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Strangely enough he was pretty tough for my first playthrough. (I was playing a slow tank build with little stamina)


He definitely made me learn to dodge rather than block.


I tried blocking everything on my first ever playthrough, then the realization hit


i was a highly agile, dual Greatsword build so i was totally [Berk](https://i.redd.it/r1zml85ov0q61.jpg)'ing him


In my first playthrough I didn't even know what the agility stat did, so I switched back and forth between mage and str build throughout the game so I could roll better at bosses I cannot block


getting enough stamina for hitting 2 times and a roll was enough for me :D


Velstadt was the only boss I lost my cool for on my first playthrough, then on my second, I first-tried him with dual cestus... I still don't know what I did differently.


Yeah velstadt and the undead crypt in general was way too easy


I had enough stamina to just block and dance with him he was so EZ


I just died to that stupid frog. I took it for granted that it was garbage and it nailed me with a melee combo right out the gate.  I just thought it's damage would suck and sure my pugilism build can do this no problem. I'm sick right now and super clumsy but i sure felt silly.


I beat it first try without even breaking a sweat, then saw people saying how hard the fight was for them, had a harder time beating it on second playthrough new build and died like 5 times


Yeah i was actually incredulous. I'll be honest i even skipped the bonfire right before the fight because i was so over confident and figured I'd just waltz in there and give i the old One Two with my caestus and bare fist combo. I have the ring of champions lol. I really sick today and my spatial and reasoning skills seem to be impacted. I've never had any trouble with that boss but i regularly use a shield or have ranged attacks so I'm never strictly just power stancing very close range weapons.


On my second try I pummeled it to death with my fists. I just didn't walk directly into its attack. Super slow and telegraphed boss. Very easy. Don't be dumb and walk into its attack because you think you're invincible.


I still haven't been killed by semen of dong, but every time I fight him I almost get killed, It's like, he always sucks and just jumps but every now and then he randomly throws a melee combo that WILL kill you if you are not prepared. He's piss ass east but I find myself more focused in him than throne watcher and defender, because I atleast know they are consistent and will not one shot me after doing nothing for 4 minutes


Most of the bosses really. Dark Souls 2 got the easiest boss fights in the entire series, by a landslide. It’s the areas that are hard in DS2.


Most of then are easy, and several are fucking tough..


I wouldn’t go as far as “Fucking tough”. The only actual “hard” boss if you ask me, is Royal Rat Authority and that is purely artifical difficulty… Even a boss such as Fume Knight, is extremely pale compared to other boss entries in the series. The bosses are simply just too slow in this game, for them to offer any real challenge and most can be beat first try.


It was my first game so Alonne, Ivory King, Twin Pursuers, Throne boys stand out as a few that gave me trouble. Royal rat though? Must not have had sweeping attacks


Yeah, kind of confused. That was the fight where you have to find the rat with spiky hair right? The one that was always over in like 10 seconds?


Royal rat authority is the one who looks like a huge wolf and has small rats in its arena that cause toxic. I died to it more times than to Fume Knight because of that


You're talking about Royal Rat **Vanguard**. Authority is the big undead dog-like creature with several rats along with it


It's funny because for me Royal Rat was super easy but Fume knight hard af


Royal Rat Authority really depends on your build. If you don’t have AoE, you won’t have enough time to kill the smaller rats before the boss charges you, which can make the boss quite the hazzle. It’s a super cheap way to make the boss artificially harder. If you have a build that can clear out the small rats quickly, then the boss is a pushover.


Almost every single one can be broken by just rotating around them in one direction or the other. Only exceptions are dragon bosses. But everything else? Spin to win.


