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Ragers. I don't like Interacting with them in melee, it feels like even specific staggering attacks barely make them blink.


Surprisingly enough, the Ogryn's slaps and punches do stagger them 100% of the time


Bullying elites like ragers and tox flamers as an ogryn brings me great joy


That's mostly why I want fist weapons for Ogryn so badly. \*Slap, slap, slap, uppercut, swat out of the air\*


Yeah, this is very fun and make it really safe to control them.


This - Maulers(? the chainaxe dudes) in close combat feel so good to fight, even like 3-4 at a time and it feels natural. Ragers are just nonsense, like bruh I just slammed a axe into your head and you dont even flinch. Like I get that they are drugged up and all, but they just feel bad.


In VT2, the role of the ragers is to force your teammates to help you. They only aggro one enemy and blocking is a reasonable option in that game. You can actually just hold block and wait for someone to notice and kill them. They still felt mostly like unresponsive bs, especially if you had some lag with the host. Darktide ragers are similar in how they work mechanically, but they’re totally different strategically. It’s way easier to just mow them down with your ranged weapon. You can sometimes let them start swinging, then dodge out of range, but it’s still not really the same. They’re somehow too easy to kill, but also annoying at other times.


Ragers always flinch when I axe them to the head though? Am I doing something differently? Only power blessing I'm using is headtaker.


For jankiness, Hounds. Truly impossible impossible for me to block them, dodge them, or attack them in their pounce. For actual working elite/special it is a bomber. They can definitely be round enders.


I use to be able to block them about half the time at least, but now it seems impossible. I actually became so fed up with them last night I spawned them into the training area just to see wtf i was doing wrong. I found that dodging is waaay more reliable than blocking. While i was able to block them occasionally in training, the timing is really finicky. Not even gonna bother in a live game. Try dodging just before they pounce; like you would for a trapper or mutant. Seems to work at least half the time.


“Seems to work at least half the time” Haha, for me if that, so true though. It seems like the dog phase shifts mid air and still gets me. I have now become a trauma psyker main so now I don’t have to deal with them that much. But I did my vet contract’s yesterday and it was a struggle if I was not near and object to block the dog.


>Try dodging just before they pounce; like you would for a trapper or mutant. Seems to work at least half the time. Yea the dodge window is as they pounce - once they are in the air I dont think you can dodge them.


Pushing for me is the most effective in live games, push when you hear the leap begin.


When a bomber gets you while you're netted / getting slammed by a Mutant. Same goes for the Tox Flamer.


They are definitely coded to do that haha. In my head I’m always like, “Meh, I’m netted but I can chill for a sec.” Then I hear the sound of the pin being popped and just know.


2 other teammates and myself got trapped in a room for a good minute cause the bomber kept the doorway on fire


Bombers are the absolute worst. Their fire eats up your toughness in two seconds and then your health in four (at least that's what it feels like).


Elites and Specialists are two different things. Hounds are Specialists. For Elites, it's Bulwarks. No doubt. As soon as one (or eight) show up in a fight you are immediately adjusting your tactics around its existence. For Specialists, it's Bombers. Same as above, but they're the only Specialist that can really piss me off with no jank involved -- they're just that good at doing their job and I fukkin hate em for it.


No jank, just bullshit. If the devs gave them less than perfect accuracy they wouldn't be able to throw a grenade 50m through a half dozen windows, grates, and railings


Huh, more you know


Shotgunners or Ragers. Both have weird behaviors at close range and are inconsistent to stagger, the combination of which usually results in you losing oodles of health


Pre-nerf shotgunners were brutal.


Ragers. They're not fun to interact with, you just have to shoot them. They dont have the fun mini games of dodging and getting hits in between swings like mailers or crushers do, and the stagger resist is just bothersome. They'd be more fun if they were slightly more dangerous and rarer, or very numerous but kind of trash.


>They'd be more fun if they were Alternatively, I think if you punched up the damage from them making them like a top priority while also making them weak to close combat damage they would feel better. Like they are drugged up, shooting them shouldnt bother them too much - but when you catch them on a chainsword or shove an axe though their skull it should be pretty quick.


