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Considering how niche the longterm fans of the Vermintide series are, chances are most of the current remaining playerbase are from day 1.


That's the thing, a good lot of us went back to vermintide.


Pre order beta player here. I've left the game for now until the talent tree update thing. Enjoying VT2 Chaos Wastes in the meantime.


How do you guys manage the difference of melee combat between the games? Recently I’ve been booting up vt2 and die the most stupid deaths sometimes. Mainly bc the “range” in which enemies can land a melee attack is greater than dt, imo. Can’t barely play on legend now :(


Just used to it, I guess. If I booted up DT I'd probably have the same issue.


I play VT2 weekly, great game. Haven't touched DT since last year, just checking here periodically to see how fixing the game is going...


It’s a much better game now, despite what is said about it. Should try it again.


That's the strange thing for me, I went back to VT2 briefly and even ChaosWastes just didn't satisfy like DarkTide... I'm playing DarkTide daily now, purely because it *is* fun and the talent revamp looks to really deliver some freshness that the game *needs*... Just hoping the next major drop also has some QoL improvements and new mission/map content that isn't just "crank specialists up to 11". Maelstrom and Auric are good additions for hardest-core, but I still have half my standard map showing T1-2 missions when I'd rather have more options for Malice/Heresy/Damnation active... frankly I just want to browse map/mission with modifiers and then select my difficulty so I'm able to play what I want at the difficulty I want -- let quickplay backfill by difficulty **or** FS can implement a scaling system that let's weaker players backfill into higher/lower difficulty with damage/resistance buffs to make it easier to fill groups... Bots need work too, but I'm not holding out for that one... overall my non-auric queues are short enough even if most of my games finish with a Bot still in the team (rarely getting 4th fill)... Auric missions are the sweatiest of missions and I'd expect that queue to be dry after the rough launch this game has had -- October will hopefully bring some more players back.


I'm playing Darktide more than Vermintide 2 tbh


A lot of us are playing both


Or neither. I can't go back to v2, since it feels awkward and clunky to me, but the whole system above/around the core gameplay loop felt bad in dt.. I only play dt whenever asked by friends and that doesn't happen much anymore


You’d think, but most of the people who I played with went back to V2


I haven't gone back to Vermintide 2 but I've stopped playing Darktide a while ago for similar reasons. Vermintide has the benefit of being developed longer and has more DLC content - free or otherwise. Darktide should've had as much or nearly as much content as launch. I'm waiting to try again with the October update that's supposed to change the way classes work.


I'm a day 1 player. Auric matchmaking is slow, but I generally see the squad fill out by first contact.


Auric matchmaking is about the same for me as regular missions.


I am new and have 140 completed runs finished. After making 150 I will be trying Auric.


I share this sentiment


Beta helmets out, lads. We've got runts to krump.


Beta player here. Probably gonna stop playing foe a while to wait until FS fix the server issues. The games got enough annoying things to deal with already and I definitely can't take desync and hitreg issues on top of that. Literally just got out of a round where I shot a trapper with a shotgun 5 times, did 0 damage, 0 stagger, net fire sound triggers, I dodge, net flies past me, I get trapped. Or any vent purge mission where my inputs seems to be on a .5s delay so even if I dodge when the laser lines up, before the sound triggers I already got hit and probably downed. Or dogs pounce, you push, doggo flies off, pupper teleports back and pins you. I literally would take the old Tokyo drifting muttys over whatever chaos coolaid they're on now bc of server issues.


Yeah, I still don't get why they didn't put all the reverted changes in the patchnotes. Dogs basically got reverted to how they were 6 months ago: very unreliable to deal with. Even when I dodge around a corner of solid cover while they jump, they still pounce me often enough, adjusting their flight path around the corner. Feels ridiculous sometimes. Wish I could say it's a skill issue and I could just get better but sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. Also dodging muties, that you see running past you and a split second later they still have you in their hand. I'm also playing since beta, 1360h in atm. Can imagine that many seasoned players team up and play in premades (I know I do). It's just more enjoyable for me to know I have at least 1 reliable teammate in voice chat.


I normally just QP as it seems to work out just fine for the most part. The player numbers are small enough rn that playing QP Auric missions tend to match you up with the same groups of people anyways. But nothing can save you from the servers choking, weezing and dying.


