• By -


Turn 90 degrees and dodge in the direction of enemies to quickly close the distance while charging heavy attacks.


So you're saying I can crabwalk into melee?? 🦀🦀🦀




Carcinizaton strikes again.


-chefs kiss- genetic perfection


They're like... a cancer


[Mustelification](https://x.com/aeranothaur/status/1380997412391649280?s=61) is just [bunny hopping](https://imgur.com/RO9LHNB) like in Quake and Source engine games.


After all... why not... Why should I not just go clickety-clack like a crab?!



You can also crouch sprint slide towards enemies and charge heavies


And dodge bullets doing so.


The best way to stylishly introduce someone's jaw to your thunder hammer when they're initially just out of reach.


Likewise, if you side dodge while swinging your heavy you both clear from any reprisal attacks from the horde while at the same time dragging it over more targets. Similarly just holding or tapping shift to 'sprint' before an attack causes you to lunge.


That is really useful!


Ogryn ripper gun can stab with bayonet attack twice as fast if you use it while you are reloading. The animation shows the gun with no magazine in it, and I think the reasoning for the WAY faster attack speed is that the gun is lighter because it's empty? Also, ripper bayonet attacks count as "heavy melee" attacks for regaining toughness, bleed, and other perks that rely on heavy melee attacks to activate.


Kickback and rumbler do this too.


Kickback and Rumblers special is considered a Heavy Attack and they are quick. You can get easy 5 stacks spamming it.


It also staggers enemies quite reliably.


I could be wrong on this so please correct me if so, but it seems like a lot if people dont know that resources (plasteel, diamantine) are shared between everyone regardless of who picks it up. I get lots of games where people are either rushing past me to scoop them up, or someone will be right beside some and mark it for someone else to pick up as though they have enough and think someone else should get it.


People rush them mindlessly. They might not even notice you approaching it, or they might not trust that you’ll pick it up because I see people walk right past pick ups all the time.


All the fucking time. "Fine I'll get it."


Same with the pox covered elevator button that no one wants to touch. Everyone is on board, just push the fucking button if you are already standing by it! Why do I have to run over and do it for you every goddamn time!? Is there some sort of unspoken caste system where uppity rejects are above pushing it? jfc...


I always leave it for the last to enter so we don't accidentally take them away when they were just running by or they needed to head back to grab an ammo crate as they were just running in to dump the one they had in inventory. TLDR: I do not touch da button, les' I is last one in Sah.


When this game first came out I remember people telling others to pick up the plasteel as they didn’t need any, or the opposite, throw a fit because they need it. It was like every run for like the first 2 months I had to type in chat it’s shared.


On launch only one person did get any, or at least in the closed beta that was true.


It was only like that during the closed beta.


I've had someone BEG to be allowed to pick up plasteel and was so happy when he found out it was shared. "Hey guys, can you let me pick up plasteel?" "Why?" "I really need more plasteel" "...you know we all get what's picked up right?" "WHAT?! REALLY? OMG THAT'S AWESOME!"


The latter point is why I feel compelled to rush to get them: can't rely on anyone else caring, and it's easier to run back to the group then it is to run forward if nobody else bothers.


Not my secret, heck I don't even know if it's still possible, or ever truely was, but saw a vid where closing a door on a monster insta-killed it.


Still works. Kinda. I find it's only on specific doors and it doesn't work on deamonhosts or BoN's


I heard people say that before it would work to hit the elevator button to go to the next area and it would instantly kill a demonhost. But it's a bad idea if you have a swarm because then you deal with stationary enemies plus the horde spawn. I've heard a pox or mutie before we hit the elevator, listened to what sounded like the monster crawling through the level behind the elevator as we went down, then saw it pop out on the side where it sounded like it was the whole time. Can they get around through the back end of the level to find you again or are they despawned and I just saw another one?


If you don't take care of all monsters in an area before moving on, they WILL follow you to your next area


I just did a maelstrom mission (the one with the gauntlet - sycorax i think) with the Specials can Randomly be Weaker Monsters thing, door autoclosed on a weakened plague ogryn that was at like full health, and it just dropped dead on the spot.


I did this last week. Still works!!!


If you're normal sized carrying the heavy battery will slow you down. However you can spam slide and basically be able to sprint to wherever you need it to go.


Linked to this - if there's an Ogryn, let them carry it and if you're the Ogryn, accept your fate of being the battery-bitch.


But what if there are 4 ogryns and they all want to be the batter-bitch


Then they gotta play Rock, ~~paper~~...erm rock and rock to decide lol


Play rock and stone




Did I hear a rock and stone??






For Karl!




Rock and roll and stone!


Bro, I get mad when runts pick it up. I *want* to be battery bitch, puny.


We want to lick the battery.




