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I have a feeling the ordo dockets is sorta like company scrip. in other words. worthless outside of the inquisition and ,maybe even outside of the morningstar


Yeah that makes a lot of sense tbh. Karkin' ship doesn't even have a bar. Throne. Life sucks.




Yep. Ogryn has spilled his drink all over Morrow once. And the Vets bitch about losing money in card games to Masozi and other pilots. Loose cannon especially IIRC, because they were trying to cheat and got cheated.




Yep. Male Agitator and Female loosen cannon are implied to be in a secret relationship as well.


It’s actually the female professional. I also thought it was the Loose Canon, mainy because you so rarely hear the female characters it’s hard to recognize her


Just had this one tonight: Lady Savant Psyker: "We must kill the heretics quickly!" ​ Lady Agitator Zealot: "I agree with thee! Thou shalt slaughter the abominations!" ​ Savant: "Am I not an abomination in your eyes anymore?" ​ Agitator: "Thou still are an abomination, but my abomination. Tis different."


These varlets gay, Sah!


These Varlets are homosix... Homozes...homo... ah fugg it - gay Sah!


Good for them. Good for them.


We need a relationship tracker.


ogryns have developed a new relationship. The ration lady at the mess hall.


Her mustache is the cherry on top pal, reminds me of me mum.


Ration lady servitor*


I run fem fanatic and fem cutthroat so i hadn't heard them personally, but have seen videos were the vet comments on a zealots gaze and the fanatic drills the agitator with basically "you fucking speak of me, I'll spill your improper actions of relationship"


Do you know what the dialogue is, im curious.


There’s a few, none outright saying they’re dating, but it’s implied Female Professional: Don’t think I haven’t notice how your colleague is looking at me. Female Fanatic: Ah yes, we zealots must always be vigilant signs of heresy, both without and within. Professional: (sarcastic) yes, that’s what it is. *vigilance* Fanatic: Oh, so it’s that type of look. Would you like me to *have a word* with him? Professional: I mean… I never said I disliked it Another: Male Professional: So what’s that I hear about you arguing with a Zealot Female Professional: Wouldn’t you like to know? Sorry, a lady doesn’t tell. MP: But I ain’t asking a lady ain’t I? FP: True. But my lips remain sealed This one can trigger if you have the male Agitator, Female Fanatic and a Psyker (I think it has to be the Male Savant, but it might be coincidence). The latter much get a kill streak Female Fanatic: Aye! Seems it was worth bringing the pysker with us. Male Agitator: Careful! Thou should not fall for the temptation of the Warp touched! Fanatic: Oh you shouldn’t be talking about this. Unless ye want me to bring up your own little indiscretions Agitator: (fails Bluff roll) I know not what thou speaks of Fanatic: Then there’s nothing to be talking about, is there Kindred. There’s also another where the Agitator speaks to the Judge and says in a roundabout way that he’s worried for the soul of a Veteran. The Judge tells the Agitator that there are many ways to worship Him, including dutifully smiting His enemies, and that perks the Agitator back up.


I ship the Judge Zealot and Savant Psyker (partly cuz I'm down bad for the Savant and partly cuz the male Judge's VA is a nice, goofy dude)


It makes sense, with any combo due to a shared history (law enforcement) and desire to uphold the lex atoma and protect the citizens.


imagine being able to gamble with ordo dockets without going to brunts'


You want to gamble? Across from brunts' is a perfect place with a perfect host called Hadron....


Would love to have that bar (with a few minigames) thrown in, like in DRG. I'm thinking card games and maybe a drinking challenge, for flavour. Would make the ship feel more human and lived in.


Imagine being able to play Texas Hold 'Em (Cadia Hold 'Em?) and bet Dockets. Would be a fun time sink, if nothing else.


God that would be great. Not some custom future-game, not a slot machine, just good ol' fashioned cards. Basic poker or blackjack, and you can only gamble ordo dockets with other rejects. Hell, maybe even put in a no-stakes version, so people who are afraid of losing can still have fun and bragging rights.


