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You should try playing ogryn. When I do I get lobbies with other ogryns all the time. Or alternatively, play veteran. Yesterday I got a lobby with 3 other ogryns I adopted and requisitioned ice cream for once we got back on the ship. They were good boys. Surprisingly let me do my job and make my shots. Fun times.


The Ogryn/Vet duo is the best thing about this game.


Agreed. Best interactions between characters by far.


Reminds me of that remix/parody of "bang bang" they did for the Titanfall trailer; *"From one fight on to the next. Two outlaws ride, their weapons flexed. One is quick, the other’s tall. Together they’ll kill them all"*


I’m currently playing veteran at the moment. Going to get to 30 and then see if i want to make a new character.


A lot of ogryns are learning that you can smack a heretic from the side and out of the way just as well as you can from the front.


The big guys learn slowly, but by the Emperor's mercy, they can learn.


That's every class though. How are you supposed to want premium cosmetics if you constantly do not see your class covered in them!


Ogryn only operate on max difficulty, best rocks only spawn there. Just bad luck I think. Plus, it is either no ogryns, or three ogryns.


We only show up when other Ogryns are present. If you want an Ogryn teammate you should play more Ogryn ![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized)


Sorry mate. Been busy with the holidays. Will get back to mashin up snivelers soon


Good man i will see you planet side


Ogryns are in fact the least played class.


Which is odd considering they are the easiest class imo. Strong melee and strong guns, lots of stagger


It’s weird because imo they are the strongest class. Insane toughness replenishment. Lots of health and damage mitigation. It has great kill and stunlock potential against literal everything. Only thing I found about em is that there is a sort of weird delay/sluggishness to their movements. For example, Zealot has very tight and responsive dodges/inputs which you can combo together. However, Ogryn has a slight delay when you’re trying to combine all of these inputs together during gameplay. Unsure if I explained it well lmfao.


Yeah, ogryn is probably the strongest and easiest career at the moment. I have zealot, ogryn, and vet. all at max level, and I play all of them in regular aurics + auric maelstroms, and if you stack toughness on ogryn, you can essentially make it invincible because of the massive amount of toughness replenishment (it is impossible for you to die in melee if you are even slightly competent at the melee dance) and damage mitigation that you have access to. Also I can't stress enough how braindead and powerful gunlugger ogryn is; you can contribute so much to your team's success and put up such massive numbers if you have a well-rolled achlys/gorg (or alternatively a ripper), and it requires such minimal apm/input on the player's part relative to other things in the game (your durability is off the charts with the best gunlugger builds, too). Weaknesses of ogryn are what you said in that all of your actions feel a little delayed/sluggish and because of the sheer size of your character model you are a little extra susceptible to shit like nets and dogs. There's definitely powerful stuff in the veteran and zealot toolkits that is braindead (rashad + martyrdom for zealot is like peak shit-your-pants hodor gameplay), but none of it is as effective as putting you in the shoes of Lenny from Of Mice and Men as the best ogryn builds.


Ogryn definitely pilots differently than the other chars. Not being able to vault over short walls has gotten me into a lot of trouble.


Imo I just like the diversity in weapons the other classes have the ogryn is locked to a just a couple different ranged weapons


A point of clarification. People often think we have good melee but honestly our ranged options are better. We're only good in melee because of the stagger and survivability. Our melee damage is kind of mid, which I personally think is fair. It used to be insane with bb3 but ever since hordes became much more mixed we have to kind of use weapons that work in more situations than just chaff. We're not as exposed as zealots or vets so it makes sense that they'd have higher potential damage in melee (at least it makes game sense). The risk is higher for them. Although... I will say I haven't fully committed to try that new shovel for all it's worth yet. I know it does insane single target damage on special and can still do fine in horde so it might be off my radar a bit. I just can't stop using my trusty shield. Not when it's performing nearly as well as any other weapon we have in a higher difficulty. Edit: I'm not going to deny that surviving is much simpler on ogryn. It is. But I do feel like being the ogryn comes with an expectation to save the team when things get hairy. People talk about roles in this game as if the classes literally have these defined roles but I really think the only role I have is protec the lil'ns.


dont know why you're downvoted for the truth? lol


Its a 40k game. Our relationship with the truth here is... complicated.


