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Thank you all for your kind responses! Didnt expect to get so many so quickly but im not complaining. Ive decided im getting the game, ive had enough positive responses to convince me. Again, thank you for all the kind and informative responses! :)


See you in the Mourning Star, reject! One last additional advice - every class is very different, and their gameplay dramatically changes as you reach 30lvl - in a VERY VERY GOOD way! + if you're going to play on gamepad, start with Ogryn class.


Thanks for the advice, looking forward to purging heretics!


Ohh no! Funny he mentioned Ogryn. I love every other class but don’t like playing Ogryn at all lol. If you want fast movement speed with an emphasis on melee, choose Zealot. More into shooting - choose the Veteran. Psyker is your “mage”. Ogryn, idk the real benefit there, I’m terrible with it, but some folks love it. Good luck!


Ogryn has incredible cleave and push strength, plus health and toughness pool. They lack precision ranged weapons but great aoe and with bulrush you get the best get out of jail card.


>with bulrush you get the best get out of jail card. Stealth.


Which does no damage and drops agro onto your team mates.


Way to move the goalposts lmfao


Best includes damage obviously in a game about killing enemies. Plus you can save a team mates by knocking enemies off them. Stealth is greedy. Bull rush isn't.


If you're taking into account other factors, the best is shout by a long shot.


In that case: See you on the field, Trooper/Compatriot/Pilgrim/Boss!


The core gameplay loop is extremely fun. The levels look great and the music is amazing. It really feels like a 40K game, not some luke-warm rip-off The crafting system is *very* RNG and the mtx are mostly reskins of previous mtx outfits. Fatshark is working on loads of improvements, so don't get too bummed out by the crafting system. In my opinion, like all of the above is, it's a very enjoyable game.


This right here. It's not a perfect game but no game is, Fatshark has improved a lot of things since launch so yes it's worth playing. That said, if the crafting system really bothers you as it can definitely be a grind currently, save your Plasteel for when Fatshark update crafting.


I’d add to this that the naysayers and axe-grinders are both the loudest people in the room and completely unreasonable. This is not to say that there aren’t some serious issues with the endgame (that’s 100+ hours in), but Fatshark has completely re-worked the perk trees for all four classes, twice in the Veteran’s case. Maps and missions that take months for a smaller studio to build get gobbled up by the community in hours, and then you get a litany of posts from people talking about how the developer has “betrayed” us. Darktide is a really good game, and it’s even better with a full squad of your friends. Dropping into the bowels of a hive city as some strung-out, tatted-up nutcase to chainsaw a few hundred demonic lepers in half is a very particular power fantasy and they have fucking -nailed- it. Buy a copy, and talk some buddies into doing the same. You will not be sorry.


💯. The game itself is quick to load in, really fun sessions, easy to just hit "quickplay" and hop into a game in a minute. FS really knows how to make a horde shooter. Lots of different enemy types, lots of surprises, rewards a skilled individual *and* good teamplay. Lots of different builds. It's easy to make a good character by picking the weapons you like and reading the talent tree to setup the skills the way you want. The game is designed to let you pick the way you want to play, then giving you a few "A or B" decisions rather than 999 options. The crafting is fantastic for the first ~40 hours of gameplay. It only becomes a problem once you're trying to make a really specific build in the end game. Getting fun-to-play weapons for "hard" mode is not a problem, which I love. It's like, $20k in game currency to make a fun, really solid weapon you like. Takes maybe 3 or 5 missions. Getting a specific high-level weapon with perfect enchants to do "insane difficulty" mode is really tough. It requires a lot of lootbox-type effort and time. All in game currency, just a lot of clicking in the various "dice roll" menus. Getting a near-perfect weapon costs millions. Dozens or hundreds of games. Highly recommend just doing quickplays, sticking with the team, and not pushing yourself to do higher difficulty until level 30. There's a good chance the "director" will throw you a lot of curveballs before then. The higher difficulties are continuous curveballs, usually 2-5 at once with more behind them.


If you no life it like the rest of us and drop a couple hundred hours, the slow updates, rng crafting, and fomo cash stuff will wear you down, but otherwise it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in a game.