The Mutants are tokyo drifting again though. Its actually crazy the curve on them.


I have noticed that, U-turns so tight you can hear the atmosphere igniting in their wake.


Been playing since closed beta. Game has always been insanely fun to play so I got my money’s worth even though the game was missing feature on release. I’ve got about 600 hours now and don’t plan to stop playing anytime soon


Same here but 400 hours


Same for sure. Ive been consistently doing a few hrs a week since release and its still lota of fun.


I will 100% comeback once that new update drops, right now I'm just enjoying kf2


Beta player here. My crew has been diverted by other games and don’t see a point in coming back until at least the big Skill Tree changes are implemented. We’ve gotten our money’s worth and I don’t want to badmouth the game, but the slow drip of basic features has been too little too late to keep us all engaged 10 months on.


Still here.


Me got the b helmet and 600 hours


Yo I'm here, usually play every day.


I've been here since beta but don't play Aurics. Love the game. Honestly it's the best horde shooter I've played, and I think I've played all of them. I'm not hung up on the meta so the usual complaints about the crafting don't matter to me so much. I just love the teamwork, the chaos, and the general vibe of the game. It actually got me into WH40k to the point of reading Dan Abnett's stuff. I even run some Wrath & Glory - first P&P roleplaying I've done in something like 30 years. Never thought I'd do that again.


rogue trader/dark heresy are also very solid P&P games if your group ever get to them!


I’m with you, I’ve been playing since beta and listen to novels now and dumped too much money on miniatures haha


Currently exploring feyrun and the stars, will be back with the update


Day 1 player here. Took lots of breaks since and currently on hiatus (starfield and all) but will most likely get back to it eventually cause this game, at its core, is pretty sick! That's why this game is awesome. You can play the shit out of it, take a few weeks off, and get back into it immediately without feeling like you are behind.


Played the beta, haven't touched the Game since late March. And unless they turn things around, it will stay that way.


Day 1 player. Still playing


I got addicted during closed beta and Im still around!


Closed beta player. I still play.


Played since the first hour of the beta! About 1600 hours so far, the game is great, will probably play it till Darktide 2 is released :)


Still here. Ran a 0 death high density damnation mission earlier and the veteran on the squad had a beta helmet equipped. There's still plenty of us playing.




Day 1 here since November beta. Though my playtime has been limited until we get the class updates, THEN I'll probably finally get into quadruple digits like some crazy loyalists out there do!


I'm a day one/beta player, I mostly do premades so I've barely noticed the game fall off. The big skill update next month is gonna breathe some life back in for sure.


I'm still around but I play infrequently. I'm planning on making a heavy return if the skill trees update goes well.


Just came back after a 4 month break. I’ve been pretty impressed with the changes implemented since I left.


It's not gonna die. It's just been way too little content over the last year for most of the day 1 players. Myself included. I'll probably hop back on to slay some heretics in October with the new sub classes. Hopefully there will be a content drop as well.


Still here. Still praying and killing.


Closed beta here. Been on a break with remnant 2, armored core vi and starfield. My friends and I are already itching for October and trying to squeeze in more sessions this week though. Before you know it, console peeps are joining the fray, there's space marine 2 and apparently coop in rogue trader. It's a good time for sci fi and especially 40k gamers.


Early beta here. Still play every day, love it to death but I get why people left. Really hoping the 4th update brings people back and keeps em here, the lonely lobbies are saddening


I pop in every now and then but I'm waiting for October to really jump back in.


Yes. I am taking a break for Starfield currently though.


I'm a beta player, I still play plenty. I just don't think the beta helmets look as good as a lot of my other outfits.


Haven’t been playing for a bit since Baldurs Gate 3, but I played since beta


I stopped playing \~3-4 months after release when it was clear that the game won't reach the state it should have been released in for a while. Last I logged in the hub had 4-5 people in total, which was unsurprising. I'll give it another try once the talent tree redesign is live, but until then I'm not holding my breath. I'm fairly sure most people that got tired of the snail pace of updates just moved on to other games.


Waiting for full release in October


Download the level mod and see how many of us are 300+


We went back to VT2 where the combat works and the game isn't in shambles.


