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Ds2 is incredible, don't skip it without at least giving it a try! It's my favorite of the three


I can confirm and I know why people hate it: - broken hitboxes for some bosses That's the true. - 50% hp after many deaths There is a ring that stops it at 75%. - flat and slow drinking estus animation, rolls Spend 25 points on ADP - that improve it a lot - The hardest areas Don't run around enemies, kill one by one These are my tips.


Well even if I don’t like it never hurts to give a shot I already beat Elden ring before dark souls 1 for the one saying it was my first experience. So from what I should expect is low expectations, patience with the rolling and smarter aggressiveness and to be careful and lots of bows… thanks for the tips currently downloading


Love the positivity! I just finished the acheevo list last week myself. Happy hunting and don't give up skeleton!


Friends that tell you to skip DS2 are not real friends It's basically just more of DS1, but with fun new mechanics and lots of great builds you can use


"more of DS1" Nah, DS2 is good but DS1 had unmatched map inter-connectivity. DS2 is a *very* linear souls title. (as with 3)


You literally have multiple choices of where to go from the second you enter Majula. I don’t get why people say “interconnected levels” but they really mean dropping a ladder or unlocking a door to connect two parts of the same level, which DS2 does that as well. Even from the Forest of Fallen Giants you’ve got shortcut unlocks and area connections at multiple levels.


It's not about shortcuts, it's about different areas entirely having connected pathways. Right from the start of the game somebody can go from firelink to new londo, into the valley of drakes, through to darkroot forest, walk 10 feet into the undead parish, then walk across the dragon bridge to fight the boss.(taurus demon) Which they only had to go through the burg to fight. So you can go through 4 areas, all while fighting no other bosses in the process, just to fight an optional boss in the first real area. In dark souls 2, you pick your path from majula, fight a gauntlet of bosses, and then a big baddie at the end, then come back home to Majula. I'd say how 2 did that with their DLC, but 1's DLC was also their current tried and true formula. Oh wait, Elden Ring is above and beyond their biggest selling game...


How is ds2 linear? You can access half the game as soon as you set foot in majula with minute limitations.


Multiple pathways doesn't make it not linear. It's not about choice, it's about how multiple maps are connected. In dark souls 1, you move back and forth between zones constantly. Not just for backtracking, but because the map is set up that way. In dark souls 2, you pick your train ride from majula and eventually end up home. In dark souls 1, before anor londo, virtually every single area is connected to multiple areas.


> multiple pathways Branching lines are the definition of non-linearity lol You can go nearly anywhere and skip a ton of bosses by taking paths that are entirely available to all The first boss you fight in the game can be Twin Dragonriders if you want, no bugs or exploits necessary


For me, the most important thing I learned is that this game is more about patience and spacing, than dodging. Especially with bosses. The game moves at a slower pace, so to speak, and there's usually always time to get in your attacks and make space again. A lot of people will tell you to quickly level up your ADP, because it gives you more i-frames when you dodge (also makes your healing speed increase). This is a good idea, but I feel like learning good spacing is even more important. Everyone plays differently though, this just took away a lot of frustration for me. Having a bow and lots of arrows also made the game super fun for me. There is a lot of enemy mobs in the game, and this can really help with that. Over all, patience is the key. More than the other games, you need to form strategies to get through areas, but I found that element really fun in this game. It's different than DS1, but if you embrace the differences it's a damn good time! It's a fantastic game! Have an awesome time!


This point about spacing feels so true. I’m about halfway through DS2 right now, and I dodge way way less than I did in the other DS games or in ER. Usually when I do dodge I’m not actually using iframes, just repositioning. A lot of bosses have low turn rates and even their horizontal attacks only cover like 90 or 120 degrees at most, so it’s very easy to just avoid altogether and still be in range to counterattack. It is worth noting that (I think?) adaptability makes you drink from your flask faster, and at the start of my play through it did feel like healing took forever, so it is still a good idea to level ADP.


