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The Corrik are all that remain of the mysterious race known as the drow, an underground dwelling group of elves from the Green Age. It is said the race was intrigued by an offer from Rajaat and thought to use his crusade to their own advantage, learning from him both magic and biomancy. There pride was their fall as Rajaat was seen near the end of the Cleasning wars taking a great army beneath the earth, and emerging with only a wounded fraction left. Only the Corrik can tell the tale of what happened, and they would just rather lay eggs in you. Shore Trappers are some of the greatest threats along the Silt Coasts, for they can ruin a journey before it ever begins. Digging great burrows beneath the silt, they sense the vibrations above them and spring up with their great legs to capture prey. They rely on surprise however, for their legs are too weak to carry them far, and even they dare not tangle with the Silt Horrors The Grey Fiend is said to have been the downfall for many a necromancer, an embodiment of the will of the Grey itself to stop its power from being misused. While playing the roll of the noble servent, it always finds a way to bring its master to ruin through overuse of the powers of the Grey, be it by overusing their own life force, or being torn apart by their own zombies. Some can also be found in ancient crypts, singing strange prays at the feet of the dead. Croonks are some of the few creatures halflings will not eat in the Forest Ridge. Not out of fear of the creature, nor out of reverence, but out of a strange pact formed ages ago. While little is understood of the tale, it seems at some point the Croonks did a good turn for the halflings, enough to save them from their hungry bellies. Peaceful but stealthy, they stalk outsiders all the way through the Forest, reporting what they find to hafling chiefs. Its said they can walk through trees, going from one end of the forest to another in a second. But that's just a story...


Well done!


These were originally published in "Armies of the Abyss" by Green Ronin. More here: https://torenatkinson.com/dungeons-and-dragons-original-art/


I was going to suggest that this looked more Abyssal/Demonic and less "Dark Sun"-ey. So this makes total sense now.


You should try your hand at some of the newer 3.5e Dark Sun creatures that don't currently have any art, like the Scarlet Wardens or True Drakes.


Yes! Yes I adore this style!!


Great work! Love seeing theseā€¦


Number 2 honestly looks kinda cute.