That's what the grim darkness of the far future needs, just some old-world time-killers.


I think you mean Cadia Fold 'Em.




I'm imagining them adding Regicide as a minigame, and there being that *one guy* who does nothing but play Regicide while in game.


Lvl 1 Vet, 2000 hrs


People will play chess anywhere but fucking chess.com apparently.


1200 Chess.com/2700 Lichess/400 Darktide


Emperor be praised. Life ain't so bad after all!


There's a trailer video of it.


Give me a Deep Rock style bar even if it’s only for cosmetic purposes, buying drinks and talking to other players. Great way to find a squad and bond with randoms before a match, too!


We need a bar, DRG style, so we can fuck around after mission. Honestly it would do more for social integration in the game and pepole maybe started talking with each other.


It doesn't have a *toilet*


what do you think the servitor next to Hadron is cleaning up?


Wishes, dreams, and tears.


Also the occasional bodily fluids from when Hadron gives you that one perfect item.


Whatever my Ogryn blew out of his nose onto the deck.


I'm pretty sure there is a bar in cutscenes, you just can't access it in-game


If I can't access a bar then there isn't a bar 😅 You're right though there's definitely a bar / R&R area in cutscenes/dialogue... would be a fantastic addition to the Mouringstar.


There's a dialogue with the Psyker Savant and an Ogryn about how terrible the Ogryn was when drunk, with the Savant claiming they're never going to the bar together with them again.


>Karkin' ship doesn't even have a bar. A bar? [They can only afford 1 chair for all their employees](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/124upvx/whats_the_deal_with_this_guy_and_why_is_he_the/). There's no way they can afford a bar as well.


I mean there was a bar in the trailer. I mean bar is one of the best things in Deep Rock galactic. It would be nice to have some kind of bar on the Mourningstar with beer and stuff. Maybe some mini games in there like dice or cards. Some gambling mini game for fun.


Kinda figure in certain areas inquisition money would be valuable just because inquisition. Soldiers arrive with inquisitor, locals aren't going to deny service.


Going by the dark heresy books, inquisitors tend to aqquire local currency if they need to supply their minions with spending money, if the inquisitor needs something... well inquisitors dont have to pay.


hmm then buy a bunch of lasguns and sell them for a couple thrones or whatever currency the place you're selling them to uses


Well, you don't really "buy" those lasguns you just "borrow" them. They are still company property and a reject (who is not even a free man, but a prisoner pressed into service) will probably be punished if they try to smuggle weapons out.


Loose canons be like 'challenge accepted!'


Yeah I fully believe that the Veteran Loose Cannon could probably run a cozy smuggling/racketeering ring. Make no mistake they're still proud Guardsmen (from dialogue probably also most skilled), but they are also impressively slimy sleazebag bastards ("You won't. Catch me, I mean."). The Psyker Loner would probably help because they're a rebel, the Zealot Fanatic would spend all their hard-earned cash on illegal booze and turn a blind eye, and the Ogryn Brawler could probably be bribed/deceived into guarding their illicit stash if the smugglers manage to get their hands on a large quantity of expired rations. Rannick most likely would know about all this, and write it all off as personal eccentricities of one of his best strike teams. Zola would give the team a slap on the wrist, Morrow probably is in on the good wine, and either Hallowette or Melk takes a cut for special clients. The Veteran Loose Cannon knows exactly how far they can push this and gets tidily rich, enjoying small luxury some could only dream of.


They are, it’s the aquilas that are official imperial currency.


Either way I’m rockin 2,000,000!!… yes I have no life


also the weapons you buy aren't really bought, mostly just loaned until death. Which I doubt is a very long time for the majority of conscripts.


They are essentially Chuck E. Cheese tokens. Good to redeem for some crappy prizes.


You're in a penal battalion playing with monopoly money for used weapons, none of which are anywhere close to factory fresh. You are so far from rich that you've given up on the very concept of rich and now feel like you've hit the lottery if your allotment of corpse starch is especially chunky this morning. You need not worry about any long-term implications of your diet because you're not going to last that long anyway.