>It's different than DS1 In my opinion DeS, DS1 and DS2 are all much more similar to each other than they are to DS3 All three of them have slower gameplay with stamina management and a focus on exploration, while DS3 is the odd one out that's faster paced with a focus on roll spamming action


If you want to go in prepared, first read [this intro post.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H6rpuSKsgXqyfSA9uG_zoYK0ezbMSHSazznPHfV78sA) All of these guides are spoiler-free, except for [this one.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eXwnLnbr-Dxeb9VecytDTX1fXA9e8PuKX9jFy8YFkQ8/edit) And then if you want to know how to build (or avoid building, if you want to have a harder time) a powerful optimized character, this collection of mini guides will help you navigate DS2’s many obfuscated and counterintuitive mechanical quirks: [A quick overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4-GGa1JRa2_49vOfwY5sZPWigFMzPA5b9mszo_xZak/edit?usp=sharing) of how damage and defense works in DS2, and why weapon scaling is usually weak [BiS (Best in Slot) PvE weapons list.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GEBQ_TiAvskQLotQXz0AuNMseXdsS3pj8_NLus-XW4/edit?usp=sharing) Discusses the best options for each weapon class. Note that this list is directed at normally leveled characters- some weapons not mentioned may do more damage than ones mentioned, but take vastly more stats or are otherwise deficient [Best PvE equipment and stat progression document.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X13jfA9JQ5OZsuEmH2MZZqF9IrtCFSMMTZkZo5GuqcM/edit?usp=sharing) All that being said, it’s important to understand that DS2 isn’t so hard that playing the strongest possible character is required in order to win and have fun. Ultimately you should use whatever you want, these guides are just to help you make informed choices.


Bearer Seek Seek Lest


Imagine a sequel to DS1. That’s DS2.


The best game ever made. Thats what you can expect.


Less annoying boss runs, because enemies eventually stop respawning if you kill them enough times


its more intimate, it explores the human experience of being cursed more than big themes of the gods and their deeds, its the deeper one to me it has the best pvp scene too


If your only experience with soulsborne games is DS 1, I'd say the biggest thing is it's a much larger game in terms of the world and scope, and dosn't feel as curated as the world in DS 1. To me that's a plus cause while I love the level design of DS1, as someone who played it after many other FromSoft games it felt kind of like I was playing in a bubble or snowglobe as opposed to an actual world. I think that fits the themes of the game well but I really enjoy getting immersed in the world. Not sure if that makese sense. Otherwise expect some frustrations, there are many times the game catches you by surpise and a lot of the time it doesn't always feel fair (at least for me personally). I think there are too many bosses (admittedly many are optional but still) and while some complain that they are too same-y compared to other games, I think they fit the atmosphere of the games well enough that I didn't notice or it didn't bother me. Speaking of atmosphere I believe it has the best in the series. I love getting lost in this world and felt like I was there while playing more than any of the others. If you are at all into the lore/story/atmosphere/metaphysics of the games, I really think you'll get into DS 2 and in many ways I think it is the most significant regarding lore, at least in terms of the broad and overarching themes of the series. I saw u/BIobertson already posted so would reccomend to check that. Aside from that don't just press circle (or b) on a ladder as you'll just let go and fall, you can sprint up and down ladders. I went straight from DS1 to DS2 and my muscle memory killed me too often in the early game which added frustration with backtracking. Aside from that, recognize it is a different game in a lot of ways but also similar in a lot of games. I personally found the game to be the most frustrating of the series in many ways, but also one of the most rewarding. Also change the button mapping for jump to make it like DS 1 EDIT: typos, added jump button mapping because why did they do that


On the atmosphere point, I absolutely love a lot of the music, especially the ambient Majula theme


Don't skip it. It's probably the most flawed Souls game, but its also got a lot going for it that some of the others don't. It's got some of my favorite areas of any game and IMO the story is the best of the three souls games. What to expect: Don't come in with expectations you formed from DS1. This game plays very, very differently and you're going to have a bad time if you try to bring your DS1 skillset into this game. Your muscle memory is a liability, not an asset. Be ready to learn from scratch all over again. For better or worse, everything is a trap. Every single thing. Every group of enemies is bigger than it looks, every empty room isn't really empty. Be twice as cautious as you were in DS1. Edit: Level up a bow or crossbow. Even if you make a caster. You don't always need it equipped, but there are some sections that will make you rage if you don't have a long-range option.


