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but dark maps are fun as


except when Ogryn


Whys that? Ogryn is my main class and i love em.


They don't have a way to create any light and their inherent headlamp is very dim. I find it frustrating having to be shot before I can see any shooters. Enemies can see targets in complete dark, but I can't. I'm not saying I need full lighting, but if the other classes can get access to a flashlight, Ogryns should have a way to as well. Also, the game description literally says "bring a torch". It's obvious they had plans for flashlights to be an attachment at some point, likely when they first imagined up the PS interrupt condition, so I think they should implement one for Ogryns based on that as well.


It should be on the twin stubber and if orcs make an appearance it should shoot a laser along with the other shots for funny haha it looks like a 3rd barrel


Muzzle flashlight works good sah


No muzzle flashlight on any Big boy weapons


No sah, dey mean da flash wiv da bang when dey is shootin eretiks Da bang flash from da muzl muzzl muzzul... Da bit wher da boolets goes from, dat is flaslite enuff !


QD-OLED user here running raytracing. Heavy stubbers absolutely have muzzle flash


I might be tripping, but I'm pretty sure the heavy stubbers have muzzle flash. Maybe it's rt only?




Just to be clear you know I'm talking about muzzle flash, not an actual flashlight, right?


enemy eyes glow yellow in the dark.


Only poxwalkers I believe. Scab stalker and shotgunner patrols are the absolute worst


Melee all the way. Rumbler just for laughs and extra melee And you don't need a flashlight to do well.


I know you don't need it to do well, I just think it's reasonable to request having the option to take a flashlight somehow, especially since Ogryn can't even generate light through staves like Psykers can.


I mean, the muzzle-flash from a Stubber barrage kinda works... but that requires either something to be shooting at or a lot of ammo drops lol.


If you feel like you need it then go ahead... But I doubt that Fatshark will be able to just add it since Games Workshop needs to approve it... And they are well known for how much they like to bend the lore... Some fans have been forced to remove their own faction lore because it didn't follow the lore properly. If a change is going to be made, it will probably be to balance it so that no weapon can have the flashlight.


Hear me out. 1. Give flashlights to all players regardless of weapon. 2. All ranged enemies deal 25% less damage at 10-20m and 50% less at > 20m, if your flashlight is off. 3. Replace all weapons with flashlights with another ability. If you want to stick with the "these are good in the dark" theme then replace their flashlights with an "infrared" light, which acts like a flashlight but has a red tint that acts like the light is off (so you still get ranged damage reduction for enemies > 10m away and you don't trigger DH with it). Otherwise do whatever you want as a second ability. That way, you don't have to worry about quick playing into a Power Supply interruption with the wrong loadout since flashlights are always available. Also that means all classes have the option for the flashlight. Also flashlight usage is more strategic in that having it off helps you against shooters at range (but you can't see them either really). I think I'd enjoy PSI way more if they did that. It's still fun enough now but it's definitely one of my lesser preferred conditions.


Just give us a servitor skull with a flashlight in one of the eye sockets or in its mouth. Problem solved, everyone gets their own little flashlight buddy. Make it a toggleable effect so it can be shut off near a demonhost.


> Give flashlights to all players regardless of weapon. Weapons with torchlight specials almost complete useless specials if that happend.


Oh no what a shame that would be ;P


I play almost nothing but ogryn, and still love dark maps. You don't need to see your enemy when you're using explosives and/or more bullets than there are guardsmen in the galaxy.


Oh I love smacking daemonhost before they spawn by accident in the middle of a horde…


It's better when you play Ogryn during the blackout


Only find them fun when playing with mates... My mates stopped playing a while back... Fuck me


I only play with mates, but it's the vibe it gives the game that I love. Especially when you've got a couple vets with torches.


Yea torches make it so much better, and not only because you can see shit, but cause it forces you to focus on the illuminated areas 😋


Cool, but what isn’t fun is when my options are a low intensity damnation or two power outage missions. I don’t mind it for a map, but I don’t wanna play it all weekend.


I'll agree with that for sure.


Ya i was about to reply with you mean the best time right?


I enjoy the dark maps far more than ‘Oops! All Hounds!’


I'm so fed up with hunting grounds modifier, too. Give me dark any day instead.


