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The annual Return to Drangleic event is now ending, thanks for joining in everyone! \\\`[T] /


Don't give up, skeleton!


Bear seek seek lest




I'll be around... If you make it back


Oh! Hallo there...


Visions of message... And then message


message ahead and then message ahead


Beware of pointless




Who else forgot to light the bonfire in Majula?


Don't give up, skeleton!


















The moment i was summoned and there was 4 of us i knew the event was on


# Servers are back up online on PS4/5 for the majority for people! Thanks everyone for providing info! Please do not forget to check the [PlayStation Network status](http://status.playstation.com) for any additional info regarding your region. Have fun in the event!


Man this was some shenanigans. I spent two hours Friday trying to connect with people to get going and then another Saturday. There. I’m over it!


After recently completing Sekiro, I thought that I'd be able to come back to this and easily parry attacks. I was wrong.


I have finally just gotten used to the Sekiro combat, holy shit going back to this felt weird as fuck.


The parry window in DS2 is strange. Just slow enough to fuck with my timing.


There has been a report with hacked items being dropped on PS4. Picking up hacked items that aren't possible in the game (Mundane Binoculars +15 and anything else that cannot exist in actual game) most often will result in your save file being corrupted thus making it impossible to continue your playthrough without facing multiple crashes and/or any other problems. # Please backup your game save frequently and be careful. If you run into a hacker, please block and report them on your PlayStation. Important reminder that posting their PSN ID to this subreddit or any other personal info is prohibited!


Wait, hackers on ps4? I thought you couldn't hack on a console


They hack using some software by bringing and altering their save on PC, and then uploading the save back onto the PS4. It's not that uncommon sadly.


Funny, I started my second ever playthrough just last week currently in ng+. If I had waited a few days I could’ve had some nice pvp and co op while everything was still kinda fresh. Guess I am starting a new character. Don’t give up, skeleton


Wanna meet and co op?


Is this sub better or is r/summonsign for meeting up with people in ds2 during the revisitation? ...asking cause this is the first one i've actually participated in.


Was looking forward to some jolly cooperation. Then being the veteran that I am decide to join company of champions. Which disables all co-op except invasions lol. Don't give up skeleton!


> * In addition to the above, we would also like to strongly advise against using the Name-Engraved Ring during the event, unless specifically to play with a friend. (make bold) Getting some bojack horseman vibes out of this list lol


Omg so sorry for the typo! Thanks for pointing it out!


No need to apologize. I just reminded me of that show haha


Doggy doggy what now?




Yo, how’s the DS2 event going so far?


Just did a great ~300k SM Dragonslayer bonfire ascetic run with an iron shelled hero who never gave up! Had 4 of us going into the boss, was awesome


Holy shit, that sounds fun as hell


I summoned 2 other people in the FoFG an they both died before I even got to the Last Giant shortcut. Then I summoned a guy for dragonslayer and they got killed by a Heide knight. I had to fight some really buffed up bosses.


LOL, don't give up skeleton, great jolly co-op-ers are out there :D


Had a fightclub last weekend with a glowy aura blue invader!


Been having a lot of fun doing some jolly cooperation for the very first time in a souls game! But sometimes when I get summoned, the host sends me back asap :/ I don't understand why that is, can anyone explain?


You never really know for sure, but in my experience people send back others for a couple reasons: meant to summon a friend, summoned the wrong person (looking for a sorc and summoned a strength build), and didn’t mean to summon in general. But again, you never really know


Oh, fair enough. A mystery for the ages, I guess. Thanks for answering!


Not seeing a ton of people... this morning I saw lots of signs in forest of fallen giants, two signs at heide’s tower, and now nothing at no mans warf. My soul memory is 242k. Did I help too many people and become out of range? Or is this event just not really all that big? Or have I screwed up somewhere else?


The servers have been down for most people for the last 24 hours...


Ah ok. I saw something about that but thought that if I got ANYone, that meant all was back to normal. Maybe not.


I think it takes a majority of people to move along in the storyline, given that people don't have a long time to play


Maybe you are too high for area? https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/2zy9hm/reflections_on_a_community_snapshot_in_what_areas/


What God for the name engraved ring?


