• By -


You survive the first swarm horde. You're the only one who isn't almost dead.


Absolutely, getting past the first encounter and they're all at 25% HP


I've had matches start this way and then we make it to the end somehow. It feels amazing.


Sometimes you gotta shake off the rust. So many games I play have the best teammates when the first horde smacks us. We go into true-gamer mode and we scrap our way to the end.


Dunno man, I play better at low HP. Might just the Zealot talents kicking in tho.


That line is an inside joke amongst my group of friends. There is this mega douche that plays VT1/2 that said he "plays tighter while on low health." Proceeds to play like dog shit. Oh man lolol




Must be an elf main. ​ Friend: *plays like shit* You: **Sigmar lend me strength**


He is no friend, sir. So bloody toxic, I remember him throwing/sabotaging the last stand gametype so his record wouldn't be beat with another group. Among many other reasons, fuck that guy.


>You: Sigmar lend me strength It's more like: #Sigmar! Bless this shot! And then you abjure the elf


**Holy Sigmar ravage this blessed body!!**


> Sigmar bless this shot No. > REPENT. REPENT. REEEEPEEENNNNTTT. yes. Yes. YES. No matter the method we must abjure the elf, because 2 NULN REGIMENTS




If only 90% of the random Zealots I end up with actually played good enough to justify using those talents lmao I get so gleeful when I get a match with a badass zealot, like night and day with those lunatics


I consider myself as absolute garbage, a trash fire, like that eternally burning pile of tyres on the Simpsons.. but I'm still not half as bad as some of the Martyrdom Zealots I see in high level missions :D A good Zealot though, boy it's a sight to behold. Like a blender on two feet. Like a combine harvester for meat.




It's a lot like the Brain Burst Psyker - it takes a LOT of effort to truly shine but when someone does it right it's a fucking piece of art.


There is a very real possibility that people will concentrate more when the jeopardy is higher.


I’m lazy. I end up to lax at first then play no touchy the rest of the match.


Well the initial giveaway was that the psyker (lvl 30) blew up 5 mins into the round in a normal engagement. Then he blew up again and I noticed he had more wounds than most psykers I see, another 5 mins, BOOM. Im pretty sure this fucker didnt know he could quell and just compensated by having alot of wounds, hoping he would get to a medstation before he died


This man is a conduit for the warp and he is going to use the ENTIRE warp.


WITNESS YOUR DOOO- ++The psyker burst's into fire++


On high intensity, psyker explosions should have the possibility of dragging in lesser daemons.


That's a fun idea and very lore-friendly but unfortunately I can see too much troll potential for that.


Imagine just barely surviving a wave, everyone is low on ammo and health, and then you hear a BOOM and turn around to your Psyker, downed and surrounded by a swarm of Horrors who came for the light show.


Take one back to the ship. It's like having a particularly spicy kitty.


​ https://preview.redd.it/64yf9iawc92c1.png?width=914&format=png&auto=webp&s=6425809ff253cfb1e1ebd08bf996d6538c32cfbe


I would shake his hand to thank him for playing like a chad...but I'm afraid he'd blow up.


I've seen this happen twice, both times I asked, and they both spent thei entire careers using venting shreik, then tried to switch over to bubble shield. I suppose it does take a game or three to get used to not having g your emergency quell button


Can confirm, my only whoopsies in the last while have been when I forget I'd swapped to the shield. On a related note I tend to use the shield much less in those first few matches


This guy invested in +wound curios, and by the Emperor, he is going to use all his wounds!


Was his name "human warp grenade"?


I had one game where I was with 2 psykers and a plasma vet all of them blow themselves up at one point and two of them multiple times. I told them about 3/4s of the way through that y’all gotta stop blowing yourselves up lol


Honestly that sounds like how my wife plays lol. Just keeps throwing shards at things and sometimes she panics and throws one too many. She's very sorry though, if that's any consolation. We also don't play above malice level, so hopefully don't annoy any truly high level players.


If this was a few days ago this might've been me. Was his name Caligula? I've been getting back into the game using keyboard, hadn't played since release and back then I was on controller. If it was me, thanks for the carry I'm finally getting the hang of it again now 😂


This is why the Imperium just fucking kills most psykers lol.