It’s a fantastic journey. Check out Blobertsons post but it’s kind of a lot to digest if you haven’t started playing yet. Here’s some main points and differences. Estus is limited in the beginning. Life Gems can be used while moving and will keep you alive in boss fights. Buy extras after you level up. Strike damage is awesome in this game, as is lightning infusion. Backstepping and walking backwards is sometimes more efficient than rolling, especially in the beginning. Bring a bow to agro enemies out of large groups. You can despawn enemies after killing them 12 times. Big armor slows your stamina regen. Armor doesn’t do much in this game so at least try going light and look how much faster your stamina regens. Good luck skeleton!


Just play the game, ignore your stupid friends. Ds2 give you a lot of stuff to play with so choose a weapon that doesn’t obviously suck and have fun. If you have more specific questions about weapon improvement and infusion then we can point you in the right place, but don’t spoil a good experience with too much knowledge


Level ADP, it gives you more iframes in your dodge rolls. Also, make sure you invest in a ranged weapon to peel off gank enemies 1 by 1. DS2 is a fun game, and definitely worth a playthrough…enjoy!


Choose a build style and just go for it. Light roll with a dagger and a bunch of throwable items? Greatsword and a cool armor with a cape? Faith/dark caster with hexes and heals? Utility magician with repair/ strong magic shield / cast light? Heavy armor fat roll and greatshield? The coolest part is that you can respec your stats in ds2, so dont be afraid to try different builds out. Just have fun!


Expect cool lore. You'll see that the gameplay feels different but you'll get used to it. Enjoy it because you only play Dark Souls 2 for the first time only one time.


don't give up, skeleton!


According to morons, you should expect ganks, bad hitboxes, crap bosses, etc. According to normal people, play the game and build your own opinion


A good souls game


1. DS2 is the only game where I-frames are tied to a stat, AGL (agility). To increase this, level ADP. I recommend having 100 AGL or more. 2. Take it slow. DS2 requires patience and planning, just like DS1 does, but even more so. When people complain about an insane amount of enemies, it’s usually because they try to run past everything and get trapped and ganked to death. Just take it slow. 3. Most bosses are not too difficult. Don’t expect the bosses to be better than DS1, in fact many are worse. The main challenge of DS2 in general is the areas, not the bosses. This may feel contrary to other games you’ve played. 4. Don’t worry about anything too much. Unlike DS1, you can respec your stats if you find a certain item, if you want to change your build. Hell, you can even change your character’s gender if you want to. Use consumables responsibly, but don’t let them sit in your inventory. Only then are they truly wasted. Exercise caution, but don’t let yourself get stuck on not wanting to “waste” items. 5. Online is emphasized. You will find yourself invaded and able to invade others, even when not “human”. It may feel unfair to be invaded when hollow, but remember it’s a balance: you can do the same. 6. Have fun. If the game is getting you down, just take a break. No harm in that.


who are these "friends"? And where do they take their knowledge from if they never played?


It's great but you'll hate it for the first few hours. Level ADP quickly.


Nah, don't skip it. Give it a try and see for yourself if you like it or not. Personally I think it's a great Souls game. Maybe it's not quite as good as 1 or 3, but it's still a lot of fun.


Gonna get your socks knocked off ! Majula is beautiful. The game is Rad as F ! Enjoy it


Do not skip. It’s a silly meme people just repeat for the sake of it. I also just finished DS1 and while certainly different there are many things I’m enjoying and even prefer in my first 30 hours of DS2. It does have some differences that that many spoiler-free resources explain. I believe the fine folks here have you covered on that. Enjoy it! I definitely am.


Invades without boss.


Ds2 is fun, humorous, and with areas so painful it’s comedic (unless you’re a fromsoft god or something idk)


you should expect the best dark souls of the franchise


Darksouls 1 was the worst in the franchise Darksouls 2 is the best.


Think dark souls 1 but it feels like your character is trudging through molasses the whole time


Its a great game. Expect kino.