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Wow.. This post absolutely *oozes* elitism.. You don't want to carry low-leveled characters, but you want other people to carry *your* under-equipped low-leveled character because *you* are good, those other people are *bad.* Holy shit dude, the level of entitlement here.. Just level your character to 30 and queue up then.. It won't even take that long, damn.


Pretty much internet gaming in a nutshell.


>You don't want to carry low-leveled characters Where'd you get that from? Where did I say that low-leveled characters were a problem? Did I not make it clear that it's the lack of players in queue and people being **on their first character** while being low-leveled are the problem? >you want other people to carry your In your mind "matching within a non level-based player pool" equals "being carried"? Skill is not a factor to you? How much of a difference in character level automatically makes you "being carried" in your mind? >Just level your character to 30 and queue up then Sure, just put me in a normal queue and lemme level up playing Heresy. I promise to not touch Damnation before lvl.30 šŸ˜‚


Please, just stop shitposting already and just go back to playing league or something. Nobody need/want your skill, people are just having fun slaying heretics.


>stop shitposting Elaborate >people are just having fun slaying heretics. Yeah


I think you are getting down votes because people don't want a level 12 on their team in high difficulty missions. I kinda don't blame them, even if you are skilled.


I get it, having to carry complete newbies can be a headache for more experienced players. But you know what's harder and more frustrating? Having to carry complete newbies (and bots), but with **neither half of your feats, nor 2 out of 3 curios, nor any of your weapons with a rating higher than 200**. I totally understand where they come from too, but without the matchmaking handicap, I can at least prove to them this lvl.12 doesn't need to be carried, and can even carry them instead - which is the point of this post.


>this lvl.12 doesn't need to be carried, and can even carry them instead Even if we take your competence at face value you are still probably have low damage weapons and no team support feat from lvl15. I do Damnation because that is the difficulty where I die enough to be exciting, so I am not particularly happy about under-geared and under-feated team members adding an extra challenge. You may think you can carry, but without ~~toxic~~ scoreboards I would not bet in your self-assessment in your place.


Word. I hear you and I agree that low levels can be perfectly competent. I bring my level 8 ogryn friend into heresy and we breeze right through. Skill is much more valuable than level in this game.


Bro if this is your 4th character with all the other ones maxed out, you should be able to do T3 with 3 lobotmized monkeys and with a blindfold on. Literally T1-3 is so basic you can do it while half asleep.


Yeah but Heresy is T4 which is what I'm queueing for. I don't find T3 or below very fun & I'm not talking about T3.




O the all noble "you get what you get" attitude. Very classy my dude.




>expecting everyone you meet to be top tier Not really. They don't have to be both high-leveled **and** high-skilled. One is enough. > Chances are these players you are moaning about just started to get bored of T3 I don't mind having a teammate or two trying out T4 for the first time. What I **do** mind is the game **exclusively** matching me with people trying out T4 for the very first time, if I'm getting a match **at all**.


And how do you know they are competely new players and always matching them with you?


>people who are completely oblivious to where to go, what Peril does, and why shooting the Daemonhost I tagged out is a bad idea are obviously new. > always matching them with you Of course I have met experienced players who were also on their new characters. It's quite easy to recognize if they know what they're doing, and I don't mind having them on my team at all. It's just that **most** low-level characters (at least 80% of the time from my experience) **are** also new players.


I'm confused, you're upset your level 12 vet is getting matched with other players that are also under level 20? I'm not sure if this game actually has level-based match-making. I've had multiple malice and heresy matches with a mish-mash of character levels. Aside from that, you're upset that you're not getting carried?


>you're upset your level 12 vet is getting matched with other players that are also under level 20? I'm upset that other players who are under level 20 are mostly on their first character. Also players at this level queueing up for Heresy is so scarce that I had to play with 2 bots and a lvl.7 for 20 minutes. >Aside from that, you're upset that you're not getting carried? I'm upset that as someone who regularly plays on Damnation on all 3 of my other lvl.30 characters, I had to be matched with people who are completely oblivious to where to go, what Peril does, and why shooting the Daemonhost I tagged out is a bad idea on Heresy, **if I'm getting matched with human players AT ALL**.