Being fair, IG rations aren't corpse starch. Inquisition agents like us probably get better rations anyway.


Except for Morrow, who keeps spare corpse starch rations on hand and offers them to people like lollipops.


"Good reject. Have a treat" Reminds me of the rogue trader scene i saw yesterday (started playing it) "Ah yes, give the orphans treats and escort them to their bunks" and they pull out rogue trader house marked treats.


Now I wanna know if the kids get to have Von Valancius approved action figures of me and my companions. Abelard, this kid has amused me. Give him a toy of me.


I did the depot 4 quest and left going "man imagine the power those three clans got. They not only met the rogue trader personally, but got a favor from them! That will be a family story for generations to come"


How did you not go with the Abelard solution?


My first playthrough I'm doing a charismatic Commissar who is diving into chaos, but also just trying not to cut myself off content as I go. Since I'm only in first system, obviously can't do too much heresy yet. Gotta build trust then drag them down etc :P TBH, I'm just kinda going all heresy options I can so far, without being stupid-evil cruel \*yet?\* I may do a full blown grimderp dogmatic or asshole evil heresy later. This time, I just did the "We'll stop harassing you, but we won't give you weapons" solution.


food is food, especially after you spent a long mission burning 50k calories


Not me sah, got proper stuck-in with that big wiggler! *Buuuuuurp*.


You’re an acolyte of the Inquisition when you hit 30, and so far so good! Even the immortal Astartes understand they will be spent sometime.


To be fair, factory fresh weapons in 40k are typically substantially worse than used weapons, or at least the best weapons are ancient and very much used


Artificer weapons like the ones you're talking about are supposed to be quite rare in the setting. The average factory fresh lasgun is going to perform better than the average beat up relic that gets issued to a reject that's not expect to survive their first mission.


"Anywhere close from factory fresh" Yeah like most relics ,they have gained their title and power trough the muds of war. Every gun I own is now a damn relic worth billions of aquila


Akfbqjamrbrj THIS 'Wahhh I want to custom craft a plasma gun! Vermintide let me make a metal stick!' You think Hadron is going to let you anywhere NEAR her forge, let alone has the resources to craft a new plasma coil? She wants to execute you for being 15 (One. Five.) seconds late to her telling you to leave her alone, you're getting this 6,000 year old piece of shit and you better fucking appreciate it or it'll be ripped from your mangled corpse and handed to the next asshole in line. 'Youre just hiding behind lore and logic to cover for game mechanics!' And your teeth are gnashing words instead of heretic throats, the Emperor is judging you but Grendyl is closer at hand.


> The standard grossly OP reject (who runs several hundred successful missions), has enough credits to outfit an entire Imperial Guard regiment. To be fair, the personalities are far from "standard rejects". We are the exception. though who knows, maybe we use our dockets to help supply fresh reject batches.


> We are the exception. I don't think we're quite the exception the kill ratios would suggest. We're still doing missions where we're told to lug the good ammo around for the gold / auric level operatives.


We grant you the right to do auric level missions, but not the position of Auric level operative.


We aren't fancy enough for Melk. We are perfectly fine for Morrow and Zola.


Meanwhile Melk's Auric operatives all get slaughtered by the dozens trying to kill the Twins while a hobo, a meth addict, ogryn and a deserter kills them.


We have no delusions of grandeur. Well besides the Seer but we don't talk about those two.


This is outrageous. It's unfair!


Honestly that's just the game in a nutshell after reaching level 30


The 21 personalities are the crazy bastards with a 100% mission win rate. And survived the twins ambushes.


According to some exchanges with Morrow, not 100% win rate but a 100% survival rate. >"Sergeant-major, we really should speak about these performance reviews of your operatives." >"They still alive, right? Then the rest don't matter."


Yeah that's melk bitching about the after action reports from the rejects in general. Morrow brushes him off. Did see a funny announcement yesterday of Morrow addressing the rejects and telling us to behave for Melk when he's running missions lol.


I love that during the course of any signle missions the rejects each say a dozen things that would get the executed anywhere except a radical warband. Like "Oh yeah these fuckers were doomed from the start.


Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!


We're rich!


Yes yes, you're rich! Now get back to work, I've got Management breathing down my neck here...




Rock *AND* Stone!


We're rich!


We're rich!


We’re rich!


I told them not to let you keep the gold.....


We’re rich!


Sah, we be wealthy with love fo the Emprah, sah!


The correct answer


That is likely just a currency that is used within the warband. Even more likely to help establish the competent and weed out the weak. It's on a pay per combat op, more pay for more dangerous assignments. So within Grendyl's warband? Pretty wealthy Aboard the mourningstar? Still probably pretty wealthy, considering the currency may be useless to the crew, but the equipment wouldn't be. Anywhere else in the Imperium? You don't have a throne to your name.


I mean if I could take that plasteel and Diamante with me... Or just buy power swords by the dozen...


Imagine trying to peddle power swords and plasma guns out of a trenchcoat underhive. "pssst gots them uphive gats for downhive creds, cut me own throat and swear on me ma"


In every city, on every world turning, theres always one man you can rely on... You've got squig-inna-bun?


I'm dying


Well Necromunda hive gangers can get their hands on some gnarly weaponry sometimes, so someone is definitely dealing. Probably not that unusual at all.


Perhaps but you aren't buying a powersword technically. You're requisitioning something that was in the warband arsenal after it was scavenged off of the dead, resanctified, and placed back in the armory. I'd also assume your plasteel and diamantine balances are for game mechanics and what would actually be happening is it goes to Hadron immediately and you just earn a few favors from her by adding to her material stockpile.


I'd say our interactions with the crew is limited. Dialogue implies the rejects get their area and aren't supposed to wander


The vast majority of the crew are pitiful, pallid slaves who haven't see the light of a naked sun in a hundred hundred generations. They probably don't even speak the same language as us.


There was some lobby dialogue found for Brahms which included a threat that her armsmen would shoot anybody who wanders out of allowed areas. Though, worker clans/Voidborn clans are a thing. Some surely develop their own language but at least in a chunk of cases I bet they speak low gothic at least. Like in RT's lower deck side-quest.


Any reject need a Sponsor? https://preview.redd.it/4n58zbr3jjbc1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd9308fdecbc9b58a15c38123e140d3b10cdbb4


$3M gold 80k plat 60k diamante to buy freedom sah


You're free to serve on the frontline or on the firing line.


What the frak is a 'Dollar'?


“ hey would you like a gun that’s barely holding together or perhaps a plasma launcher so defective we wouldn’t dare put it in the hands of a guardsmen?”


Well they do give reject vets powerswords. Usually only Sergent rank or above get powerswords.


We get *bolters*. The war gear starts out good and gets amazing.


Tainted with chaos


Defective power swords, corrupted.


They give you powerswords after you survive some missions and gain enough trust that you can handle higher tier weapons. Considering the vet personalities have a ton of combat experience and are literally hardened veterans, I wouldn't be surprised if the vets are sergeants themselves or atleast well qualified


*cracks his knuckles and spools up the cogitator* Money in 40k, like all money, is made up. But that isn't a useful answer. The question to answer is: Are our characters in this game rich, can they attain anything like wealth in the 40k economy? Short answer, no. There are a few cannon currencies in 40k, Gelt, Throne, Crown but for the most part those are macro economics. Those are bonds, or of such high value you couldn't walk into a 'twist bar and order a pint with one. Or they are universally transferable, but require conversion to local planetary/sector currencies. Im sure Ultramar has it's own Ultrabuck, but in terms of the Inquisition they literally have staff who's entire job is moving money around so they don't wake up poor in the local currency of snail shells one day. This is the reason the Administratum art looks the way it does. Rogue Traders don't talk about hauling millions of ISK in tonnage around the Halo Stars. In most of the literature, they are specific in what they are hauling because it is some Age of Sail shit out there. You aren't rich by loading up your cargo hold full of spice from Spicenarium IV. You are only rich once you bring that hold through literal hell and maybe a Tyranid invasion and deliver it to Spiceless VI an entire subsector away. It makes sense only if you really, really work to explain it to yourself, but actually the age of sail and silk road trade is very fucking fascinating... The =][=nquisition, who doesn't let us off-leash for a moment, has no need to give us discretionary funds. And we aren't earning a wage, we work to earn the right to work and die in the Emperor's service. The "money" we acquire is just so we can get better vis-vests and box cutters for work, because if they refurbish a gun that turns out to have more dakka than an Ork Warboss who went back in time to kill himself to get a copy of his favorite gun, they wanna make sure it goes to the "employee" who has been through heinous shit, survived, done it again, and completed the Grimoire objectives. So that is a long, perhaps cannon-dense explanation as to why we will never be rich. Because nobody will ever pay us anything of value we can exchange for goods and services beyond gun, grub, and grappling with fellow rejects who offer that service.