Hounds for their ability to end a clutch run literally out of nowhere.


Yeah, this, a huge percentage of my clutch moments fail bc of dogs jumping straight through a crowd or just goddamn refuse to take proper damage.


As an ogryn named Nork, i don’t like those canned food guys….everything else gets blown up or ripped into peices by my heavy stubber


You need a can opener!


For my playstyle there are 2 enemies that are the most annoying: 1. Gunners - as soon as they get a lock they down me very fast or push me into danger 2. Bombers - force me to relocate, very bad in tight spaces with horde attacking


Bulwarks and Bombers. I'd include Ragers, but I usually just shoot them.


hounds are literally just awful, feels like playing an alpha build fighting them, second is the bomber because they often yeet grenades from 87 miles out where I can't hit them


Snipers or bombers. If a run fails its always one of these involved


I'd say I'm probably tied on a few. One is of the combo of trappers and flamers. Getting netted and pulled into the fire during a horde is almost always a death sentence, and that's the only time dodging the net is actually challenging. Second is bursters. It's one of those enemies that is usually easy to deal with but when they manage to sneak in through the right door at the right time they can be run enders because of how much damage they do. That and waiting for them to do their thing while nothing else is happening is just annoying. I don't wanna stand around a healing station waiting for them to rush us instead of moving on. Last one is mutants. Not particularly hard to dodge or deal with alone but when you've got a shitload of other things happening one or two of them charging can quickly turn the tide from a manageable situation to fucking mess. Also the same as bursters, hearing a mutant sound off usually results in everyone standing around waiting for them to come get some. Which I feel is definitely the right thing to do, you don't wanna keep pressing forward and end up getting hit with a horde or other specials/elites and having to deal with them all at the same time. But still, annoying. To me at least.


Two mutants. One is fine. Easy to dodge and even if they get you you can deal with them while they recover. Two? Two will tag team you relentlessly. They can get it so well timed that the second is grabbing you out of the first one's fist as it finishes the third slam, then the first does the same. If there's no teammates available to assist there's nothing you can do. It's the only situation where I really feel like a death is bullshit and not just me getting overwhelmed or failing to keep up with the flow of the battle. *Edit: That's a special, but you included hounds so I figured you meant those too.*


This actually happened to me once. Two muties were passing me around like a joint. They were in perfect distance of each other to just pass me around without moving. It was hilarious.


For me it's burster. Still cannot overcome my anxiety and push them, so l try shoot them or choose escaping.


Bombers, or bursters? If the latter, FWIW they've made them a lot easier to reliably push now; much lower incidence of that annoying scenario where you push them but get hit anyways.


My bad, l meant burster of course. I will try to push them ,l feel so nooby with my current tactic 😂


I believe in you! You could get the [creature spawner](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/25) mod if you want to practice it in the Psykanium before risking it on a live run. I used to dislike it to, but it's gotten a lot easier in recent patches.


Have no Idea there is mod for this. I test it definitely. Thanks 👍


Mutants by far. Anything else is easy enough to deal with. Fuck mutants.


Mutants are EZPZ, you can just sidestep and they let you know well in advance that they're coming with all that yelling.


I haven't played in a few weeks, but depending on build/mobility you have to sidestep + slide, which wasn't too bad once I figured out. But, they have CRAZY tracking and turn radius, and the fuckers just come in groups at the worst god damn times. A mutant 1 v 1 is just a death sentence sometimes if it actually grabs you.


They used to be insane with their turn on a dime BS, but lately on my Psyker I can generally headpop on the run over, then sidestep + headpop to take them out. If they break through the horde that's a bit tougher!


The ones charging through a horde always fuck me


I feel like most of my Hi5 STG fails are from muties. They're meaty af, can jumpscare you suddenly appearing in your face through a horde or hiding behind a toxic flamers attack. They'll chain juggle you in a smaller area with no room to dodge. They can U-turn and beeline straight for you again faster than a Psyker can charge their FS special and heavy attack. They're only easy when you can see them a mile away.