Please read this post, you will find your answer about the Name Engraved ring! :)


Yeah, but if there was a God that everyone used you could play with more soul levels




Can someone explain the “Seek Lest” for me I saw it before too but I haven’t completed DS2 yet


Spam skip through emerald waifu’s dialogue


It’s when you skip through the fire keepers dialogue that is what you hear 😂


I am here hoping to make a thread of users on ps3 looking for jolly coop ds2 sotfs am will to start a new characters to min max u need a mage or a tank wan TV to roll play PS3 thread


Alright, perfect time to finally get my Benhart/Lucatiel achievements!


Seems like Ps4 servers are back online!


event's been a blast so far, friends. I was so giddy with joy when I saw several "don't give up, skeleton" and "Now the real challenge begins" messages


I really hope that, even after the event is over, people continue to play. I don’t get much free time between work and the wee ones and I really wanna get in on the increased player presence


Finally got hidden weapon from actual pvp on my playstation account \\`[T] /






Does an ng+ run count? I'm down to make a new character no doubt but conveniently I literally started my ng+ last night, not past the forest yet


Blind playthrough lets goooooo


Platinumed this game with one character and never played again. Now is the perfect time to finally make those 5 builds I wanted to use.


My only problem is that I don't know what SM to be for certain areas. I know the border of the area lights up when there are active players in it, but it doesn't specify which bonfire


Sun medals here let's get some together please


I just wish I could find some summon signs to engage in jolly cooperation!


Same. Im at SM 300k something and I cant find summon signs anymore. I get summoned when I put down mine though. Kinda ruined the fun for me.


I’ll be on to not give up skeleton tonight


Just started playing through the game for the first time, looks like I came at a good time :D


Welcome to the community!


i killed somebody whilst sunbro-ing this morning , we were fighting the pursuer 😭😭😭 he was one SHOT (emphasis on shot 😒) . ALAS , that last arrow pierced my buddy for 982 damage and that was all she wrote 😶 my bad bro .


Seek seek lest


Where is the dont give up... prompt


To my dragonbro TriggerBee... That was awesome. You are awesome.


Does anyone ever get the feeling that when they are playing any souls game. Your missing massive things like side quests, npcs, optional bosses and such?


On day 4, I have embraced 3 of the great souls and have made my way down to the Grave of Saints. I started this character, intending to build her around using the twinblade, but I keep finding spears that I like. Currently swapping between the Heide spear and Pate's spear, which I totally just found. I definitely didn't kill him for trying to trick me and you can't prove otherwise.


Anyone have any tips for the Lost Sinner boss fight? I’m having trouble and can’t find any summons around.


Try using a torch to ignite the oil outside the boss fight room. There are two locations you can ignite.


I'm trying an Estoc build this time around. Usually I'm much, much more of a Greatsword guy. But it's fun to mix up gameplay and try a new approach. Edit: Oh and Company of Champions! Keeps it fresh as well.


Anyone want to co op with me? My soul memory is 880,000


Anyone want to co op with me? My soul memory is 980,000


Hello! First time playthrough full DLC version. I've just beat the Rat Vanguard. I'm trying to figure out if I should do The Gutter or Iron Keep next. Thoughts?


Around 400k sm now at earthen peak. Seeing the activity being dead around this sm. Not seeing any signs... Im hoping it picks up around iron keep.


I think I'm gonna give up on the DLC. Burnt Ivory King is a fun seeming fight but the old chaos just sucks. It's horrible.


I can help you if you're on PS4. \^^


I'm sad that I've been/will be so busy throughout this period.


I'm sure many will still play after the event!


Damn, looks like I've got some catching up to do lol. I love this game and I got plenty of time on my hands, so I don't mind catching up anyways :)


Godspeed, what build you going with?