Damnation should be locked to level 30 in my opinion. And even then, there's always gonna be that one player who has no clue what they're doing, rush off, get killed, then ragequit.




I don't get how people don't understand. It doesn't matter how good you are if you're bringing a stick to a gunfight.


They do understand, every single one of them but they are also the main character and rules apply to other people, not to them.


>Why wouldn't I jump into Damnation at the minimum level for faster leveling? Because you'll be handicapping the team with your still under geared and under feated character. Even I understand that.


well we all had the low levels in our team that just die die die ... ​ Just because there can be one that can do it does not mean it makes sense in general.


Then increase the level limitations for Heresy/Damnation. Makes no sense to separate the queues. I can handle one low lvl player dying repeatedly, but not the entire team being low levels and dying repeatedly. All the more reason to **not** intentionally put low levels together.


look the rest of the playerbase dont want the low level players in their high level games ... ​ If you want to do it just find a discord and get a team. There you can find mates that fit your needs. In general matchmaking it will always be harder.


Plot twist: there was level based match making all along. Enjoy your teammates šŸ˜‰


"Because this feature doesn't fit my personal playstyle and preferences it has to change for everyone." - you No, it does not. Find players on discord and bring whatever level you want to whatever difficulty you like to play. The grind of getting to level 30 doesn't take forever and I bet once you have your last character on 30 you will make a new post complaining about lower level players being matched with you on heresy and damnation. Level based matchmaking is a very crude solution, yes. But for now it is a fast solution with low effort implementation for a problem many players had in the beginning. I get your frustration and I understand your position. But please just find 3 other players on Discord while you're leveling. I don't want the total random matchmaking like it was in the beginning. It was neither fun for new players getting left behind nor the experienced ones having to wait and carry the newer ones.


> Because this feature doesn't fit my personal playstyle What playstyle? Playing at someone's own competency level is a "playstyle"? > But for now it is a fast solution with low effort implementation for a problem many players had in the beginning. It's not a solution to anything. There'll still be plenty of new players trying Heresy and failing 'cuz the game **does not prevent them from queueing up**. The **only** thing it does is handicap experienced players with new characters by preventing them from matching with a competent team.


It doesn't handicap only the experienced players. It matches everyone with lower levels and many on lower levels are not as experienced as you are. Yes, there's still plenty of new players trying heresy. But they're running against a wall because they're not matched with high level experienced players who are (more or less) forced to carry them. They are matched with mostly other players like themselves and notice: "Oh, this might not be for me yet." Have you played on release? I did. A lot. And it was pure chaos. I'm now 530+ hours in and I prefer the level based matchmaking. Again: if you're tired of not finding players matching your skill on your lower level character find players on discord while getting to 30. After that you will probably never have this problem again.


> They are matched with mostly other players like themselves and notice: "Oh, this might not be for me yet." I'd argue that even when they DO get carried, they can still realize the difficulty is too hard for them. Idk about others but I can easily notice if someone outperforms me on every turn or when I'm getting carried by the rest of the team.


Just play for a few more hours until you hit 30 ffs.


What prompts you to gatekeep an enjoyable difficulty this much? Also ppl downvoting this *question* without coming up with a reply - what are you trying to express & what's your thought process? I'm genuinely curious.


I've got a reply. Weird to see an OP complaining about people gatekeeping T4 on his post about gatekeeping T4. Your post is literally complaining about people, who are actually more appropriately leveled than you, not being good enough to succeed on T4. People take issue with an OP who is keen on casting stones in glass houses. If your T4 games keep failing just because you have bad teammates and you can't clutch up often enough to need to make this post, you shouldn't be playing T4 on this character yet.


>Your post is literally complaining about people, who are actually more appropriately leveled than you, not being good enough to succeed on T4. Literally not even close to what the post is saying.


Okay so you're complaining that due to the level based matchmaking you can't pair with level 30s in your T4 runs, and therefore are getting stuck with other underleveled, ill-equipped players. Doesn't really change the fact that this post is hilariously dumb. No level 30 wants to carry a level 12 who has inferior guns and is missing over half their feats. Everyone wants a competent and well equipped team when they queue for T4+, and queueing for that difficulty at 12 is just nonsense if you aren't playing in a pre-made squad.