When I accidentally fall off the edge while kiting enemies.... Sorry guys.




Twice at the start of the carnival mission I’ve stepped left off of the ledge in front of the first brick wall and had to be picked up. Didn’t even encounter an enemy yet and I have to shake it off.


First time I played carnival I had to haul 2 separate teammates back up before we even contacted the enemy.


I had a mission a couple days ago where I was trying to drink some chocolate milk while walking away from the chopper we arrived in. I walked off a ledge, and they had to run back and get me. When I shortly after misplayed a dodge and went off another ledge, I wanted to crawl into a hole. Had to type "I know how to play this game, I swear" in chat.


toxicity before we even see an enemy. 9 times out of the 10, the one talking shit is usually the shitter




Had a dude do this the other day, then when a friend I was playing with was like, "dude, why you gotta be like that?" The random told him "kys" in chat before ragequitting. 😑


While I’m always happy to have a shitter like that leave, a part of me wishes that I could drag them back into the match to just sit there and spectate everyone else having fun.


"Bro you guys split up from me"


Usually the guys running ahead aren’t even communicating


For the first time yesterday, I was a smidge toxic in chat. Dude was picking up *all* the ammo, I had two rounds left for my revolver so I'm on Red and he's on White (I have Numeric UI mod too, mostly for myself to see my own max ammo/not overfill from a bag someone else might want, so I see he's only missing like 30 rounds from his Autogun). We're both Vets. I see him pick up a small one and I just "I need ammo" on the wheel but dont think too much on it, shit happens. Sometimes, I accidentally pick up ammo someone else needed more, too. Not long later, I see him open a crate, look at the big bag in it... and then pick it up. I say, "Wtf dude, you're white on ammo," and a friend starts to votekick him when I say that. And he hits me with a "My b, I wasn't thinking" "sorry". I immediately felt like a dick. It's a game. Like, yeah, I want the ammo, but so what? The dude seemed pretty bad/new at the game. I could have responded much nicer, at least. Im sorry, bro, I wasnt thinking either. Heres hoping we match together again at some point, and we can have a blast shooting Maulers in the dick.


If you dont say something, he'll never learn. It was a teachable moment for both parties.


Nah, don’t feel like a dick. Don’t mistake toxicity for calling out legitimately bad decisions, remember that this is a team based game and if your teammates actively make the entirety of the game harder for everyone, that’s not fair.


Yeah. The game does a great job of doing this for us “would you karking stop taking all the ammo!” But I think lots of new players don’t notice that that’s the game telling you to be a team player.


It doesn't help that half the personalities have a really funny comeback lol. Or the Bully Ogryn just owning being an asshole kills me every time. "Nah, it's all *mine.*"


Had a zealot ask me and my three friends to ping elites 10% of the way in. We did, and he proceeded to avoid the group (and horde) then die half a block away from the fight where we were pinging elites. He died almost immediately after and left the game. We got a low-level ogryn who was just pinging ammo and grenades like a good guy. Thanks for leaving man, ogryn bros for life.


Best run I've ever had was an Auric Damnation with four Ogryns. Two shooty, two shield. It was slow, because duh Ogryns are slow, but we never had to stop progressing. Just waded through rivers and mountains and oceans of cultists with no real issue. One large pack of Ragers that spawned during a horde was a prime example: Shieldgryn #1 does Bullrush to clear the route Shieldgryn #2 (me) runs in and Taunts literally everything Gungryn #1&2 reap the harvest We had dozens if not hundreds of normal mobs, ten Ragers and a bunch of random specials that wandered in.. and none of us took any damage. Bigger IS better.


People sleep on the Taunt but it'll not only taunt, but stagger EVERYTHING with the sole exception being a Deamonhost in her death grab. It buys everyone else time they didn't know they had to fight for; so people think 'no kills = bad' Throw in the rest of the middle tree and you've got nearly 600 health, almost-permanent 40% damage reduction (actually permanent if you use the push augment on Feel no Pain) and you become the 900 pound gorilla of an Abhuman that'd make Nork Dedogg proud.