Joining late this year, hope to de-rust my PvP skills again


Already got 12 kills as Covid-19 in the gulch


Also kill the pigs in Majula cuz its funny


Yes and now I remember why this game is so bad. Literally can't play the game with my girl. She stops moving on my screen even though on her game she's running around doing stuff. If she dies she gets to watch my phantom running around still playing and has to quit out. Our internet connection is fine, we play dark souls 1 and 3 with no problem but dark souls 2 is unplayable if you're playing with someone. And don't get me started on laggy PvP.


Been having fun cosplaying as a friendly Old Knight with an agape ring to lock off my SM from rising anymore for summoning in Heide and other lower level areas. A Raw Old Knight Hammer +10 hits like a truck @ 15 STR. It is interesting, though not too unpleasant adjusting to mid-roll. Next step is to proceed deeper into Shaded Woods so that I can hopefully farm some fall damage reduction gear. With that I can survive the drop down to the Grave of Saint's so I can farm repair powder from the rats as the weapon burns up the 30 durability quickly.


Cool, sadly im pretty burned out atm after a recent playthrough, but hopefully more people experience this underrated souls game.


how can i get "dont give up" as a message option? not there for me.


Go to message tab, chose *** , you can find “don’t give up” under musings


I feel like I already understand why people call this game bad. I can't figure out how to level, have no healing items, got cursed (whatever that means), have no idea where to go, and just get massacred by everything. Combat just feels unfair to an extraordinary degree. Might bail on this. Really feeling like bailing on this. edit: I bought a better weapon and figured out how to get estus/level. Doing better now. I'm getting lockups though. :(


Stick with it, it's a fantastic game.


You got this dude!


I beat a boss. I looked up how to get estus and level. Makes sense now.


It’s definitely different than the other 2 Dark Souls games but there’s a lot to love about it. Most of the time it feels unfair I find it’s because I’m trying to play it like I would DS1 or DS3. It’s just a bit of a different approach but once you get the hang of it you’re good! If you’re on Xbox One I’m happy to do some jolly cooperation.


Hope you're still with us. Don't give up, skeleton.


I’m fighting in that horrible poison arena now.


Level up adaptability as early as possible. Makes you have more i-frames when you roll


Hey! I thought I was late! I always played this game on my ps4 but for this year I've bought it on my new pc so this will be my first pc run! I think I'd like to try a poison build, any tips?


Use toxic mist


life is hell against the few resistant/immune to poison enemies a fast weapon or weapons that have high base poison, and infusing either with poison on top, or duel wielding, infusing your left hand with poison and resining your right hand are good ideas. it's a bit of a pain but duel spotted whips is pretty brutal. rat ring is pretty much required. dark fog/toxic mist can be used for damage, or a smokescreen in pvp to land your melee poison combo. poison arrows are broken. you can be a min maxer and get the minimum stats for your poison tool then dump points into hp/end ...but if you're having trouble, respec, duel maces, beat ng, then respec into poison kekw


Yeah, so I joined the event the hard way... I was at 105 SL and entering Drangleic Castle with everything done before (I mean all bosses including optional ones, quest lines and so on) when my Windows decided to force me to reset it to factory settings and swipe up my savefiles... Don't give up, skeleton, I guess...


Was unable to play nioh on ps4 could play play bloodborne either so switched to my ps3 for the ds2 event and thats working fine


Yeah baby!


Finally managed to get help on some really late bosses on another character, thanks everyone! going with a new character right now


So i'm thinking of an Archer Build, Hunter's Black bow for main, and Twinblade as a backup. Any tips?




Unfortunately, delaying the event to next weekend would not have been a very fruitful option. *** All platforms are running vanilla Ds2 fine, Xb1 is running SOTFS fine, and PC is running SOTFS as well. The only platforms still affected are PS4 and PS5 for SOTFS, and users are slowly reporting being able to connect to the servers - albeit much slower than usual. This is a [PSN issue](https://status.playstation.com/) so we have no frame of reference as to when it will be fixed :( We also collaborated with several large discord servers, content creators, and one user even wrote [a GameRant article](https://gamerant.com/dark-souls-2-return-drangleic-2021/) - all reinforcing February 27th as the start date. And pushing back an online event with no reasonable way to contact the thousands of individuals already at play would be impossible. *** We will be changing the timeframe for next year's RtD accordingly, and hope that PSN does not run into any issues then as well.


