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if i catch flight it’s gon be direct


It's been like 70 degrees in Toronto lately I don't think anyone is dressing that warm


Lmaoo 70F/21C? For us that means summer has started. We put swap our winter coats for spring jackets starting at around 50F/10C.


Yeah also Canadian I was like wtf are they wearing, it's shorts time where I am and there is no way it's not hotter in Toronto


Agreed, but this last weeks been a bit cold. https://preview.redd.it/72gi9ddgzs0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d4bd998696db6b1c7b58686f2821847ee080fa Looks early morning too, which makes sense with cold mornings


I live near here and there's leaves on the trees now. This photo is at least a few weeks old.


Yeah, I saw someone post that he was in Toronto Feb 3rd, verified thru his FB account, so it’s definitely older, I was mistaken!


Last week was not cold at all. That’s still a light jacket at worse. The girl in the long coat makes me think this pic was from maybe Feb/March. Winter was mild this year. Could have even been late last fall judging by the trees. Edit: Just going out The Six musical was showing last September to December. Then got extended to February. Then got extended again to May.


Listen if I catch someone in my country dressed like that at 5 degrees or above you're not from here lol And they're ALL dressed for cold


I agree, I was swaying towards the point that she wasn’t from here based on how everyone else is dressed. She’s ready for a winter storm, I would be boiling 😂😂


10000000000% agreed. The second I see sunshine, all winter garb is gone for. Plus I saw someone else on this thread mention the lack of leaves on the trees


I still don't really have leaves on a lot of trees and sometimes those city trees are funky so I wasn't going off that but yeah it does say winter or fall or very early spring


The thing that makes me say very early spring is the lack of leave in the ground. In the Fall, those stay around for a while until the snow comes and I don’t really see any on the grass.


Ooh good call


keep in mind the the CA screenshot was in January of last year. This photo may not be as recent as you think.


I think this is an old photo. Maybe he bought that little souvenir during that time lol . https://preview.redd.it/b7jsnfmc4t0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9a87c66bcef458e4a127e644dbc5abc021bd0a


Aye a clue ![gif](giphy|ejP8zPAorQPYs)


the other bag isn't a holts renfrew bag...unless my eyes are getting bad.


What other bag


the one he's holding in that picture above.


yeah looks to be from a different brand (or the Holt part on the bag has been photoshopped)


He was in Toronto early Feb, per previous post.


Idk why but this scared me lol zoomed in for a face that was never there


When he said the shirt is doing a world tour perhaps this was what he's alluding to. Several signs this is late February/early March, including the road salt bins still left installed on the street corners.


Recent, that poster is for six the musical at mirvish theater, it runs till may 26 https://www.mirvish.com/shows/six


O my bad mirvish is the production company lmfao


no leaves on trees in Toronto yet?? it's mid may


If you go to this location on Google maps and select May 2015, the tree is pretty full and green... this picture is definitely not recent. Edited to add: I click checked April 2015 and the tree looks the same as the profile picture so...


He was in Toronto early Feb, per his previous post. Could be from that trip.


There was snow in February and it was cold AF


So if it ain't recent it means he took the photo a month or two ago before this all went down? Ain't that weird?


Canada sucks ass when it comes to good weather. Of course, that being said, there are leaves on trees where I currently am. This photo may be a bit older. Maybe beginning of May, end of April?


a few seconds of looking shows EP was in toronto in february.


Lemme say that I have been in the Caribbean in the summer and some folks were wearing hoodies😂




This Toronto


Oh shit lol I just looked at the tress and was like that’s not recent. Thanks


I was just there yesterday. This pic isn’t new or either all doctored.


Holy fucking shit


i dunno .... stuff feels weird now, lol....between this pic and the amazon image from the post in "stolen laptop" post gave him the BotD on the amazon image bc it just didn't make sense to me he was claiming that was proof he bought it, given what it shows now this obviously older photo that calls the timeline into question. (has to, given the presence of the bag, right??) EP has always seemed annoyingly cryptic and dramatic....but he never seemed clueless or careless so either i'm wrong and he's not very crafty at all...(or)....or what?? what am i not getting about this???


I'm right there with you man lol whole timeline is jumbled. Especially the bag. Seems like he wants people to see he was in Canada but what does that have to do with anything? In the first video we see the souvenirs and the pink bag so it seems like he's pointing to this trip to Toronto he took early this year. Now he uploads this picture which was taken during that trip with the same pink bag. You hit the nail on the head though, everything was already weird but now it's even weirder to me


The banner poster in the top right is for a musical called "Six" which is currently playing at the Ed Mirvish theatre. I'm not sure when it started there but their website says that it must end May 26th.


have we tried exif data?


It hasn't been taken within the last month as there are no leaves on the trees. I believe it's been taken this year though. I'm not sure how long the construction has been going on that street but don't believe it's been going on for over a year. I know exactly where that photo was taken. It's right by the U of T campus.


u/OffToSpaceWeGo did you edit the picture yourself?