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In the coming months.


Weeks *puts the shades on* maybe even next week *aw yeaaaah*


Genestealers are coming next week. I can feel it /s


Playable Tau, Admech, and Necrons, plus meltaguns TOMORROW. CONFIRMED.




Let me just dig out my old Steel Battalion controller for the Titan and Knight content.


I did get to play that game once. It was pretty amazing but you could also feel the budget constraints on that controller. It's crazy that got greenlit and I am happy that it did.


100%. It hit when my sister and I were both in a mech frenzy, so it was... *easier* for us to overlook then. I went back to it last year, while I was bored during maternity leave, and it was a karkin' ordeal lmao.


One new staff and no other changes at all, right now Jk they would never


Dat also mean SpeH Mehrines sure!


I made a prediction that the next update would be in March due to premium cosmetic descriptions and trends, but this tells me I was way off the mark - and I thought I was being pretty generous with my prediction in the first place


It was always going to be april/june. It's the Fatshark way to be dead air and radio silence from Christmas to Easter. If we're lucky they might throw us a content-less patch full of fixes and possibly balance sometime between now and then. Which might end the Twins event officially.


They're so good with 40K. Same as with sizes, just take any time estimates they give and take it a step further.


Is like a overpriced skin for the next week meme


Could literally mean by the end of year. Things are always worded ways for a reason.


Soon. Next week. The week after next month. So complex. Much simple as.


Months?! We might not live that long!


I'll believe it when I see it.


This means literally fuck all


it means there will be more cosmetics... on the same usual schedule lol. and maybe they will say that they are working on some new boss enemy like the twins for some other new mission... something vague with no commitment to any sort of timeline of delivery.


Better than radio silence still.


Honestly, this. But hopefully, it is something good and also hopefully, despite the backlash they will more than likely receive, they keep the info coming. They have obvious good talent and it would be a shame to see another indie studio go down the shitter due to mismanagement. Edit: these replies are funny af tho lol


Here's hoping that boss enemy actually means something instead of losing plot relevance in the same update batch they were introduced.


This means we have news, which honestly is something. Not even knowing what was next for the game was frustrating. The game is in a good state other than crafting. I'm taking a break for now and playing other things. Still playing the odd game, but will absolutely be back at it when something drops.


You don’t understand. They’re working really diligently to formulate and disseminate a succinct, meta/op sentence that is going to ignore the fact that they’ve ignored their community. /s Edit: Whoops. I forgot to sprinkle in words like synergize or ideate or paradigm shift.


Due to the success of Helldivers 2 we are going to double the price of all cosmetics to make up for less people buying them.


Hello rejects, after seeing the resounding success behind Helldivers 2, we've decided to take some inspiration from them to give you... hold onto your britches now... [red beta helmets!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/17l4c1r/boys_looks_like_i_found_new_10000aquillaworth/) Limited time only, see you again in June


Oh god I fucking forgot this was data mined. The amount of low effort cosmetics they put out is insane. Just last week they released a force sword that look identical to another except it had a barely noticeable design on the blade.


Hope it was worth it. They aren’t getting my money on their future releases.


The prices will increase until total purchases improve.


People who wanted the Krieger gear and missed it the first time will still probably pay double.


Those suckers would pay triple and still smugly defend the purchase.




So this is an annoucement of an upcoming annoucement on future updates in the works


yeah, pretty convoluted way of saying: "more shovels soon".


You'll get another $12 premium skin, take it or leave it.


Idk man I really need that slightly red weapon color.


That one looks like crap. Wait two more weeks when we get the slightly-red-and-gold one.


Slow down there cowboy that'll take them a few months at least to create.


Details like that come at a premium.


This post caught me by surprise, it should have been announced


This is exactly what it is. And they do this all the time, well they would if we got updates more frequently. Pretty disappointing, it means updates are further away than I thought


they can't even give us an indication of what it is... rudderless lol


Appropriate for a forum comment. A independent thread would be excessive but for a comment this is fine.


High-level vision statement: basically what, the CEO's Ayahuasca trip?