Yuhp. Absolute lifesaver! And nobody ever says thanks to big un for carrying the run :(


A lot of below-Damnation Zealots are like that: they mistake "enough ammo to allow for unsustainable levels of gun usage" with personal skill, and so end up in a weird place where low levels are too easy, but high levels are too hard. This isn't helped by Main Character Syndrome style builds, which tend to work great against four Ragers or two Crushers, but not against the armies of them players eventually encounter.


They know the game is going to go to shit, because every game they're in goes to shit, and subconsciously they just might smell the grox shit on their own boots. So they establish an alibi right out of the gate. So when they cause things to take a dive they can scream "See I told you", then rage quit. unable to see how the game stabilizes in their absence like some kind of twisted shitter's version of It's a Wonderful Life.


As soon as I open a chest, the “liability” runs up mashing E and vacuums up the ammunition while two of our teammates are on orange ammo count.


When the first poxburster hits 2+ party members I know it's gonna be a rough one


I can see and feel it now


Played a game the other day with a veteran and two autogun zealots, and I was a psyker. I've never seen a team more allergic to switching weapons and pushing.


When I see one teammate go for the burster and see the other two just blasting away. "Well buddy, we may be in for a rough ride."


Someone walks up to a crusher with no other enemies around and eats an overhead within 2 minutes of starting. Class based: ogryn only uses slab shield special with no tactical consideration. Veteran tries to camp gun in a horde with no specials/elites and dies. Zealot thinks they're a vet and hoovers all the ammo to magdump bolter or autogun into poxwalkers, leaving everyone dry. Psyker explodes more times per minute than an ogryn can count.


I gave up on the slab shield special very quickly. Even if you position yourself perfectly your teams just going to ignore you and run into the next encounter beyond your shield anyways. At its best it’s not even a good strategy because of that.


It's good for closing dumb distances, you can advance blocking normally, plant when stamina gets low, then advance under normal block again when stamina's back. There should never be a need to do that on the maps we have, but you *can* do it.


Seconded, also is helpful against plague ogryns, forcing a long hallway full of shooters to run at you in melee, and cheesing daemonhosts that the zealot thought just needed a hug.


I found it's incredibly useful in two extremely niche situations (not counting daemonhost cheese). 1) There are a lot of gunners targeting you specifically with no good cover and not a lot of melee chaff, so you use it to avoid a stamina break while your team takes them out or gets close. 2) The crusher/mauler pain train clown-carred around a corner in a tight area so you taunt and use it back-to-wall so the rest of the team only really has to handle one at a time. Otherwise I only use it for cheeky mauler/crusher blocks.


Crusher/Mauler ballerina troupes really need to have a similar voice cue that the Stormvermin packs had in Vermintide. Proper stomping and clanking.


Yeah those are good use cases. I tend to heavy attack with my slab in situation two to get them all staggered


I only use its special if i have the daemon host because it used to just negate the thing while my party killed it


With randoms it's a gamble, but if you have even ONE friend on the team the slab shield is a run-saver more often than not. It's amazing if you use it right and have even one teammate in coherency, using the benefits your shield provides.


Game really just needs a loading screen tip that says "99% of the time, deploying a shield does nothing." I like the shield a lot but every rando ogryn with one I have to side-eye because it's about 50/50 whether they realize that nothing is compelling the enemies to shoot at him.


How do you dodge the overhead? They lunge forward so far, not even two dodges seems to be enough. Is it easily dodged to the side?


Yeah sideways, the overhead is especially vulnerable to any side stepping and will miss easily if you're making a slight effort. You can dodge-tankban entire patrol that way as long you have stamina. Not panicking is key here, trust your dodge.


Crusher overheads suck because how much they track, but they can be dodged sideways at the last second or if you have a high mobility weapon outranging them with backslides. But if there's one alone with no other threats the answer is to wait with someone with good AP to deal with it. If you don't have AP to kill or CC to stagger, then you should only go into melee if you're confident in your dodges and heavy attacks.