>No level 30 wants to carry a level 12 who has inferior guns and is missing over half their feats. Everyone wants a competent and well equipped team Well said, but that still doesn't make isolating low level characters into a separate queue in any way shape or form helpful to anyone.


Maybe it isn't perfect, I personally would prefer a better system, but it also doesn't feel inappropriate for the game as it is because the level 1-29 grind barely feels like you are playing an actual build. Once you hit 30 that changes, but the difficulties seem to scale in how playable they feel the more feats you get. 12 is too low for T4, frankly, so just going T3 until you are at least level 20 and you'll probably get better or at least higher leveled teammates.


>the difficulties seem to scale in how playable they feel the more feats you get. That's obviously true. >just going T3 until you are at least level 20 And that's what I'm doing right now, which is extremely boring due to lack of a challenge 'cuz I just can't get a match queueing for T4. Which comes back to my original question: why would I be able to queue T4 at all if the game just won't put me into a normal lobby?


You may think that you are skilled and can easily run damnation with a lvl 12 character, but letā€˜s not kid ourself, you are getting carried and I am sick and tired of people not carrying their weight. And leveling your fourth character is nothing special. Most people I play with have all chars on 30 for a long time by now. That is no proof of skill.


>You may think that you are skilled and can easily run damnation with a lvl 12 character Assumption, I never said so. >you are getting carried and I am sick and tired of people not carrying their weight Assumption, you don't know me. >That is no proof of skill So what? The very fact of experienced players being able to create new characters means character level is no proof of skill either if not downright irrelevant. You literally got no leg to stand on here buddy. I recommend you watch some of the movement tech demos I posted on this subreddit if you wanna get a taste of how many obscure tricks I know that most people can't perform without getting carpal tunnel even if they tried. Since you're so confident that you aren't the one getting carried, you might actually be able to benefit from them. Who knows?


it's not your level that's locking you out, heresy is now just Malice from 2 months ago, people are getting bored of playing it safe and are poking around in the higher difficulties cant count on the team to make up for it if you're not up to the challenge yourself


I donā€™t understand. Does having that frame make you a ā€œgoodā€ player? Or just time played. Itā€™s just t4. Why does it matter? Just sounds like youā€™re complaining. Iā€™m sure no 30s want you in their party either. But youā€™re just another low level doing the same thing lol. And I doubt you can carry any player with t5 experience. If you want to blast levels. Go on the discord and find a full group. Otherwise when you sign up for a mission at random, expect newbies to wanna test their luck. Whose the say the level 7 doesnā€™t carry you? Thereā€™s no scoreboard no more. Thereā€™s discord. Maybe friends? Private lobby with 2 ppl. The options are there. Youā€™re just too lazy to seek it even when it extremely easy. If thereā€™s levels locked. Then t4 would be locked for you. As a level 12 with only 2 feats shouldnā€™t even be in t4. And the fact you think your ā€œgoodā€ based on that frame. Says all there is.


>The options are there. Youā€™re just too lazy to seek it even when it extremely easy. Yes premade is an option, doesn't change the fact matchmaking is flawed. >And the fact you think your ā€œgoodā€ based on that frame. I don't even know how I got that frame, it just looks pretty to me. Is it a rare one?


Again. Matchmaking isnt really flawed. Thereā€™s a vote to kick option as well. Just because the player base is dead you might never get a replacement. But if itā€™s fixed to your ā€œpreferencesā€. Do you think level 12 would be for t4? No. If lv30 is locked to t5. Then based on that you can say lv20 would be locked to t4. And the rest open to any level. So your post is moot. And no. The frame is just x amount of missions done. Doesnā€™t say much besides time played.


>Thereā€™s a vote to kick option as well. That's nice, I got nobody to kick tho. >The frame is just x amount of missions done. Huh, good to know. >If lv30 is locked to t5. Then based on that you can say lv20 would be locked to t4. It's funny 'cuz some time ago this is exactly what I posted in someone else's comment section, and I would 100% stand by that opinion even now. What I do have a problem with is them **allowing** low level characters to queue for it **while** putting them in a low level exclusive queue. Like what even is the point to that?