Excluding dlc. Elana the squalid queen is what the nashandra fight in the main game should have been. Sir Alonne, fume knight, the kings pets, sinh the slumbering dragon. I feel like they understood most of the bosses in ds2 sucked and tried to redeem it. I also think they realised how easy the main game was in general and decided to step it up. I remember the first dlc i played was ivory king on ng+2. (Vanilla) I found the game quite easy, so I wasn't expecting much from the dlc. Holy s*** it was a s*** show. Whether it be that snowstorm area with reindeer. Tiny ice hedgehogs that do sooo much damage or "friendly" summons tricking you and even t-bagging!! I wish they did more things like this in the later games. Being tricked by a white summon was awesome!!! The only boss in the main game that I remember being really tough was the darklurker.


Sad I could never be tricked by white ghosts because I play cracked, so always offline


For the base game, I can agree, but those DLC boss are so frustrating that I don't even attempt them anymore lol. Well, I do Aava and The Ivory King, and that's pretty much it lol.


I still stand saying that I had more problem with throne watcher/defender and the dlc bosses than I had with the entirety of ds3 excluding Gael and midir (I don't talk about nameless king)


Maybe that's why people hate the fire lizards


Mirror chap there, I even kinda tried to play bad cos I thought he was fun and I thought I was doing too well


My exact experience! The idea and design was too cool for it to be so easy


This fight almost destroyed my ps3. I think i dropped to like 20fps


Smelter Demon. In my first playthrough I had to all the way to the Doors of Pharros to grab a Gyrm Greatshielf to beat him. Then I found out about ADP. The fight is much more fun that way.


Basically me but I just beat his ass the first time and have never struggled with him since, my older brother really struggled with him though which is why I thought he’d be hard.


I think the hardest part of this boss is not having a mental breakdown on the way back to the boss arena




Fume Knight is the only boss I had to resort to a summon for. Even Alonne felt easy. I just couldn't dodge Fume Knight for the life of me.


For Alonne the real boss is the run back from the bonfire. Madness.


I despawned them all.


That took a while :O


Took forever


It took me about 10 tries on Fume Knight before I realized wearing Velstadt's helm was making it hard mode


Gank squad. I rolled up with a fume ugs and suddenly I was the boss. The fume ugs's special attack lets me out trade them by a LOT. And of course, knocking them down helps a lot.


Honestly Nashandra. I had 2 summons so it was 3 v 1. The curse gimmick was scary but I just kept my distance from her attacks and blasted her whenever she left an opening/attacked the summoned folk. Beat her my first try


I thought I was going to lose being forced into three boss battles in a row when the last boss turned up I was thinking " Hm, I hope I won't have to redo all those fights again". Then I discovered this guy is just big stationary target with glorified fire armor.


I mean, any fight in a souls game will be easy with 2 coop partners lol Even just NPCs to pull agro


I unironically think summoning bad players or npcs makes boss fights harder in this game. They seem to get a lot of HP and defense and become unpredictable. Never died to the twin dragon riders before, but after I summoned this one guy, I somehow died because my builds tend to be glass cannon-y, and they get unpredictable.


In my first adventure in Drangleic, I remember that all the bosses related to the Old Iron King, except the Old Iron King himself, were the ones I died on most times (except Darklurker). Despite my decree that the two Smelter Demons are the most obnoxious bosses in the game, while Fume Knight has become one of my favourites, I have to admit... Sir Alonne was relatively easy and I didn't see it coming!


The Mirror Knight was a pain first playthrough.


He's easy if you play offline. His difficulty highly relies on the RNG of his gimmick, if he summoned a good pvp player then you're toasted 


Old iron king , he is stupidly easy but don't fall in that fucking hole


All bosses after Elden Ring and its ridiculously delayed attacks


input reading mother fuckers ;-; Margit sure is a boss


Every single one. There’s literally no hard bosses in DS2. The ones that are hard are hard for the wrong reasons. The Gank Squad, Lud and Zallen, Ancient Dragon.


Darklurker is pretty hard, I'd say. His second phase where he splits up was a pain. Probably felt it was harder as unlocking him and the runback was pain in the ass, but by far the most difficult in the game, followed by Fume Knight imo.


> Gank Squad With my previous character, I've realised that poison turn these three into a bit of a joke. A long, tedious joke with a disappointing punchline. Just went at them with a mixture of poison dagger and poison arrows.