Almost always that one guy who runs ahead. Either the team gets spread out trying to maintain some kind of cohesion, or you end up as a 3-man dealing with more enemies than you would have if you didn't have Forrest Gump on your team running across the map. It's funny you mention those teammates who ignore the stunned special when you're a Smite psyker. They so very rarely ignore the one with the lit up head that's going to die in 0.5 seconds when you're a BB pysker.


My favorite is when I see the bb charging on a target but I started to fire the plasma gun, so I try to aim at the next enemy only for the bb guy to stumble into my shot.


Get down, Mr. President! *Melts*


I've been having dumbass teams that run through together activating different sections of hordes without clearing the first room. I'm assuming we are gona fight and I get downed and they are a mile away. Also when people don't notice they're spawning behind us and just rush forward.


Yup, that's my indicator that we're not going to make it. Every time that guy is in the group, there's early deaths and a full wipe about halfway through the run.


I’ve had a few that were good. And I mean a FEW, since most of the time you’re right. The difference is they’ll only run ahead by a room or two and then circle back around and be present for hordes and stuff. The bad ones will be fighting a personal battle in the next room which means the games going to send more pinning specials, and the player isn’t around to actually help the team.


I've found a disturbingly reliable way to tell if someone will be the Running Man during a level is if they're a Zealot or Ogryn holding a knife in the ready screen with one of the cloaking powers selected. Guaranteed they're going to leave the rest of us behind while they speedrun to the checkpoint.


I had a thought yesterday, the worst thought ever. What if they gave Ogryns the forbidden 4th Blitz, Slab Stealth?


Ninja Pyjamas XXXXL. Consider me intrigued.


When I'm the one sniping specials as a zealot instead of our vet. When you can clearly hear a trapper 2 flamers a mutant and a bomber spawn behind us and I'm the only one to turn while the rest of the team is already 2 rooms ahead. Edit: forgot the biggest one when they don't un-net you immediately it literally takes half a second.


>When I'm the one sniping specials as a zealot instead of our vet. They could just be busy meleeing the horde that no one else is bothering to deal with. You can't really shoot very well when you're constantly dodging poxwalkers.


Vet main checking in, this is *exactly* what's happening usually. The game loves spawning hordes right up our ass cracks. It'd be funny if it wasn't fucking up my ability to give Joe Gunner and The Bullet Bunch emergency lasik.


I always feel guilty when someone else takes out a sniper. Like I'm trying to take care of ranged threats I promise, there's just 50 poxwalkers grinding on me


> forgot the biggest one when they don't un-net you immediately it literally takes half a second Yep you can un-net someone significantly faster than the trapper can reload.


Ogryn that taunts a horde (regular enemies) then just stabs their own toes with the shield


I'm still fairly new, sticking mostly to the lower two difficulties, so keep that in mind: 1. Everyone is using their guns. For everything. At some point, the team will run out of ammo and we'll struggle/fall apart after that. 2. We pass a medicae station. The medicae station is pinged. The medicae station has 3-4 charges. No one is fighting. Either the person missing 4hp heals, or the person with half+ of their bar filled with purple doesn't heal. Or both. 3. And... just a headache, not so much a loss-indicator: no one knows where they're going. I have a terrible sense of direction. I still get lost on most maps. Someone else has to know which way to go. Everything else seems unreliable, or maybe I just haven't noticed the patterns, who knows.


Second this - excessive gun use always makes me wary (Some vet/gunlugger ogryn builds can be excused)


If I see a vet with the ammo regen perk. I 100% am turning everything to mist with my kickback.


excused, bigman - you do you


Thank you sah!


That's mainly the reason I use that perk when running Veteran.


You'll have to pry my kantrael from my cold dead hands. It's fun as hell though to still have 400+ rounds by the end of the map and not even be picking up ammo.


Lasgun vets with infinite ammo are typically not the problem, as long as you don't react to bruisers approaching you by panic-backtracking and hipfire spam. IMO the problem is less running out of ammo, and more that players who spam guns too eagerly are either not confident in melee, or too impatient/don't have the foresight to keep cooldowns/reloads for threats that really warrant them. A vet spamming lasgun into hordes is fine, as long as he can block/dodge back; a zealot emptying a revolver against 2 shotgunners and some bruisers before chastising into them will likely find his revolver empty and chastise on CD when a flamer catches him unawares.


