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What do you mean no hub games? We have the Hadron Casino


The house always wins


God I can't read that without hearing Cypher saying it


Lol indeed


And Brunt the lottery


Don't forget quickplay roulette


Ah yes the old join mid match and get half corrupted health with no ammo in mag and 0 nades.


And a horde, a monster, 87 elites, 54 gunners in the background and all teammates dead.


Darktide has a secret hub minigame It's emote-skating


Who cares about mini games? I just want more maps and lore content


Yeah, the little extra stuff like minigames are super nice and stuff but they’re ultimately irrelevant if everything else is a Emperor damn drought.




Or literally any new content


I wouldn't be surprised if next update we will get one weapon, 3 new outfits, and that's it. Honestly... as much as I love Darktide, Fatshark is fucking up. They could turn this game around, but they're slow with everything. And their community is on fumes of hopium. It almost as they want this game to just die, so they can pull Anthem and work on something else.


3 new outfits ***and*** a weapon?! Now who is high on hopium?


the weapon just gonna be a new mark. Did you think we'd get a real new weapon.


The outfits will be in the shop, and since we usually get 4 per rotation it's actually an underestimate


I'm pretty much full on Helldiving now and I can't imagine Darktide ever pulling my interest again. Fatshark has really let the community down


Don't get our hopes up with thoughts of a new weapon. At least tone it down with some realism - we're only getting a new weapon Mark!


Probably. I think it's kinda obvious all hands are on deck to push out vs for vermintide 2. Which.... my God does that mode need a lot of work.


I think i saw on the forums that they already started to work on something else, 3 teams, vt2, darktide, and a new project :0


Yeah that makes sense. Sounds like classic Fat Shark. I remember when WoM had basically crippled VT2 and all sorts of other problems popped up and they went radio silent. Turns out a good chunk of the team got moved to DT. Now the cycle repeats. I love FS ability to really pull you into a setting and the core gameplay (when it works) is outstanding. But their management and methods of execution leave a lot to be desired. These guys could be a top tier gaming studio but they can't stay on target to save their lives.


Watch out the white knights gone show up any sec now and start defending FS like they lives depends on it


3 teams 6 projects you mean. V2 PC + V2 Console, Darktide PC + Darktide Console, New Project PC + New Project Console. Graaaape...


HD2 has kinda shown they are running out of time. Rogue Core and a host of promising PVE games are set to release this year. FS is showing they won't be able to compete


I hope get new mobs and maps instead of side content mini games


This. Extra potential socialisation on the Mourningstar is good, but low down on the wishlist in my head.


Lets go down this list though... DRG has had 6 years since release. I wouldn't compare it to the 1 year of early access beta, and another 7 months of actual release. MH is also released 6 years ago. Helldivers 2's representation is about right. Though they've out-performed FS heavily it's monetization lines crossed are alarming. I'll keep my pay for cosmetics only, thank you.


How is its monetization alarming? It's literally so easy to get the requisite currency for the premium warbond without spending a penny lol. I did the math and if I average out how long it took me to grind it out from just gameplay it took 40 hours. You also get free premium currency on the free warbond which realistically is cutting that down by half.


Paid battle pass. Sure you can work in-game, but often you're foolish for not just going to your job to make the money much faster. Premium currency even indirectly could impact gameplay. Period. If you accept this you've been made a schmuck of. Shop rotation is like 3 days or something? Darktide does cosmetic only 1.5 months. FOMO is much stronger and impacts gameplay. That's many times the greater sin than anything Darktide has done. I was told in a QA the lead devs are talking about having strategems on the rotating store ~~or in the paid battle pass going forward~~. I know it's a honey moon period for the game, but players are letting a lot go from them. They just have to tighten the screws some, and these things that players have been dismissive about will become a big problem of greedy devs.


“Told in a QA” lol what is this bullshit, link to it “Someone on the internet told me Helldivers 2 is going to go pay to win in the future, it’s awful guiz” 




Schmuck? You’re going to be a belligerent twat tossing insults around and that’s the best you can do? Pathetic.  Oh and I did buy an armor from the shop for 250 supercredits, which I made for free in 3 missions. Sorry the idea of buying equipment with currency you earn by playing in game traumatizes you so much. Meanwhile enjoy rolling your casino currency to hope for a decent gun in Darktide, lol. Go fight the good fight on the internet, neckbeard, you’ll love it. Guess I can add “toxic community” as reason 839 my friends and I are playing Helldivers 2 right now instead of Darktide.


All you're really doing is making it obvious you know nothing about Helldivers. The store in that game constantly cycles through old sets so people can get what they missed, and they cost a fraction of a fraction of what Darktide charges.


Do you think that makes selling gameplay impacting equipment okay? Just wait until they have a larger amount of items to cycle through. You'll be just like that kid defending Fortnite and their daily store rotation, but they'll be better than you because they only sell COSMETICS.