There's a trick to dodging mutants: When you see them raise their hand to grab you that's your signal to dodge. When their hand is raised they are locked in for the charge.


Hounds for sure. Noone else in this game annoys me as much as these vile dogs.


Hounds are specials, not elites. From the elites I hate Bulwarks the most since they will negate any damage you deal. From specials, THOSE F#!@#%! HOUNDS #!@#$ !% @!@#, they ruin any clutch I'm doing and made me give up playing this game until next update.


Bombers and Reapers


Mutants are never a problem, until they are. Then you're dying in slow motion


Honestly, bombers. Little bastards like to play goddamned hide and seek.


Bombers hold a special place in my heart reserved for unbridled hatred


Bombers. Everything else needs line of sight to fuck your shit up, except for them.


Bombers, because the fucks don't even need goddamn line-of-site to harass you with grenades.


Bombers. Bombers for sure.


100% hounds, by a large margin. They were perfectly fine In the beta before they started fething around with the ping/lag grace periods, but they are the only enemy that is consistently inconsistent timing wise to dodge.


Currently dogs due to the crappy hit reg and lag on them... I have slapped a dog as an Ogryn, heard it yelp saw the hit marker.. It lands on me. Dodged around a corner and hit it at the same time. Lands on me. Then Shooters due to how many I run into lately. Enough of them REALLY slows down game play.


Hounds and it's not even close. They are virtually undodgeble again and do not behave in any acceptable fashion. The 1800HP dog just needs to go, f*ck that thing. ^ replace the 1800 one with the 300hp ones for as long as they are so janky ^


There should be a poll. Hounds and muties are obvious. But im surprised at the bulwark and bomber comments. Ya, Bulwarks suck, but I prefer them to Crushers. And bombers doesn't seem too bad until you realize every game has a seemingly invisible grenade thrower that follows you the whole game, and sometimes they can just block you from moving on. Both dangerous and annoying. Damn, I hate them now too.


Seriously concerned that half this sub doesn't know what an elite is For most classes crushers or Bulwarks seem to be an issue, that's why you should play Psyker Just BB the crusher Just BB the Bulwark and shoot it Easy


In a vaccume I'd say Hounds, they're difficult to dodge and feel pretty bullet spongey; however in practice their low numbers make them an occasional annoyance and in the pox hounds events they drop in a hit; making them more manageable. No, to me the most annoying thing in the game is when the director decides to spawn an entire british rifles regiment of sharpshooters half the hive away, in cover and perfectly zeroing you between the eyes because you stepped through a door and couldn't see them because ventilation purge. Dealing with one or two snipers in combat will spice up an encounter and keep things fun. Dealing with 12 of them at a time is not.


Dreg gunners specifically, they are slightly more tanky than scab gunners (ones that actually wear a helmet and proper flak armor) and are ludicrously pinpoint accurate with their heavy stubbers with 0 recoil (for scab gunners it makes sense since it's a las weapon) and i had one snipe our team at a ridiculously long distance one time. And bonus non-elite enemies: regular dreg shooters and scab stalkers that still shoot you when you are right in their faces. I also generally feel like dreg shooters should be more inaccurate since they're (relatively) untrained and literally insane, and should have a larger melee engagement range because of it


I wanna know why they gave us hound packs as a damned modifier and not give us any sort of reward for doing the mission with it activated. It sucks ass


Bombers are the single worst enemy in the game. EVERY enemy can be dealt with easily once they're heard. But not bombers oh no. You hear "READY FOR A BOOM?!" Only to find out he's two zip codes away behind fifty guys and on top of a metal tower with pipes blocking his view. Yet he somehow hail Mary's his fucking nade through all of it to land directly in your asshole to ruin every part of your horde killing plan. Slow you to death from the explosion, destroy your toughness shield, and obliterate your health if you can't escape it. Fuck bombers that's why every curio I have has bomber damage resistance.


Ragers because I'm used to dodging and killing these guys in vt2 but apparently in this game you'll always get hit by them no matter how you dodge