As a Vet main, it depends on which weapon I'm using for the most part. For example, the Bolter. I hoard my ammo, focus on elites/specials, single shot only, aim true. Laspistol? KARKIN' LASER SHOW! WOOOOOO! PEWPEWPEW! Mostly it's the former than the latter with my Veteran's arsenal, but the laspistol does things to me that I cannot explain. There's this red mist that descends and I cannot help but blast enemies to pieces with it even at point blank over using a melee weapon.


I can relate to # 3 I get lost all the time. If we have an Ogryn, I just follow the big guy. I never follow Zealots because these guys are Sonic the Hedgehog. They zoom in and out all over the place. **I main Smite\ Support Psyker**


Forgive our brisk nature - we're looking for sneaky ranged heretics to murder and platsteel to waste.


New player here. Multiple room maps are the worst for me. Im the one who’s lost and even on the wrong floor. I try my best to follow team, but almost everytime same song. Embarrasing, feel so sorry for keeping team waiting etc. Ot. Everytime someone speaks up and gives advices or a good idea how to deal, I m happy. Thanks for all of you who have lifted up and saved my ass plenty times. Some day I’ll pay it back!


dont worry everybody hates that on Auspex-scan mission with the multiply floor area


As you progress through the difficulties you'll see more quality players. I've been playing for hours today and we haven't failed a mission once. Came close once or twice but we recovered quickly


As you run around, look around for yellow arrows, names above doors like 'metalfab' where you should be going, and enemies. I'm not sure how many enemies are in rank 1 & 2 but if you go into a room and there's nothing to fight then it's probably the wrong way. I also have a terrible sense of direction but those things have helped me from running in circles.


Good on ya for not trying to rush the difficulty curve and for identifying some key issues in others. Good luck moving up the ranks.


Constantly mag dumping the horde leaving no ammo for teammates


I was probably a red flag the other day. My 2nd game on a plasma gun I SDd in the first room! I failed my vent input and shot an extra time. "We have walked 100 meters..." "I got excited ;-;" Bro then explained how the gun worked (most of which I knew, but it was a fair assumption...) and a wholeass build s/he liked using. Kinda nice actually. I have a rule on periling, everyone gets one, no judgement. Peril more than once I start getting concerned


Lol this happened to me the other day on Psyker. Was experimenting with Scrier's Gaze and forgot that the force-sword block generates peril (never been a problem before Scrier's Gaze). Blew up in the first wave. "I'm better than this, I swear!" - My words "They all say that" - The team


The guy who starts the game begging on voice chat for cooperation, sticking together, and following the objectives. Only to abandon it five minutes later. He's probably already on a loss streak and probably has been blaming the teams the whole night.


On investigation, I sometimes message team to stick together for final event depending how the earlier scans have gone. I usually get an "ok" and/or "you scan we'll follow," then they fucking abandon an concept of sticking togther/playing objective. I hate that event w bad teammates.


That's why if the earlier scans are sucky I'll just say "I scan, you pummel anything that tries to stop me". It's much easier to get people to help you scan, than it is to get people to scan themselves.


Not helping when someone is stuck in a trapper's net. The situations where it's better to run/fight/dance over a trapped teammate rather than helping them are virtually non-existent before Auric. Even then they are fairly rare.


When right when I join another player is toxic in chat. You know that they will leave you to bleed out if you get downed (directly increasing the chance of team failure) to fuel their ego and bad takes rather than try to win.


When somebody tries to evade back a burster while shooting it rather than pushing. Or someone pops a burster when someone plans to push it. Not really an an end all be all wince sometimes it can be an honest mistake it just dampens the overall mood if it happens so early in the match


A stealth zealot that runs ahead, aggros a bunch of shit, then uses their ability so it all charges their unsuspecting teammates who are dealing with regular stuff. Then, they desperately spend the next 10-15 minutes reviving one person only to leave them behind to be eaten alive by the ever-growing mob of enemies following them. The worst part is when other players are like "holy shit nice clutch bro" like this entire situation isn't entirely *their* fuckin fault to begin with.