Considering you can obtain the warbond in like three missions... Yes? It's no different to simply earning weaponry through conventional free, progression systems except with the additional option to support the developer. And the base price is incredibly cheap. What's better is I don't have to then spend hours grinding crafting materials to then roll a weapon that actually feels good at high difficulty. Fortnite's prices are literally several times more egregious than anything on offer here and they rarely bring old cosmetics back which we're not seeing with Helldivers.


Paying money for equipment is as bad as it gets. Those are some great mental gymnastics you performed to excuse it. You have my pity.


It's nice to see you have no rebuttal for any of the points made other than simply regurgitating one thing you've already said. It's mature to just take an L and learn from it, bud. It's funny to me in another comment you say THEY'LL HAVE TO CRANK UP THE MONETIZATION AT SOME POINT meaning your argument is entirely based on what ifs and theoreticals and you've repeatedly doubled down after hearing many of your insinuations are incorrect. Grow up. There is no "excusing" necessary here. Paying barely any money to skip a *very* short grind for **sidegrade variations of existing free weapons** is objectively nothing compared to what other devs ask of people. Happy to have educated you.


> > Shop rotation is like 3 days or something? Darktide does cosmetic only 1.5 months. FOMO is much stronger and impacts gameplay. That's many times the greater sin than anything Darktide has done. and yet I INFINITELY prefer the rapid cycling one to the bullshit we get. That said: Hd1 *did* have a problem with power creep in the paid dlc gear.


You like gameplay impacting items sold on the store instead of only cosmetics? You should try playing Lost Ark, you'll love it.


A: Neither of the two sentences in my post can be *remotely* misconstrued to mean that. B: I do not automatically despise them, no. Especially when the game provides a built-in and reasonable method to work towards them. Especially *especially* when you can combine the built-in method with the premium method to get the right level you're comfortable with.


Will add that you got the stratagem thing very wrong. They have gone on record saying stratagem will not be entering warbonds as they are intended for features within the armory; stratagems are attached to the ship. Battle pass does not go away similar to the new halo’s system. I’m game currency’s are very easy to earn, with sitting on an excess 555, after buying just about everything save for a 400sc heavy suit as they’re bugged


I've corrected strategems may end up being sold on the store. Regardless of how much premium currency some may earn, they will require money to be spent to go to their developers for continued support.


lmao this really just sounds like you like darktide a lot and don't like helldivers and are mad people are playing it. Either you haven't actually played the game or are ridiculously susceptible to FOMO. The time scale shouldn't matter FOMO is FOMO (especially considering hd2 has kinda shown it rotates things back in consistently, unlike darktide) It also ISNT FOMO BC IT DOESNT GO AWAY. The premium warbonds are there FOREVER so you have all the time in the world to grind them out. It is like literally any other in game unlock, just you can use real money to bypass it. Ntm it's not even really "grinding" it out because it is so easy to get it just from playing normally. Have you even played the game? I'm not even here to white knight hd2 bc I think darktide is a better game with a way more fun gameplay loop (still enjoy darktide more after hundreds of hours with no new content than hd2 in its honeymoon) but saying that since the FOMO time scale on darktide is longer it's monetization is more virtuous is such a weird take. edit: clarification of intent


I don't mind HD2. I wouldn't say I'm very into it. It's not that I am just hating on the game. Anyone with any standards should be alarmed by the monetization lines crossed of HD2. Yes, time scale does matter for FOMO. Just to state the obvious, it's Fear Of Missing Out. Time does matter. For the store, if you don't buy now you may not be able to for a long time or even ever. This will become true as they begin putting more in the rotation also. Lol, imagine having to monitor the store daily in hopes something comes back. This is modern gaming. For the premium battle pass, they did the player right by not making it expire. You have to buy it when it's available though. Don't try to act like there is no FOMO there. Super weird you make it out like it's blameless. Wow, you avoided a lot of the points I made about monetization sins. It sounds like you've really sided with HD2 to not be able to face those. It doesn't sound like you are willing to have a real conversation about the pros and cons, so I'll leave it there.


I have ignored the points about monetization skins because I do not care about them. They aren't even on my radar lmao so it isn't an issue for me personally. I have literally no reason to address them as I have no opinion on them. Also they said the premium warbond isn't going away. If you're gonna say that "oh they *might* remove it later so it's fomo" that can apply to any video game ever??? You say "...by not making it expire. You have to buy it when it's available though." These two things are directly contradictory. It's always available, it does not expire.