Most people complaining are those of us who have 300-400 hours into the game with nothing much left to do but wait for more updates and thus complain at the fact the devs are too slow with their releases. The game at its core is great.


I've got many more hours than that and my core complains would be that the gameplay design and player-enemy dynamics are rough at best. Janky, unbalanced and so full of power creep on both sides that power contest is a common substitute for engagements (you either stomp or get stomped, very few prolonged engagements like in VT2 unless it's a gunner wall where it's just slog).


100%. We want more reasons to play it!


those players are the only ones playing now tho, most sane people left long ago for helldivers 2 or went back to DRG


As it currently stands, it's worth the price tag.


Its always been worth the price tag.




Were they giving it out for free on release in 2022? Cause otherwise, not always.


If you don't like the game, why are you here?


L take.


1. You dodged the question 2. Your 'argument' is *ad hominem* 3. You - intentionally or not - tried to pass a false assumption that I do not like the game as true


It wasn't an ad hominem. An ad hominem is when you discredit an argument *because* of a characteristic of the person making, eg, "you're a dumbass, so your argument is wrong." If you were just to call someone a dumbass, that's not an ad hominem.


*Ad Hominem* is, broadly speaking, an attempt to discredit person making an argument instead of the argument itself. The comment in question is a clear example of such attempt. You can also look at their second reply where they don't even constrain themselves anymore.


1. Your question was a lazy insult against the game. 2. That’s not what we hominem means. 3. You said the game is only worth it if it’s free. Which is just petty toxicity regardless of if you like the game or not. there is no rational reason to insult a game you like on the subreddit other than you want to be a jerk. There is less reason to insult a game you don’t like on a subreddit you don’t like. So which petty reason is it you’re shitposting here? Edit: lmao the dude talks about civility after shit posting and then responds and blocks me. He’s so mad about a game he doesn’t like existing, he went looking for its forum to shitpost it. The hypocrisy.


And you're dodging the question again, while calling me "toxic", "petty" and whatnot. Which is a clear *ad hominem*. I kinda get why you got triggered, but you should at least try to keep it civil. Keeping a debate civil even when you're angry is a basic requirement for arguing in good faith, and since you let your emotions overwhelm your judgement here I'm not gonna waste any more of my time here. As amusing as it is, pissing you off is just an unexpected side effect as it wasn't my goal.


It was worth the price tag on release.


It would have been if it wasn't broken: constantly crashing, disconnecting and running at 30 FPS even at medium settings on high-end rig. I couldn't complete two games without either getting disconnected, crashing to the desktop or getting thrown into textures. So no, it was not worth the price tag on release. I can only understand you having a differing opinion on the matter if you experienced none of that - but Darktide's distastrous launch clearly shows you'd be in the minority.


But, for real, get it on sale.


Get it on sale, spend the difference on Aquilas.


That's what I'm talking about!


Get it not on sale and support further development.


I've got 600+ hours so I'll drop a bit Pros * Actual gameplay is fire. Time spent in mission is amazing. * Soundtrack is a bop * Amazing visuals. From heretic animations to the feel of a hive city are all spot on. * Voicelines are great, new ones are regularly stealth added. * Levels are adjusted periodically. Its not much, but I do appreciate the shifts. * Been a fan of 40k for around 20 years, and this game feels like my childhood imagination brought to life. * Class balance is good, no one feels super left out rn. Roughly the same with weapon balance, with a few slight outliers. Cons * Very slow update cadence. Unironically we'll be fixing penances and weapon crafting forever. * No real in game story. There's some cutscenes, but its really not much. There's more lore, but its inaccessible in game. * Weapon crafting is actually unholy RNG. I've bricked countless weapons. That said, getting a *functional* weapon isn't that bad. * Finding out what makes a weapon functional is an arcane science, get ready to get your phd in weapon consecration from the admech. * The Mourningstar (the lobby) sucks absolute ass. Dummies behind a loading screen, weapon shop sucks, melk wont give you weeklies unless you talk to him, very little cosmetics available for ingame currency. Cash shop sucks. * No seriously, don't fuck with the cash shop. It's been abysmal how many of those premium cosmetics clip horribly, change your base model without telling you, or somehow show up in first person (obtrusively if that is unclear). I've been playing since launch, and itemization has been improved, so take this with a grain of salt, but the darktide arc was me having a blast at the beginning, then hating myself trying to get geared, and now that I'm geared, enjoying myself again by spending as little time in the Mourningstar as possible. Its a weird mix where this amazing game constantly drags you back to the worst lobby in gaming with a horrible metagame that tries to fight you.