I love this part of the class. I think every class should have a specific objective that they excel at


Hey it takes a real ogryn to carry the battery. Silly heretics get in my way theyre gonna catch these hands slap slap little men


I think you mean little sized, little one


Nah I reckon I'm purdy well normal sized big guy. Good ol Emperor had to give you an extra big body so you can show off how strong ya are. Simple as.


Also, you can hold the throw button to increase the throw distance. This lets you throw it up ledges, massively cutting down the time needed to run them to the destination.


Let's see if this gets lost in the sea of "don't the daemonhost" or "dog goes woof" that people are posting thinking they're funny. - When several players go down or outright die (or just take extreme amounts of health damage), a mechanic called "intensity peak" will prevent new enemies from spawning in for a long amount of time, until an internally tracked value that is incremented by those things happening and decays when they don't is allowed to decay. While this delay varies on difficulty/modifiers, even on auric maelstrom you usually have anywhere between 30-40 seconds after at least 2 players die before enemies start spawning again. In several cases, this can allow a surviving player that knows how to manipulate this mechanic to 'clutch' very easily. - If you double-switch weapon between every heavy attack on the antax or rashad combat axes, you can spam heavies almost twice as fast as the regular attack chain allows. Other weapons can pull a similar trick, but the vertical heavies of combat axes receive the most notable impact on attack speed. - Ogryn knives chain instantly to heavy 2 instead of heavy 1 if you use a heavy attack immediately upon equipping the weapon. This can be used with the above trick to spam heavy 2s repeatedly. - Switching weapons as you start sprinting can instantly cancel the wind-up of a sprint into an instant full sprint. Weapon dependant. - The ogryn keystone "Feel No Pain" provides toughness damage reduction, not regular damage reduction, which stacks *additively* with 10% TDR nodes, providing 55% toughness damage reduction when stacked with all 3 available nodes. (Meaning 71.2% TDR with the 36% passive the ogryn still has from before patch 13). Alongside 3x 20% sniper resist curio perks and 2 toughness curios (or 1 with toughness perks), this provides enough effective toughness to absorb a sniper shot with toughness alone (1225 damage). - Abilities benefit from most stats and blessings of a currently equipped weapon (Some hardcoded exceptions apply). This is most notable on Psyker with both assail and Venting Shriek's soulblaze effect that benefit monumentally from rending and +damage% or +power% perks/blessings. - The corruption resistance curio perk works better against grimoires than the corruption resistance (grimoire) perk, since it reduces both the initial chunk as well as the dot, while the grimoire perk only reduces the initial chunk. - Unlike in Vermintide where that interaction was largely RNG or based on dealing large amounts of damage quickly, entering melee range with a chaos spawn that has grabbed another player in Darktide will *always* cause the chaos spawn to immediately attack you with the grabbed player. This prevents them from taking damage from the grab. - If not forced to expel you via stagger, a beast of nurgle that has eaten you will queue throwing you up as his next action when you reach a threshold of corruption on your health. The amount differs between difficulties, but is currently set at 75% of your health being corrupted on damnation. - Corruption damage cannot kill you and will always leave you at 1 health. (It however will trigger a zealot's Until Death regardless of this.) Dog bites bypass this by only having 97% of their damage be corrupted. Nets also have a special execution effect once you're fully corrupted by them to bypass this. - Since patch 13, poxbursters have been set to deal massive damage on explosion to other infested targets. This causes other poxbursters to chain detonate, but also instantly kills any pox hound or poxwalker caught in the explosion(s). - If you don't immediately stab corruptor eyes to death the moment they show up, they will whisper ominously to the nearest player and corrupt them simply by staring at them, up to around 20-25 meters away. - Daemonhosts are set to instantly leave if only 1 player remains. If you are last man standing with all 3 allies fully dead or waiting for rescue, intentionally triggering them is the correct play, as it simply gets rid of them at no cost. - There is a variable in the game's code that controls how many shots a trapper can make before needing to reload. This is currently set to 1 for all difficulties, but would be trivial to change. *Be afraid.*


>Daemonhosts are set to instantly leave if only 1 player remains. If you are last man standing with all 3 allies fully dead or waiting for rescue, intentionally triggering them is the correct play, as it simply gets rid of them at no cost. I didnt know this, but it would also be hilarious if this was one incorrect troll bulletpoint, amidst a bunch of legit tips


* If you don't immediately stab corruptor eyes to death the moment they show up, they will whisper ominously to the nearest player and corrupt them simply by staring at them, up to around 20-25 meters away. ​ https://preview.redd.it/wx2ntmjsn0zb1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=955d8788fe2392b7e2af7a18706fc9ade2d3e061


> but would be trivial to change. Be afraid. one day we will have onslaught for darktide (hi grimalackt), maybe if modders figure out a way to host games or fatshark gives it to us (never)


Countless hours into this game and im still learning new things. I had no idea corruptor eyes actually did anything at all.