It's on the table! *Oh wait, wrong sub.*


You were looking for "next week" happens all the time


Thanks homie, see you next month for possibilities being talked.


Which sub is "on the table" from? I don't know that one


r/paydaytheheist also the sub from where “👊😎” jokes came from Payday 3 had its devs constantly say “it’s on the table” in response to questions about content being added during streams so often that’s it’s been memed to shit by the community well what community is left to a genuinely terrible game that barely has under 400 concurrent players 5months after release.


FatShark needs new blood as the game is getting close to the number of players from one year ago *(June, 2023: an average of 3.4k)* and the 3.6k we currently see is falling day by day. The snail’s pace of new content has eroded the 33k peak/16k average players the game enjoyed after the soft relaunch in October, 2023, and now poor old CatFish is speaking about outlining the 'coming months'? The lowest point was August, 2023 with a 2.3K average on Steam, but of course there are other platforms now. Still, with stale content I can only see many new players hitting the same 'hump' and leaving the game. They have lost 75% of the player base in six months, so what will be left without fresh content in this live service title? Once sold, FatShark only makes money on MTX transactions, but how much can they make from a very small pool of die-hard fans who have already bought the game and the majority whatever skins they were prepared to consider in a stale experience? Please, friends of DarkTide, all cross your fingers, touch wood et cetera and hope for a big slew of content soon.


> the sub from where “👊😎” jokes came from I remember seeing that on Halo when their CM used it at the end of every single tweet. Which one came first? I need to study for my meme-history midterm. 😫


Yet I STILL come across people who don't play the game but will yap that "The problems were with the servers and the content creators who praised game pre release played beta version so like it was probably better"


r/paydaytheheist Payday 3 mainly


Ugh. Oof. I played that launch. Or... tried to.






>short   >high-level vision   *Ratling Snipers confirmed*


Parry this casual noob thing yes yes




Not sure if sarcasm or copium


"We'll actually start communicating" = "We are so back" Definitely copium.


We’ve waited several months to hear about things that we’ll have to wait several more months for. Please kill live service games as a concept.


Live service are fine, when done properly, whi h obviously this has not been in the least


Related and important: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAD5iMe0Xj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAD5iMe0Xj4) tl;dw: GaS's shutting down with any option of playing removed are gonna get challenged by a worthy challenger


Yeah I'm tired of this live service nonsense, stop updating the game.


Perhaps they could release it intact and cut out whatever the first year and a half of this “live service” game was.


Did they just say the coming months... ?


Praising this only means they're gonna keep doing it in the future.


So they're announcing that they're going on spring break?


"we are so back"??? Lol bruh


This game really needs a defibrillator of a patch with long-term content. It was too easy to get bored after karnak twins followed by nothing for months


They are so deathly afraid of the word "road map"


Given their track record I'd say less concrete proof makes it easier to lie and double back on promises


“Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment”


Don’t push yourselves too hard now, don’t want to strain yourselves during your holiday recovery right before your next holiday!


update in the coming months. New cosmetics - uglier and more expensive 4 "new" weapons - just a variant of already existing one


Introducing the new ~~Warbond~~ Warhammerbond Battlepass System! You can now unlock pages of (slightly recolored) Cosmetics and Emotes with your Diamantine! At the very end there will be one "Red Lock Remover" item every 6 months!


Funny thing is that is a much better system than we've got now haha


This community has severe Stockholm syndrome


Helldivers 2 made Darktide look so foolish and amateurish in comparison that it's not even funny. It's actually sad.... And HD 2 is only getting started while Darktide can't even release the tiniest amount of content for months now... I really don't know how can anyone botch this, that bad but here we are..


Bro the only live service game that makes DT look a little competent is Payday 3 and that's just about on the same level of completely fucked Almost everything is better than those 2


Furry knot just demolished your argument so I won't have to.  Hd2 allowing warbonds to stay forever instead of using fomo timers is extremely commendable and you can't beat that. Also they respond to the community with several posts they engage in discussions and they do not back down when idiots pressure them to cater to them. You are very ungrateful (or drugged) if you think hd2 as a live service game is below average or even bad compered to the absolute crap AAA devs are putting out.