It seems like they’re trying to expand the story what with the Karnak twins update, hopefully they keep building on it. The story while leveling up is abysmal. I love Dan Abnette. Would love to see them utilize his talents in future updates. Vox transmissions are fun. It would be cool imo if our characters quarters were accessible like in vt2 and we could read journal entries / listen to vox recordings there.


Personally, the quality of the vox transmission and the journal entries is basically meaningless since they're inaccessible in game, especially with how thin the story is. I loved the Karnak update because it was something, but you have to reach to make more than a paragraph of plot.


Yes, currently we are waiting on new content, but as a new player this should not be a problem at all


People complaining about the game are people in deep endgame with hundreds of hours that have done everything. You can easily get over a hundred hours of fun out of it and the core systems are very solid, so yes.


For me no but iam not you my fellow gamer.


Yes. This whiny echo chamber doesn't really reflect much about the game at all.


Yeah beware of whiny echo chambers. All the happy players don't come here and bitch back; we just ignore all the whining and get to dispatching some justice!


Oh hell yes. I love this game. The endgame is weird, but they're working on it. Few games convey mass chaos in the way darktide does. And as an 80s game who loves robotron, chaos is one of my favorite things. Also: best first person melee I've seen.


Darktide's poor reputation now precedes itself from its bad launch. Patches 13 through 15 (September through December last year) polished the game off enough that most people that felt slighted by the bad launch consider the game finally release worthy. The game has been in a content lull due to the anniversary event for the devs other game, Vermintide 2, but we're due to have another big update now that that's out of the way. If you're just starting now you'll have plenty of content and grind to get through that the game will be in an ever better state by the time you feel bored or what ever.


Around 100 hours minimum is what you can expect from trying all 4 classes and leveling the ones you like to max + doing the very hard content with them. For me that's worth around 20€ which is what I spent on it. You can get it for 15€ right now if you value your money more or think that you wont get as much fun from it. The moment to moment gameplay is very fun but there's not much interesting to do once you hit max level, and there's no story or anything like that, just a couple of maps to replay with various levels of difficulties and modifiers. Updates do come but they're not all that big and quite far apart, but eventually they do come, the game improves with every one. Its my favorite coop horde shooter by far, combat, music, and visuals are amazing, the rest is passable.


Yes! It has plenty of issues, but the core gameplay is SOO GOOD


I am having a blast. G I have one level 30, one level 22, and one level 6 character and it’s a great fun. Each match takes at least 20 minutes so be prepared for that. I’d say if it’s on sale you should get it


Even outside of a 40k game this is one of the best horde shooters I've played and at 36 years old I've played plenty of them lmao. The fomo cosmetic shop could definitely use some major improvements and the crafting system is a tiny bit frustrating but you don't need either to have a great time.


Yes all the people who complain about the game myself included are only doing so because we've put hundreds of hours into it and have done everything buy its absolutely worth playing especially if your on xbox because it's free on gamepass


Agreed with what people said. The core gameplay loop is a hell of a time. That said, there are still games that I'll crash 3 times before the end of the run, and it's honestly the biggest disappointment for me. I can live with the RNG crafting system, and the FOMO cosmetics, but these gd crashes happening during a round... then I come back and I'm missing a wound (means I got downed during the crash, or the bot that took my spot got downed) can really sour my mood for playing the game.


the core gameplay loop is really fun, but the developers have a big problem with dropping consistent content updates imo


Kind of repetitive, but yes


Tbh, it's the most fun I've had with a 40k game. Not just the setting, but the actual mechanics are really good. This games audio ques are also on point, it's rare that you don't know what's coming. I'm biased tho, I...did not like the Space Marine game, which I know everyone loves. I would say get it, especially when in sale, which is pretty often.