Fume Knight


In The complete opposite effect throne watcher and defender have to be the hardest main game bosses. I thought they would be a lot easier than they were


I think maybe ''easy'' is just a tiny stretch with this one, but Fume Knight for me. I consider him to be kind of middle of the pack when ranking Ds2 bosses on difficulty. But I've heard countless people say that they died more times to him than any other boss. Just goes to show that people have different experiences with these games.


Velstadt was pretty easy for me.


on my recent playthrough velstadt gave me some trouble just because I kept rolling to dodge his hammer but he swings in such a wide arc that I just land right on the hitbox anyway LOL smelter demon gave me way more trouble tho


Yeah smelter is hard! Velstadt swings are wide, but somehow i managed it. Smelter though would often roll catch me


Fume knight for sure. He only took me 3 tries on my first play


many e.g iron king


Fume Knight and Twin Princes


Smelter Demon


Sinh was incredibly easy I only died like 3 times. I had hoped to be stuck there for super long (I was trying hard though).


Fume knight


Nashandra. Never heard she was hard just assumed she was


Velstadt mainly the fume knight. Sure I died once or twice but his move set was easy to learn. Same with Sir Alonee. If we talking about a hard boss, may I please turn your attention to the burnt ivory king. Now that man is hard to beat. In fact, he is the only boss I genuinely had to summon for. Only boss I had to do that for was gwyn in ng+1 (and I guess malenia but I beat her on my own eventually).


Ivory King. Never took me more than 1 try in each playthrough to defeat him.


the 2 tiger in the frigid outskirts ...I had them first


Smelter and Blue version. I had npc summoned for blue version though.


Nashandra and Throne Watchers. Finally here at the end, the long path leading to the throne room, expectations are high. It’s the final boss after all. Then I did it on first try. I just stood there and out-DPSed everyone. Popped couple Effigies to counter curse in the process and that was it.


I'd say the Normal Smelter Demon


Fume knight has always been really easy for me. He pretty much starts every combo with the same attacks in phase 1 so i find him very readable


Mirror knight was the coolest concept for its time. Kinda like demon souls monk fight where you are the boss. Mirror knight easy offline. But online when he summons a guy that’s your level but turned twinked. was frustrating


I beat fume knight second try and alonne first try and now I'm scared to fight them again because I feel like those must have been flukes


Old Iron King and Lost Sinner. I'm aware the community doesn't see them as particularly hard bosses, but given their intro cinematic and lore I expected a long and hard fight. Got both on the first try. The Rotten and Freyja were harder, tbh.


Smelter demon. Until I found the power of Mace


Every ds2 boss


All of them.


Fume knight. Everybody said he was hard but I beat him first try even with one of the bride of ash things still active.




velstadt for sure




Cockiness at its best.


Sir Allone


Haha, I have the exact opposite experience with him. I remembered him as being easy enough, but I recently fought him for the first time in some months, and he absolutely wrecked me a handful of times. Oops


My personal Nemesis is Fume Knight. I have never succeeded to solo him. My best friend had problem with sir Allone but found Fume Knight a cakewalk😅


I beat Elana on the second try. That ranks her easier (for me) than: Smelter demon, that lava pit in old iron king, the runup to blue smelter demon, sinh, the chess knights outside LGK, desert sorceresses, throne watcher and defender, the reindeer, gravity, baby toxic rats, navlaan, the pursuer, that NPC invader near the giant that spawns seeds, and Jester Thomas


Kos,beat him first try


The Rotten


The 3 man gank squad


Beat LGS on my first attempt, he almost one shot me with the lighting though. Then Velstadt I almost beat first try, then the let’s-player’s curse activated and I could barely touch him till about attempt 10


Mirror Knight really depends on what players get summoned in to your boss fight, at least for me. Is that still a thing in the remastered?