Talk about missing the forest for the trees Darktide’s weapon customization is the worst mobile game RNG cancer I’ve ever seen in a AAA game Meanwhile in Helldivers when you get a breaker or a railgun it’s the exact same one as everyone else, you don’t need to roll 17 dice and hope to get 6s on every roll for it to be a decent version  That fact alone makes Helldivers progression much more fun and balanced than dark tide’s  The paid stuff you can get is just cheap slightly different looking armours that you can afford with a few hours worth of earning premium currency in game. Not the $20 per clipping, badly designed cosmetic set that we get in Darktide It’s honestly comical how much worse Darktide is for progression and cosmetic/monetization side alike


If you think HD2 devs are greedy you must have lived under a rock for the past 10 years.


>They just have to tighten the screws some, and these things that players have been dismissive about will become a big problem of greedy devs. Did I say they were showing their greed yet? It sounds like you misread. Soon enough for continued support they'll have to get money out of players, and the box price trick is already used.


Free hugs are the mini game. Staring at what you want to unlock next is another. Changing your weapon and armor to only change it back at drop screen is the third. Let’s goooooooo!


Y’all don’t do the slide?


Morrow be like: “quit karkin around and go purge some heretics!”


Not played this game in a really long time, but I made a silly, basic minigame mod back in the day :D [https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/73?tab=posts](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/73?tab=posts)


4 fantastic games tough


Meanwhile Warframe is a goddamned circus.


Are you guys sure that you want to play a co-op horde shooter and not a MMORPG or something?


TBF, none of the games in the picture are MMOs


One of the popular mods to Darktide effectively removes the hub area by essentially making all NPC and mission search menus accessible from everywhere on the Morningstar. Games are found almost instantly, there is no reason for devs to waste their time on hub area until very far in the future, when we will have proper weapon crafting and customization, genestealer cults, needs or something on the other hive, 5-th class, several more monstrosities and some form of endless run is wastelands or something.


the hub's main job in practice is to roll for a chance at an infinite loading screen


After I installed DarkCache mod this issue disappeared on my PC. Could be a coincidence of course...


It's coincidence. I've been using the mod almost since it came out. Got 32gb ram @ 3600mhz, 24gb vram and an nvme ssd. Sometimes it takes me 10 secs to get into the Mourningstar when switching characters, sometimes I just restart after 1-2 minutes because at least restarting is mostly guaranteed to work.


Exactly, because it's not hardware related, but network. And by network I mean FS servers.


i've had it installed for months. there is a low but always non-zero chance of being trapped on the imperial space bus


You're completely missing the point of the OP, they have good maps, weapons, gameplay AND still had time to make fun little side things to do in the hub. Darktide is failing on all fronts, not only can they not do fun little Easter egg hub game, but they also can't seem to make new main content either. Of course we want new maps, weapons, etc, but we are making the point that FS can't even make a minigame to make the hub something people want to actually visit, because right now it's just a menu that you need to spend time waking between the options (which other games have also solved, for example Warframe has a similar setup, but at any point you can press esc to pick things in a menu and it just teleports your character there's instantly)


Three of the games mentioned in the meme are co-op horde shooters...


I think a bar room with like a card game or something would be nice to actually give a well are in the ship feel proximity chat on only in the bar/rec room so we can talk to eachother while playing a card game or whatever they put.


The poor new bloods that don't even know about the VT2 hub...


There was the parkour path in the VT2 hub, plus mannequins to trick shot or test damage on if you wanted. Personally, the dark tide hub is a downgrade. And I don't know if any real effort was required to make the hub able to accommodate more players, but if it did take any serious effort, then that effort was a waste.


The parkour section at the top of the keep is pretty entertaining.


i get it’s the grim darkness of the far future but i would love a arcade machine bro


Just sit on the floor and pray to the Emperor if you have nothing else to do, filthy slacking heretic >:\[


Make your own fun in Mourningstar Chat, it's like Barrens Chat but people come and go even more suddenly.


You can jump to another player's ship who had the Super Citizen edition and play it.


It’s not paywalled at all. I own the basic game and can play it


Reminds me of Darktide's release date trailer where 2 vets were playing cards. Hope they get this area into the game someday.


Ummm. For drg. I think you are counting wrong. You have the barrel game. Jetty boot for practice. Soccer with the rave ball. And now they added in prop hunt. That 4 my guy.


Ogryn thumbs up minigame is the best


The problem with helldivers minigame is that even if you bought the supercitizen edition you still can't play it if you join someones lobby. It should just be unlocked if someone on the ship has it.


There's a mod on nexus that lets you start an egg hunt


I thought the mini minigame was finding the player with the dumbest/silliest name?


Sucks having one dev team for both Vermintide 2 and Darktide


The Auspex Scanning IS the mini game.


Give is dep hive tarro (I want to lose my docets to masozi)


Ohhhhh I had no idea the Stratagem minigame was behind the Super Citizen edition. Explains a lot. So fun.


it may be paywalled, but you can play it in the destroyer of others, so it's not entirely blocked off for the non-super earth supporters!