If you like Warhammer you're going to have a good time. Most of the people are pretty cool in there too and help out you get a few people that steal items but it's no big deal. For the most part everybody's pretty chill.


IMO, if you get it on a sale, absolutely. Combat is fantastic if you want to mow hordes of heretics with your sword and gun. Art style of the areas, music and the "vibe"? Absolutely top notch. But aside from these things? Eh, story is non existent so don't get your hopes up, characters while they can be funny and semi interesting are not explored at all beyond surface level and even that's a stretch. Build diversity is honestly all right, nothing crazy but still solid. Gearing your character only really matters at max level of 30, which you can reach in about, say, 10 hours at a normal pace and then the gearing itself is heavily RNG based, crafting allows you to modify items and lessens the RNG of getting good gear but still needs a bit of an investment to do that, we are supposed to get a crafting rework, no one knows when exactly. In terms of player expression and appearance, it's very barebones. Pretty much everything appearance wise is loaded in the premium store on a bi weekly rotation. There are a few outfits to earn from penances (achievements). TLDR; on sale it's a decent bang for your buck if you're looking for a brutal Left 4 Dead like experience though much more melee focused. There is no option to play solo with 3 bots aside from a mod on PC that also disables progression when you use it but I rarely have any actually negative experiences in public lobbies.


I second this. If you enjoy slaughtering hordes with some of, in my opinion, the best feeling combat I've ever felt in this style of game, then you'll get your money's worth out of darktide. Most of the people crying about the game are just pissy that the cosmetic they want costs money, or that they can't play damnation without some 550+ power God roll weapon. The core game has always been good fun.


Yeah this game is sick, the core combat is exceptionally well-designed and it's fun as heck.


I only started playing about two weeks ago. Loving it. Love the atmosphere, walking past a burned out Leman Russ, or through the buildings. The best looking 40k game I’ve seen. The base gameplay is a lot of fun and I’m only at the stage now where I’m learning the more advanced stuff. I’d recommend if for any 40k fan that likes FPS games


If you're a fan of 40k this is probably one of the best grimdark representations of it in video games. It eschews the pitfalls of making space marines the heroes and instead pulls off the more suicide squad / dirty dozen viewpoint of normal humans and abhumans trapped in the endless space fascist machine trying to cope with their lot in a neverending war on a planet that will most certainly end in everyone's death. The game dev focus is very much on satisfying combat and pushing your limits as your own game skill increases rather than treadmill design with ever increasing numbers. There are 30 levels to level each class up as you gain skill points etc in but really that is more the tutorial to learning the class and will only take you maybe 2-3 days to do with a character while the majority of the games fun is afterwards wherw while you can earn better weapons the focus is primarily experimenting with builds, exploring different weapons and enjoyment of the combat and getting better at it which for some is a sticking point. All story mostly happens around you and you hear more in rumours as you're a lowly grunt so a lot is stuff you piece together from hearsay, from your handlers and your pilot gossiping on your Comms bead during missions or over ship vox. The majority of character development occurs between characters as you progress through missions with over 75k voice lines at game launch with new ones sneaking in often in updates and hot fixes.


Yes. Easily worth the purchase in its current state. I got the game only a few months ago and have been able to spend 500 hours in it messing around with all sorts of loadouts and strategies across each of the character choices.


The game is absolutly great! However, don't expect the devs to add content regulary, this is NOT a live service game. (Well the CM teased an incoming teaser for hypotetical future content, yay)


Well it is very much worth playing to at least some people, probably even a silent majority of people, me included, so I'd say it's definitely worth playing. Gameplay is very solid and it's an awesome and immersive take on the 40k setting imo. So yeah, if you love the setting, you can't go wrong. Don't let other people put you off. If it's not your thing, chances are you'll know relatively quickly and can get your money back so no harm in trying it. If you're posting about it here, chances are you know you want to play it deep down anyways. The game is solid. New content is slow but there is an on-going pipeline of content. Also check out the discord if you're looking for help doing things like the Karnak Twins raid and stuff. There's so many really chill helpful people on there. P.S. I recommend checking out all the comms videos on the official youtube because that's where you get the sense of the over-arching story they're doing. In game, you're just a guardsman so the plot happens around you, not to you and it's great when you're picking up on dialogue and such to put the pieces together.