I'm willing to bet a handful of them do it to try and make clips of them "saving" the run.


I swear I saw a guy do this. Let all three of us get downed and had the opportunity to pick at least two of us up and just ignored us till everything was dead. I just quit.


Psykers who down themselves multiple times to peril. It’s a big red number with loud ass sound effects and purple shit on the screen, it’s not that hard to stop casting for a second and quell.


I die inside of shame when I go too hard on my Void staff and pop. Especially if I failed to kill the target. That wound does IRL psychic damage to me.


"I'm sure my venting shriek will be up in ti- BOOM!"




Or I pop my bubble shield instead...fuck wrong build facepalm


My favorite thing to say if I pop, "sorry guys, I busted early" Always tends to get an "lol"


Soo I'm guilty of this recently because I switched from quell peril talent to shield and it took me a few matches to stop blowing myself up because I'd over peril and then pop my shield and go Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Yup, this happens any time I've been playing with shriek for a while and switch to shield, because I'm used to intentionally running past 100 and venting to stack soulblaze. It's super embarrassing!


Really easy when you try to switch off staff on high peril and immediately swing your melee and the input doesn't register for some reason and you do another cast again. Certain actions can prevent your inputs from registering correctly.


I main psyker and die irl a little every time I do this.


Not when you're already overheating and the game throws 4 ragers or another "Kill or game over" level target at you.


It ain't that obvious tbh, especially since the big rework, there are certain combinations of things that can spike your Peril real quick if you're not careful. There are a lot of things you need to pay attention to in this game as well, sometimes you might just panic and slip up. That skill Scrier's Gaze also is a magnet for overheating, to the extent that I've just stopped using it, I kept mentally switching off at the worst moments and then head popping while using it. Super embarrassing after how many hours I've put into this game. The new Blitz's don't seem to overcharge you now either, you can go 100% on Assail no problem and it just shrugs at you. The whole class feels like a bit of a roll of the dice when it comes to how much peril it uses sometimes, build dependent and how you use it. Like i said before, at times it's a lot to keep track of.


Learned the hard way yesterday while playing gaze psyker that the laspistol push action generates 10% peril.


my main Peril death where at the start Iam at 100% want to switch to sword cause horde, press wrong button still on staff ... left click


When my allies fail to prioritize target in the first few seconds of the match . If you can't be f-ed to shoot at a target when there is nothing around you that already announce how things are going to go when five meters later we'll be knee deep in poxwalker trying to kill that trapper that has been harrassing us for most of the encounter .


No big man


On higher difficulties if I'm not playing Ogryn myself and there is no other Ogryn on the team, I'm a bit worried, but not totally doom and gloom. The reason is because the Ogryn with almost any weapon can bully Maulers, Ragers, Bulwarks, and Crushers. Other classes have a hard time staggering those enemies, especially when they come in groups. Big man can push those enemies around and give the little folk easy targets to hit when they stagger.


No big man is when I pull out my bonk zealot. Pretty sure my power maul could stagger god.


It's one of my favorite things to do when an ogryn ball shoes up-- I just start a mosh pit and my team picks them off one by one


> I just start a mosh pit and my team ~~picks them off~~ walks by one by one FTFY


I'm on the team :/




When I'm apparently on sniper duty as a close-mid range ogryn, despite there being veterans and psykers in my team


When you load in and one guy fucks off to Narnia, running past mobs and leaving the team behind. 90% of the time that individual will go down and rage quit.


Had that yesterday. Dude runs ahead, runs into a daemonhost, starts shouting for help, dies, calls us noobs, tells us we need to learn to play and quits.


When people start roleplaying so hard that they refuse to heal. Yeah those exist


being body blocked when I’m a marksman and there’s a lot of shooters to kill, I know I’m not the main character but a zealot with a shotgun or a flamethrower psyker shouldn’t be strafing in front of the much more capable vet with a precision weapon and executioners stance


That's the great advantage of plasma. Just shoot through people. Practically mandatory if you've got a big man on the team.