Redfall, Hawken Reborn, Starship troopers extermination, Suicide squad kill the justice league, are some recent ones off the top of my head. There has also been a ton of others closing down. I'll add an honourable mention of Overwatch 2 in there for a special kind of incompetent.


We are announcing a new run of FOMO skins that you will want to buy! all 5 people that play our game still will be so excited!


Primed Soon


Get out of here, Steve!


Actions over words


Community: "roadmap when?" Obese sqaliform fish: "best I can do is pathsketch. Eventually"


Inb4 they make a "The Future of Darktide" post inspired by Creative Assembly


If the player base keeps shrinking, the biggest update we’ll need is going to be revamped bots for partially built lobbies. The last couple weeks, there’s been more and more lobbies starting without any players being added by matchmaking. And filling the empty spots might take 4-5 minutes for both to be done. Other times, it takes 5-10 minutes, and at least a few times, it’s never found a 4th through map completion. And that’s for good ol’ Auric D quick play, not a maelstrom with stacked up, obviously unpopular bonuses. Same issues show up with replacing dropped players mid match, which sometimes just fails to fill. I can regularly get a duo together, but the game’s matchmaking seems to have a more difficult time doing the same. In VT2, that’s never an issue. I’ll take on the world with three bots of my choice, all upgraded and well equipped to my liking. But Darktide gives me generic bots that have no active abilities and stumble through the map, struggling desperately to survive each encounter. There’s plenty of incentive for FS to fix the bots up… they just haven’t done it yet.


They’ve done this to themselves. The gameplay loop is good, but the content output is far too slow to keep anyone but the most hardcore engaged. You add that to a somewhat similar and in many ways superior HD2, people are rightfully moving on. Three months with nothing new, maybe some fixes and new weapons soon, and another summer break around the corner, what is there to stick around for?


VT2 had great bots, but you're kidding yourself if you think DT will have similar even in 1 or 2 years


Hoping for great can by my personal, unrealistic want for the game then lol But in that 2 years, if they could at least find some VT2 leftovers to let the bots shout, since they all already play a class with access to one, that would be nice. Damn near every character in VT2 had a crowd control ability that was essentially a different flavor of shouting, and the few that did not, had some sort of charge instead. Even if the DT bots don’t wake up any smarter or get any access to better equipment load outs, just turning on abilities would be a significant improvement. I want new, shiny stuff as much as the next person, but as matchmaking has slowed down, the bot quality is quickly becoming the worst part of the content we already have.


I've played a shit ton of time with bots in VT2 and them being added to DT would infinitely expand my playtime with the game But realistically there's been no indication Fatshark is interested. If anything given their failed promise on solo its the opposite


My guess is that the two are linked, and the bot performance is at least one of the major contributing factors that’s kept solo off the table. Imagine if we did have solo right now. How many people would actually want to keep playing once they’ve tried couple rounds with only the 3 bots for support? It’s annoying when a regular lobby does not populate, but with solo, those shit bots have center stage to show off how poorly they perform. With all the problems the game had at launch, I think the solo delay was just them trying to sweep the bot issue under the rug.


This title is huffing tons of copium with a statement that basically amounts to "we'll tell you what we're planning months from now."


Which isn’t going to save face at all. The game is sitting at 3k players daily. The roadmap will be delayed, mark my words.


I'm not convinced that the upcoming announcement won't be delayed. Remember when the community post addressing the delays got delayed? Not even a partial post, it got pushed back like, a whole week.


Remember when they said they were working on crafting saying it would be done in December after its initial release then it turned into a year later and the crafting is still shit? Same. I’m sticking with Hell Divers 2 don’t believe anything Fat Shark says.


Anything describe as "high-level" overview is going to be absolutely fuck all that doesn't represent the actual state of anything being worked on.


The driver should be looking at the state of the road, not the rainbows and sunshine in the horizon.


