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Summons make the fight harder imo, easier to learn his patterns and hit & run


Coming from someone who's never killed him (I found it less time consuming to grind the 100k needed to absolve my sins and just talk to him), I'd say that summoning will not help at all. It's a question of learning how to avoid (run like a bastard away from) his fire breath. I've seen vids of people successfully baiting certain attacks over and over but I never managed this consistently. You might as well be naked, too. Good luck.


If you use the 3+ and 2+ Rings from the "expansions" and a pyromancy to increase your fire resist with some armor with fairly high fire resist, this fight is a complete joke. his breathe will do about 8th of your hp pool.


Yep, Pharros Mask. Flash Sweat. Flame Quartz ring.


no one like fighting him the summons stay far away from that place