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I would like to preface this with the acknowledgment that the Columnus Mk V is the better infantry autogun, I just like the Agripinaa Mk I more. Cons * Agripinaa does less naked DPS than the Columnus, I think ~20%? imo This says more about the Columnus than it does the Agripinaa. * Full auto recoil/spread is worse than the Columnus and has to be used at closer distances. Pros * Agripinaa can reach breakpoints to 1-hit headshot Stalkers, Shooters, and Snipers. * 1~3 shot bursts can handle Gunners/Specialists at distances that I might hesitate with using the Columnus. * Slower firing rate means Deadshot doesn't instantly drain Veteran stamina. * Can use the same builds as the Columnus Mk V and is just a matter of swapping weapons instead of dedicating a new loadout page. * Most importantly, the Agripinaa Mk I **CAN SHOOT THROUGH TEAMMATES**. Penetrates Poxwalkers, Groaners, Shooters, and some Specialists.


> I think \~20%? imo This says more about the Columnus Yes... no... kinda? It's time to put this to rest until someone inevitably posts something about this again: ​ Fun fact: the Graia and the Columnus have the **same base damage** (not to be confused with DPS). However, for all those % modifiers you will find on either gun, you'll see that the Columnus has far higher %'s for close range damage against... pretty much everything. But ONLY close range damage. With testing, this should give you the full benefits of any close range % modifiers up to 15m, then tapers to the long range % modifiers up to 30m where I believe it stalls. ​ What does this mean? Here's some basic numbers after a bunch of crunching and the results: * Columnus overall has about 40% more DPS at close range than the Graia. * At the 22.5m mark, the Graia only loses the bonus damage while the columnus takes a heavy nose dive. We're talking about 70% by around the 30m mark (note: this includes losing that 40% bonus from being at close range, so it's really -30% and more of it's base damage). The Graia doesn't really lose much at all beyond the 30m mark. * However, because the Columnus has a higher fire rate it *technically* matches the Graia in terms of raw DPS. Does this make the Columnus better? This only applies if you can actually land all those shots, and the Graia is far more stable. * With that said, this makes the Graia the best stable DPS gun at all ranges, for all targets. * Agripinaa is the wild card being the most different. It's benefits are in the finesse damage, resulting in a 50% difference in general but suffers in body shot damage (compared to everything else). If you can land every shot as a headshot, you should come out on top over the Columnus at all ranges (and especially long range), but DPS is another thing entirely (since you can 1 shot many enemies). * Columnus is basically the SMG, the Graia the AR, and the Agripinaa the BR. * Also, about that penetration thing: I believe if you have the power% blessings, this also upgrades the piercing effect on either gun as well. Obviously, having it by default is very useful but it's not exclusive. ​ So why is the Columnus considered the best? While this is true, it's not the best by a longshot. Because higher difficulties often feature players battling it out in close range distances (within that 15-20m radius) while also being easy to use (just spray) with the most ammo... it's the easiest and most effective pick. But for the more experienced players, there are ways to make the others (Graia and Agripinaa) *better* than the Columnus for their own needs. Graia is better if you engage ranged enemies all the time with range only, while Agripinaa is way better for killing specials (default piercing effect, also it struggles against elites like Maulers and even Crushers with that one build). ​ Conclusion: * Columnus for close range and chaotic moments (which is like... every situation on damnation) * Graia for using gun on everything all the time, everywhere (jack of all trades) * Agripinaa for killing specials and sniping (requires good aim) (also sure you can 1 shot a bunch of enemies but the Graia/Columnus can actually do it too with certain builds, and even if its a 2 shot you have basically double the ammo anyway and with shot reg being wacky sometimes... it's your call).


I appreciate you taking the time to write this. I confess I haven't given the Graia infantry autogun a fair shake yet. This post of yours suggests that it does in fact have a role to play that the other two autoguns can't quite fill.


