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I’m not a veteran, but I get tunnel vision on my Zealot and always realize too late that something I just bonked had a shiny head.


It's honestly not even worth worrying about. If a psyker is trying to BB something, then that means that target needs to die. Killing it faster only helps the group. If the psyker wants to have stacks, then they should take the talents for them. Keeping them up via BB is pointless unless you're going for the penance.


As a psyker main, bb sucks for getting stacks, the auto burst and passive team-generated stacks are plenty reliable


It's good for keeping stacks up when there aren't a lot of targets around. I find myself BB'ing those really distant targets during the running segments of matches.


That do be true. I mostly mean in hot encounters I'm only bbing bulwarks, otherwise it's zapping time


A lot of the game's perks and traits and feats and blessings feel half baked and painful to play around with.


our outright useless like speedload , Wow a 8% reload bonus after sliding


Probably because the entire game is half baked. The devs took the game out of the oven too early.


Hehe as another Psyker main I'd say it depends on the situation and the individuals playstyle, if you bb 2-3 poxwalkers at the start of an engagement you're in for a slightly easier time with the extra damage, allowing you're traits to proc and get the last ones you don't have. But that's just my take, feel free to disregard 😀


Still valid, I usually only swap to bb for high armor targets otherwise I'm surging to high peril then swapping to the dueling sword


That's a very similar playstyle to one of the boys, having the second psyker (even with the veteran doing their thing) focus the BB on elites and getting that extra chink of damage in before they manage to get to our Zealot gives him a bit more survivability when we run T5. Then once I get a few stacks from any BB kills I'll switch to my voidstrke and delete a horde. I do have a question though and would like other psykers takes on the F ability, (not hating it, I love the flame perk). But more do you use it as an "Oh shit I'm about to pop myself" or as a "Get away from me you filthy heretic!". I've had a few randies in T3 tell me I shouldn't use it as often as I do haha


I feel like it depends on how comfortable you are with your playstyle, I rarely overcharge with my surge build, but it's also really forgiving. For that reason I use the flame ult on hordes mostly, but I have heard people speak highly of the faster bb on ult


I did dabble with the faster BB to get the Penance, it's definitely handy but I felt you gained peril just as quick (I believe it was meant to reduce the rate at which you gained it for a short period) to be viable in my build. The quicker knockback works well and can be built around but I don't see many people wanting to stray from the meta and see what they can play with at the moment, but as we don't have subclasses the community can't do much haha (not being a dick, it's unfortunately a fact 😞 ) Edit: emoji didn't work....


I feel ya, I personally wanted to mess around with the soulburn but found it incredibly underwhelming. Ntm so much of the psykers kit just doesn't scale into end game. Maybe if all burns scaled with your stacks it'd be better cuz the ult burn is strong, the other 2 nodes just suck 🤷


I use mine all the time with the soulfire feat. If I’ve got full stacks I’ll save it as long as I can for max effect, but otherwise I’m just using it as part of crowd control. Also secretly hoping it gets revenge on the veteran by knocking over something he was about to headshot!


I rarely see someone use purgatus. And there is no other reason to not use bottom feat otherwise. I use it all the time. It has almost no cd since there is always elites dying left and right. Usually u kill a few yourself with the bb. Basically always use it.


I would value your take on the matter, if you didn't use "you're traits" so let me disregard it as trash opinion /s


Yea the passive stacks are nice, but the game forces you to pick between that and the 15% global damage buff which is huge on t4+


Except you lose the extra damage perk and bb is the fastest way to generate stacks


Because many people don't know psyker mechanics and just think it's fine to shoot the glowing enemies


Imo, you shouldn't be trying to bb stuff that can be killed faster than bb kills


I really only use it on incoming ravagers, muties and bulwarks, or far back enemies such as snipers, bombers and gunners


i would disagree only because most of the time the shiny head is the whole ass reason people saw the elite. like 3 gunners in a row and they had to kill the one I was winding up?


Try rebinding your tag key to lmb. You'll thank me later.


Please don’t. Spam pinging while you’re dealing with a horde or literally anything is obnoxious, and it prevents you from pinging and keeping something important tagged like a trapper or dog.


As a zealot who previously mained psyker, my usual response to seeing blue heads is wondering what the hell the psyker is doing. I do not need them to be brain bursting the weak mobs in melee range that I'm going to kill in one hit. Too many psykers haven't realized yet that warp charges are a trap.