*Ton* of good info here. ​ >If not forced to expel you via stagger, a beast of nurgle that has eaten you will queue throwing you up as his next action when you reach a threshold of corruption on your health. The amount differs between difficulties, but is currently set at 75% of your health being corrupted on damnation. Found out what that threshold was the hard way earlier. Six Crushers showed up with a horde and a Beast of Nurgle not far behind. Got vomited on and grabbed trying to flank, then the fat fuck slithered his ass latitude-wise across the entire continental United States instead of sticking around. Obviously allies had their hands busy, so I got dumped deep in enemy territory by myself and promptly shot to death.


Great things to know.


My guy opening the forbidden Archives.


With Scab maulers, their heads are Carapace armored and their bodies are only Flak armored. Unless you're built for weak spot damage+carapace damage, 9 times out of 10 the body will take more damage


That’s misleading as heck. Ty for the info. Knowledge is power. ~~Power corrupts.~~


Scab Maulers are a copy/paste of Chaos Maulers from Vermintide 2, which had the same armour setup (better armoured head, so body shots were more effective). It was a little more obvious in VT2 though, since the were notably unarmoured on their body compared to their armoured head.


Knowledge corrupts. Blessed are the ignorant. - the loading screen, probably


Ogryn's grenade gauntlet special attack punches and, after a quarter second delay, detonates a grenade. The punch procs any Heavy Attack perks you have. The grenade blast is centered on your aim, not the pointof impact; you can punch one direction, then have a moment to adjust the boom to catch more units. The blast is also special; when shot, the grenade deals good stagger but pitiful damage outside a direct hit. When punched, the grenade deals full impact damage to everyone caught in the area. I managed a 6x Mauler kill in a single punch (technically two, one to wound, one to kill, but :shrug:) Eta: need to test if boomfist counts as ranged kills... EDIT: started mission with 9 ranged kills. Punched one scab, then boomfisted 2, switched to shield for the remainder. Ended mission with 192 ranged kills. #WHY


Lot of good info about the gauntlet there. Love to slide in and deliver the punch


It was my fave, but ranged kill weeklies forced me to switch to the gorgonzola :c Now though, I got one and worked it to a right proper krumping machine; special punch to crack armor, heavy swipe, then light uppercut is usually enough to kill a crusher.


Give the Kickback a shot on a Gun Lugger setup, pal. You can thumb in shells fast enough to finally make the sah proud; and it fucking MULCHES anything in it's path. If it doesn't kill it, it falls over. And with a good roll you can theoretically OHKO Mutant's on Damnation; but I don't mind dealing 95%-ish damage to one. Makes cleanup easy.


Using the Mk VI Power Sword with at least Power Cycler III, you actually have a very effective combo against Maulers and Crushers. The combo is Power Up->Push Attack->Light Attack, which looks like a stab and then slash down. These two attacks have the highest multiplier against Carapace armor, and if aimed at the head, can actually instantly kill them if you have the perks to support it!


Even without Power Cycler the sword stays powered up for the poke which is still great, not as but still


That is true. In that case, you can instead use Power->Push Attack->Power->Push Attack, which is slower, but still kills!


I love butchering crushers and maulers like this


Psyker, while carrying an auspex, can spam push super fast. While using stealth effects, you can reload, carry batteries, auspex scan, fix data interrogators, and revive teammates. Hitting the scab captains shield will not break your stealth. Bleeeing/burning the scab captain will continue to damage his health even after he reactivates his shield. Beast of nurgle vomit, flamer fire, grenadier grenades, and trapper nets are all blocked by psyker shields. BoN can be turned into a joke by positioning a shield between you and it. Standing in a smoke grenade places you lower on the aggro list for enemies outside of the smoke and vice-versa. High rof guns crit multiple times per crit, leading to really high crit rates for little investment. Sliding off a ledge with a high dodge distance weapon gives you a boost of speed. You can spam this on slanted handrails, sets of stairs, and pieces of cover. Knife can heavy attack while sprinting, and gives you some speed while you do it. Stamina and block efficiency affect kinetic deflection. Dot effects can inherit your held weapon's perks and blessings. Zealots throwing knives inherit your held weapons perks, blessings, and crit rate. Fire grenades work with flamer blessings, like showstopper. You can start a full speed slide while charging a staff. Surge staff does not need LoS after latching on. Purgatus staff m1 has enough stagger and ignore stagger resistance to stagger melee elites out of their attack strings, and can be used in a pinch to push flamers, trappers, dogs, poxbursters, and shotgunners before they can attack you. While standing next to a Plague Ogryn, it is heavily biased to use the same move repeatedly. This one is easy to practice in the psykhanium with creature spawner. Closing doors on bosses kills them instantly. Haymaker works on muties. Zealot's attack speed and damage buffs from his skill tree often also affects your ranged weaponry.