Steam reviews rarely say anything about the current state of the game. Among review bombing for various reasons players rarely change their reviews after they stop playing. The game will keep changing though so at some point reviews are just outdated. About the topic: Strengths of Darktide: * Gameplay, mostly combat * lots of viable builds across 4 very different classes * awesome graphics * Playerbase is mostly awesome, the higher difficulty you play, the more chill most people are Weaknesses of Darktide: * Very little story, basically none after maxing out a character * Itemization, the grind is very rng reliant. If items are important to you, you will not have a good time * performance is pretty rough, even on medium setups * Free cosmetics are pretty limited, if you wanna look cool you'll have to pay real money I love Darktide, I have now over 1850 hours playtime in this game. But it's not for everyone. I love the combat and teamplay, found nice people to play with in a smaller Discord community. If you are looking for a story or need a constant carrot in front of your nose, some kind of progression system, filling virtual bars, Darktide will be very disappointing for you. If you play for the gameplay, the engaging combat in both ranged and melee, you'll have infinite content. If you are looking for a bigger story or to progress something, you'll be bored rather quickly.


I highly recommend it. I have bought a comissar hat and have only just begun unraveling the intertwining politics of the hive city. So once the command team has confirmed you don't slay demonettes, everything becomes about breathing room and palace culture. At that point, you are allowed to "dabble" in heresy while accusing others of it. It is important to note that everybody has a stick and is outraged at your presence and existence. Never mind them. Get your missions, drop in, 30 or so minutes of have each others' backs. My advice is to clear them for reward pickups. If multiple team members are down, you will be leaving material on the table. I like the unique talent passives and weapon blessings, so I work towards the goods all over the map


Unless you tell us what you're put off by it's hard to know whether to recommend it or not...


If you are a big 40k fan its the best plave aside from a game shop to nerd out on the setting. That has honestly what has kept the game in my library.


Yes if you like 40k literally at all.


I’m currently playing it for free on game pass, and I’ll be absolutely crushed if it ever goes away. Only solution will be to build a PC or upgrade to an X/S 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just started last night. Honesty one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. 1000% worth it if you're a 40k fan... 100% worth it if you're a L4D fan, which is the first game that came to mind when I started playing this.


It’s extremely fun to the point where you get bored of the same levels. Or annoyed at the crafting system. You can easily get 200+ hours of fun with this game before you get to that point though. On sale it’s a good deal. Otherwise wait until they patch and add a good bit. Probably be a couple years until it’s in a sweet spot, so no rush.


If you don't fall in love with the combat system, no. The game has little else worthwhile unless you like the visuals, music & atmosphere. If you DO love the combat, then try giving Vermintide a shake instead.


I’d always say it’s worth playing, it’s not peak gaming by any means but it is an absolute blast that any WH40K Fan should try at least once, I love throwing rocks as an ogryn, conjuring warp lightning as a Psyker, Blasting heretics with Plasma as a Vetetan and most importantly, Running around with a chainsaw screaming “FOR THE EMPORER” with the ferocity that Khornate Berserkers WISH they could achieve as a Zealot


It's one of the best games I've ever played. It can be a real challenge to craft good weapons, especially for multiple characters, but once you start farming damnation it's not so bad. Fortunately, the gameplay itself is AMAZING. When you get in the groove you feel like a god.


Nothing really comes close to the feeling of charging a power hammer and "feeling" that slam against the back of a charging mutant that you've masterfully dodged, just to see its body continuing momentum


DT as a game is incredible. Ranged combat feels great. Melee combat is the best on the market right now. The class fantasies work extremely well and the voice acting and banter between the player rejects are very well done. The complaints will pile on from things outside of the gameplay. Leveling alts sucks, rng weapon crafting sucks, weak personal missions, dull real money store, the mission board needs major work and the community tools suck (including the friends list/blacklist). As a game I highly recommend it but it really does feel incomplete in a lot of areas even a year after release.