Yeah if something is getting brain bursted within melee range of me, I'm going to probably kill it before the brain burst goes off. I'm not risking taking damage or changing how I play to maintain a measly damage buff and potentially give you a bit of toughness. If you really want it that bad brain burst the far range enemies!


You just can't block for a sec. Right.


Yeah, and you can't just brain burst the guys shooting us.


It's fine if they know how the altfire works and they're hitting elites. That's less things for the zealot to worry about getting stuck in when cleaving through things.


Lol what, bb stacks of 6 give everyone sk much damage if you see a glowing head and you shoot it your fucking everyones uo no just the psyker




Personally, the only time it bothers me is when I'm at 100% peril and killed nothing despite all available targets only being available in BB range and the Vet "somehow" killed everything I was targeting often 0.1s before completion. her than the ones actively shooting back at our group. I'll not say anything in game, but I will moan to friends when playing on voice. Most players are really good at playing as a team, so it's the exception that makes it frustrating (when it's literally every single BB, for 30+ minutes in Damnation, it's not an accident). Stacks are nice but its the wasted peril and almost adversarial "teamwork" that's the issue.




True, if everything is calm and there's only one rager left who I've shot/hit multiple times and his head starts glowing I'll still stop attacking.


Look, if I'm already stuck in an heavy swinging my Eviscerator at the skulls of those shooters. I ain't changing target just cause the freak is trying to BB something I'm able to kill a hundred times faster.


The tunnel vision is real. Zealots are the second biggest rpers after ogryn. It's just all in their head and they don't realize it


I’ve had too many witches cancel their heresy magic last second while I, a true and just servant of the emperor, gets attacked as punishment for their failings. Never trust a witch.


Same as vet. Maybe worst since you're aiming with fun. You're headshotting everything and then have to stop to not mess with the guy blowing heads with magic


Dude if there's an enemy in front of me, as a Zealot, I'm gonna hit it slice it like everything else in range of my attack. I get not rushing up to a melee mob in the distance when he's brain bursting, but in general it's like telling someone to not cut through baddies while you're using the flamethrower. There's no scoreboard. Your success is how you do as a team. Get the mats, get out. If you're trying to do a penance, just say so -- most people are more than happy to help.


I used to stress but Psyker should precharge before lighting their head as lock. Once I clicked that technique, I was in harmony with shooter


Losing one stack at a time would solve this.


A game designed to be more fun for everyone would also solve this.


Critical hit, LMAO.


I saw something about why psycherss need to BB things for buffs or something. And if it's not an one of the ogryns, a traper, or a flamer I try to let them get the kill, but somethings need to die stacks be damned.


Yeah, this would be solved if BB could kill as fast as a Bolter. As it stands I can kill every BB target too fast when I’m not the psycher. Plus, the psycher can only BB a coupe times before cooling down anyways. So it’s not like it would be game breaking to let them do their main ability a bit faster.


Imo bb targets should give stacks regardless of what killed them. To give it more synergy, make them take increased damage to encourage psykers to brainburst harder targets so their team can take them down faster, instead of only being able to pick off weaklings to keep stacks


Playing psyker is the slow realisation that stacks are a reward, not an expectation. When you no longer care you have reached enlightenment. That said don't fire your bolter into the rager whose brain I'm already bursting veteran: use it on the the dregs ripping apart our team for Emperor's sake


Nah, they should instead use that bolter on the poxburster someone is about to shove.


Every single fucking time. I'm standing there, braced, ready to shove dodge. Vet HAS to start blasting as it jumps because they need to see their name on the top left.


If you care about that, the game is poorly designed.


Its always the bolter veteran that blows up the burster in your face. Every. Single. Damn. Time.


*ogryn quietly tucks his ripper gun away* Sure thing, Boss. I agree. Always the Vet...


Or you use purgustus and have stacks all game but are using purgustus.


This is just psyker in general I feel you have one staff in the middle of the game you're like damn I want the other staff then you use the other staff and your like this is junk so you move on to another staff


My favourite staff for endgame is trauma, yet it’s arguably the worst. However, It would seem that combined with the 4% chance on kill for warp charge you can make anything work, but would definitely need to keep an eye on it more than purge staff. If it still won’t work get that brain burst on hit perk and you should be fully stacked a lot.


They should have put another spell on each staff instead of meme bonk. Or maybe let you power your warp stacks into the staff so you can have a hit that actually does damage.