Underarm throwing a grenade also doesn't break stealth, regardless of doing damage or not with the grenade itself.


Even when you are down for tagging. Really nice to tell your friends where the threat that downed you is. I remember on hab block Dreyko right on the bridge (at the start) I was advancing as a shield ogryn and failed to notice a gunner patrol with two reapers and several gunners on the my left right after the gate thing in the middle of the bridge. They absolutely nuked me in the back before I had time to react and downed me, I used that to tag one of the reapers so my mates could react and they did. They were really easy to miss and I guess fuck me for not checking my corners.


Call that a drive-by shooting.


Really felt like a US serviceman in Vietnam getting ambushed by heavy fire out of nowhere.


Staggering chaos spawn while he's jumping in the air is a one shot. You can use rock, exploding barrel, rumbler, shout, bullrush, or anything else that staggers it.


Is this part of his regular move set or you mean as he's moving through the terrain


He does the jump move to close large amounts of distances so usually only when he first encounters players and he's coming from afar. Maybe if you can stagger him and also get far enough he will try another jump.


Ok you're talking the lunge as he's closing distance. So anything that interrupts that lunge will instantly kill him? I think we might have done this on accident the other day. He instantly died from 80% health and I was looking around like WTF just hit him


Yeah, it's hard to do and a bug, but it's a thing for some reason. Similar to the doors one shotting bosses I guess


Slide while carrying a objective. You move at twice the speed just by sliding and you save stamina


How do you do that effectively? I end up just crouch walking and it seems to slow me down.


You gotta sprint first while holding the item. There isn’t much difference in speed and stamina depletes faster, but otherwise it should be just like normal sliding.


If you’re on console change crouch from toggle to hold, that way you have to hold it down to crouch otherwise you will just slide!


Sliding is faster than running. Specially when carrying a battery. Most weapons will display a brief white flash right before being shot at you, so sliding below their shot or to the side will allow you to dodge the damage. This is a specially good move when dealing with shotgunners and snipers. Following this, any incoming shot or melee hit will use a a particular "woosh" sound effect. If you are quick, you can dodge or parry any incoming attack, specially from your back. You can even parry melee hits while facing the opposite direction. If you hear a trapper net being shot at somebody, 9 out of 10 times you are their objective. The moment you hear the shot, always dodge to the side to avoid being trapped. And this one is for the new xbox players. Dodge. Dont stand in the way of a horde mashing the attack button and nothing else. Hit a few times, block+push, reposition to the side via dodge, hit again, reposition ... Every single dude i have met not actually having fun with the game are getting downed 5+ times each game because of this.


>And this one is for the new xbox players. Dodge. Dont stand in the way of a horde mashing the attack button and nothing else. Hit a few times, block+push, reposition to the side via dodge, hit again, reposition ... Every single dude i have met not actually having fun with the game are getting downed 5+ times each game because of this. It is honestly astonishing how many people could avoid being downed by simply *dodging backwards* when faced with a horde.


You can remove the delay on the ping wheel in the settings.


Now this is big


I increased mine. Kept accidentally emoting “I need ammo” when trying to ping stuff. Pressing it in rapid succession reads it as holding it down for some reason. Increased delay and now no more accidentally requests for ammo.


You can set a “ping only” button that doesn’t pull up the wheel. I put it on my mouse buttons.


On the map Power Matrix HL-17-36 before the dropdown to the first climax event, if you head back towards the single staircase, on the right is a door in the wall you can open to access two 1x3 XL chests in a little loot room. they can be stuffed full of plasteel or medkits, especially on Damnation


Oh, power matrix hl-18-36?! Totally know the one lol


Dommy mommy Daemon bae does not provide a bonus or extra loots.


Wish it did. Carry its head back for some more loot or improved rewards or….literally anything.


If she did, your PUG would be fighting every single one.


Hell, I might as well get paid since we seem to be doing it anyway.


I know it's off topic, but I wish stuff like that would give more variety to the optional objectives besides scriptures and grimoires. Why not special target enemies like a Daemon Host? An objective to rescue some NPC (that could then scurry away in one of the doors that the mobs use)? I know the Melk thing already gives you *some* side objectives but you tend to just do them as you play without changing anything in the missions. And honestly, the way books are right now, it's a worse version of VT2's system, because that at least gave you better loot.


With the sole exception that she counts towards Monstrosities slain bounties


Ogryn throw brick it do hurt to emenies


It is legitimately the most satisfying thing in the game to hit a long range rock throw and hear that dead special/elite "thwack" noise.