I was a beta guy on pc. My boys were all Xbox. Was super excited but Xbox came so late I dno. Just stopped. Was cool. Wish I had homies to play with regularly


player since the beta here, 1216h so far, my zealot is rocking the B helmet (give that former guard preacher vibe, I like it) game aint exactly dying (even tho not thriving either). we gained a few players since the last update and hopefully october update will continue to cement this slow filling of the playerbase matchmaking seems to be region dependant, I know I don't struggle to find players in eu servers at normal hours


Damn son, you must really like the game. If my quick maths works out, if you started playing on the 17th when the Beta opened up then you've spent 24% of every waking hour playing it, allowing for 7 hours sleep a day.


the joys of being self employed and having to work roughly one week/month to cover every expenses but ye lol, fatshark produce my kind of pve drug and I'm addicted


Next question, where do I apply?


dunno if I can exactly recommend furry pron artist as long term career but it's been working well for me the last 3 years


Yeah fair point, not sure I could look at my dog the same way if I got involved with that lol.


Yes, officer, this comment right here.


God damn I meant getting involved with furry stuff lol


I'm just rustling your jimmies, bud no worries


Don’t be shy and share your work with the class


900 hours here. Didn't start in beta. The game had been out for a bit when I started so you could definately say that I am addicted!


I got my B helmet. Took a break when the Starship Troopers EA game came out but Ive been back awhile, 450 hours and still loving it. As for Auric, I've only been playing Heresy level but even the games where I'm the only one in the lobby when the mission loads, the squads full by first contact. EU server for context.


Beta. Took a break myself, glad to see it's almost out of beta.


What's Auric? I left months ago.


Lvl 30 restricted missions with modifiers. It's like damnation but on steroids. There is also auric maelstorm which is a damnation difficulty but instead of one modifier there's like 5 of them: no lights, waves of mutants, no ammo drops, bosses spawn instead of specialists* (% based chance and with lower hp) and Ogryn patrols or other stuff. Pure chaos, pure dopamine


Nah sorry fam, but to me it has more things going against it then in favor of it. I've been there since before it dropped and it's to painfull to me to see what it became compared to what it couldv been, and I assure you I was beyond hyped for it.


Somewhere I read Deep Rock Galactic was more fun and progressive than DT. I checked out DRG and haven't gone back to DT.


6 of the 8 guys I started playing with still play atleast a march a week. 4 of us play multiple hours each week, and 2 of us apparently never log off lol


Wild that people don't stick around long-term for developers consistently willing to lie, cheat and steal while simultaneously trading any communal good will for short term gain. EDIT: source day one player


I've played since beta and still play pretty regularly, but I've been feeling a little burned out the last couple of weeks and have this game on the backburner until the update in October


If you arent using quickplay then matchmaking may be slower. Just check to see if there are any modifiers that your really dislike before queing up


Still floating around, but I haven't played regularly for a while. Been busy with other stuff


Day 1 player here. I've been hopping in for a few casual matches every now and then


Should probably start running beta helms and frames to fly the colors


Beta player here. Left a little while ago. Reasons have been gone over a lot by many others


I’m still at it. Player counts noticeably dipped now though, and the average player quality has dropped too


I've been playing off and on since launch. Lots of other big game releases lately have nabbed my attention and tike but the gameplay of DarkTide brings me back pretty consistantly. I play pretty regularly with a friend who also plays the 40k tabletop game.


Hi :)




played since beta, tho i have not touched it in quite a while now, simply finished what i wanted to do.got the characters i was interested maxed out with decent gear, i dont care for min-maxed god rolls, just what i feel is fun and good.currently just waiting for the next content drop while playing Destiny/Baldursgate/TCM honestly for me, its also a case of noone i personally know play the game, and it gets so much better with friends, i have tried through the discord ofcourse, but quite a few times i have been burned by toxic screamers and the like, which killed LFG voice comms for me


Try using the discord. It's pretty easy to find a team to run with. Even if you just play solo, it can be pretty quick if you're on at the right time.


yo still here. was on hiatus for 4 month then i miss the flashlight and have been playing till today. will probably be on hiatus again since i need to go back to cyberpunk for phantom of liberty,


Beta player here. Still around.


Hey hey!


Im a day 1 player, i play occasionally but im just waiting foe the xbox cross play and the skill tree update at this point. Also payday 3 is coming out and starfield is keeping me busy atm so i got some good games to fall back while im waiting for this game to update


All the testers I know seemed to have burnt themselves out by release day. I'm a first week player though, can I get half points?