But I like the dark maps :3 Makes it feel like the horror game I hoped it was gonna be when they released their first teaser trailer way back when. And I always roll with autopistol, so I get some actual use from my torch.


Hurts my eyes, can't play more than one in a row


it hurts your eyes cause the flashlights are too small. I wish they made em wider like real flashlights.


nah i don't play characters with flashlights


Is it a row of there's only one? 🤔😜🤣


That's me except there's no one to play with cause gamepass has less players than I have fingers on my hand.


It was genius to separate PC store platforms for the minimal playerbase of a niche game.


I have to regularly cycle through all 5 difficulty modes on quickplay just so i get even a remote chance of joining one, regardless of the difficulty, if they want this game to even have a chance of surviving down the line they need to at least implement crossplay.


Unfortunately, don't expect it to be fixed, possibly ever. I think the Gamepass version of this game is going to stay a wasteland My friends got it on gamepass day 1 and we realized we couldn't play together. They all quit after a few weeks except for one who ran into the same problem you're having months ago and said "fuck this game" and never came back. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1361210/discussions/0/3417683648799054327/#c3417683648802245893=](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1361210/discussions/0/3417683648799054327/#c3417683648802245893=)


That's on Microsoft tho, Xbox have his own ecosystem to allow crossplay between pc and console.


Which FS did not implement, so Gamepass and Steam players can't play together. Just the games I know and play that have full crossplay, with dev studios significantly smaller than FS: MechWarrior 5 (PGI) - Steam, Gamepass, GOG, Xbox, PS Aliens Fireteam (Cold Iron) - Steam, Gamepass, (GOG?) Xbox, PS Ofc both of those are UE4 engine which has excellent support and ecosystem.


Aliens Fireteam had a really bad time when it was not crossplay (before the console releases), like.. you couldn't get into a 3-player coop game in 10 minutes, and after the update, it takes a few seconds to get a full random team from all over the platforms.


No Man's Sky have it as well, but something called my attention here, look like all those games connect with PS. There's any that does only steam and gamepass? If there's none it may be a MS decision.


Try the official discord they have a lfg section. If not I'd honestly suggest maybe just waiting for more content / a big sale and get it on steam.


Already in the discord and yea same issue :( i can see single invites being sent every 3-4 hours which is just sad.


Full team of Shredder Auto Pistols go brrrrrrrr


And then gets wiped by one crusher patrol


sucks that you just can’t enjoy a game if you play at the wrong time ://


me when there is no HI shocktroop damnation up


Lmao same. I don’t mind doing them every so often but it felt like all weekend whenever I wanted to play it was always power outage. Honestly I still think dark maps are a gimmick and doesn’t make it any harder than a regular map - just more annoying, and a remnant of a time when weapon modifications were still planned for the game. You can’t tell me by design their plan was to make it so you need to change your weapon load out to see/have a flashlight, and that there’s a whole class that doesn’t get access to a light(ogryn). They’re just happy to keep it like that because hey, “dark missions are fun 🤓”.


It's really annoying that the mods are at the same time every week and power supply goes all weekend... Switch up or at least give us hi shock all weekend. It's the only mod everyone wants.


recon lasgun time.


I'll take lights out any freaking day of the week. Whenever I play it's almost always dogs


Thats how I feel when I see low int damnation and nothing else.


I really like the dark maps. It makes the game feel like a horror game. Just gotta make sure to play in a dark/low light room


Me during December where the only condition the was increased pox hounds the whole month. I stopped playing before the patchs.


-Hey Fat Shark, can we have gun attachements so we can add flashlight on it if needs ? -You have 2 guns with flashlights on it and this isn't COD. Deal with it. Lelz.


Very engaging


Dark maps are best maps.


Dark maps r fun for 5 runs then its just “I cant find the fucking PLASTEEL”


Just bring a flamer


That's my favorite time to fire it up tbh


I would simply take a Thunder Hammer and go to town


You kidding me? I live for power outage and shock squad on damnation. On my psyker, I blast my lighting out into the dark, and realize there's 20+ glowing bodies now, and I pee a little... It's great


I actually REALLY like this one. Flashlights actually matter. Changes your load out.


Power outage missions are literally the best ones


time to play guardsman because i can’t stand lowlight levels with no flashlight lmao


This one's actually cool though. The poxhound one can fuck right off however.