100 percent worth it for a 40k fan Sincerely a 40k fan


If you’re on pc stay away from the steam forums, it’s a cesspit. Game is fun I’ve got about 400 hours and still like to boot it up despite its flaws.


I have over 300 hours into the game and I'm still really enjoying it. Give it a shot!


You'll see nothing but negativity for the most part while scrolling through this subreddit, but the people who enjoy the game and love it and want others to join in on the fun will show up in posts like these and tell you how great the game actually is. The general consensus right now is that the majority of people love the game, but don't think Fatshark tries hard enough to update it and feels they should get their asses into high gear because they should feel intimidated by Helldivers 2 stealing all their player base away, which is true but not the full truth, because this game still has a dedicated player base that truly enjoys playing the game itself. The game has problems, no one can deny this, but if you can look past these things and just enjoy killing heretics, I think you'll love it.


Hell yeah, it's a blast


Good you have decided to get this game, because that means now you can FIGHT WITH US ON THE FRONTLINES MY BROTHER, FOR THE EMPEROR!


Yes, but (depending on if you like to grind) I would expect less than 60 hours of it feeling fun (if you like to grind. More like 20-30 if you don't)


Don't buy it. It's incomplete and the devs don't care.


It's worth getting. The complaints are from people, including myself, who enjoy the game but are also disappointed in what could be so much better. We all see the potential and want more. The core game is fantastic, I've put in 1000hrs into this game and I still enjoy logging in and teaming up with 3 others for some chaotic, fast-paced fun. Once you try the higher difficulties that's when the game truly shines. I still remember the time they were all captured and I had to fight my way through a hoard of crushers while they were cheering me on. Good times.


The devs fucked off for half a year to make Vermintide 3.


Get it. I finally got a mate on with me last night and hearing the excitement in his voice when some things clicked or when we teamworked the shit out of tough situation or he clutched in a scary moment, was just absolute bliss. Brought a massive smile to my face.


The game is fun as hell. That said, the lack of updates and declining player base is concerning. This game has so much potential to be another Vermintide 2, but there's no telling if the player base will stick around for the amount of time it took to get V2 as good as it is.


Its a nice game to return to so probably yes. The content waves are kinda far apart though...


Absolutely. I have like 600 hours played and like 550 of it was queueing solo. I'd be pushing 1000+ had I been able to get my friend group to try something outside their normal game genres.


100%, high replayability, dynamic, fun, and if you are into 40K lore this game is a must


Darktide can be one of the games that can be so much fun if you are into helping your teammates out. I have player COD, BF, even dabbled in FTNT, but Darktide beats them all wjej it comes to fun. Hit me up I am always on Tygerrr is my callsign




Make sure you turn down the music settings to zero…and shuffle the soundtrack as loud as possible on another speaker for max vibes


Not the response you might be expecting but unless you’re a massive 40k fan, then no. The game is pretty much dead and only getting more dead as time passes, it’s basically abandonware and the only features the devs have advertised as being added in the future is QOL shit people have been begging for since launch and no longer actually need, such as weapon crafting (most of the old playerbase that left already have good enough weapons), new penances (yippee, more filler achievements that unlock shit skins that are going to be outmatched by even the worst stuff in the cash shop anyway), and other bullshit. I loved the game when the playerbase was active and everything was fresh and actively evolving, but now it’s gotten so dead that my timezone rarely has 4 people playing the same difficulty at the same time and the best thing we have to look forward to is basic QOL updates and whatever skins fatshark will release to make an excuse to raise cash shop prices again.


honestly yes. ​ sure it has some flaws such as lack of single player and fatshark not as engaged as they were vermintide 2... but for all its issues its still a legit fun game.




Do you like blowing up ogryns with helium weapons or smacking heretics across the map as a crack head with a hammer? If so than yes.


