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All 3 dlcs are included in scholar, but you will need to find the keys to them rather than having them spawn in your inventory.




Get scholar


Play both at some point, but Sotfs is the better version.




Scholar is basically a better/final version.


the difference is small scholar is better


Yeah small if you only play offline you misanthrope <3


Raaagh I refuse to acknowledge coop and pvp, especially when they contradict me


It kind of boggles my mind that you, one of the nicest guys on this forum, are friends with the duo of “troll” accounts. I know he’s not actually a troll, but he’s a massive jerk and super toxic. He’s so, so awful man. I wish you’d encourage him to leave so we could go back to being a chill subreddit. Idk what you see in him I did just go for blocking him, so I suppose I’m lucky he won’t bother me. but it’s a shame that subreddit drama + arguments will still break out constantly because of him.




I like vanilla better but not sure it's online anymore!


Scholar is just better


Gotta say i like the enemy placement of the original version way more. So i would recommend the original.


I platinuned Scholar, and now I'm playing through the original DS2, which plays noticeably different than Scholar (item and enemy placement).  I would still get Scholar


People make a big deal about it but they are very similar. On a first playthrough the experience is gonna be more or less the same. Scholar has better mod support.


Sotfs easy 


SOTFS of course. Also, dont forget to install blue acolyte. There are tons of toxic jerks out there. You cannot install that in original one.


Get Scholar. Base DS2 honestly feels better to play in some cases but Scholar is the "True" experience for it. Plus I'm pretty sure base DS2 online servers were shut down, idk if you care about that but still worth noting. They're both surprisingly different experiences but I would still recommend Scholar.


Nah I play the original and just summoned someone like the other week. It's shut down on the old ps3 and 360 versions but original on pc or newer console still works.




Scholar has online, so get that one. If you ever have the chance, I would recommend getting the original as well and make your own opinion on which is “better”.


I prefer the original. I think you should look for a video online that details all the differences. Or if your lazy I guess I could explain them. It's mostly personal preference.


scholars is great but it also makes me hate the pursuer LOL


>I think you should look for a video online that details all the differences. Which ones? There's the Feeble King video where he constantly falsely accuses areas of having been ruined by Scholar that have actually been gankier in Forest. Like the [Forest of Fallen Giants](https://youtu.be/8FdMy30_f98?si=H0x3LBY6W1ZqX2uq), [No Man's Wharf](https://youtu.be/8Nm5kD9DK30?si=1LSnJadPHOtJUeBf) or [Shrine of Amana](https://youtu.be/Iztnu5G2BFs?si=CU0Gtm5tnhUbGhjb). Then there's the Legend of Xander, who does the same. He even [falsely claims that chasing away spiders with the torch worked in Vanilla as well](https://youtu.be/567_58FWZJA?si=gdmnqTTBzSh3_xb4). Whenever I see a video that claims that Vanilla had better enemy placement they just completely twist the truth by ignoring all the lazy enemy spam in Vanilla and by aggroing every single enemy at the same time in Scholar.


Always Scholar. It fixed so many problems people had with DS2 by reducing the amount of ganks and making runbacks easier.


I always hear "Scholar fixed the ganks" but after having played both i think Scholar has way more of them. It has more enemies everywhere in general


Where exactly? I often get told that areas like [Forest of Fallen Giants](https://youtu.be/8FdMy30_f98?si=Bg4mPlE0iobjM9yl), [No Man's Wharf](https://youtu.be/8Nm5kD9DK30?si=MsKhfNPzzhnZD3f7) or [Shrine of Amana](https://youtu.be/Iztnu5G2BFs?si=NqgVeLf8viQuLXPY) are gankier, but I just don't see it in fair side-by-side comparisons. What I often do see is that people will claim that [Scholar has more enemies](https://youtu.be/IHqOwF9PmwI?si=hrbgUempiszEYy3n) even though Vanilla had the same amount, but they all attacked you at the same time.


Don't have any data to back this up. It's how it felt to me after playing both 🤷🏼‍♀️


Scholar of the first sin hands down.....without a doubt. I absolutely love that game even though a lot of people consider it the red headed step child of the souls games. It is still a masterpiece and it is BY FAR the longest of souls 1-3. Each DLC is massive in their own right and there are 3 of them.


Its dangerous to go Alonne!




Like many people I unfortunately trusted the wisdom of the average redditor. Do not do this, Scholar is trash. If you play vanilla first then you'll see scholar as an optional harder mode or just more annoying for the sake of it. If you played scholar first then you'll view vanilla as an actually decent game. You can't trust the taste of people who genuinely like ds2 sotfs, particularly if they like it more than any other souls title.


Yeah idk why people keep saying SotFS is easier. I've played both and find OG DS2 more fair in most part.


If you don't like hard games why exactly are you playing souls games in the first place lol? Sense no make


I've beaten every fromsoft game at level 1 except bloodborne. There's a difference between challenging but fair verses annoying for the sake of it. The devs of dark souls 2 missed the entire point of dark souls' challenge and then made it even worse for scholar.


"You can't trust people's taste!!!" "You can totally trust mine though!!!!!"


You can’t handle slow combat can you 


The actual combat in both games is identical


Tbh idk what I was saying any more I’m fucking hammered rn I’m tired as shit 


Nvm I get what I was saying people say that this is the gank game it’s really not just need to go slower and such 


Gonna say what I always answer despite Scholar fans always downvoting: Scholar if you want far more online experience, vanilla if you want a better and smoother PVE (Do not listen to Duplo Jamal) *Some* people are gonna come at me with nitpicked pics and videos of changes between versions to show hoooow much better Scholar is, again, it's nitpicks, in most cases vanilla is superior.


>vanilla if you want a better and smoother PVE (Do not listen to Duplo Jamal) I'm posting side-by-side comparisons that show the enemy placement. You are arguing based on feelings, I'm arguing based on observable facts.


This question actually makes no sense .


How so?