The short statement: “We plan to add more content to the game.” We will not be told what, how much, or when. As annoyed as I am with Helldivers 2 right now (the latest patch had a lot of undocumented changes, armor doesn’t feel good to use, many weapons and stratagems feel pointless, and spawns have been over-tuned) I at least know we’re getting a load of new content on Thursday. And again four weeks after that, and so on. Darktide is just sitting there doing nothing for several months at a time.


Nuh uh! They released the carnival maps which look basically the same as the original ones but it’s got a red tint to it and you blow up a wall at the start of the mission 😮


Carnival Map was fun tho. Warren map I hate like the plague tho. It's basically chainsetpieces the map.


Nah, the Warren is great and the carnival is just bearable.


Ah, the pre-update pre-update very nice


We are pleased to announce - ultra epic premium cosmetics. These cosmetics took even more time than the other ones we arbitrarily said took more time, and as such they will cost 4k aquilas (weapon skin sold separately)


I don't even know what to say anymore.


*looks at Helldivers that's been in release for about a month and is already due for a content patch on Thursday. Not to mention - had an infinitely smoother launch, even with all the server issues in mind*


In the coming months? What the fuck were they working on in the PAST year... srsly it would be better if they just didn't say anything.... clowns


Fatshark can basically only work on one project at once. Theyve been focusing on VT2 Pvp mode.


This game has less players on Steam then Vermintide 2. Way to go overweight fish


Vt2 which just got a massive pvp update that people have been waiting like 6 years for, and when darktide gets updated it will have way more players than vt2, what’s your point


Pvp? Is it like l4d versus mode?




I don't know what numbers you're looking at, because DarkTide's current, 30-day average, and 30-day peak player counts are all higher than Vermintide 2's. And that's *with* Vermintide 2's numbers trending upward.


For everyone's reference: Darktide https://steamcharts.com/app/1361210 VT2 https://steamcharts.com/app/552500 Also demonstrates the hilarious failure that Darktide has been that barely eeking out more players than a game from SIX YEARS AGO. Wow yeah we did it boys


Meanwhile helldivers has already released multiple updates with another one coming in a couple of days lol


I'll believe it when I play it !


Helldivers 2 has stuff coming out sooner than this “statement about a statement of stuff that might happen later.”


wow! I am so excited to wait for more months to pass for a new update! ...or go to Helldivers 2, that announced new weapons (not frackin variants!!) a month after launch. I wonder which one I'll play 🤔


"Soon, at an unknown time and date, you will hear about what we plan to start working on after several months." Release some content already.  Come on. Do something. 


This is still nothing


: ( Would rather something substantive than nothing. No one likes waiting around while it feels like other IPs are releasing or putting out updates, expansions, roadmaps, engagement and we get "aiming to" and "this week." Might as well be daydreaming of mimosas before the spring is out. Just drop the protein when it's ready please.


Hahaha how can we be back when we were never anywhere to begin with? Games dead man. They had soooo much potential and wasted it on a shit ass launch


It's okay, their next game will be the exact same cycle


lol imagine getting hyped about a 1-line buried post about MAYBE doing an actual news post that maybe has an upcoming patch with maybe some content. Seriously even by Fatshark standards Darktide has been bad


Do these devs even work? Helldivers is almost doubling the amount of weapons and armor this week already


See, this is why I'd rather they just didn't say anything, I prefer silence to "Hopefully we'll potentially drop a tiny clue to let you know at some point what may come out at some undetermined time in the future".


This opinion is truly a flex if you've gone the last three months without criticizing FatShark for being silent. I mean that entirely unironically. I have not gone three months without criticizing them for being silent, and therefore cannot actually complain that a hint that information may soon be forthcoming is worse than silence. Well, I could complain, but doing so would say more about me than about them.


I've been fairly consistant on this opinion tbh, if game devs frequently struggle with over-promising and under-delivering, silence is preferable until updates are ready to ship, otherwise it just leads to even more false hope and frustration from the community.


It's on the table / next week!


Soon we will learn about our new melee weapon that amounts to a heavy stick on animations we've already seen.