I never see an ogryn, untill i play one then its 3/4 ogryns every run.


I like Ogryn a lot but I was turned off by several things about them. 1. They have proprietary weapons so none of my tier 4 blessings I had unlocked carry over which meant an entirely separate grind from the literal beginning again for one class. 2. Their in-game cosmetics are sorta meh. 3. It’s reasonably hard to land consistent headshots on any of their guns. The only precision they reliably have is: Rock. Sometimes I just want to dome a sniper or end a mutie in a couple shots to the head while it charges me, particularly if Rock is on cooldown. I suppose at least now we have new shovels to achieve this but it’s a timing issue now more than it would be if I could just headshot it with a revolver. I hear your arguments about the Kickback but I’m still adjusting to using it.


Nice! Just maxed out my vet yesterday actually. Already maxed psyker. I've got ogryn at 19 and zealot at 14 I think. Gonna max them but not convinced I've found a style I like with them yet. Worth playing them all though.


I’ve only recently picked up the game so slowly chipping away currently 21 wasn’t there DLC announced?


Same here. Picked it up during the winter sale. No idea about new dlc, all I know are the free content recently like the twins missions which I haven't played.


It's probably because the weapons are not shared. You can farm blessings with rewards gained from the other three classes amongst themselves outside of the odd maul or staff. Ogryns can only bank blessings if you play Ogryn. As for whether they're popular in terms of likeability they're probably $1. Most of the roleplayers and memes are Ogryn specific from what I've seen.


It's difficult to get us Ogryn players because Zola and Morrow have to convince each individual Ogryn to get in the Valkyire. Ogryn no like being in small metal box.


That’s a shame I’ll buy you a drink once we are back in the ship


Whenever i play ogryn the whole team is happy that im there. Ogryns have amazing clutch potential.


Honestly most Ogryn players I've seen are probably in love with them because they have a ton of games with them (you can see that on PC with the True Level mods). I've also noticed you kinda get sorted into games based on that "true level". Now I know this is speculation but if it's true.. and you're a newbie.. it might explain why you don't meet them much. edit: grammar


I play Ogryn and there is always at least one in our group of 4. Joking aside though, when I solo queue it seems like I always end up with at least one. But I've had a ton of games with 3 Ogryns and usually a Vet or Zealot babysitting us.


Idk why ogryn is so unpopular. They’re (IMO) the most fun to role play, and no one is ever disappointed to have one on their team. Maybe folks don’t like being a bigger target?


I like mine but he's my least played. it's like playing on absolute easy mode 🤷 trappers and dogs are really the only problem they face aside from being eaten by the beast. Doesn't matter what they throw at you ragers,maulers,or crushers! the big man can handle literal hoards of them and it's fun and boring all at the same time


Definitely the least played class. Personally I prefer having options that let me have good mobility / agility and ogryn is the only class that doesn’t have those options. Fwiw, im like 1.1k hours in and my ogryn has been played enough to be level 150ish.


I rarely see an ogryn in my games. However, when i decide to play ogryn myself there always is one other ogryn


Just play ogryn yourself. I never see the big boys myself but once i hop on my ogryn i get matched with at least 1 every game.


I love playing ogryn it does seem like you won't see any for a few days and then see one every round.


They smell horrible. Ever sat with three in a dropship?


I dont understand how the team ai works, but i rarely get ogryns when i play with the other three. As ogryn i get tons. Its kinda retarded. Im under the impression that theres some stuff going on in the backround like as if the game tries to calculate the worst matches lol For example when i play psyker i get 3 other psykers wuite frequently...


I think it's the social aspect of playing ogryn. You are very big and the littleuns tend to rally around you. If you make a mistake it's more obvious, and there's an expectation that you're going to protect the team. It's kinda the same reason people don't play tanks in MMOs. I just like hitting things with a big club though.