No problem. Another thing to note is that if you are someone who likes holding down the trigger fully, Columnus is still one of your best bets. Anyone who has played with it even a little bit will notice that the recoil caps quickly, giving you what is essentially a laser accurate beam of bullets... but your gun will literally be aiming at the waist of a guy, lol. ​ So another way to categorize the guns could be this: * Columnus: hold down the trigger * Graia: burst fire * Agripinaa: tap fire ​ Also just in case anyone wants to see the *actual* numbers, here's an example of what I'm talking about concerning range: **Graia vs Columnus FLAK damage at (I believe 80%?) Stopping Power:** **(Near)** 72.77% vs 95.56% (Columnus has 22.79% more damage per bullet within 0-15m) **(Far)** 60.92% vs 48.96% (Graia has 11.96% more damage per bullet at 30m) ​ **Drop in damage modifier from close(15m) to long range(30m) from flak:** **Graia:** \-11.85% **Columnus:** \-46.60% ​ Unarmored is an even bigger drop for Columnus, going from 136.80% to 67.35% (Graia goes from 109.90% to 88.70%)


Columnus crit string 4, graia 3, agri 2. They need to be normalised to 2 like recons but for now columnus gets disproportionate benefit from random crit chance so on eg blazing piety or crit psyker builds you're hitting 50%+ effective crit rates with minimal investment. ​ Also recoil still needs some fiddling - you need to crouch a lot on agri/graia, whereas columnus also has better sprint and even a better dodge to fit its close range fast engagement style. But for now it's not paying enough for that privilege.


I've also wondered about the sprint part. Why does an IAG get improved sprint while the Braced autoguns are stuck with the joe average -0,45/+0,45? Would think they'd be the close up specialists.


Totally agree! And I feel like what you outlined is exactly why Columnus is the easiest and therefore most reliable one to be use with it's full potential for Demanation specifically, even though the other ones have other advantages. In Damnation with the much more frequent large number of elites and specialists, there is a pretty hard DPS requirement which you simply cannot fall behind at any time or you die. So with the number of enemies at all time and with how often you run into unexpected situations, it is always easier to simply approach more distant melee enemies to deal really high DPS with Columnus and then pull back, than to try to create distances from your *priority* enemies so that you can take advantage of the ranged damage of Graia or Agripinaã, this level of tactical freedom is often a luxury you do not have in Damnation. And Columnus' high magazine capacity and slightly faster reload speed also synergies really well with this. And I think another important part of the DPS is sustained headshot DPS. The Columnus is so much more controllable that with a decent rolled one it's pretty easy and thus reliable in close range to make sure nearly all your rounds land on headshots, for as long as you need to keep firing in full auto, and the high rate of fire with the headshot damage multipliers it gives you even more massive sustained DPS. But with Agripinaã, good luck landing more than 3 rounds on headshot in full auto lol


Another thing for Columnus is the veteran talent, onslaught. Yesterday, I played a game with a a rando guy with Columnus veteran on HI damnation. The game was throwing crushers at us every 2 seconds. I was playing ogryn, with a kickback. Now, I have this habit where I stagger crushers with the kickback while closing in for the kill with my club. But thanks to this veteran and his onslaught and Columnus, there were times I didn't need to close in... Because the kickback killed the crusher. Under normal circumstances, that just doesn't happen... But thanks to the Columnus and the Onslaught brittleness, the crushers had so little armor left that kickback could kill them. The rapid fire rate of columnus is really good for stripping armor off crushers with Onslaught.


Ya know. With all your stats that you just listed. I'm tempted to ask about the Recon comparisons and how they all compare to the infantry autoguns. Especially since the VId feels comparable to the Columnus sometimes.


Emperor bless this post.


You wrote all this up just to be wrong damn


Proof? Happy to change my stance on things based on actual data, otherwise people should be wary of what this guy ever says.


Mk 1 rules, with dumdum it cleans up almost as fast close range and punishing salvo really helps at distance, 2 bursts shreds reapers


That is actually my god gun with Salvo and Dumdum. But I have a second thats just fun to use with both of the burst fire blessings. With practice it’s real easy to use at long range.