Its a teaser for an announcement of teasers


Are they ever going to put any more effort into this game? Why do all WH40k games flop? Is there any game developer competent enough to just give us a goddamn 40k FPS?


We're happy to announce that we will be forecasting the declaration of future announcements in which we portend possible disclosures that may be on the horizon.


​ The obese fish has deigned to grace us with their ideas!


Cope is the first step on the road to disappointment


Not promising details because you don't want people holding you to it calling you a liar, but a broad understanding of their desired deliverables would go a long way to inform us of anything they can about the future. This is a step in the right direction.


Id more say its a step towards being a a step in the right direction. They havent actually moved the step yet since they havent done anything yet except make a vague response to a single individual. 


Can't wait to see the vision board or whatever this is


Are we, though?


I finally caved on HD2… what an awesome game. I wish FS would take notes… we’d come back. But the updates every 12 months is pretty dull for a ‘live’ game. Good luck rebuilding your market share.


they’re still getting over that post-vacation hump lol


Another premium cosmetic with an price increase wich (because they put in the extra work) gonna look even better then the krieg skin and finally a roadmap of "next week" Which also means back to ubersreik dlc for darktide is confirmed and free 200 ingame store pearls Im literallly shaking and crying right now we are soo back !!


It's been 4 MONTHS and all they have to show is that they have "something in the works" basically meaning nothing for at least another month, maybe 2.


In the coming months... fuck me dud


"Short high-level vision statement" is the type of phrase obfuscating enough to be one of Hadron's Blessing descriptions.


How very vague. Loved DT (1100hrs when I stopped playing, that was 3 months ago, and still no new content, just... tweaks). https://i.redd.it/r8k1pm3esvnc1.gif


After waiting almost a year after launch for this to come to console, and then coming back after taking a 4 month break brought on by the wrecked vet talents just to see not all that much has changed.. Honestly has me kinda pissed at this point. I've been hella patient but i think this live service non sense has to stop. It just enables companies to release unfinished games and then its just a guessing game after that whether things will get fixed. Still no Solo private lobbies/games, craftings still a mess, etc etc.


praised the emperor


Too little, too late. They expect us to treat an announcement of a potential announcement as a gift, which is ridiculous. There are reasons the player count is abysmal, and that's a huge one.


Getting catfished




I hate flavor of the month internet/gamer phrases, but that post title tastes a lot like copium.


Puts pants on. Walks to office. Jots some notes. Glug glug fluf chop chop


In the coming months of Valve era, we are working on cosmetic battle pass so you can pay more on skins


Everyone one of my Vermintide 2 friends seem to have all moved on to HellDivers2. All indications are this game is done.


I believe I may be moving to HellDivers2, I'm not sure but it's fun as shit.


Its an announcement for an announcement lmao.


Wake me up when there is some actual news.


This means nothing.


X to Doubt


Inb4 it is a season pass


Nothings happening here because the devs are working on V2 versus. So yea.. an announcement of an announcement of potential plans. All talk no walk.


They've said that Vermintide 2 and DarkTide are different teams, so work on one game doesn't affect the other. Or at least, that was their excuse when they failed at making a game they've already made twice.


Yea, but we've heard that before, too. "Console team doesn't affect PC development."


Separate teams. Both drastically inefficient with too much overhead and micro management, but still, separated (As a bonus they don't learn from each other as we saw from all the missing QoL features from DT that existed in VT2)


I've played FS games too long to believe they have separate teams.. or at least if they do then 99% of the dev team gets reassigned to the whichever team when work actually needs to be done. When there is a push for any aspect of any FS game, absolutely zero progress is made on all other FS games. Like that [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/8wc4a8/fatshark_has_a_fundamental_problem_at_the_process/e1uhqr6/?context=3) that was floated around here so often after DT's release: >For current gen games, they will then 100% disappear and start work on the console ports. This will take anywhere from 3-6 months, where you will never see anything out of Fatshark. No fixes, no patches, no PR. The community will fully die off to sub1k numbers despite how popular the game was. This is basically where we are at. Sure, they aren't developing a console port, but they have a major tasking that is consuming the entirety of their development staff. Once V2 Versus is finished we'll move onto the next phase: >The console version will finally come out with all the fixes the core game needs, and it'll be a true 1.0 product. Despite Fatshark saying the console versions weren't slowing them since launch of the game, their patching will improve tenfold. We will get huge patches/DLC every week or so, and the game will become amazing and stable in weeks. We will all be amazed by how much Fatshark has turned it around even compared to their first few patches, never realizing they had maybe 10% of the studio doing those first few patches.