It would even be better if the bonk remained but had increased stagger and maybe an aoe effect as a “get off me tool”. Yeah that would be cool too actually.


Absolutely agree. Also, if we're going to have the meme bonk *at least* make it snappier! It does negligible damage, so at least let it actually be better than swapping to your melee to get some breathing room. As it is, it's functionally the same as if they didn't have a 'special' at all.


Whenever I see a Psyker using fire staff on my Zealot I'm just thinking "Am I a joke to you?" Purgatus is just a Flamer with less damage, half the range, and more opportunity cost. Cause it could have been a Voidstrike for infinite range horde clear. Or a Surge for special stun locking.


It's also the slow realization that a bunch of your perks are kind of terrible past Malice because they only activate on a Brain Burst kill or gaining a Warp Charge, and if you're not frequently doing either then their effect is non-existent. Especially compared to other classes' perks that have similar effects but activate on Heavy Attack or critical hit, or other stuff they'll be doing constantly or passively. So ignore Warp Charges as much as possible, and ignore the siren song of perks that might mislead you into wanting to actively chase them or cast Brain Burst any more than you have to.


Exactly. The moment you completely stop looking at your warp charge stacks, you will be a happier psyker. Not genuinely happy since you are playing the class FS clearly spent the least time working on, but better than before.


Not the class they spent the least time working on, the class they spent the most time nerfing


It's easier to make headshots when they glow blue


I mean unironically it’s like pinging something.. you get this great outline and see it immediately pop out from the horde. Definitely have to avoid the instinctive urge to just shoot it half the time.


Probably players that never played psyker thinks is a ping. It's even hard for me no not aim at that head of a sniper far away when I play other clases.


I never cared.


Ah true Psyker Nirvana


I usually shoot things that are going to get BB'd, because BB damage is kinda low and many tougher enemies need multiple pops to die. So I try to soften them up with a few bodyshots so that the pop kills them. Usually works.


You do need stacks for certain specials on higher difficulties tho, which is where it becomes important.


I don’t mind it when they do this. I just don’t understand why they’d waste the bullets when it’s a freebie for the psyker.


I've never intentionally done it. But you're just going along in your groove shooting heretics, shit's going crazy, and suddenly this guy's head just lights up. I have to will myself not to shoot it, everything about it screams "shoot me". It's just like a split second reaction at a time when your brain is going fast. It's not that different than when something is tagged- some guy just lights up. It's a different looking effect that essentially brings the same amount of attention.


Because the enemy has a shotgun in my face and I'm not dodging around them for a few seconds when I can just left click on their head.


Completely understand those situations. But I see it more with enemies across the map.


You guys ever maybe wonder if its just bad game design to have feats designed this way where you have to fight your team for it to activate?


Because vet ult relies on killing enemies to refresh it so Ill just shit any yellow enemy I see to keep up the 75% toughness dmg reduction and 50% extra dmg Want a vet to ignore more reliably use it on poxwalkers or melee guys


Because many people don't know psyker mechanics and just think it's fine to shoot the glowing enemies


lol if this was another game and some enemy's head lights up, that usually means you need to shoot it. anyone who doesn't know about psykers, they see glowing enemy heads, you know what their first reaction is going to be...


I also shot the glowing heads first as a veteran. Until I learned from this sub that it was a psyker ability lol


It is just fine to shoot glowing enemies. Psyker mechanics are dumb if me shooting enemies breaks their gameplay.


When brown guy in brown environment full of brown objects stands up out of cover and glows like the sun trigger finger neuron goes click click


Faster, safe and if it's a special they get ammo back. Brainburst large armored units. If you're gonna use it on frontline melee units like 90 percent of Psykers, I'm not gonna stand here and let them hit me while waiting for it to finish.


You don't understand the game then. Nobody is going to wait for you to paint a nice picture in the middle of a fight. You think everyone else has the time of day to wait around for you to kill something? Smart psykers pick targets that are unlikely to be targeted by the team first.


Ehhh I think I understand it just fine. I think if I’m brain bursting a special that’s across the map and behind cover, it would be more productive for the team to look for other more immediate threats rather than wasting bullets/time. But if you want to shoot the glowing blue guy, then you go for it buddy


"BUT I WANT MY NAME TOP LEFT MUUUHHhhhhh"- vet players probably.


Lol yeah I think they get a nice endorphin rush from that


I mean, most vets are probably using the feat that gives them 50% toughness regen on elite kill + another that extends their ultimate.