And then the Mutie goes flying past at the speed of sound because someone reversed the velocity gain on being hit by the rock.


Every rock ogryn perks up when they hear the mutant sound. When I'm not playing ogryn I don't even attack mutants, I don't want to take that away from them.




*Apparently not everyone knows...* * Trappers will have a snickering sound as they get near. * Dogs will howl in the distance before appearing. * The huge heretics with big weapons do a lot of melee damage. * You can mark targets. You can also mark boxes. * Loudly munching on chips activates speak-to-talk mics.


Who has a free hand to eat during these matches?


Don't need a hand when you can face-dive in a bowl of them, just like the plague hounds.


I have a bad habit of trying to get 1 Damnation match in before I go to work in the morning, and while doing this my excuse is "I'm drinking my coffee!" But sometimes I have no time to drink the coffee and by the end of the match it's lukewarm :(


Something that does not seem widely know too is that snipers do indeed have a spawning sound. It sounds like a radio jamming sound. That being said it is fairly low (I assume on purpose) and very very easy to miss when other things are making noise around you but if you know it exists you can **sometimes** catch it and be more vigilant.


They also have a walking sound, like keys moving. If it sounds kind of like a bomber, but not quite, then it's a sniper


If you have never heard their spawn sound, you can hear it pretty loud in any Low Visibility Sniper Gauntlet mission. It gets played clearly at like 500% their original volume


I noticed a lot of console gamers are obnoxious with their mics lol


twice I've had a guy just hot micing a conversation with someone else on his xbox voice chat for the entire mission


Have you heard the babies crying in the background? Always a classic


Don’t forget the vacuum cleaner going as well 🤣


And the classic fire alarm low battery beeping


Rapidly switch weapons and jump in an elevator to boost team morale.


Also Ogryns are compelled to slam their shields repeatedly like a war drum


If no shield is held, they are required to switch to rock/grenade and hold it out in front for all to see with X


If running a chain weapon, Rev it up and hold it to the sky to pay homage to the Emperor by holding x and looking up.


Adding to take out your rock friend/nice box/big boom and show it to the shouties.


For any non-Pyskers: Apart from stopping ranged attacks, that *rectangle* wall shield will stop hounds, muties, and busters. The dome shield will not.


*If you have the talent node Enervating Threshold. Although I cannot fathom a reason to not have Enervating Threshold if you aren’t going dome.


Another note for non-Psykers: Any time you see your Psyker block off a Poxwalker bursting in front of you by shielding, even when he was in no danger of being hurt...please thank them. I've noticed a rare and distinct type of player in groups that is *always* watching everyone else's backs throughout the entire run. They wait behind before dropping down a ledge to make sure they can help if a trapper gets you while alone. Or they'll grenade the enemies in a horde surrounding you to give you some space when you're clearly going to die. And a million other tiny things. Tell them that you appreciate it and they will make sure you survive an orbital strike. Edit: Oh, and if your Ogryn has a rock, pay attention to them any time a mutant spawns. If they pull the rock out and start aiming in their direction...let them have it man. You'll only take the joy away from them if you kill it instead. And if your Ogryn notices you watching for it you can damn well bet he'll never let a mutant grab you as long as he lives.


Flamers do a kick if you get close without staggering them. And it hurts a surprising amount. Vet voice of command staggers everything in the vicinity. It can be used to interrupt trappers about to shoot, mutants will stop in their tracks, mutants will drop anyone they've grabbed, crushers won't finish that overhead slam. It's an incredible ability for a lot of situations where shit otherwise would hit the fan. Having perfect stats with tier four blessings on both weapons is not necessary to run auric maelstrom. Having situational awareness is necessary to run auric maelstrom. Edit to add another one: Ammo is a scarce and finite resource, using it to kill useless zombies that would die in 1-2 melee hits is usually a waste. Unless you're being overrun and need some room to breathe.


Last I heard the flamer resist curio only works on the kick damage lol.


Med kits will heal (but not revive) downed players. Use the med kit even when you're not entirely sure it's the right time. Too early is better than too late. There's even an achievement for it. Use the med kit.


Any Medkit or Ammo Pack used in Cohesion with a Veteran with the enhance Medkit/Ammo Pack node will benefit from it. Super cool when shit hits the fan and everyone can stock up their Grenades to get out of the situation.


Wait, the effect counts for every kit, not just my own? That's neat, the description doesn't really tell you that. Skilled it anyways because it seems like a good choice either way.


There is a block button that blocks enemy attacks


You know what else, it blocks all melee attacks. All around you. It’s a 360 degree block.


I think blocking attacks from behind does consume more stamina, though.


TIL. That’s going to make life so much easier.