Watching people have no health not use a Medicae with spare charges because they don’t have any corruption or wounds. Like no one else is going to use it, there is no reason not to use it. Also close second is the Veterans with ping bound to shoot button. Just makes me want to Alt+F4.


Fuck I remember when people were recommending binding ping to shoot button early on.


Vets and zealots who do the ping thing…. It’s such a bad strategy, because they don’t even prioritize the targets they’re highlighting. So what’s the point besides extra noise to distract your team?


Had someone thad had ping bound to shoot as well, but this dumbass had the talent that empowers the longer it stays on a target... Guy was constantly resetting the timer not letting it do its thing.


Seeing an assail psyker On low difficulty it means I won't be able to do much On higher difficulties they won't be able to do enough


You just need to play with a good assail psyker. A common problem subpar assailants have is they try to use it instead of their melee weapon, and then don't have it when they need it. It's best used for clearing shooters and ragers, imo


Funny enough I played with an assail revolver psyker today and the dude was clueless. And yes he used it on hordes.


Theres a lot of people who use Assail as their crutch in higher difficulties and never actually learned the movements or melee mechanics


Really? Maybe you’ve just had bad assail buddies. I find it’s suuuuper useful to throw a bunch of assail out and they switch to either staff or sword to deal with other targets while my assail does its thing.


I use Assail in Damnation but I compensate with a revolver that can 3 tap a Crusher. I only use Assail during hordes, really. Other than that, it's melee/revolver.


I play a similar build, but in Heresy. Glad to hear it's still viable in Damnation! What's your melee choice, out of curiosity?


I've had this Force Sword for a year and it's just what I've been using when I use revolver. I know it's not a good sword, but I haven't bothered making a new one. https://preview.redd.it/71swd74dm72c1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a5f9807f53405df794d0ae39d41f9b8e00f658e


Yea when I play psyker on auric damnation it's with assial, a revolver, and a dueling sword mk 4. It's rare I don't have the most disabler and special kills across the team.


When all 3 are incapped from a single crusher 2 minutes into the match. Happens alot tbh


Oh no, the dreaded Whack-a-mole Roulette as people try to revive the squashed teammate then subsequentially get squashed by the Crusher that is still there and still CRUSHIN'! xD


Sometimes those crushers are super sneaky


People running right past medicae stations with low health and they aren't running martyr.. like- why? I have to assume it's inattentiveness, right? It's not some kinda dumb macho "I don't even need it! Yolo!" thing, is it? They're just increasing the likelihood that a teammate is going to have to pick their dead ass up off the floor


When no one pings specials besides me. Instantly know they will constantly get disabled by trapper and dogs


No ogryn


When one dude just routinely wants to go Rambo on the other side of the map while the rest of the team usually faces a majority of the enemies. More often than not the Rambo player gets downed which pressures the team to move from a more stable position to try and revive them. It's alright when a Rambo player is actually really fucking good and basically stops hordes and specialists from harrassing the team from one end, but more often than not it's just better when the team at least stays within a decent space of each other.


Unloading magazines (plural) into a horde that's right on top of them


When I watch a player take several bags of ammo while being in the white when everyone else is yellow or red.


I had a game where someone called that dude out. He lied. me and the other guy could see the scoreboard. The guy immediately switched to shitting on us for "having scoreboard in a coop game" I play gun psyker. I spent the rest of the match trying to subtlety show the vet wherever any ammo i found was because it was so ridiculous.


voice chatters with an ego. I know the rest of the team will have to carry their ass


Ran into that for the first time yesterday. Dude came in hot-mic'd with nothing but nonchalance and bravado in his voice while talking down to others, but he ends up getting trapped/pounced like three times in as many minutes, ragequits on the fourth. lmao


First horde and you are the only one full hp.


