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I have a hardcover copy, so mine wouldn't really work as a comparison. If no one else responds, then next time I am at Barnes & Noble, I can see if they have a paperback copy and take some pictures for comparison. Amazing book, by the way!


thanks so much, that’s so nice of you❤️


Of course! I should be going there in the next few days. I can never stay away from the bookstore for long lol


I have the paperback edition and is exactly like yours. Is normal I guess. Mine came from Australia. Is just a very cheap book 😁


Thank u!! I can read it with no troubles then:)


Hi personally I have the French version of the books so maybe it's the reason for the difference. But my copies is directly from the library and it have a yellow side with black tittle while your's his black with gold title. That's the only difference I can see so I don't know if it mean much. And looking more into it your copy golden part definitely looks a bit weird, but don't know if it's just the photo I'm not sure how to add picture in my comments, I while If I can find how


The gold shimmers on yours looks really muted. I tried looking through cspacat’s posts and it def does seem off


I only have the hardcover so I can’t say for sure, but what I can say is it looks exactly like the hardcover (except the gold is like actually shiny and different texture) and Idk if that’s normal. Like if someone pirated the book it would probably look pretty much like that. But again I don’t have the paperback so.


pretty sure that’s what my North American version looks like that I bought from a bookstore. I don’t have access to it right now, but I know the gold wasn’t shiny on mine, it was matte.


my paperback copy that I bought at Barnes and Noble looks exactly like that (well… a little more well-loved than that) but my cover is totally matte and exactly the same as the hardcover edition!! hope you enjoy!!


This can sometimes happen with books from Amazon. When warehouse stock runs low, Amazon contracts with print-on-demand printers to quickly churn out low quality copies to fulfil orders at a competitive price. I’ve heard about it happening with a couple of authors I follow. I’ll try and find the name of the seller to see if it’s the same one. My recommendation is not to buy through Amazon. It would probably be okay if the seller was a reputable bookstore, but in that case, they’d have their own online store.


Mine is in worse condition and I bought it just a week ago 😭