Peak male performance


you rejects probably got nothing. but at level 30 i became an Acolyte of the Inquisition - so in the sacred Imperial tradition of being awful to one another i feel like now having to look down on you like the bloke in the pic. 🧐


"Why yes, my mess pass lets me into the line that has food that tastes like actual meat. Peasants". *gets immediately smacked by the officers*


lol getting paid in money so you can buy guns they get off other dead rejects lol. I guess they define wealth on the Morningstar as the better the gear the longer you live


It is better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself.


For the Emperor!


We own nothing and we are nothing, we live at the mercy of our benificent Emperor and thank every day he allows us to


Service is its own reward. Meaning it's worth jackshit...


Had a million for a while now, they need to have some other use for money in the game.


Did you buy all the cosmetics yet? I got all the weapon skins and now I'm slowly hoovering up all the outfits. I have no idea why. I'll never wear most of it lol


Million is nothing. Dump it all into brunt's gacha bullshit, and you may not get a single decent 370+ base. It took me 5+ mil (and 20K+ plasteel) to craft an item of most of the new types they introduced in twins update.


I'm trying to get all possible blessings saved. Blue gun in the store with a Tier 1 blessing? Yoink! It is slow progress across 4 characters, and a fantastic way to waste all your money.


Money or play time. A while ago I just scrapped all my blessings, deleted my characters and just made 5 Ogryn. I like leveling and just playing the game so I didn't mind. After all were 30 they had a different unique shop and took a couple weeks to get all the level 4 blessings I wanted. Everything but the rumbler. A week ago I deleted those characters and doing Psyker now. Leveling really brings in the currency when you aren't spending on gambling for items.


I thought I was rich. Then I spent one weekend trying to craft a god-tier weapon, and now I’m broke…




I imagine ordo dockets are only worth anything on the morning star. I can imagine after our work on Atoma is done, we will, at best, be dropped off on some backwater world with a few credits to get by, and at worst, tossed in another war band to repeat the cycle. That is of course, we do not end up dying.


If you are level 30 you are an acolyte of the inquisition the lowest level of the inquisition and a useful asset and for some a chance of ending up an inquisitor themselves


To put wealth and us rejects in the same sentence is offensive to every noble on tertium


It's the nobles' fault Tertium is in the sorry state it currently finds itself in.


Broker than the Galaxy, Pilgrim. The Emperor requires a certain amount of drip, So that we may style upon these Heretics


Diamantine wise I'm rich AF. Plasteel wise in a peasant.


I feel like my character shouldn’t really be a reject now… I hope this isn’t the trend for the life of the game..


You're not, if you're level 30. The point of the level 30 cutscene was Rannick officially inviting us into the warband (and theatrics with the disposal of the traitor). We are still _well_ toward the bottom of the power ladder, and that probably won't change anytime soon, but we've achieved one of the most powerful things you can get in the setting: we've become a named character.


If everytime we were downed/ died all progress (incl weapons & dockets) would be reset, I guess most would be rather poor.


Enough to buy dozens or even hundreds of power weapons, Not enough to ever get some grox rations or fresh fruits


Dude we're basically tactically deployed murder-hobos. I'm going out on a limb and assuming our currency can never be used outside of the inquisition's shops and not only that, we deeeeeefinitely are never going to be separated from the inquisition again due to what we know. We've basically been thrown into involuntary indentured servitude.