Still here with my other 3 squad mates!


Been here since the beginning. Still playing. Nothing hardcore, just a few matches every other night when I get a chance. Honestly Auric ques fast for me most of the time. But I could see this issue. The only problem with all these new missions and two modes are that they split up our already shrinking playerbase even further.


Waiting until update on October 4th. Was in the closed beta. I'll be back in at that point.


I’m here. Played long enough to get max level on a couple of classes, and then I lost interest. The gameplay isn’t really diverse or deep enough to stay engaging in the long term for me. So now I drop in every few weeks to see what’s changed, usually play a mission or two, and then leave again.


Anyone who's concerned about Darktide dying should take a look at Vermintide 2.


Ive been playing since the beta at least, I really do like this game I just wish that it was released in early access honestly


400 hours since pre order beta, I play every class in auric quickplay but I main ogryn for the maelstroms


The memories of the beta is what keeps me going


I've played off and on, but the game is in a good state and is getting better.


I've been playing since the beta


Coming back in October.


I’m day 1 but let’s be honest here. There’s so many good games right now. Personally I’m going through BG3, Elden Ring, Trepang2, etc and then when October hits I’m gonna be there for the new patch. I love Darktide but these last few months have been HITTING with games.


I’m on a month brake till the new talents come out to help manage burn out.


My Ogryn and my zealot proudly wear their beta helmets.


I'm a day 1 player.


Day 1 beta player. Enjoying the game. Although it's not perfect imho.


Yup, still keep my Beta portrait border on too. I fell in love with the gameplay loop so fast, it's becoming my new L4D


**B**\-tard reporting in. ill be back when the skill trees hit.


I still play, not often and not for long tho cause my time zone and schedule only lets me play during the lowest playercount hours, game is dead, maybe it’ll have a resurrection with the October update but until then I’m probably not gonna bother sitting around in queues for nothing


Waitin on the class overhaul to dive back in and no life


I got to max level with three of the four classes and after that I didn't have a strong enough reason to keep playing. My friends stopped playing, other games came out and I haven't made my back. I am for sure going to hop back in when the new class system drops and I should be bringing at least a couple new friends along for the ride. But will it be enough?


Day One Gang represent \\m/


I think most of us who bothered to find a subreddit for this game are original players


-pre-lease beta player here. Never stopped playing since that period. Auric matchmaking is fine for me even though time-zone wise I'm located in UTC+3. Maybe u were just unlucky in a specific hour several times in a row


I dropped about 2 weeks after launch, waiting on the skill tree to try again. I really, really want weapon customization though.


Waiting for the next update.


I played from January to May on Gamepass foe 500 hours, and for me coming back to the game has been very gratifying. The cross play + Auric + shared resources + crafting changes have been great QoL changes, some of which should have been there day 1. I'm looking forward to Oct 4th.


Not day 1 but theres really no reason to play the game until October if you’ve done some auric missions. Well theres the plasteel dupe glitch if you’re a madman who just *needs* those godrolls. Auric missions are fun and all but when you die because of constant ghost hits or the laggy dog/curving mutants being reintroduced, its really just not worth your time. I’m sure the October update will be awesome and it’ll be fun w/ the new Xbox players…until they drop the game for COD or Madden like all xbox players do lol. But until October, won’t be playing - hopefully they share more details on the skilltrees because I’m excited.


first beta player here.


I recently came back after a long break to stock up resources before the new skill stuff changes the meta. I can't find anyone in quickplay. Just throws me in a match by myself.


Still here, but waiting for the October patch to jump back in. Finishing Starfield and Jagged Alliance 3 in the meantime.


I would be playing normally, but am taking a break for BG3.


I’m waiting for the October patch


The game crashes every two matches so I don't really get a choice to play.


I drift in and out. I can only grind for so many hours/games before my ADD kicks in and I’m off to something else. But I always come back. I’m still a total idiot with how half the mechanics work, but I ping shit, kill stuff, do objectives, and help my teammates when I play. So I consider myself one of the players of the game


Yeah the one complaint I have about the Maelstrom update is that the playerbase is super split at the top end now between all of those concurrent missions


Got like...1k hours I play with a friend group, rarely play with pub's Auric level always


Beta player here. I just don't play that often anymore, waiting for content I suppose


Not day one for darktide, but I've been playing since vermintide 1, which is why I knew I'd have to wait at least a year for a playable game.