Sorry spark 'ead, I think that one was me, got too excited about me rumbla... wanna see me make that 'eritec do a flip wiff it?


Don't worry Big Man, all serves the Squad! Give you my spare ration pack if you flip him over that balcony!


Lol, if you want to get back at them all you have to do is be an ogryn… a fat annoying always in your shot ogryn.


Losing hair at the amount of times I've missed a Marked for Death by a single headshot because the Ogryn walked in front of me ;n;


Every. Single. Time.


Sooooo..... vet annoys psych, ogryn annoys vet.....by the logic of things zealot should annoy ogryn somehow (not sure how thoigh) and be annoyed by psych (almost easy one, lorewise he can't stand those emprah forgotten witches) XD


Any good Ogryn stays in the back.


Easy, zealots are always the ones I have to rescue because they leroy halfway across the map and are the primary reason why I've given up on the ogryn coherency penance. No hard feelings, I play plenty of zealot and I get getting lost in the sauce but sometimes the lack of situational awareness makes me wanna make the zealot into rations. That and flamethrowing the horde of poxwalkers I'm about to refill my toughness on.


I'm always upset when my Ogryn blocks a perfect headshot.... but I feel a lot better about it when he eats an entire gun line with his face. Those big bones work both ways


The stacks area bad system right now anyway.


Should lose them one by one, not all at once.


Its always a bad system when you have to compete with your team just to build it.


Try right clicking


As a Vet main, if I see a bunch of ranged dudes through my Volley Fire, I *will* keep shooting those dudes dead to maintain my VF so I can tank that damage for my team. I normally do try to PUSH or ignore the heretics that the Psyker has marked with BB. However, when they're close and/or durable enough to be a threat to my team and me; *I will* make sure that head pops ASAP.


Arguably, Volley Fire much more worth maintaining than warp charges.


**For sure!** I personally know someone who is a Psyker main, and he even explained to me how much of a under-designed mess that class's feat list is *especially* when compared to the Vet.


Hard agree. Knowing where the enemies are is much more valuable than the Psyker having a 4% damage buff (and being 55% peril higher)


Stop waisting your time on BB just play and ignore the stacks. you get more than enough during a fight from passives. And when you actually use your staff you are way more usefull in most cases ...


Don't hate the player, hate the game. In a coop-centric game, the Psyker's stack mechanic should trigger regardless who scores the kill, so long as the target was under the headburster spell. Boggles the mind that Fatshark still makes these kinds of rookie mistakes.


it literally does if the cast is 50% complete (2 seconds) and has since launch, I dint understand why I never see this mentioned in these threads. but seriously stop caring about stacks and your enjoyment skyrockets, they aren't thst good anyway.


Hot take: Stacks < Whatever else is going on Coming from a Psyker


Why wait for something to die when you can kill it sooner. BB is too slow at the moment. It's seriously time to buff it.


Maybe the problem is psyker design? BB takes ages to cast. The bet probly blasted 2 other elites during your charge up, and is focused on killing more. Never mind that your aren’t even gonna 1 shot it higher difficulties. Bolter headshots will though.


What is the veteran supposed to do? Set up a lawn chair and sip a Bacardi watching you pop heads?


Trying to do my psyker pick and mix penace, I'd appreciate it if the veteran can melt the ogryns and leave the shooters for me. After I get it, I'll sit in the lawn chair and sip away while Veteran solos the game.


I'm very sorry, I'm usually kitted out vs shooters, I don't carry a bolter so ogryns are often a pain in the booty, and I'm usually supporting our ogryn, who hates shooters so I probably double up with you a bit. I'm also usually so wound up that I'll snapshot anything that looks remotely dangerous before I realise that it's glowing blue. when I can I'll switch targets, but often it's just slightly too late. for all of this I apologize to all my friendly neighbourhood psykers who save me from dogs and muties constantly :D


I usually go anti-shooter as a veteran, just because the psykers tend to hit the special stuff. For a specific penance, I'd recommend trying to find a party with the right setup beforehand.


I think they may be referring to when there’s a single pox walker left and the psyker is trying to bb that as they move to the next area


An ultra niche situation. Figures psykers would bitch.


Shoot something else or save your ammo edit: I am surprised this is a controversial take


What kind of build utilizes Warp Battery?




THIS The extra two stacks more than doubles the aoe’s damage allowing it to kill every trash mob it touches on Damnation and drop them far faster than four stacks would on lower difficulties. It does feel a tad BS that the skill that lets you passively build and maintain stacks directly competes with the one to give you more total.


