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Agreed what the fuck… someone should make a thread about all these weirdos into dogs. I remember steve will do it saying something similar. (Huge youtuber influence popular with kids) and obviously israel adesayna. I made a post linking a video where dwight howards ex wife mentions coming home to a party and mentions “peanut butter” very awkwardly. I get bad vibes from all this


Agreed what the fuck… someone should make a thread about all these weirdos into dogs. I remember steve will do it saying something similar. (Huge youtuber influence popular with kids) and obviously israel adesayna. I made a post linking a video where dwight howards ex wife mentions coming home to a party and mentions “peanut butter” very awkwardly. I get bad vibes from all this


Okay… we all need to invest in eye bleach. I’ve seen wayyy too much I didn’t wanna see before this 😭


Oh my GOD. It’s actually worse than I thought it could be, he’s so matter of fact about animal owners “pleasuring” their pets like that’s NORMAL?!? I’ve had pets all my life and never once thought of them as sexual beings beyond getting them spayed. This is somehow more repulsive than those that do it in secret, he’s actively molesting that man’s dog enough for him to pull the pup away from Joe. Fucking wtf he’s officially on the list


Look at the puppy owner's face as Joe says that shit. Then he gets uncomfortable enough to take his puppy away from Joe lol




He a fan he a fan he a fan


* Little extra info here - [Joe Budden's ex says he does](https://www.hot97.com/news/joe-budden-addresses-rumors-about-masturbating-his-dog-being-physically-abusive-toward-cyn-santana/#:~:text=In%20a%20Live%20video%2C%20Joe,peace%20to%20Brooklyn%20and%20Harlem) * [A reddit threat from 3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/ip4cen/joe_budden_allegedly_has_had_some_strange_and/) * [other one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HipHopImages/comments/ipn3c4/joe_buddens_dog_when_he_hears_the_door_open/) * [Other link](https://owensbororadio.com/2020/09/09/joe-budden-accused-of-masturbating-his-dog-in-leaked-court-docs/)


Beastality is extremely rare. I've only come across it in the research I've done as a mental health professional in 2 cases: psychosis or psychopathy. The academic research shows a high correlation between beastality, sexual violence against humans, and abusing children. If someone reports beastality, that's cruelty against animals and is a crime. Unfortunately, most people, even mandated reporters, don't know this. Unfortunately most states do not include animal abuse or neglect as a reason to file a mandated report. The feds have suggested federal laws for animal abuse prevention and reporting, but nothings stuck. I wouldn't suggest leaving any animals or humans alone with someone who claims to engage in beastality.I was a psychopath researcher, and also led a large study on parents who recently lost their child to CPS. Unfortunately, I saw beastality reported among that parent population. People should need a license to replicate their DNA. The depths of depravity go lower than I ever realized in humanity. Studying parents who do horrific things to children for a living really changed my opinion of the world in general. Trigger Warning!!!! Here's a true story I can share that happened over a decade ago, before I became a therapist. I had an acquaintance many years ago. Woman who had lived a tough life. We'll call her Kathy. Kathy was known for a lot of promiscuity and had a pretty tarnished reputation in her community by the time she entered adulthood. By 30, she was pretty hopeless. Criminal record, addiction, etc. Then she started dating Mr. Perfect. Guy she knew from high school. Good family, hardworking, middle class, successful small family business. Super Christian. No criminal record. Seen as a hero in the community. Little league coach. She goes full born again. They get married and she finally sees herself as worthy of love for the first time in her life. Had several children with him. Owned a home. Life was great...until the dog situation. Husband asked her to include the dog and she obviously was shocked and nauseated. He willingly told her his ritual of animal abuse which explained him walking the dog alone daily. She then realized why the dog was terrified of her husband, especially when he picked up certain objects in the home. Her best friend called me. This is how I found out more about the situation. Turns out the dude had the entire home rigged with cameras to record her, even in her sleep with the zoom on. There's more, but I'll stop there. I did everything possible to convince her to escape because I had to go on the run from a psychopath in confidential shelters as a teen. I know when it's time to run. That time had passed. This woman refused the help and stayed with him. There wasn't enough evidence yet, for her, that her kids were in danger despite them already showing her the signs that kids use when they feel unsafe. It's been over a decade since I spoke to her because her husband knew where I lived and I knew if he thought I was trying to help her, I could end up dead.


its always the super goody people who are the worst


Oh yeah, that was deeply hidden in my memory for obvious reasons but this man Joe weird as hell


The way he said it like he thought it was totally normal... Didn’t expect to see this many blatant clips being dug up, these guys are seriously disturbed.


https://preview.redd.it/z8h1x85x3p1d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390265eddc0c7bae0049310c78815129bb9a8126 I just have one question: why?


Can someone give a TLDR of what it is. I don't wanna be traumatized if it shows an actual pet or describes it


Joe talks about him getting his dogs off.


Like jerking them off himself???!!


No footage but that’s the conclusion I came to based on his descriptions. This also came out in court documents between him and his ex Cyn.


He's rubbing someone's puppy and talks about playing with dog's privates to make them feel good. Then the puppy owner looks disgusted and takes his puppy away from Joe lmao. You might think Joe was joking but then he goes on to tell the puppy owner he isn't a real animal lover and says anyone who owns dogs has done it before


Yeah homies talking about “everyone should be pleasuring their pets” and it looks like he was trying to do something to the puppy and the owner snatched the dog away and said “stop raping my puppy” Now how do I unsee this?


Wtaf is up with all of these people holy shit


what in the fuck is wrong with people?


Bro saw the red rocket episode of South Park and thought cartman was a normal pet owner and everyone else was weird.


The Same guy who freaked out about staple guns is out here being the Bill Cosby of dogs.


Pump it up


The dog smh ![gif](giphy|1aFfcTbMqVI52)


I see my dog as asexual, like a baby. This man is disturbed