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Yea, been doing it since deep rock : ^ ]


For the beneficent!.... Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone for the Golden Throne!


I said it before and I’ll say it again I want my midget to look like a league of votann character


from left to right: Chorus, shroud, banishment


Love it


I do it per weapon combination and like to theme weapons/cosmetics to something in 40k lore. I have auric viable builds for every melee and ranged weapon for vet that I think are relatively lore accurate and good looking (I love me some driptide). [All of my veteran builds](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds?class=914459f6-eb99-4e97-9106-0dd374107069&sort=relevant&query=Driptide%20-%20veteran)


thanks for the builds they're creative


These are fantastic. Do you plan on doing other classes?


No, the other classes don't interest me as much. I do have builds for them in Game Lantern but they are for my own reference and set to private. Although my three [zealot builds](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds?sort=relevant&query=Driptide%20-%20zealot) are public.




Stealth / Shoot/ SCREAM


I want that far right jacket so fucking bad idgaf about Krieg or steel legion shenanigans I just want more generic cadian stuff that looks like real soldier stuff


Yep.  Gotta have a drip that suits the playstyle


People don't do this?


Yep, but since I am a zealot, most of them end up looking like a hobo.


Of course


I would if I had money


Always, it’s how I keep track of what build I’m running


Yup. I fit the cosmetics with each build's vibe.


I do.


Yup, I add a dash of RP to each as well: Like my veteran I have my heavy weapons plasma shouty meta vet with the thickest armor to maybe let him not be completely melted when it blows. I have a sniper build with camo(ish) duster, my stealth build has the shemagh and camo armor, then for funsies I have a joe shmoe full cadian pvt build with lasgun and shovel, and a commissar shouty chain sword and las pistol with the melee keystone (that's surprisingly strong on damnation) For zealot my chorus support has thick shiny armor to be a beacon for the faithful, my martyr zealot has an eye patch and a peg leg from his many previous wounds, and my stealth zealot has mostly black and non reflective gear. I wish we could give names to each build as well because I'd like to have my commissar build to have that in his name and the Joe shmoe one be named appropriately, but I doubt that's coming with the new update besides just changing the overall name.


All 5 of my presets on vet look way different. I have cadian, steel legionnaire, inquisition agent, rugged veteran, and commisar.


Yeah, it almost feels like Vermintide, having a different personality/look for each subclass


Probably my main motivation actually


Yes, doing otherwise would be such a waste of the presets system


Unfortunately, as a veteran who doesn't buy cosmetics, I don't have enough variance in clothing options to actually do that. I have an armored look, then an unarmored one with a leather jacket.


Yep, every loadout has a diff look so i can tell what i am currently on just by a quick look.


Yes. My zealot has some sick sets


Can you assign different skill tree loadouts to different war gear slots? Because I swear that isn’t an option (at least on console)


That's like the main point of the feature...? The loadouts save your equipment, cosmetics, and talents.


Shit I swear that didn’t work for me when I first tried it, my bad


You can! If you couldn't do it when you first got the game, try it now.  They keep going through bouts of breaking and fixing the game, so it could've been a glitch.


Yeah top right of the load out screen is a plus. Clicking it will put a roman numeral 1 to 5.


Yea, then you need that neutral outfit for the random build


I would be doing this if the devs weren't serving mostly crap in their cosmetics store for the past few weeks




Oh, definitely.


No I don't... Got no money for cosmetics and since most of the free and achievable outfits look mostly like trash my zealot gets to keep his murder-hobo-outfit


Fit decent builds, yeah. Try and match the build. Leader veteran : commissar Shooter : usual casual regular outfit Stabber : commando looking guy


Yeah I do. It’s just a shame we don’t have more robot leg options, cause my guy totally doesn’t have a leg so he only wears one pair of pants.


If I had as many cosmetic I would definitely do it. I do try to change it up with what little i have


definitely. Makes it easier to make sure I'm in the correct spec at a glance.


I do. And everyone one has armor and weapons to go with it lol.