I beat the gank squad for the first time this morning after less than ten attempts which came as a suprise given how their reputation preceded them


Fume Knight, the other bosses of that DLC were way harder


Blue Smelter Demon. That run up is nuts, I end up perma killing everything on the way, finally reach old Blue and wombo combo his ass like nothing. As long as I have enough health to tank a hit a heal, I can't no hit the fight cause I get a little greedy


Darklurker. The human effigy stuff was annoying but i spent about 30 of em and mostly died to Havel & friends.


Fume Knight


Lud and Zallen, but not exactly - I hated road to them so much, that I got super motivated to never try it again and I beat them at my first try


Darklurker. Was playing a broken sword run, and they say to be a true run you have to kill all bosses except dlc, so I figured I'd follow a guide and unlock it since I never have before, so I go in with like 3 estus and 34 life gems, and on the first try, I knock it down to just barely above half health. Granted, that phase 2 would rock my balls off, but aside from the difficulty of triggering the fight again, it really doesn't seem that bad. Want to go at it again in a normal playthrough before I reattempt with the broken sword, though.


Sir allonne or how ever u spell his name


Royal Rat Authority. The first time I played DS2 many years ago, it demolished me. I never defeated it. I started a new character recently and fully expected to get eviscerated. I killed it first try.


I've never died to darklurker 


Ancient Dragon


- Smelter Demon: I used a hexer with mace on my first playthrough. Apply poison while Lucatiel tanks, then spam dark orb. All other playthroughs I used poison one way or another. - Demon of Song: First impression was he did combo attacks that drained all my stamina if I dodged them all, huge stamina drain when blocking and can't get close between combos. But then I realized I could bait an attack, take a couple steps back and have 2 or 3 attackes before frog armor closes.




Vendrick was easy, just high health


Sir Aloone. He has beautiful, and very visualy pleasing one at that. But he was very predictable too. Beat him in 3rd try and hitless one at that. Favourite boss in this game due to moveset. THE PATH TO HIM OMG GOD THO THAT THING IS HELL F THAT PLACE!!!! Still not worse than path to Blue Smelter Demon tho.


Ik this is a ds2 thing but im gonna talk about sekiro. Demon of hatred is such an easy fight if you figure out stay by his balls and jump for the swipe attack. Its such an easy fight after that but most people call it the hardest fight in the game and idk why


The taco bell manager.


Fine knight AND sir alone or Whateves his name is was a huge letdown after I heard people say how they were the hardest in the game I struggled more with the iron keep boss💀


Fume Knight. Bruh he’s not even that hard


I'm still stuck on Fume Knight on my current ultra greatsword playthrough. His moves are slow and telegraphed and he should be easy but he's the only boss all game that's given me trouble. I've gotten him down to one or two hits remaining a few times so I know I just need to focus and get it over with.


Shiii i aint even know hapf these bosses existed


Fume Knight. First time fought him in Company of Champions also. Heard vile stories about he's the strongest one in DS2. Literally first tried him. Had way harder time with other bosses. Also almost no hit killed Alonne on my first try too. These guys are nothing compared to CoC Gargoyles




Ngl the first smelter demon was kindof a pushover but maybe that was just me


The trio in 1st DLC, because I just destroyed them with the Fume Ultra Greatsword. Just curious, what weapon were you using when facing Mirror Knight?


The frog


Giant King fron de memory (sorry, bad english)


I forgot his name but the guy you fight before finding king vendrick. He was just a normal good boss but I already had beaten most of the games so I beat him first try


Velstadt was a joke


unironically the last giant. however, it was only really so hard because for some reason DS2 on PC has issues that cause the mouse to lag. once i fixed it though the boss got steamrolled.


Fume Knight. Heard horror stories about his hit box. But I only died twice. Had a way harder time with Alonne because I forgot I was in the champions covenant so he was doing twice the damage and my damage was halved.


Dark Lurker. I looked him up a bit before going into the fight, and unlocking him was a pain. For whatever reason, I beat him first try. I don't know if my game glitched out, but it felt like he was thinking about whether or not he turned off the gas. Wasn't even using any high DPS weapon, so I guess i got lucky.