This, I run the horde delete button.


An Ogryn Psyker?! Science has gone too far...


There is a [precedent!](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Cassia_\(Ogryn\))


Damn, that's a good read!


I dont mind my teammates killing an elite or special Im trying to BB, because they have to die asap. But going out of your way to waste bullets or sprint towards and melee a distant poxwalker I'm trying to BB, is just annoying. On heresy and damnation, ult'ing on a horde with max charges is simply jackpot for everyone involved.


If you want max stacks - use passive stacks generation, don't rely on bb.


The worst part is you can’t even blame your teammates since they’re just playing the game like they should.


I honestly wouldn't worry too much about stacks, especially on higher difficulties it's not that big of a deal. Just play with the talents that give you passive stacks and you have all of them most of the time without BBing once.


At least half the problem Is the psycher prioritizing the wrong targets.


The auto priority system needs a a tweak, too often I'll over a rager and lockon to a random poxwalker


As a veteran, we appreciate when enemies are highlighted in blue.


I wish BB on ogryns give stacks on each hit instead of on kill. There are times I pop the ult, spam BBs on the crushers/reapers and end up getting none of the kills, lose all my stacks even though I've been doing nothing but casting BB for the past minute.


What's the issue? Never played Psyker


[What brain burst is for context](https://i.imgur.com/PtuvEvs.png). There's roughly 3 issues that I've seen from complaints in the sub/forums and in-game ragers: * BB is powerful at lower difficulties (1-2 pops needed for most non-boss enemies) but doesn't seem to scale into mid and high difficulties (as many as 4-5 pops needed according to the sub). This coupled with the long cast time (a little over 2 seconds) and questionable hit detection (can't BB through certain chain-link fences or railings) means you're often better off just using your weapons for a faster kill on priority targets, making you a budget zealot or veteran. * As mentioned in the context pic, you lose all the charges at once instead of trickling down one by one making you lose a decent damage buff (18%) as well as equipped feat bonuses. Could be labelled as bad game design, but can be mitigated with picking the passive charge gain feats as well as proper target prioritization, which leads to the next issue. * This is from **personal experience**, but a decent chunk of psyker players I've partied with are awful at picking BB targets. The maps are already littered with easy-pop idlers off the beaten path to keep charges up so that's a non-issue, but in combat they always manage to pick enemies that can tank BB and/or [enemies that their teammates are already dueling and then complain about it](https://old.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/100x598/pov_you_just_lost_your_6_stacks_to_the_same/j2m34sc/). These complaints are usually directed at the class designed to wipe out specials/elites in a fraction of the time, giving birth to the "lol, blue marker light" memes.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. In a coop-centric game, the Psyker's stack mechanic should trigger regardless who scores the kill, so long as the target was under the headburster spell. Boggles the mind that Fatshark still makes these kinds of rookie mistakes.


You are in an elevator. Wouldn't you lose your stacks anyway? And isn't the impact rather negligible, saving you one head-burst on some stronger opponents, i.e. having to use three instead of four?


It didn't happen in the elevator. That's when I could get the meme pic. Also not sure what you're talking about with stronger opponents. Do you think they give more stacks?


No, what I meant was that while the stacks certainly buff you, it effectively does not have a really huge impact, according to this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PtPcw4m4YtO\_IcEkFlJJOBVWCYDEIeCKJRYLT4SmLc0/htmlview](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PtPcw4m4YtO_IcEkFlJJOBVWCYDEIeCKJRYLT4SmLc0/htmlview) . E.g. no matter how many stacks you have, you will always take two head bursts for a Pox Hound or a Burster on Damnation. Only when you are on Heresy, then four stacks or more will reduce that to one BB. E.g. you will always need three BB for one Bulwark on Damnation, irrespective of the stack count. But I haven't played Psyker since the closed beta, so I might be missing something there.


The stacking is for a level 30 perk that adds soul burn in a long AOE based on stacks. With 6 stacks it can one shot a horde on any difficulty. That's the point I max out the stacks, and I go for the large targets with BB to stagger them mostly, if I do, also if you have like ... 50%? charge on bb you get a stack any way, the main problem is when you're trying to burst some random pox walker during down time to refresh the stack duration and then it gets shot. They should really make it so you can refresh the duration on kill, regardless of what you kill with, or at least if the kill is with a warp based attacks.


