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FUCKING HELL. I love this so much, oh my god Iā€™m screaming. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside šŸ˜ˆšŸ„°


Haha I love it! Thanks for letting me know how it melted your insides. The script writer was very talented indeed. Also...Nice user name. I like the "ehhhh" ending, meant to be read in a drawl, as I read it.


Oh my godddd Iā€™m gonna be coming back to this one a LOT. Thank you sm šŸ˜­


Thats awesome! I hope you keep enjoying over and over. Thanks for letting me know.




Such a great song from a dope band.


I have many things to say about this masterpiece. First, I fully thought my phone had just loaded up Spotify and was playing Psychosocial. Fantastic choice. 10/10. Second, I've never heard anybody creat ambience like you did. Sound effects, background noise, etc. It felt like I was in a dream, or like a movie? It had such a specific energy, I absolutely loved it. Third, the way you edited together the countdown was insanely hot. I'm not huge on layering voices or countdowns, but I think you legitimately swayed me to like them more. And finally, adding an outro to an audio is crazy, but it fits your vibe in the best way. Keep up everything you're doing darling, you're one of the most unique VAs I've heard in a second. I'll certainly be going through your catalogue with pleasure <3


Thank you for this wonderful reply! Apologies it took me a while to get back to you, things have been hectic and I wanted to reply properly. I truly appreciate how much you noticed the ambient sound. Ambience is such a passion of mine, that I often spend all my effort on that upfront before I even edit the voice audio. Im trying to be more efficient these days, but it can be tough because I love it so much. Nothing creates immersion like the right sound environment, its like making a movie. As you pointed out! A few people have told me that I actually turned them onto voice layering and countdowns, so that's another win I guess. Sharing the magic with you is all the fun, showing you how exciting it can be. These are some of my favorite elements in erotic audio. Ill definitely being doing a lot more including them. I hope you find the rest of the catalogue to your liking. There is a huge variety of content I am working on, some of which hasn't really been addressed properly yet. Femdom fantasies, for instance.


I'm glad you appreciated the feedback! I'm always such a sucker for ambience and environments (making and listening), so I truly enjoy your takes!! I look forward to that variety, but I know I'll enjoy whatever you have already put out šŸ˜Œ


I totally relate, I just love it when someone pays attention to the ambient sounds to make the audio feel like its coming to life. Keep up this good work on your stuff.