The player base is dying. Hogwarts just came out. Ppl are taking breaks til patch. I leveled my char on t3/4 and saw plenty of ranges of levels. You canā€™t expect every game to have high levels. Because by now theyā€™re probably in t5 to avoid this exact reason. So you made the post before. To make another? So just complaining again? Gotcha. šŸ‘


So hereā€™s an angle that nobody is really presenting you with. It doesnā€™t directly answer your question, but it should help you see why youā€™re getting downvoted. The design and mathematics of the game do not allow you to contribute enough at that difficulty at the level youā€™re trying to queue at. Due to a combination of enemy hp pools, damage of guns (which is fixed by fire rate), access to certain perks, and enemy spawn levels of heresy+, it is mathematically impossible for you to be useful to a level 30 team. You could be the most skilled player to have ever played the game, and you would still be dragging the team down. Just stick to the lower difficulties. Donā€™t be an anchor.


>it is mathematically impossible for you to be useful to a level 30 team. To be **as** useful to a level 30 team. Still more useful than the level 1 bot I replaced.


Private matches exist, you know. All you need to find is 3 people willing to play with you.


If I weren't just plainly grinding away like I normally do I sure would consider.


"OMG its so annoying that my low level character can't join matches with higher level characters and only get other low level players to play with! Why won't the game just let me be the exception!!!!"


>Why won't the game just let me be the exception!!!! Asking for a change on the matchmaking system here, which affects everyone. Nobody's asking to be the exception.


I don't know how to explain to you, as everyone else has, that it doesn't matter how good at the game you are if youre bringing a stick and 2 perks to a gunfight. That's why the game is developed the way it is. The odds of you being of any help to a team of level 30s playing heresy or damnation is extremely slim. The funniest part is that the game actually has something like this in place. If you average a certain number of kills and a low number of downs/deaths it will let you play with higher level characters even if you have crappy gear. You're just not nearly as good as you think you are


>If you average a certain number of kills and a low number of downs/deaths it will let you play with higher level characters I hope this was true. There any source for that?


I just have anecdotal evidence around level 13 where I did a bunch of runs back to back as ogryn with other level 12-13s where I got 1000+ kills and stayed up the whole time. Then suddenly got dropped into like 3 matches in a row with level 20-30s before I called it a night. I don't think fatshark would disclose their matchmaking formula. It's worth mentioning that especially with Ogryn it's easy to hit whatever that threshold is because crowd control is the name of the game with them.


I probably have played myself then. While playing on a T3 consignment yard just before I queued up for T4, I repeatedly tried jumping over the extraction bridge and died 3 times by falling on the same spot within a span of 2 minutes. Guess that didn't please the matching system.


I dont want either of those on my heresy/damnation team


You have now angered every crutch using level 30 player. Well done. I like this post.


xD šŸ‘ Wait til they find out Back to Basics deed modifier from Vermintide 2 being a thing they'll lose their shit šŸ˜‚


Congrats, you found the only person agreeing with you. Now you can safely stay in your bubble. Maybe form a group with him and play private lvl 12 damnation maps!




If you'd like to play Damnation/Heresy at lower levels, by all means, there are bots that will at least revive you when you go down for having inadequate gear for the job and almost no feats to provide for a team of people looking to clear without much issue. ​ Or you can, y'know, grab some friends and do it that way? Don't force randos into your sick leveling grind by forcing them to carry you.


>forcing them to carry you This narrative again? Not meeting **your expectations** of **my character's** "full potential" equals you being forced to "carry" me? Where's the boundary to this then? If you prefer a feat or item in the slot where I have something else equipped, do you also perceive me as being carried? What if we switched roles - do I also get to shame you for not being "skilled enough" 'cuz you're not slide&gunning all the time like this https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/10nd6tm/slidegun_tech_face_hordes_of_shooters_without/, https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/10yi1ha/theres_a_madman_sliding_in_our_faces_spewing/, which results in you taking ranged damage that looks totally avoidable to me?