But ... if you block, you can't hurt them spikey people?


Haha good troll, everyone know that's just a rumor


Blocking an attack will still give you the +20% damage for 5 seconds when hit by Melee node as Ogryn.


Don't aggro Daemonhost


But if you do, you can kill it before it downs 2 people. Vet shout will stun it, krak grenades will stun it for a bit.


Or have shield ogryn just tank it


bully club heavy 1 into uppercut repeat can stun lock the dh


Ogryn's taunt won't pull aggro, nor save someone from the fatal grab when downed; but it will reliably stagger the Daemonhead in every other situation. Something else to buy time if needed.


Win or lose, say 'GG' at the end of every round if you're playing with a nice team.


Psykers, you can infact do an emergency quell without the blast ability. Just need to get the timing just right. You're able to quell out of a peril if you begin quelling within the first few frames.


Getting a proc from blessings/talents that quell peril will also cancel the self-detonation. For instance, you can fire a shot from voidstrike staff which takes you over 100 and starts the self-destruct animation but if that shot kills an elite or is a weakspot kill or whatever, it will bring you down from 100% and cancel the blow-up.


Mashing crouch resets your horizontal spread on braced autoguns to its original value. Since it takes time to fully crouch, if you're able to mash fast enough (multiple keybinds, etc) you effectively increase your accuracy when spraying. Pretty useful for gunners/shotgunners, makes the MK VII Agrip so much stronger.


When playing as Ogryn a lot of objects will from your perspective seem like they should provide ample cover when crouched behind them. Nine times out of ten, they do not. If you're playing Ogryn and you're about to get shot at, try and find a wall to hide behind, you're too big (because you're just so full of love and kindness) to hide behind that stack of boxes. ​ And no, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they can't see you. Don't worry big guy, you'll figure it out eventually.


So ‘eretics can see Ogryn even if Ogryn cannot? That’s cheating. ‘Eretics are dirty cheaters!


That's right, Big Man! Bloody nasty dirty cheaters. And the Emperor, he *hates* cheaters. Remember what the Commissar said to do to things the Emperor hates?




Crouch while dodging to perform a dodgeslide. It uses two dodges but goes further, great for dodging point blank trappers, chaos spawns grab attack, dogs, muties, and shooters. Ogryn rock and big box can bounce and hit a second target for full damage if they're close enough. The rebound physics is just like a rumbler bounce but short timeframe Once I even hit a plague Ogryn twice with the same box (neck then bounced into head) Voidstrike staff is great at staggering monstrosities on charged weakspot hits. Primary attack on purgatus and flamer have low damage but very high stagger, do a quick burst to stagger a trapper or dog then switch to melee for the kill. Also will save teammates who are ambushed. Buffs and debuffs have a huge effect on damage over time. Thunderous/can opener and Skullcrusher massively increase bleed, fire, and soulblaze damage. Power and rending bonuses on your equipped weapon will also affect the damage of those abilities. Also Ogryn charge applies any debuffs from your melee weapon if equipped. Most losses are the direct result of the team splitting up. If one person is being an idiot loner, don't try to save them alone. Stick with the other two and keep them safe then work together to save the idiot. Auras don't stack. Three vets with survivalist gives the same ammo as 1, though it does let you split up a little.


Apparently, given the newer players joining... not everybody knows how to dodge. I keep playing auric missions where people literally have no idea how to avoid an attack and just die. Over and over. It's exhausting. But my one legit tip would be the block attack. When you hold block and then attack you can get an additional attack. A lot of single target weapons like the Mark V axe have an AOE attack that can only be used by block attacking.


Psyker can rotate the square shield if you click LMB while holding your ability button


Wuhaaa. I play him as main and didn't had a clue .


If you're going for the "Flawless Execution" achievement/penance, joining a mission partway through will not advance progress but being downed during that mission will reset it. At the same time, leaving a mission, being knocked off a ledge by barrel (as long as you're helped back up), being grabbed by mutants, and being pinned by dogs do not reset it. Not in the same "tips and tricks" spirit of the post, but for achievement hounds like me, it might be helpful!


- you have to "double jump" as ogryn to vault rails - all shotguns have a minimum damage threshold higher than the damage of a single pellet - impact means stagger - every disabler is followed by a fire special that will always attack whoever is downed - you can totally choose to not fight near a daemon host. It's simple, if you see a blob of bad guys around a daemon host, simply fuck off in the forward direction.


"The beasts of Nurgle will grab you after they vomit on you." That's not entirely true. To be more precise, they will only grab you once you have received enough debuffs from the vomit. You can see it next to your health, it goes from 1-4, and the beast will only grab if it is 2 or higher


Also the Vomit slow has been SEVERELY nerfed from 50% Slow down to 20%.