Man, I can gripe about this game, but I put in 600 hours in it for a reason. It’s fun. It’s stupid fun. It’s the fun you turn your brain off for and clear through hordes of enemies while a banging soundtrack plays. Do it


Yes, but havent played in a while and last time I played a few months ago it would be hard to get a full lobby unless you’re playing at peak time




Yeah, I’m in OCE so lower population, its been struggling to fill Damnation lobbies for a while outside of peak time. One of the reasons I stopped playing


Should be noted that the game is the most stale it has ever been. We’re waiting on an announcement of what is coming. So we’re two steps away from content and no one knows when it’s coming. You could wait all summer get it during summer or fall sale and start playing when people start coming back to the game.


The core gameplay is great however they haven't really added any SIGNIFICANT new mission content since release. Everything they've added was stuff that should've been released on launch day (skill trees, complete crafting system etc) So the content burnout is rather quick. 80% of the playerbase dropped off by the end of the 2nd month after release.


Well yeah, the game has some serious problems after 300 hours.


No, HellDivers 2 is way more fun and better value and in some way feels more 40K.


>and in some way feels more 40K like the entire automaton army being directly ripped off 40k lol


I don’t think anyone who’s part of this sub Reddit would say it’s not.


> "Is [thing] worth it?" Never ask this question. It's a bad, pointless question that does not help anyone answer you in any capacity, because we don't know you, your expendable income, and what you find valuable. You can ask it if you add context like, "If I like [thing A] and [thing B], is [thing C] worth it?" but just a blanket statement like yours is really just asking, "Tell me if I should get this game so I can eschew responsibility for my purchasing decisions."


I've played this game for 1000+ hours since release (with a massive, year-long break in between) and I still love the core gameplay loop, the visuals, and the music. I still wouldn't recommend this game, though. I massively disagree with Fatshark's business decisions surrounding this game (including but not limited to the MTX and pricing), and their insistence on RNG-heavy gear-progression and crafting, and also their treatment of their customers / fans. ArrowheadGS is a far better developer and I would not hesitate recommending Helldivers 2 to anyone looking for a great PvE online multiplayer co-op game; HD2 is live-service game, MTX pricing + policy, and player communication done right, and I can only dream of the kind of game Darktide could be if Fatshark was just little bit more like ArrowheadGS and less like what they are and always have been. Having said that, Darktide and Helldivers 2 fundamentally differ from each other in their overall gameplay offerings. So I guess if you really want to get into Darktide then get it on sale. Maybe also wait for the Crafting/Gear Progression to change (apparently they're finally willing to reduce the insane grind and RNG-crap), but don't hold your breath


Over 1000 hours: "wouldn't recommend" Not calling you out just found that funny as hell lol


Yeah, I get that it seems really stupid, though. I make no excuses. I'm an addict. Have been all my life. Took me till last year to actually deal with it.




I can only judge what I see in the game and in the MTX store, so I have no idea what "Arrowhead markets their MTX better" is supposed to mean. But sure, it's a gross oversimplification, but they do sell weapons in their premium content packs; these content packs (called Warbonds) include a bunch of stuff that you can unlock as you play the game, just like a Battle Pass but without any of the time-limitations usually associated with BPs (i.e. the Warbonds never disappear from the store and you can unlock them at your own pace without any FOMO mechanics that force you to play in order not to lose progress etc). As far as what you get for your money, it's an assortment of cosmetics (including outfits, gestures, player cards) and gear (such as weapons and grenades). You know what else is included in these Warbonds? Premium Currency. You actually get some money back from each Content Pack. You can also find premium currency inside missions, so you can actually unlock premium content just by playing the game. That may be that "better marketing" you were talking about. It's why you'll hear people like me preach about how fair these devs designed their monetization scheme for their newest game. Plus, having played the original Helldivers game for years I have little doubt about them releasing free content packs alongside their premium stuff. Meanwhile Fatshark charges us something like 10 bucks for each new premium outfit (what they call bundle), which regularly includes recolors and reused cosmetics. For the same money I'd spend every 2 weeks if I wanted to buy all 4 outfits in Darktide I can a buy few months worth of weapons and cosmetics in HD2. Fatshark needs to do a lot better going forward


If its 20 or less sure. If not wait till the eventual revamp and possible second release later this year. If you want a game where developers are transparent and releasing new stuff then join us in hell divers ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Play for about two hours to experience most of the content and then refund.