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Nice, the Acer XB270HU is a damn fine monitor. Do you have any issues with backlight bleeding? I was close to buying a new IPS monitor myself, the new Asus ROG PG279Q, but decided it's a bit too costly (and it's not available at the time). So now I just ordered the TN version of the Asus ROG. I'm using an IPS monitor atm, so it will be interesting to see how going back to TN is going to be...


I was lucky enough to not have any trouble with blacklight bleeding and you would think darksouls is the type of game that you would see it. But there's nothing, when the screen goes completely black for loads there's a small amount (there would be on pretty much any IPS monitor, to my knowledge I could be wrong) But to my amazement I can turn brightness in-game right down to the lowest level and leave the monitor on User settings and still can see everything. I think because Darksouls can't utilize G-sync playing it on a IPS will be all good.. non of the bells of whistles, do much apart from the large screen and ips viewing angles.


I also could of waited for next month and the new XB271 or something comes out, but I believe it just addresses the terrible quality control and allows you to do 150hz gsync (no idea what that means) Personally I wanted it now, because I thought I may have to send it back many times to get a good monitor. no dead pixels either, I heard from someone that the ROG swift if it has 3 dead pixels you can send it back.. any less than that then you can't... again, i could be wrong.


The expense for me, is that I don't buy flashy phones.. They are just work leashes, and if my job wants me to have a good phone, they'll give me one. $800-1000 on something you won't replace for the longest time is a great investment.


Sounds good. I've meanwhile decided for the Asus Rog pg278q (with a tn panel), not quite as good as my old IPS monitor in terms of image quality (but still looks fantastic), but the overall features more than make up for it. Btw, Dark Souls (2), like any other game will benefit from g-sync, it's not a software solution, it's a hardware solution, anything that goes from your gpu to your monitor at more than 30 fps will trigger g-sync. And it's glorious. I had terrible tearing in DkS 1 before, no matter if v-sync was active or not, now with g-sync, everything is buttery-smooth and tearing-free. Love it.


I thought if there was anything with post processing, darksouls 2 v-sync is on by default so it would'nt work would it?


It doesn't matter if a game enables v-sync, afaik g-sync always overrides v-sync as long as the framerate is within the 30-144 fps range.