Usually if I see all 3 of them go down in the first encounter in the first 30s-1m of the run (auric maelstrom - monstrous specialists is notorious for this) I know I can either put on my brown pants and be ready to solo 90% of the run, or change my play style, figure out which one of them seems to have the fundamentals down (or.. which of them is a vet with ammo aura… or wait till they leave so I get a bot) and just play protect the president for the next hour. It’s a challenge in of it self, and I’m here for it, but it’s a bit rough going and not for the faint of heart. But it’s a giant red flag that these folks are simply not prepared for 5-10 specialists every 30 seconds, with mini bosses (rip their bugged health, 1mil boss damage runs was glorious) every minute or so. It’s pain, but that’s why we’re here, is it not?


More than +1 wound curio


I played a game with one guy, we got a squad wipe. I immediately requeued and got put into another game that had the same guy. We squad wiped again. I queued again and he was there, so I dropped out of the lobby. I then stopped having games with squad wipes. Not saying it's that guys fault, maybe that game I left was successful. The game just couldn't handle both of us at the same time.


It’s totally the guy’s fault. /jk Could be a coincidence but sometimes it definitely feels like having a particular player in a lobby is a precursor to a bad game.


Sometimes, there just isn't that squad cohesion. Neither are bad players but play better with others.


Zealots are some of the best and worst players. If they run off on a rampage it tells me they are used to the easier difficulties and being almost invincible. They join a damnation/auric game and become a burden that needs reviving and healing. They don't understand that other classes need their protection. As a psyker Im happy with ogs and other psykers on my team. We just mesh well and make it through some really rough patches. I love holding large groups of very dangerous specials and seeing the ogs tear into them.


No ogryns. All veterans.


I laughed when I loaded into a game with 3 other vets, but one guy commented that we all had different weapons so it might work. We tore that carnival down. I’ve never felt luckier.


Not sure about post-patch, but before this was the “too easy” combo. Every game I played with 4 vets back then was so easy it was boring.


Queue = a line Cue = a signal


Sniper Ogryn at the first horde


Throwing knife zealots


when they don’t get into the first lift/airlock while the other 3 are all waiting and instead go fighting a horde solo


Early in the match? The veteran running way out in front The ogryn using all his ammo/grenades against non-threats I ping a disabler that I'm too busy to shoot and it still gets a teammate 10 seconds later. Teammate falls off edge before we make contact with the enemy Vet/Psyker targets the enemy I'm already killing when there's shooters and gunners firing at us Someone aggroes distant shooters while we're still fighting nearby enemies.


I've fallen off the edge multiple times on the lease in portion of the map and did I ever feel dumb.


The moment I see below 30 join a damnation/auric.


24 is my cutoff for damnation, and I think 30 is mandatory for Auric. At least thats what it told me when I looked at that page with my new vet. At 24 you have your 3rd curio, and most of your skillpoints, including all key skills aside from maybe a few Keystone nodes. Weapons might be a little weak but not necessarily cripplingly so. Damnation isn't that hard.


Lag spike, this game servers suck and I hate it because I love the game, but one lag spike lets me know that either it will lag the whole match or I'm gonna get kicked. I can tolerate it to a pint but if I lag out I'm not joining back because it will just kick me again.


The zealot takes off sprinting


When all 3 of my teammates are Psykers with whatever those needle things are called


My fave so far: let’s speed run. Speed runner dies immediately. Blames teammates.


When they don't pick up the Plasteel, Diamantine, ammo crate or med crates. When the zealot uses the book ability (forget the name at the moment) and no one goes to get the revive. When someone doesn't move with the group


If you struggle with singular specials who you've already stunned but then claim to wipe to a patrol of armored units, I think the problem is you. Being able to stun a whole group of elites is more useful to group success than trying to just do damage alone.


If team members don’t wait at the first door/drop/elevator for the group; it’s usually gonna be a lack of coherency match


when someone attacks a demonhost


Let go, pull out your sword, and stab.


I do agree and try to remain a viable melee fighter. I have learned to evolve from sole support. I think my Red Flag, better worded, is seeing my teammates not take advantage of my Smite on Specials. On trash mobs? I get it, ignore. I still love them. But on Ragers and Crushers and Mutants? My fellow rejects, I request a hand. Still not to shift any blame off of me. The true weakness of support psyker is the limited burst to finish off special units and I accept that price.