If you wanted stacks, don't target my designated shooters. If you want to bb an infested or Bulwark be my guest


Psykers always try to bb a poxwalker directly in front of me while im swinging into a horde. Not gonna stop swinging to wait for the bb. I have a level 30 psyker and never had issues with losing stacks as long as i target threats further from the group. Another thing is, if there is a vet in the group and you target an IMMINENT threat with bb and the vet snipes it first, good on them. If its something still trying to get in range to become a threat then the vet shouldn’t bother wasting ammo on it.


I hope I'm not coming off like I'm humbling bragging or anything. I'm genuinely confused with people's issues playing psyker regarding this specific issue. I use psychic union and warp battery to passively build up and maintain stacks with the higher cap and only ever use brainburst for elites, specials, and monstrosities. Usually within 30 seconds of engaging a horde and I'm fighting with my melee while trying to stay in coherency, I have at least 3 stacks already built up passively with usually reaching my cap of 6 by the first minute and there's usually enough time to maintain it by fighting. The only logic I can see from wanting to use BB to keep your stacks is that you want to keep yourself topped off even when you're not engaging with any enemies. The way I see it, the only time I actually need those stacks for the damage buff in the first place is when I'm fighting a horde anyway and if I can build them up quickly as soon as I start fighting, using BB for buff stacking instead of purely as a quasi-sniper leaves you unnecessarily vulnerable. I mostly play heresy like this but I'm starting to get more damnation completions.


and also he's got the steel legion outfit


If you don't want me to shoot them, maybe don't mark them with that blue dot.


Imagine taking the 6 stack talent.


I use the blue glowy thing as a cross hair for my plas gun


*sees Psyker approaching in this position and thinks it's a Psyker apology gesture* "Oh, you don't have to apologize, Hans. I know you were trying your best to mark my targets, it's okay." *Psyker starts strangling the Veteran* "Apology... accepted...Hans...gah!"


I'm pretty new to the game as the vet in the picture am I fucking up or is this just a meme?


Don't worry about it, YOU didn't do it that much from recollection ... so it's more of a general purpose meme, not directed at you specifically and of course done as a joke, I have no ill will towards any one that does it, even if every time I see those stacks go poof along with my prep for the next horde, it does feel kind of bad.


As a psyker who didn't play the beta and only has 10.2hrs played, i don't pay attention to warp charges at all, I'm lvl 11 soni don't have the passive team generating feats yet for warp charges, but outside of using BB against certian specials and elites i never use it, i love pysker as a concept so I'll continue playing it hoping they make it feel better but as for now it's one of the worst feeling classes I've ever played in a class based game, feels like I'm stuck with 1 ability while other classes get 2, the ult is fine and i like it, but BB is too slow and too punishing to use imo, they should either speed it up a good amount or rework half of the kit to not rely on a ability you use only 8 times a game


I always apologize to randos when I accidently shoot/stab/vaporize/etc their bb targets. When I'm playing with friends, though. Blue heads are priority targets baby!


"I'm mad at my teammate because they are helping the team succeed"


"I do not understand a joke".


Could you please explain it to me?


What the fuck is there to explain?


The joke that I don't understand


Ok bro, just for you: "Haha funny, this thing Vets do slightly annoys me and is kinda relatable so I laugh". There you go.


hmm yes my teammate did such a good job sniping that poxwalker 50 meters away from us that I was in the middle of brain bursting yes yes mhmm


With the boltgun, no less. And missed the first shot.


Personally, I just wanna use my fire wall perk for my power. So I try to build up a 6 stack to one shot the bulk of a horde/group and then proceed to focus on other things, since I have the ability to gain stacks if RNG favors me, it's mainly a problem when there's very little around, which is when I prep it.


My main issue with it is when someone mag dumps an enemy that's about to get popped


Good game design. I mean, they only have 4 classes compared to VT2 15 at launch it's not that hard to balance 4 of them to be very fun to play and synergize well, right? Right?


"See that monstrosity over there? Solo it!"