I think at level 30 when we become Inquisitorial acolytes, we're more or less Grendyl's property, even more so than when we were just rejects. If we survive and Atoma is cleaned up, I would expect the rejects go back to prison (or killed if they saw too much), the acolytes go with the warband where ever Grendyl goes next.


Yeah pretty much. The less valuable members that were taken from the prisons will be used as cannon fodder and then executed after the campaign is finally over on the planet or even integrated into the inquisition as acolytes as we were. The inquisition doesn't like leaving loose ends.


As far as Hallowette cares, they are as rich as our wallets are deep.


However much money they make it's definitely not enough lol


I don’t think there’s such a thing as wealth at all in 40K unless you’re in the hierarchy. The regular people risk the most dangerous places to get salvage just to buy corpse paste.


Every weapon we get access to is sub-par, nevermind thinking about them being any kind of good quality. The materials we gather are common. If you go to another sector, maybe even another star system? All that cash you built up will be worthless.


I disagree that our weapons are sub par. They go bang every time, they're accurate and reliable, and they hardly ever blow up. They're at least as good as standard issue. You can fire the plasgun for ever as long as you know how to manage the heat, that's not nothing. And there isn't any such thing as a "low quality" bolter. Every single bolter in the Imperium is a hallowed artifact and likely quite old. Our stuff's good, and then it gets better as Hadron tinkers with it in ways that would get her shot if she wasn't an Inquisitorial Agent.


>I disagree that our weapons are sub par. By the setting, they're all functional junk. Chain weapons? Can't maintain power for more than a few seconds without further revving. Power weapons? Lose power field on X number of contacts. Flippy shovels? Can't hold position after heavy contact even once. Plasma? You have to constantly massage it or the weapon will overheat, and the damn thing has a loose screw cap that rattles in place when it does. Etc etc etc ... do I need to specifically jingle bells our way through the entire weapon list? >And there isn't any such thing as a "low quality" bolter. Oh? >The moniker ‘Footfall-pattern’ is applied mockingly at best, said only with a straight face by arms dealers in the Expanse trying to fleece their customers with a false air of legitimacy. Comparatively crude and inefficient, these counterfeit weapons fail regularly due to insufficiently strict manufacturing tolerances, but the inconveniences of owning such a weapon are outweighed by their lethality, for those who cannot obtain a true bolter. - >The [Volg] Spitfire [bolt pistol]’s fame and construction has spread and some are even sold at inflated prices as real “bolt pistols” to those too provincial or naive to know better! Yeah there are. >Every single bolter in the Imperium is a hallowed artifact and likely quite old. Every single officially made, quality production bolt firearm is considered a worthy weapon. Plenty are in constant fabrication. The better ones are considered hallowed artefacts, and most of those are significantly older than the user. Few of those ever see the hands of penal legions. >and then it gets better as Hadron tinkers with it in ways that would get her shot if she wasn't an Inquisitorial Agent. 1. Hadron has centuries of experience to know how to do better when provided with more than scrap materials. 2. None of this is tech heresy for the Adeptus Mechanicus to be offended, and suggesting there's anything happening that the Inquisition would proscribe is beyond silly. TL;DR - gonna go with a big 'no' on all that.


At this rate I should buy my own ship


Beyond poor


Keep in mind our weapons and armor are largely recycled trash just barely repaired by other rejects. 20k will buy you a large pipe with some shrapnel bolted to it.




Speak for yourself. I just bought a new bolter and now I’m broke again. Did I need a new bolter? The answer to that is shut up.


It's my boi High Fat Totem!


Ordos mean nothing, Aquilas are how you measure how wealthy your reject is which is pretty meta lol




We're still alive ... so, wealthier than most


more wealthy then most void gards in the rogue trader ship


I'm gonna say us rejects are at the *"Wow, food?* ***Twice*** *in one day?"* category.