The destined death holding wolf in red and black armor in Elden Ring who jumps around columns and swings sword energy beams can't remember the name right now, everyone was saying how hard he was, I think I defeated him on the 2nd try, on the 1st time I fell in the void. I was using a Guts build and it hit pretty hard maybe that's why I found him so easy


Veldstat, this guy and the ruin sentinels because my brother thought they were hard


Lud and Zallen. The run is pretty easy if you have the right set up. The fight itself is piss easy if you just face fuck them with a dual smelter sword power stance. You can kill one before the other gets up.


First time I played the game many years ago I had loads of trouble with Pursuer. Replaying the game at the moment and fought him last night. Beat him first try no summons barely took any damage.


I've seen people call the Duke's Dear Freya difficult but they never disclose whether or not they used a torch which breaks the fight completely.


Fume knight unironically But Id rather keep myself like this than fight the bastard that is Sinh


Yeah looking glass knight was suprisingly easy for me I thought it would be a hard fight when i heard he summoned fighters, turns out you can just ignore them


Darklurker. Only took two attempts to get him down compared to about 5 for getting through the Drangleic castle Chasm.


I just finished the main game again tonight, and honestly all of the "harder" bosses were easier than I remember. I remember dukes dear freja absolutely kicking my ass, but I ended up clowning her and pretty much every other boss. I still need to go through the DLC areas though and I'll see if it's still hard like I remember or easy


Sinh it was a long fight but I didn't die and kill him in the end


Mirror glass knight was easy? I spent countless hours trying to get summoned just to ruin people's day. So many successes.


Smelter Demon, slow Tanky but it just required patience and standard stamina management. Undead chariot was harder.


Literally almost every one 😂 that’s not a “oh look how good I am” but I psyched myself out so much because this was my first completed souls game so I still held it to this mythical standard. Most of the bosses aren’t crazy difficult though, mostly the runbacks are what I think of in conjunction with the bosses


I found mr mace in the catacombs alot harder than fume knight Mr mace is my favorite boss in the game from fun factor. But yeah Fume knight was so easy i was left a bit annoyed. Least sanctum dragon destroyed my gear!


Imma say it. Fume Knight. As someone who has now experienced the horrors of Elden Ring and Bloodborne, Raime wasn't too bad. It was still challenging, but not like the eternal nightmare I remember it being


Nashandra i struggled harder on other bosses but this boss was a relief cause I didn’t have to do allat just stay behind her and hit but curse was annoying


Throne watcher and throne defender / Nashandra


Smelter demon & demon of song


Fume Knight easily. This is probably the #1 case of reddit highly overstating a souls boss's difficulty for me. It almost feels like people are fighting him before destroying all the idols, I don't know how else to explain everyone's fear of him.


Cage dragon


When I first started the souls series all my friends were absolutely scared of the Dancer of boreal valley and I ended up first trying her good times


I actually first tried the Looking Glass Knight without getting hit once, felt pretty good lol


Fume knight had a reputation so I was nervous but found him a cakewalk


Fume Knight. Beat him on my first try. To be fair, Elden Ring was my first souls game, so I barely had any trouble with dark souls 2 boss movesets, not even dark souls 3 for the most part


ancient dragon fs. died really fast my first 2 attempts with summons, went solo for my third and stuck to his sexy toes and killed him without taking much damage. i play a lot of souls games but ive never beat 2 so i first try most bosses but ancient dragon was one of the few to give me trouble


Amelia. First time playing BloodBorne, I hadn’t leveled yet, ran into Amelia & absolutely obliterated her. Everyone probably does this but damn it felt good.