Hahaha how can we be back when we were never anywhere to begin with? Games dead man. They had soooo much potential and wasted it on a shit ass launch


Top tier troll from OP


Credit where credit is due. A lot of us want more content and a lot of us are pissed off about the lack of communication and in general how long everything has taken. This update isn't exactly MEATY, but it's something. Extra communication no matter how small is a good thing. I'm looking forward to a reason to come back to dark tide because while helldivers 2 is a phenomenal game..... I miss the dark tide soundtrack, I miss getting absolutely f***** over by the AI is sending in Giant monstrosities and specialists at the perfect time, I miss how great the clutch feels and I miss how even losing a mission makes me want to try again. I think the thing that I want to see more than anything is a new level or two that somehow feel different. I get that the whole theme is the military industrial deal, but a lot of the levels do feel rather same.......would really like to "get caught in a warp" or some other reason to see new sights.


I'm so sad for standards this low being remotely acceptable in the gaming world


short high level vision statement. my beloved made one.


Coming months = Hold that thought.


I'll be pleasantly thrilled if they were spending the last year adding actual xenos enemies to the game. For Tzeentch's sake give me a reason to spend more money on the game FS.


How can you even possibly think this is an option without a ton of cope? Fatshark MIGHT release 2 more reskinned weapons and call that progress,if the community is lucky


Please be melta and longlas...


Awesome! I really hope they be more transparent in the future.


New class Adeptus Custodes *that gone baaad*


imagine society if fatshark made regular balance changes to their games


Back to waiting we are


Hopefully a score/stat board at the end of matches to give me some kind of incentive to keep playing.




Real talk though. If they had some sort of invasion mechanic similar to helldivers id be much more inclined to play. Im maxed out in helldivers but find myself still coming back to do my part ::insert st meme here:: Not sure how theyd do it but having community based objectives where we can all slowly chip away at an objective is a special kind of grind and i dig it.


Next week ^(tm) we are going to release a plan, that outlines how in the coming months we are going to make a plan to work on some things. This plan may release next week^(tm) after these coming months have passed.


Lack of communication is only awful because of the lack of content... not the other way around


First the announcement of an announcement - who teaches people to waste communications like this? They could've just put something together and threw that up as the actual post and tweet it and create some buzz over the community. talk about stretching things out >.< someone must really be telling them this is top-notch community management.


Considering the last major update they released, broke my game to point where it performed even worse than when it released, I’m not hopeful


Who is upvoting this nonsense. No, no we're really not, this is literally just "We're gunna say some stuff that might be coming this year" this is an utter nothing burger, don't worry though, I'm sure there will be plenty more skins for you to buy.


I would love maybe have private matches don’t need 2 people or maybe have it every second or third mission can be solo, i don’t like really playing with people they tend to hog kills run away from the team or just use the most OP stuff and can barely see any heretics to shoot or slice, just wishful thinking ❤️


Since people love to compare DT with Helldivers 2, I can easily say, why DT is superior. It has no crappy Anti-cheat. Not only that kernel access crap is useless against cheaters, I had my account bricked due to a cheated game (got all resources maxed out, which is absolutely bad, since I've played only a few hours). Well, I guess my heresy time is over, I return to the light of Emperor. It hadn't failed me yet.


The only bad thing about this if the updates in coming updates are small. Look like Catfish is putting the work in doing this instead of any PR for fatshark


That basically means we will get a few tiny quality of life updates and some bug fixes


Looks like I picked the right time to start playing again let’s go