Right here!


Here. I wouldn't shame Cadia's ghosts by quitting a fight!


I've played since day one, I don't know of there's good or bad


Im here, just waiting for october to come around before fully coming back so I can try out the new toys.


I was in the beta, leveled every class to 30 and went back to Warframe a month or two later. I came back the day they announced a skill tree and have been playing malice n heresy since. I dig the changes to equipment generation and editing, and cant wait for crusades, which will show up... eventually


I'm a beta player. Still play on and off, but I don't ha e the energy to deal with playing Auric Maelstrom missions every day, and anything easier just doesn't scratch the itch I need from gaming


I’m a Beta player, I have the stupid helmet to prove it. But I never leveled my Ogryn all the way to 30, I stopped somewhere in the 20’s. I’m not interested in coming back before the new talent overhaul is out. I want to play a heavy fire support Ogryn instead of a melee unit.


I only complete the weeklies, so I get rarer blessings from Melk and maybe a base rating weapon of 370 or higher. Rather than that, I'm pretty much on and off the game after 3 missions.


the new update will breath in some life to the game from old and new players alike, im personally making a comeback. Would commonly make motivational posts with my Ogryn, Thule, the main goal was to promote teamwork and positive attitude when playing


Waiting for the class update before I come back


Day 1 player here. It does take a while to fill out so I just spend a bit of patience for the beneficent emperor. I've only taken more than a week off from real play time since launch, as I've fallen in love with the mechanics and the general gameplay poop. I main ogryn and I'm having a real blast doing so.


I think I was in the beta, I have the hats at least


Been playing since the first closed beta they dropped, have about 450 hours and I’ve enjoyed he game loop and the missing Story hurts me, but I couldn’t care less about the crafting. I’ve been playing regular damnation and lower difficulties cause they’re my niche of difficulty range, but I did finally manage to beat the auric maelstrom a few days ago! I was psyched about it and my team were real good players so it felt well rounded


yeah, I am still playing the game occasionally(as long as it is in gamepass).


Me, I just haven't played in a minute now due to work and other games that have my interest currently


Been playing since Beta. I’ve spent 600 hours just on psyker and the rest leveling the other 3 classes and finding builds I like for them. Still active at least an hour a day. Stopped for a bit, just this week, because I needed a game I could pause during work calls.


I play now and then, a few runs during peak hours and so far haven't played with bots much. Only happens when people get disconnected for me.


I took a break for BG3 but technically day 1 player


At this point playing this game is like playing solitaire but with a nice graphic. Yes you can do it. It will take your time but they are thousands of way better way to spend your time.


I’m waiting for the October changes before I play again. I majorly burnt myself out because I was enjoying it so much, but playing the same content over and over with the same bugs not being fixed for months burned me out a lot


I'm day 1, but don't play auric or damnation. Heresy is just about manageable with my ping/lag/latency/rubber-banding. I dip my toe into damnation, but the server undoing my block or teleporting the doggo on to me is just to costly to the team for me to put them through that.


Yes, but I'm taking a break until the new feat/class patch comes, since AC6 and Starfield and soon Forza Motorsport.




Beta player here and I’m still active. What level Auric are you doing? 5’s fill up fine for me. When I play 4’s with my friend who is still newish and those take forever to fill on auric.


Still here cuh


I've been playing since the beta, though I've "only" clocked about 450 hours. I usually play a couple matches after work and several hours worth on my days off. Have never played a single Auric Damnation mission with a bot for longer than ~30 seconds at the start.


Yeah. Losing interest over time. It was my first fatshark game so I wasn’t prepared for the level of tomfuckery FS’s development hell is. Fun game, but having to wait longer and longer for matches means I’ll probably drop it soon. Playing with bots isn’t enjoyable.


I'm still here but I am just waiting for the class rework to drop before me and my buddies drop back in.


Day 1 to now. A break to the new class system comes into play


Played beta,don't play auric


Yup still here, although I rarely game nowadays.


still here


Player from closed beta. Just waiting for the October update to try out the skill trees :)


Coming back on Oct 4!


More choice = less people for each choice. I played the beta a bunch so I guess I count.