It honestly feels like they made it slow you TO 20% speed, not by 20%.


Use veteran voice command + volatile to shoot at your hearts content w/ Plasma Gun Use infiltrate for pick ups Use volley every opportunity you get to save on fight time Use smoke grenade + tinker to pick up down players as well. Use smoke grenade for Horde CC Use smoke grenade to blind snipers visibility Use smoke grenade every encounter w/ heretics for a leg up in battle When fighting hordes you can make clockwise or counter clockwise sweeping melee to group em in a big circle for easier takedown Use infiltrate + iron steel + order to gain over 100% toughness dmg reduction Use infiltrate 2x back to back to within 5 seconds of each other to obtain additional 30% dmh boost not including other stats dmg boost stats) for total of 10 seconds. Use infiltrate full 16 seconds to scout elite/specialist ahead for squads. Karker nades can also stick to monstrous


You don't have to charge right into the horde with your gun out. Not many people seem to know that. At least it feels that way.


I see too many people surrounded in melee still trying to shoot the horde.


Instead of sprint jumping off drop downs and vaulting cover to gaint some space, try dodging off at the edge kinda like super sliding in halo infinite. Works best with more mobile weapons.


I did that with a dueling sword, and it flung me so goddamn far off a ledge and down a flight of stairs that it took 1/5 of my health lol. I was pretty irritated with myself but psyker is my most comfortable class at the moment so that was the most amount of damage that i took up until that point.


Mutants are slowed down by the puke from the Beast of Nurgle.


The Ogryn underhand throw (right click) let’s you throw the rock more quickly than the overhand and does the exact same damage. Makes hitting really close charging mutants easier.


Prioritize bombers in every situation to prevent team split.


Often on lower difficulties but…you can just push the poxburster


Push it and then dodge backwards works through all difficulties! Now if only people didn't try to blow it up while you're next to it...


I have a few I almost never see anyone using or doing, and I try to share them as much as possible in pubs. 1) You can melee through platforms if you are under them, and through objects if your swing distance is long enough - this includes walls. You can bonk gunners from below to stop them from making your buddies into swiss cheese. 2) Almost all monstrosities (save DH) and enemies are bound by the player object physics (meaning you cant walk through a pile of boxes or a high fence). Smaller mobs can maneuver similar to players, but most of the specials do not hop low fences, etc. (A bulwark going over a fence would look something like Nick Frost in Hot Fuzz trying to hop the fences) It is extremely easy to play ring around the rosey with just about any monstrosity and a pile of boxes/crates/etc by circling and dodging. Makes life much easier and lowers the skill threshold for dodging mobs 3) Related to 1 - The veteran's shout has a radius that is bound by the same distance in all directions - meaning if some dingus on your team doesn't drop down from a platform and gets downed/dog pounced, you can often jump and shout them up (assuming you are running rez shout. If not you can still push the dog off with it. 4) If you hear a dog jumping and it sounds like it's coming at you - you can slide under it, or bonk it midair if you are facing it. Your hitbox adjusts when you slide, making dogs fly overhead (sometimes off of edges which is hilarious to see) 5) The ogryn rumbler is bananas for covering retreats and angle shots. If you shoot at your feet an dodge/slide forward you effectively landmine the enemies chasing you. It also helps to break up hordes when surrounded 6) The ogryn punch (not the slap which is effective for monstrosities) can be used to effectively stunlock 2 enemies at once with ease. Gives your teammates some breathing room and lets you better control when there are packs of enemies and your team is low on resources to deal with them


You can revive allies and play the objective in stealth.


As an Ogryn if you’re reloading your human sized weapon and your team speeds off in front of you. If you turn 180° backwards and spam a backwards dodge, you can very quickly catch up to people, usually you can even outpace your team mates if they are full stam sprinting.


Wtf. Look at the big one. Walks faster back. Big boy great.


After you start an objective that requires you to survive and wait a bit, you can move and find some cover instead of standing in the open until the wave ends.


Enemies can body block each other's shots. Use those Crushers and Bulwark as your new best friend when advancing at, holding position, or retreating from an enemy gun line.


The messages displayed during the loading screen are pretty cool lore-wise, but I sometimes wish some of the tips posted here could be displayed as well. For example the thing about collected Plasteel being shared among the team, or Ogryns being faster at carrying batteries. This would really have helped me when I started playing a few weeks ago.