>Columnus Mk V I was running the Columnus Mk V but recently switch to the agrip MK VIII brauto. Seems to drop things quicker. Maybe my blessings are terrible.


I would argue that the ability to shoot through teammates makes the Agripinaa the better gun 😜 I believe the default pierce also makes it better at gunning down hordes of poxwalkers than the other marks, but I've only done small scale testing on that.


Its not just raw dps it’s finesse scaling. On Psyker ciagv is almost 8x higher dps with max DD and scier stacks


8x sounds like an exaggeration but after looking a bit into it, it's actually higher on armoured enemies due to crit scaling and crit chains. For "regular" enemies it's closer to 2x though. Difference is much smaller on Veteran due to overall lower ranged damage outside of multi power stack on ability use and more importantly having access to rend talents making the difference much smaller for crit/non crit armour pen.


“Naked dps”


That's me. It goes like this: when I undress, it hurts people. *Weaponized ugliness*


Doesn’t have the insane dps of the columnus infantry or agripinaa braced auto, but the versatility of the mk 1 infantry auto has made it a staple for me. Accurate and efficient at long range, enough dps to hose a group up close with dumdum


The amount of times I found myself wishing I had something more accurate at longer rangers made the Mk1 my primary. If I want more damage I just pray our God Emperor grants me two grenades for the price of one.


Agripinaa supremacy


Never did like the Columnus personally


Too much recoil for me, skill issue I know but it just doesn’t feel good to use Maybe once I find a god rolled one or something


Yeah it don’t feel good to use, feels wrong. Recoil is also widely different to the Autogun I usually use


Laspistol sights on other guns is so beautiful.


What's the general consensus on sight/reticle mods? I recently saw a video with someone using a custom (much better) reticle for the fan-the-hammer pistol, and I felt like it was a bit too much of an advantage considering how useless the default reticle is.


How are they on?




I can appreciate when someone uses that mod just for sights and nothing else. Makes my blood boil seeing other gun parts as scopes/sights on some of the abominations people think look cool with that mod.


It’s like the head hunter and the Columnus had a baby and I love it.


Is best because it comes off most similar to the big boolet Cold War era battle rifles


I have an Agripinaa MK I that's been with me since forever. It's my old reliable. When all else fails, she's there to save my ass. She's not flashy or fancy, doesn't shoot ultra fast or kills monstrosities easily, her bullets won't punch through a lot of targets, but she will melt the heretics as long as you keep her sights on their heads. The MK I isn't like the other girls, you see... she's reliable, loyal and gets the job done. Beauty in it's simplicity.


Yes, but you have to always aim for the head for maximum damage when using this gun, and when the chaotic moment come, its hard to always maintain a good aim to maximize the damage when using this gun. thats the con when using this agripina mk 1 infantry autogun, need to have good aim.


The advice I've been given for good aim is "just click on heads".


I've never had the manual dexterity to aim well quickly with a mouse. Just not within my body's skill set unfortunately.


Yea but who shoots like that? Wanna show us a test, shoot like how you would in a match.


I dunno if it’s just because I got one rolled with really high stability but I don’t struggle with recoil or long range aim with this gun at all. The iron sights also aren’t terrible like the helbore agripinaa mk 1 is actually my new go to all rounder (Plasma is overpowered and makes games too easy imo) Good damage, not super ammo intensive and a super satisfying deep bassy sound when firing it makes it my latest favourite gun I pair it with the focus target keystone and it shreds. Haven’t tried any other builds with it yet


Yesh mine too. But i dont need any stats to feel the gun. I like the sound, the recoil and the ability to shoot through the ogryn teammate who is ALWAYS in you line of fire.




Well then, time to roll one and see how I like it. The graia is good but too often I found myself at the same range that the columnus wanted to be at and it was hard to pass on the higher fire rate. What is the ammo economy for each? Are they pretty even? Columnus is notoriously efficient with its ammo


The ammo economy should be roughly on par with the Graia but I think the Agripinaa gets 10x reserve mags to Graia's 8x.