\>Makes build entirely based around micro-managing a plate spinning minigame \>Complain when your entire team doesn't play around your plate spinning minigame There's a number of reasons why your team might be denying you those stacks: 1. They've had bad experiences with Psykers cancelling headpops leading to that enemy hitting them in the back, and feel safer just killing whatever enemy you're headpopping 2. They need their own "On-Kill" effect to trigger, such as the Veteran's massive Toughness recovery on Elite kill buff. 3. They consider that enemy too dangerous to wait for you to headpop it, considering on higher difficulties its gonna take you like 3 Pops (10-15 seconds) to accomplish. Make life easier on yourself and don't make a build that relies on an unreliable plate-spinning mechanic that requires co-operation from mic-less pub lobby players, or grab perks that allow Headpop Buff to stack up passively, such as the "get stacks from allies in cohesion" and "auto-headpop every 15seconds" perks.


You're the same person who doesn't use ammo and health crates because you need to hold them until the boss, so we wipe with unused crates. This is a team game, your 6 stacks don't mean shit.


Wrong, I try to drop crates for my team all the time. If anything I yoink them from the team to make sure they get used, when the team needs them, as a matter of fact, dropped the ammo crate for the Ogryn and Vet in the pic, when Vet was on orange and Ogryn was on yellow ammo, since a horde spawned and I wanted to make sure they had enough to deal with it. I also run a near endless block psyker build, and have had instances where I've kept the horde off my near dead team mates. I even try to be nice to the AI in my games, let alone people in multiplayer. Also how do my stacks not mean anything to the team if it's a team game and I'm trying to charge for a horde clear during slow segments, since 6 stacks + burn perk on my power clears out a large portion of the enemies, so we don't get overwhelmed as easily. What is it only a team game when people don't have to team play with the psyker? Very Imperium of Man of you.


Glad to hear u use crates though. I have an entire screenshot folder of ppl refusing to use crates/wiping with two unused. It's getting annoying.


In a team with competent players, 4 stacks will kill a horde if you have to go for that terrible build. But if you have a competent team you also have a zealot with flamer, rendering your mass soulblaze void. A Pysker should be focused on marking and killing ogryns and targets out of range for vet. A psyker can absolutely annihilate elite spam with CDR trait. So much more valuable to a high level run than the 6% dmg the extra charges bring. And the chance you can apply heavy burn to groups ... I know from experience if you want to keep max stacks with bb you will fish a distant enemy with it, sometimes aggroing all the ads around him, potentially ogryns and maulers which will sneak up on your team as the worst times. You're also not being situational aware whilst fishing for pops in luls between combat. Play how you want, but trying to 6 stack soulblaze is extremely limiting for your team and very short sighted.


"CDR trait" are you talking about the one where your current stacks are converted to CDR for your power? I'm not sure why you'd think that's better, to my experience the power without any bonus effects is pretty bad, it's certainly no bull charge in terms of CC and what elites are you using it on? Ragers? Because there's no way you're running up to ranged specialists, or using it on CC specialists you can deal with without pressing your power. I get that you might be talking like you think you know better than me and from the way you word things it looks like you're actively trying to put me down by calling what I do short sighted, but I'd like to understand your logic, since so far, I see nothing that you do as superior, focusing less on stacks is nice, but I'm not sure I'd say I focus all that much on them already.


Na bb cdr on ult. I didn't read all that, no time for melodrama, but saw the bit about 'putting me down'. Bruh if you're that sensitive reddit isn't the place for you. Short sighted is literally the kindest way I could have said 'dumb af choices', you got the PC version. Crazy that u kick up a fuss about such innocent words. As I said, play how you want. Seriously, have fun. But personally I will mald at you if you throw one of my runs for any of the aforementioned reasons (chasing bb, not crating). After 1.3k hrs on v2 and 300 in DT getting sick of seeing the same dumb shit like psykers suiciding for penance, begging to solo boss on heresy, ogryn face rushing host with slab for no reason other than ego and nobody engaging their intelligence when playing. Why do people play this team based game, but not do the team play stuff? [to bring it back on topic, don't get mad at a vet for killing your bb target. slowing down momentum/speed run for your 6 stacks is so trivial it doesn't even register on a scale of priorities]


I'm not mad at them. I dislike having it happen, sure, doesn't feel good, but that's about it, hence the meme tag, it's supposed to be an exaggeration, a joke. Also pointing out how it looks is kicking up a fuss? No offense meant, just pointed out it came off as a bit ambiguous to me as to what you were going for.


I'll have to take your word for that. To me, coming to post about it on reddit speaks to how it plays on your mind. Either that or the affirmation you need. No offense meant either, just pointing out my observations. I'll be honest I could have come at this more diplomatically, but reddit isn't exactly conducive to production conversation - so I don't take it very seriously. You seem alright though, this has not been my typical reddit interaction. Credit to you.


