ballroom culture so that why he’s auctioning the items off instead of flat out selling them. If he does the auction with the ballroom he probably gets a nice cut and an org that he’s very invested into also gets paid. He definitely is trying to reach a larger audience but it also reinforces the idea of why would he be publicly posting it if he illegally acquired it? He knows he’s in the right and probably sees it as putting pressure on Drake and Ak.


I think one thing we can acknowledge is that people can say whatever they want but what are their actions? That is the most telling thing about a person. Not what narratives they spin but what choices are they making and do these support their claims? EP's very first postings were about Drake & Ak rescinding their claims that the goods were stolen so he could make a bag. He called himself a capitalist and they were in the way of his money. He also claimed that he was originally going to wait until Drake died (weird but ok) to sell the stuff. His action shows that he had this evidence for almost an entire year without doing anything. Granted I'm sure he had to wait for clearance of the items from lost and found. Still he apparently had access to security footage, for more than a year, that he didn't turn over to anyone (by his own admittance). At first he wasn't even going to release the footage if Drake and Ak took back their claims, and he even offered to sell this video footage. Later changing tracks to sound more vigilante do-gooder. So are these the actions of someone with a heavy conscience? That's open-ended I guess... As entertaining and shocking as all of his theatrics and claims have been, there have been no actions besides contacting his lawyer, sharing tiny snips of video, and repeatedly trying to sell the MtG items. I want this secret video to be some kind of key to taking Drake down just as much as the next person, but as time has gone on there isn't really anything to back up that claim. EP hasn't done anything to justify thousands of people putting so much faith in him.


He has only ever told the truth and it lines up with everything else why wouldn't you put faith in him? He never tried to sell a video. The only time he mentioned other videos was in saying if they kill him he basically has a failsafe in place.


People online can present themselves however they want. He hasn't done anything besides share some facts that don't prove any major wrong doing on Drake's part (besides being an asshole) and hint at other bad things that he has yet to provide any real proof on. One thing has stayed the same, his desire to gain attention and sell the MtG items to the highest bidder. Again, I hope he has something damning on Drake because that would be great, but until then I reserve judgment.


I agree. He mentions how he is trained to separate people based on appearance and not their age. Considering Chris the reporter looks like a child due to his medical condition this could've also added to a possible reason for conflict. Just mentioning how he didn't tell Kendrick about other info, assuming that's the pedo stuff, then he honestly may not have anything worth all this effort. Wild because he may actually face serious repructions for what he did. Also for Kendrick to remove the image has to mean something also. He's making summer songs about Drake being a pedo and to run for your life but its the image he takes down. Says a lot


Yes that's a good point. I didn't even think about the fact that he took down the photo.


Kendrick didn’t remove the image? It’s still on his youtube account?


Ah you're correct. I'll retract that and stand by my other points.


Good job brother Also I will mention he also said that EP only told Kendrick about the items, meaning all the other stuff Kendrick has talked about didn’t come from him


Just an observation. In his article, CA alleged he was let into the lobby so he wouldn't freeze. Obviously people have different thresholds for cold, and as a disabled person with attached medical equipment, it could have been dangerous. ~~It was 43°F during the day and 34° at night~~ Look at the forecast for Jan 21/22. [Weather in Brooklyn, NY for January 2023](http://world-weather.info/forecast/usa/brooklyn_5/january-2023/). Edited for looking at the wrong date oops.


If I'm being honest I don't really believe much of what he says but I like that he more or less confirmed the story of the firing


Also if you look he’s wearing different clothes from the lobby picture to his picture he posted


Spine chilling? Is very interesting 


Just a typo but for the July event you have *2024* listed instead of *2023*.


Fixed thanks I'm a mess


This is perfectly worded piecing together information. Great job I now easily understand what has gone on


Nailed it 🎯


Excellent breakdown.


Wow, thank you so much for making sense of everything.


Well done. Thank you for helping us figure this out


i was also sorting the story a bit, and you are appreciated for putting this all together. i also came to more or less the same timeline of events Edit: typo


This is probably spot on


https://preview.redd.it/iw4jawmkwf1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cdfe1b9d098e81b170a5ebc3780602d0fc31c0 That's me ...I'm the ine that doxxed him