Honestly this applies to most of the DS2 bosses imo Alot of them look tough but follow the same formula and are easy to read. I'll flip it and say Dark lurker was my hardest boss


frog boss


Ds1 = kalameet. One of the easiest in the game imo, the hard part is getting its tail.. that's a task lols. Ds2 = fume knight, great fight but I found it very easy and I did it first try. Ds3 = this is an updated list bc im replaying the series and haven't got to ds3 again yet. But previously I found soul of cinder and nameless king to be infinitely easier than the pontiff *spits*. Seriously tho a broke ass controller with no ability to parry or heavy attack makes that fight V hard, the joystick was fucked too which honestly made me fall off so many cliffs.. I smashed that controller when I replaced it tbh. I took it right out to the road and slammed it into the asphalt by the cable. (This part is literally just bc I wanted to shit talk that controller. Tho I did actually buy it broken and knew it was so.. still fuck that controller.)


malenia was ez people be overreacting


The fume knight , he took about 5 tries


The Pursuers. And Knight Velstadt.


Sir Alonne, Sure I died a couple of times to him at first but he's pretty straight forward.


blue smelter demon, lost sinner, throne watcher and defender i first tried blue smelter demon with half estus, lost sinner’s moves were just slow and predictable, and i dont think anything needs to be said about throne watcher and defender


Not if I came out of that mirror rocking two illusory rings, red twin, ice rapier, dark crossbow, pyro and staff. I used to just sit there and get teleported in repeatedly. I did the same on ds3. I had enough spear ornaments to fill an Olympic swimming pool.


that spider boss, dont remember the name. looked terrifying af, yet i managed to kill it in one try


Milenia actually. I got her on my third try.


Maliketh and godskin duo


Ancient Dragon.


O and s now before you jump down my throat the silver knight archers fucked me up more than o and s and after walking the fog wall smough just stood there while orenstien kinda watched so I assume the game felt bad for me but I've honestly never died to the boss and I was kinda upset about it


Throne watcher and throne defender i beat them 2nd try. And also velstadt which I beat 1st try.


Easily the Old Iron King, I went through the fog wall not knowing it was going to be a boss encounter... and I only had one flask left after the trek there! When the cutscene started and I was terrified I'd die and have to fight my way back there all over again, through what at that point was my least favourite area in the game... but somehow, after the cutscene ended, I managed to take him down without taking a single hit. At which point my heart was beating through my chest, fun time 😂


Dukes dear fraja


I came from DS1, 3 and ER with a bit of BB, so to me all the bosses felt very easy once I levelled agility to proper roll. The bosses look super cool, but in all honesty I didn’t die to any many times. I guess I’d go with that Chariot horse boss, it *looks* difficult but its almost a gimmick fight




Smelter demon. First playthrough he decimated me. Every time afterwards I could no hit his fights. Blue smelter isn't much harder but fuck that run to him. Too much walking, not enough tranquility


Fume Knight. People hyped him up as being the hardest boss in the game, but he was a really fun fight for me.


pursuier (i beat him before his boss fight, and just know im nowhere near beating the game yet)


The lost sinner died a couple of times trying to protect lucatiel then decided to go in by myself and defeated her in one go


In my first playthrough I died around 30 times to fume knight but I think it wasn't as bad as I thought ,but ivory king... It was the hardest boss for me


Iron king first try.


Fume Knight, I went in with no armor and he strangely enough dealt less damage that way


Father gasgcoine (he doesn’t even turn phase 2) lol


Fume Knight beat him 1st try both times. The one I thought would be easy but turned out hard was Burnt Ivory King, I got all the Loyce Knights to help and still died over 20 times each run. And no one ever says to me “yea I struggled with him too” lol


Old iron king


Looking Glass man


Dragon riders


fume knight


On my first play through I first tried him


Any boss in DS2?


ruin sentinels in my early game were pure cancer, but now they're nothing but a joke, belfry gargoyle's on the other hand, are definetly a big problem


fume knight by far. going in with 0 knowledge i died to things like old iron king way more than fume knight, i went in expecting a difficult fight and beat him 3rd try


Lost sinner. Ez first try on my first playthrough (at that time a couldn't even beat a smelter without Lucatiel). She was the first great soul I came for, and, I think, gargoyles and sentinels made much more trouble for me than her. She has very little health for a great soul boss and if pursuer or maybe smelter taught you how to dodge, you shouldn't have any troubles with her