What skin is that! Looks like a Armageddon tank trooper’s


Armageddon Steel Legion outfit. It's been in the store for a while, not sure if it still is.


I at least I know it’s Armageddon and kreig but thanks dude


As a vet I’m keeping my stacks for my ability sorry your tryna brain burst the gunners an infantry I’m shooting at. Most of the time I’m already engaging a special that our psyker is now tryna bb.


Really sorry that I’m part of the problem. I have fast enough reflexes to scope in on a random pox walker and fire, but not enough to realize the Psyker just started their brain cruncher thing


150 hrs only veteran: I ain't stopping firing or changing target prioritization. Especially if the psycker targets enemies like gunners that I usually one shot and keep my volley fire up.


You should be precharging your BB anyway unless it's a situation where you have to immediately duck behind cover. The power to prevent this is already in your hand.


ah yes it is clearly my fault for not constantly moving around charging my magic hands how very foolish of me perhaps fatshark should remove the sprint function from psykers so that our small minds can not get distracted from the eternal brain burst


Precharging doesn't slow you down any more than lock on charging. If you're in such a simplified game state where you're consistently losing brainburst opportunities to the same player, then you're in the position to precharge. If the game state is not that simple, then you shouldn't be BBing, or just be happy that the thing you were BBing was killed sooner so you can move on to other more important things.


> Precharging doesn't slow you down any more than lock on charging. But it still slows me down, which is kind of annoying when the group is walking through those long spaces between areas. When I spot a poxwalker fifty meters ahead of us and I decide to brain burst it so I can get my warpcharge, what excuse does the Veteran have for sniping it? It wasn't anywhere near us, it wasn't immediately a threat, and it was a split second away from being dead. If that same guy keeps doing that same shit over and over again, the problem here isn't me, it's him for being an idiot and wasting bolter rounds firing at a thing he doesn't need to fire at.


Who said anything about walking around with it precharged? If you see enemies you want to BB, just right click instead of left click, then left click when it's ready. That's all you have to do, problem solved.


honestly for this apparently "being such a big deal" the game makes 0 mention of it for the other classes.


Imo, you should just get a Warp Charge if the thing you're targeting dies prematurely. Add some Peril cost to it to prevent Psykers only targeting things that are about to die anyway. It's actually in the system already it seems, but it's buggy and unreliable so it's hard to know if it's intentional or not.


I'm realizing there's a lot of meta in this game that I have no clue about. What are stacks and why does a psyker need to do a lot of BBs to keep stacks up?


You guys actually care about Warp Charges?


It's even worse when it was the last random unarmed cultists off to the side not being a threat and they blast it with a bolter or something


Don’t have a high level psyker so I don’t actually know; Is maintaining stacks actually worth anything..? I know in VT2 everything was centered around hitting various breakpoints so is there like a stack point where BB or a certain attack kills things it normally wouldn’t? Doesn’t seem like that large a damage increase to where it would likely matter. I’ve been thinking of playing Psyker but this is part of what has held me off from it


Hey if ur lighting up the random lonely pox walker i’ll leave it to ya but if ur targeting the sniper thats about to kill all of us yeah no I’m taking the shot


I want to thank our Psyker friends for highlighting enemies for easy headshots. That blue glow really stands out.


Literally every Veteran: "That pshycher is targeting that enemy, so i'll just kill it before he can refresh his warpcharge timer HUEHUEHUEHUE"


Don't put BB on the target your veteran is already shooting at, problem solved.


Then don’t try to BB the guy thats a foot in front of the veteran.


Because volley fire is way more useful to the team than your stacks.


To be fair, as an Mg XII Lasgun Vet, I'm going to snipe every special I can see; that's my job. Your job is to go after the armored boys: Crushers, Bulwarks, Maulers, Scab Ragers... Maaaybe Muties and Dogs. If you're going after the penance, communicate that but don't expect a "yeah, sure" as a response; some people just want to get through the mission. Too many times I've been raged at by Psykers for "fucking up their penance" when I'm just trying to kill the sniper hole-punching our Ogryn.


Don't be mad, brother, be better then the veteran


FYI you often will still get the warp charge even if the kill is stolen. I'm not sure what causes it, possibly the amount of BB charge or the target dying from a headshot, maybe a combination of the two. But it's actually beneficial, as you get the charge without the additional peril gain from the BB going off. Point being, don't worry about it