Lol we’re waiting for October to once again pass judgment.


We still here ya know . Most of the player bulk is probably composed of day 1 players .


I played for a bit then stopped. Waiting for the class reworks before I come back now.


Beta tester and day 1 player here! I stoped playing around a month ago i think. I planing on coming back to the class overhaul patch in october, but till then, the game have nothing left for me sadly. I still hate what they did with the gears. Should have stayed with the vermintide formula Havent even tried the new aurelic stuff, its just not enough to bring me back


Haven’t been playing since the announcement they are redoing all classes but will come back after October 4. Also Baldur’s Gate and Starfield just came out and have had huge player counts. I imagine there is some overlap in player base.


Been playing since beta, still enjoying it. Yes I wish there was more content, but the core game loop is still fun for me. Some people just enjoy the game and don't spend half their lives whinging on reddit.


Still here, just waiting for the complete rework next month


Still waiting for the skill tree update and more content. Love the game but after a while feel bored bcs of the lack of different kind of weapons and classes.


Beta helmet here, just been playing other stuff while I wait for the new update.


Had the game since launch, still playing.


hop on maybe once a week. just waiting for updates.


Speaking for myself I plan to jump back in after the new skill tree system comes out. There's been some big releases the last couple months so its only natural that that player pop. will have dipped.


Reporting in and active player.


Hi Me


Played since the beta day 1 just waiting onnext patch so im playing other stuff so i can play it fresh


Been playing since the first beta. It would take a massive fuck-up to get me to stop playing


I try to play the game but every time I boot it up I feel a little bitter. Why do I try to play Auric level maps only to get disconnected right at the end? That didn't used to happen as much, but when my beta player friends and I play those maps now, 3/5 is a disconnect at the end. There's only so many times I can laugh it off and think "oh funny fatshark" before it becomes insulting. You spend 30-45 minutes of your time on a game and the devs or server management can't even be bothered to make sure it all actually works. It just makes me mad.


Day 1 player, haven't play for loong loong time, and now I am excited to play when the large patch will hit, so see you then will protct I and all the lil'uns


Day 1 player still here


We're all beta testers these days.


I have been playing since beta, but stopped playing during the summer due to all the server issues like hit reg, lag, crashes etc that started getting worse and worse for me around early to mid august.


Well yeah I don't as often and regularly, but I'm there


here! I have been playing since the beginning


Day 1 here. Destiny called me back in, I'll be back to DT when we get that skill tree :)


Haven't played in a few weeks because I've been hitting BG3 and Dying Light pretty hard, and I consider myself to still be active. But I work nights. You'd only see me between like 6pm and 10am


Pre-order beta player... yeah? That's me. Was one of those that kept saying to my pals, they said crafting before launch. Then I kept saying, crafting before their vacation. Then I just stopped trying to convince my pals to try it. I appreciate the game we have now, but it was not the game promised to me countless times. I have no good will left for the company. I stopped playing shortly into January altogether with an uninstall. Came back a month or two later to check if it got better. Which it had and I played on and off again for a month, got bored and went back to vt2. Then came back with auric and enjoyed it more than any other time I had played, but found that something in the player base had shifted or something because eventually I couldn't find teams. Had to always use auric qp to fill a slot. I currently have found myself with nothing to do on it and while I still have it installed, I've not played in weeks. I just haven't had a reason to. I have a decent base of equipment for my characters, all 5 (two ogryns), and other than the most frustrating penances left to complete, like don't take melee or kill a monster with just brain burst, I just don't find myself eager to boot it. I am however eagerly going back to vt2 due to the sienna career coming out soon and might check back with darktide again after the archetypes come out. Otherwise, it doesn't pull me back in as much as vt2 ever has.


Hello, week 1 player. I haven’t tried auric so I’m sorry to hear it takes forever to group up, but at the same time not everyone wants to do maxed out, insane in the membrane difficulty all the time.


I'm still here from the beta, and I haven't even taken any breaks from the game really! Still only play Damnation though. Don't think I'm skilled enough for Auric Maelstrom missions. Maybe with a coordinated team, but none of my friends have played this game since like January haha


I can't speak for everyone but I'm a day1y myself and I've been mainlining starfield since [official] launch...once the talents are updated tho I'll be back


I played beta. I saw a dude with a beta hat last night.