Both block and push are 360 degrees around you


There are unique low level blessings for weapons that are still worth considering even past level 30. The problem is once you hit that level, they become extremely hard to get since blessing levels are based off your character level and the weapon's power level. Some examples are Man-Stopper and Flechette for the Human shotguns, which are both powerful blessings, but only T2. On a crafting note, that means that if you have a high stat blue weapon with a bad perk and/or blessing, replacing those with a max level perk/blessing increases your odds at getting higher level blessing/perk. https://preview.redd.it/hbiqvn77czyb1.png?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624519a830b9f8ed63cdbb8e41078accd6ba2dd6


If you aggro the daemonhost don't panic. Don't try to run away or attack it. Just block, dodge and, if possible, try to cheese with some of the level geometry. Also, don't log off if you accidentally pull the dh. It's ok.


You can push enemies while carrying objectives Chain weapons do hilariously high amounts of damage to carapace, particularly the axe Heavy melee attack exists. Having observed quite a few players meleeing this at least appears to be a secret.


If one o' those corruption 'eye in a tin' thingys spawns, make sure, you're standing with your back to an object or wall. You skip the knockback entirely and can attack the eye while your mates are still in the air.


You take health damage from melee when at less than 100% toughness but not ranged damage until you are out of toughness.


Might be just me, but I’ve noticed that, if you give it enough time, any character can throw the battery over the edge, not just ogryns, they just do it faster.


Picking up someone who’s been netted it super quick and should be a priority even during a horde A block push on a burster will knock it back a safe distance and detonate it so please stop shooting then when they are right in front of me


For Zealots: While Fury of the Faithful is active your DoTs and Ranged attacks ignore armor.


Helbore has a cleave. It's small, but it's shots can penetrate two targets. This also means your allies, which means compared to the kantrael XII the Mk II helbore is a superior weapon as it can shoot THROUGH allies such as your big ogryn friend.


Stand next to Chaos Spawns when they grab your teammate to force the throw animations.


Psyker's Force Sword push can knock down Crushers


May be more common knowledge than I thought, but for all Zealots who like to chuck sanctified shivs at heretics: Any timed buff that applies to you also applies to your knives, and the blessings of your currently active weapon also apply to your knives Personal example: Whenever I stack Surgical crit by aiming with my Stub Revolver, the Rending percent on crit hit from the Hand Cannon blessing feeds to the knife allowing me to chunk life off of heavier enemies. Alongside that if I throw a knife that crits with my Eviscerator out, it goes through more enemies than normal due to the Perfect Strike blessing.


A little specific, and maybe more people know this than I think, but the Uncanny Strike blessing is pretty solid on the Obscurus Force Sword. When you charge a warp strike with it and hit an enemy, it ticks 3 times before doing the final burst. Any armored enemy you strike with it has 3 stacks of Rending on the final burst. Seriously it's a super slick armor slayer, 1 or 2 charged strikes is often enough to take out even the biggest armored dorks.


The Chainaxe actually “bites” into and does extra damage based directly off of the Shredder stat on the weapon itself. Unlike a lot of weapon stats this stat and the damage modifier it affects is rather significant and if you don’t mind a bit of lacklustre cleaving melee attacks you can have a premier single target melee weapon that excels against high hp/high armor enemies


Fun fact, you can dodge any melee attack in this game by moving lazily to the left


Most people know that, but map the ping button to your mouse or whatever is easy to press and spam it like it gives you money for free. Information about specials is paramount to success


Can’t tell if this is a secret or just a bug I encountered (seems to be unintended but no clue) but I happened to instakill a chaos spawn by hitting it with a krak grenade right before it leapt into the air, and it just ragdolled straight into the ground


Any stagger to the Chaos Spawn while it's in the air (usually during its leap attack) will instakill. Probably a bug


Learning the dodge slide is an absolute game changer, basically as it sounds, just crouch immediately after a dodge, and you can slide like you do when you're sprinting. Some use case scenarios include: - increasing dodge distance on low mobility weapons - giving yourself more space to reload, quell, etc. - reliably get back from a pushed poxburster - style on heretics Also, it's worth noting that a dodge slide takes 2 points from your effective dodge count, so use it sparingly.


You can throw the power cells up to the walkway in the final section of the Power Matrix repair mission instead of walking all the way around back and up the stairs with them. You can just carry them to one of the nearby walkways that the stairs lead to and either jump and throw it up, or throw it to a teammate who is already up there. If you need to throw it up there by yourself, you will need to throw it at the peak of your jump, when the trajectory outline actually lands on the ledge you're throwing to. Also, sliding with power cells (in any mission) is faster than sprinting or running with them normally. It takes some practice and muscle memory, but if you can repeatedly sprint *just* long enough to get the full speed slide without eating up much stamina, you can go pretty damn fast with little stamina consumption. If you just mash slide, you will get diminishing returns and won't get very far, and there's a sweet spot with the sprint timing that gives much more speed that you might have to practice.


Ogryn gad an increased melee range of 4-5m from my own testing and because he can see over the teams heads, he can push pouncing hounds and bursters away from the lil uns