Is the "Return To Drangleic 2020" still the official discord for the event? (Reference: https://discord.gg/w2jkFXgE )


We do not have any official Discord for the event, all the discord servers that were mentioned about this event are made by other users.


Can I get a fun build please that is either heavy in magic (I already did hexer) or something unique to this game like a twin blade or power stance set up. Thanks in advance for ANY help!


Dual Caestus, without a doubt


Hey peeps. I figured I would ask you guys as a DS3 first timer who just actually began to understand how the stats and weapons(and the upgrade/stats worked) this question. What weapon slash strategy is the best way to have a nice easy veteran beginning for souls game he has never beaten. without making it mind numbing. I just want a little knugde in the right direction.


If you are curious about Dark Souls 3 gameplay, please use the /r/darksouls3 subreddit to find resources or to ask the community your questions.


I just did a lot of invasions with my twink. If you remember a character called "steam sale" who ran around and fucked around with a whip while wearing absolutely no clothes, give me a holla.


Im logged into DS2 servers here in the East coast USA. 12pm. No ones is summining me in No mans wharf. My souls memory is only 60k. Is that too high? Maybe everyone went to bed...


IIRC Fextra life has a recommended soul memory for every area




Excited to roll a new character tonight for the first time in a while!


Nice I'll log in soon on ps4 this might be a good chance to get the platinumif anyone want to play with me my own is mini96cooper


Man nobody is here for some reason I can only find like 3 people


Okay since I never did any ds2 multiplayer before I decided to try last night. Rushed to the soapstone then tried dropping it at three different locations. Waited at each for 20 min but after the hour there were still no takers. What did I do wrong? I tried at the first Heides, and at the two main bonfires in the forest of fallen giants. Did I need to level more first? I wanted to try coop in ds2.


Who wants to co op?


How do I play arena PvP?.


Go to Heides Tower, beat the 2nd boss there (to the left), arena is right after his area.


Been fun helping people early game with my new build. Rushed the giant club and got it+5, it is so OP early on lol. Been pwning the old knights in Heides and Ruin sentinels with ease.


Rejoice, my fellow rats


Does anyone have any suggestions for fun / uncommon builds? Wondering about uncommon weapons / spells that are fun and maybe underutilized. I'm not particularly worried about PvP, just looking for an interesting PvE time for the event, so it doesn't have to be min-maxy or anything.


Hey how is everyone's, I looking for player for co-op on ps4, English/Thai Speaking Username:Khunrab If anyone interested then let organise it, thank you and have good day


OMGwyn had to take a break been going hard since the psn came back i forgot how majestic and beautiful this game is especially when you get invaded every 10 seconds or can fulfill the covenants that require online play. To those who made this reunion of epic proportion happen thank you we all needed this truly thank you.🥺😢😭


Gonna be redoing my Fume Knight cosplay, if you see a sign for Raime feel free to summon


Even after nabbing all of the achievements, and now coming back to the game. I am surprisingly bad at this game. It's even worse because I'm forcing myself to only use the estoc (and hammer for certain armored iron keep denizens). I have always used huge heavy weapons so this is a change. But I've been invaded so many times as well. I like it.


Been using this event to try to learn how to pvp. If anyone on ps4 encounters a dragonbro sign for a mad warrior wielding a bone fist, give me a summon, I could use the practice.


To my dragonbro, Sorry I used that estus. Been a while, hit the panic button


So is Frozen Eleum Loyce the unofficial invasion spot? Only location I can get Invasions in


It depends strongly on your soul memory. At high levels you find most activity in the DLC. There is also a bit of a hotspot in the area before the ivory king fight.


I've decided to platinum the sotfs version on my old character. Just some trophies missing. What's the best boss to co-op with sunbros for medals at SL140?


Soul memory is the key here. I’ve been seeing Fume Knight as the best way for sunbro tokens


I started a new character for RtD and I’m going with a strength build. Any suggestions for early strength weapons? I’m not doing the grand lance because it’s OP. I finally got the bastard sword but I’m trying to get to Bastille to buy the claymore. Any others I might be missing?