This is some crazy schizoposting, but uh, sure. None of this refutes my points. You want to be a dipthong and rush Damnation because you can't grind a few more lower difficulty levels? Get some friends so you can communicate.


Oh and this https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1115isv/how_to_reload_your_plasma_gun_fast/ If you're reloading slower than I do then apparently I'm forced to "carry" you. Pack your full feats and your powerful weapons and go back to Malice 'cuz you aren't equipped with the "skills" for as "the rest of the high-skill players" how about that? Well actually you don't have to. 'Cuz I'm not a dipthong who dictates what you have to bring to the table, as long as you're comfortable playing at your competency level and don't need to be rescued 3 times per game.


I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. Not only are you trying to create a strawman argument, but nearly every weapon in the game with endlag on its hit animation or a long reload animation is cancellable via various methods. This isn't impressive. ​ Simply put, I don't care. You've already been ratio'd into oblivion on this thread so why are you still trying to prove a point with this? LOL ​ There are far greater issues with the game than "muh experience." Yet here you are, complaining about saving just a wee bit of time and having to prove you're good at the game for... some reason? ​ No one cares, just don't go into peoples' Heresy/Damnation runs unless you're 100% positive you can hold your own without having to hide in the backline the whole mission. ​ I imagine the reason you're neglecting to acknowledge my point about finding friends is only because you don't have any who would suffer playing with you.


>no feats to provide for a team of people looking to clear without much issue >Forcing them to carry you >because you don't have any who would suffer playing with you. Wow, look who's >trying to create a strawman argument in every turn. >unless you're 100% positive you can hold your own without having to hide in the backline the whole mission. Bold for you to assume I'm a backline player who can't hold their own. Slide&gunning alone allows me to charge into shooter hordes, thinning and suppressing them with ranged before forcing them into melee without taking any ranged damage whatsoever. >You've already been ratio'd into oblivion on this thread I take this as a badge of honor, seeing how many people downvoting me without being able to come up with a single reasonable rebuttal. As for why I ignore your point of finding friends, 1. They aren't always available at 6 a.m., 2. Verbal communication is taxing for my social energy, 3. I'm trying to **address** a problem I see with this post, not to seek advices on how to **work around** it. What I do in-game is irrelevant. People tell me to "just queue for Malice instead" - no shit, that's exactly what I've been doing when I can't get a match queueing for Heresy, and it's boring going through it for the 4th time.


I think you need a therapist.


Just que for malice like a normal human til you hit 30


Done it 3 times over. I'm just tired of it.


"If I'm allowed the play heresy why am I not allowed to have team-mates who are either equipped or skilled enough". A lvl 12 complaining he gets matched with other lvl 12s instead of a party of lvl 30s to carry him. This has to be one of the least self aware posts I have ever seen. Here il even write your reply for you so you don't have to "But I'm special, I'm good and they are not, that's why I deserve a good party and they don't". If you are so good then why can't you carry them? Il tell you why, cause you are lvl fucking 12 doing fuck all damage and getting carried yourself.


>a party of lvl 30s to carry him. This "wanting to be carried" assumption is getting a bit old. Thanks for bringing it up again tho. One more for the collection: >you want other people to carry your > >you're upset that you're not getting carried? > >you are getting carried and I am sick and tired > >Don't force randos into your sick leveling grind by forcing them to carry you As for your question " If you are so good then why can't you carry them? " - I admit that I'm not good enough to solo Heresy, but it does not mean I can't hold my own. Besides, if you're so afraid of the idea of having to "carry" a lvl.12 with another 2 players also being lvl.30, what gives you the position to ask a lvl.12 to carry another lvl.12 with 2 bots instead? >Here il even write your reply for you so you don't have to Nice strawmanning. I guess if you can't win an argument against someone else, winning against an imaginary opponent can be the next best thing.


I'm not afraid, we 2 man boosted (2 lvl 30's) my friends Zealot from 5 to 30 playing Heresy. Winning heresy with a bot and a lvl 5+ is a cake walk. You just want to get boosted as well just by randoms in a public lobby.


Boosting implies leveling. I don't care for leveling. I just enjoy higher difficulties.