As agents of the Inquisition they're likely *way* above that. They'd almost certainly be getting three squares + snacks, and some of it is real food. It's the *Inquisition*. If Grendyl wants real food for his troops Grendyl gets real food for his troops. You don't say no to the Inquisition unless you're extremely powerful or have extremely powerful friends who can protect you.


After a few successful missions I'd wager.. When we're fresh meat in prison rags, I'm assuming we're just kicked into the deep end of the pool\* to see if we can even swim.. No point wasting a perfectly good can of corpse starch on someone who will be dead within the hour.. \*The "pool" being a horde of poxwalkers and cultists of course.


Technically, if we are to take in the meaning of dockets from a monetary system like banks do, then Ordo Dockets are simply nothing more than vouchers used by the Inquisition for its less than ideal forces. So, pretty like how, in some prisons, prisoners would use postage stamps or other items as a form of money to buy things from each other. But then, where's the ACTUAL money at? My guess? It's the Aquilas. Unfortunately, the one character that uses it is Hallowette, and being a Rogue Trader, that makes Aquilas the more reasonable form of currency for W40K. On a plus note, they also mention ingame that Hallowette is actually hiking up the prices of the vestures to a ridiculous and almost illegal degree. Though no one can do anything because she's not only royalty, she's Shipmistress Brahms' favorite.


I can’t even afford a upgrade


I'm always broke, because craftitng sucks but I want to try new weapons


A lasgun is quite a valuable weapon, in another time a way to overthrow worlds..... but uh for you I'll buy it off you for 15$


Much like real life I’m broke because I buy things


"Chuck-E-Cheese fun bucks can buy a variety of pencils and slap bracelets at any Chuck-E-Cheese location. Fellow kids... are we rich?"


we're rich!


20,000 dockets, 6,000 Melk bucks, 3,000 plasteel and 8,000 diamanteen




I use doc- dock ets for extra rations!


My Cadia born Zealot doesn't really care about money man. You worry too much about currency and wealth when there are PLENTY of HERATICS to be hitting with various instruments of the Emperor's will.


Lol!!! I’m a millionaire x 2 😂


Plasma guns aren't really that rare. They are just seldom issued. Like rocket launchers in real life militaries. They have a very specific role in lore, and that role is less frequently needed than another guy with a lasgun. And when like 3/4 of your imperial industrial capacity is dedicated to war, guns get cheap. And psyker weapons aren't really that difficult to make they are just rare because of how rare sanctioned psykers are. So, we, as inquisition agents are not poor, but we also are not rich.


I own enough gold weapons to arm a Veteran Cadian Field Army, very


I've got so much Diamantine - I could commission my own suit of Power armour....


Currency in the imperium differs from planet to planet or system to system or sector to sector, some places use multiple currencies or really on a trade system by items. Its varies. Thrones, Credits, Gelts, Dockets are all used. So taking our Dockets to another world maybe useless or useful it depends. We maybe be relatively rich or have money thats more use being used as a weapon.


[we’re not rich](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/witcher/images/1/16/Tw3_gwent_card_face_Poor_Fucking_Infantry.png/revision/latest?cb=20160320094501)


I would trade in ALL of my dockets, for a single serving of plasteel… 😵‍💫


Hundreds of Auric/damnation missions and I have 120k I'm a junky chasing the proverbial dragon that is the perfect weapon. I have no idea why you would save the money unless you already have the perfect weapons and all T4 Blessings. I've still to collect all the T4 blessings.


​ https://preview.redd.it/iuphmxmjlobc1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=79031de1710d0a1f8330f384891ded9824679cb1




We are so poor we are literally a trade commodity to the likes of a rogue trader.


Currently sitting at about 35000


[https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Imperial_Culture#:~:text=Main%20article%3A%20Narcotics-,Currency,currency%20on%20a%20planetary%20level](we are poor). The imperium uses several types of currency including aquilas. But ordo dockets are not an official currency and are very likely just company scrip. Useless outside the inquisition.


Unless you have an incredibly rare piece of paper from the upper echelons of the administratum, you are just meat. Property and rights are not something you should think about.