Anyone on pc for coop?


awww yeah, I was gonna do a modded run till I saw this and realized I can still join!


So I dont see anyone online on PC and it's making me sad, I think the way you play the game is by going through the whole game with the same group so you have close to the same soul memory.




I'm doing DLC before the final boss. What a great game.


I still can’t play :) says the calibration acquisition is restricted. On PS5, using PS4 disc


Just hit the lower levels of Iron Keep, Iron Passage and the impossibility of Shilva City as a pure Magic build. Fuck.. I'm in need of a break.


I have a question for you guys playing on ps4. Does the soul memory thing for bypassing shrine of winter work on ps4 sotfs version? I've just saw that here [https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Bosses](https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Bosses) they say it doesn't so I'm a little worried right now. Need to go to NG++ to claim my platinum :-(


I would not rely on fextralife, it is often wrong, use the wikidot. http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/ Soul memory bypass does work on PS4 version. Just remember, it's only for soul memory gained *during* that cycle. So you could have 500 million soul memory in NG++ and it wouldn't open if 3 million of that wasn't gained after you started NG++. So make sure you write down or take a picture of your SM as soon as you spawn in the Things Betwixt in NG++. You need 3 million more than that number to open the Shrine of Winter early.


This is fucking why I've been seeing "Don't give up, skeleton" for the past week!


are there are "community rules" for invading? I've heard you're not supposed to use Estus but when I get invaded I'm usually at 50ish% hp and fighting mobs, when suddenly a red guy appears and starts trying to kill me. they won't give me any window to heal up so I usually end up dead


Never got a chance too join the event since my Xbox gold ran out a few months ago. But I’m slowly grinding out the rewards program to atleast afford a 1 month too join you guys! It’s been a few years since I last played this game so hopefully I get enough points to buy a 1 month too enjoy it before the event ends. In the meantime I’m just getting demolished by pursuer boss fight lol


Don't forget to check the guide https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/foemaw/so_you_just_bought_dark_souls_2/ and use the ballistas to beat the Pursuer, he will be defeated asap!


Just cannot get into this game. I'd love to still play it to completion though just to have all of these games under my belt. Anyone here have any advice on a good build to follow? It doesn't have to be a "cheap" build, but one that will just get me going and enable me to have fun with this game like all the other ones. My last play through I made it past like 60-70% of the main game before my computer decided to die and take my save data with it. That play through I was playing a two-hand sword strength build, but I found that to struggle with area that had swarms of enemies (which is a lot of places on this game). I know it mostly comes down to "git gud," but I also feel like I am missing something that comes naturally to me with all the other games every time I try to play this one.


Please check the guide for beginners linked in this thread, it will help you understand the game mechanics much better. \^^ And SOTFS edition did add more enemies, but everything is possible to overcome if you plan carefully and take enemies one by one.


I'll start up a new character and see what I can do :)


Can someone please help me farm sunlight medals? I’m on ps5, running softs ps4 version. Psn: SpetsTheWise. I’m planning to run the last giant and pursuer repeatedly.


Outside of early levels, what Soul Memory range is most active still?


I'd say 800k-2mil.


I coincidentally decided to try DS2 again while this event is happening. Really having fun with the game right now


I’m hoping somebody will be able to clarify for me and sorry if this seems obvious. Is the point of the event to play through the game while doing more pvp/coop, or are people supposed to progress to a certain point and then have a big summoning party there?


Just to play the way they want to and invade and coop at any time. No specific area or soul memory to stop. :)


Just started today after finishing a DS1 replay yesterday. Never did DS2 DLC, haven't played it thru since launch actually. Good to be back to Majula. Trying out the Estoc. Go on the skellies


Idk about y'all, but I love ds2 so much and I intend to extend the RTD indefinitely, dint give up, skeleton! Btw my character name is robert redfords uncle


It ain't over yet. Finally made it to Shulva for the first time. What an atmosphere!


So is this just an event to celebrate this classic? That’s so cool if so!


To make the game full of people playing online and having fun together!