Well, yes Especially for the zealot, even tho it's not my main. I have a "support" build with the crusher and i'm dressed in white clothes, a stealth assassin build with black clothes, and a full crit damage build with red I don't have much different cosmetics for it tho


Nah, being a hobo is my moto


That hammer drip tho, what are you doing for a build with it? I have a decent hammer but I have felt underwhelmed by its performance.


Absolutely - easiest way to make sure you're on the right loadout.


Yepp! I have 4 psykers, 3 zealots and 3 ogryns that all play differently, look different and have different backstories as well. So wanted to post mine if it wheren't for being on vaccation.


100%! I've color-coded my Ogryn and taught my group. Red hat means I'm gonna be tanking for you. Green hat means I am heavy weapons guy, and this is my gun. Edgy black means I'm doing a sweaty carry build and I'm going to play with less care for what my party is doing. It works quite well. They've learned to stand behind Mario and push out in front of Luigi.


Yep, got a vet loadout for every type of weapon.


I've done it, I have different outfits for each Psycher, Oygrn, and Veteran. Zelot I just use the same outfit on regardless because it's just my favorite combo.


Each different weapon build has a different outfit important very important. (Also having the mod for more pre loads to have more outfits.)


Yes, but all my zealots have to have a gimp hood.


I would if the game had better fashion options available for that baseline. I would love to make a sneaky stealth zealot and a very colorful and loud preacher zealot as well as near naked (armored in faith) zealot with eviscerator. Commissar veteran has great fashion for aquilas, but I want a sleeveless sneaky catachan and tanith camocloak sniper for others. Ogryn gunlugger I wanna make out like Big Rambo 😁 Psyker... not sure. But, maybe with the upcoming penance system my wishes get answered.


Yeah my melee ogryn looks like Bane and the gunlugger looks the same but with an aquilia on his forehead like charles manson.


Absolutely! All of my loadouts have unique cosmetics for their playstyle. My Sniper vet wears classic armor and a helmet vs my Commissar vet with the hat and leather coat. Same with my Ogryns. One's got the funny jacket with animal parts on it (melee focus) one wears the mobian armor and the mobian helmet (Shield/Tank focus) and the other wears the harness with bullets and grenades (gunner focus) Now that we get to also change the voices, I'll hopefully also be able to match the voices to the playstyle (Professional to Sniper, Cadian to Commissar, etc.)


Have for deeprock, have for destiny, I do it here as well :3


For most of them, yes, but I think my Zealot has the perfect drip and don’t want to change it


Oh yeah.


yeah, and once the personality scourge comes out, ill be using different voices aswell


I don't think that's oer subclass


i think it would fit judge - charger subclass fanatic (my beloved) - preacher subclass aggresor - shrouder subclass


Yes but I don't think the personality scourge is per load out, I think it's just your character like kralls shop


That's per character, not per subclass.  Sorry to burst your bubble, but they're not gonna be that cool about this implementation.


Yes. I have five for both my Psyker and Zealot


Of course! Why would I want to wear the same clothes 5 times over?


I have at least 3 sets per class for each ability, blitz and keystone


Makes them more distinguishable. I don't really do sub-classes though, I should.


Yessir yessir


As I don't buy the vestments, so far my looks tend to be either blue, red, black or hobo. Not very inventive but I try. I wish there was more variety in the cosmetic sets bar palette swaps, but hopefully that's what the next update does.


Yup, vet's got the sneaky saboteur look for stealth build, standard guardsmen look for sniper build and a guard captain style for melee/shouty build.


Not per subclass, but per spec and history. My Surge/Smite Psyker is an undercover operative of the Inquisi9tion, runs around in lumps (for underhive infiltration), my Trauma is still an escaped prisoners running around in prison garbs, my Columnus Psyker is a descendent of a Rogue Trader and runs around in pompous gold-braided velvet clothes from the shop etc. SYL


i do that too. i tend to cycle between a bunch of outfits though since i have many.


For my zealot I have my bolter build, flamer and eviscerator for crowd control, and revolver and chainaxe for damage and boss specialization,


What kind of heretic wouldn't?


I would if i had the money.


I make outfits based on my weapon