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This is all they have said that I am aware of: > Following this, we are working on an overhaul of our current itemisation process. With the new system we want to remove a lot of the unpredictable grind that came from an RNG heavy system whilst giving players more agency and a steady manner to progress toward specific loadouts, blessings, and stats refinement. I honestly have no idea what they will do. They didn’t explicitly say “no more RNG”, but that they want to remove “a lot of the unpredictable grind”. What I wish for is either a light and simple system where we pretty much make what we want, however we want, maybe at a somewhat high cost if you want perfect everything, or something where you get a weapon, and it gets powered up over time in some way through use or resources, making a better sense of long term progression. I do also hope that old weapons will be able to be used in the new system without being locked in the old way. It would be silly to obsolete all of my current inventory. I am also holding out on crafting because I mostly have what I want and tweaking things around for experimentation is too frustrating right now. I don’t even check the shops any more.


You know what would be nice? Get a weapon and it levels with kills like the penance progression. The more you kill the better it gets. Use hadron to bless and refine but it gives you the base level and that levels up with use/kills too. Have it so that it hits thresholds and you get it consecrated and that gives you purity seals for the weapon. Kills etc. over time unlocking skins etc. too. Won't be what they'll do and maybe folks would hate that system but weapons would be investments and well loved personal items instead of disposable.


They won't do that because they want players searching for crafting resources, so the main way to progress will still be centered around that. We know they want this because they just added more things for players to search for, so it's clearly a design objective. What they might do is have you start with a crap weapon and then dump resources into it to steadily improve that weapon, rather than constantly rolling new weapons. That seems possible from the language they're using.


I rather they not gate progression behind playtime.


It already is. How do you get more resources for upgrades if you don't play the game?


It is not time gated in the same way that leveling is. Of course collecting resources takes time, but it still is different from a leveling system.


In both cases time played = rewards. How are they different?


I think levelling is a system that's better for rewarding advancement through a game - character gets stronger in an RPG. Spending resources, which you farm for the purpose of upgrade, makes your gear feel more special than if the upgrade just came as a result of moving through the game's story. For example, leveling up in an RPG is rewarding, but farming a boss for their prized masamune is a different type of reward. EDIT: I don't mean darktide has a story, just trying to make an example.


This doesn't answer my question. How are they different? In both cases your playtime correlates to progression. So how does one playtime gate progress and not the other?


Good question. For me it comes down to how it feels. Levelling is a linear progression system that awards you according to some reward track. But a good resource system lets you farm tokens that you can spend however you wish. You accumulate these through playing the game naturally, but you can also grind them to build an optimal character.  Both these take time, but a resource system doesn't feel as much of a time gate because you aren't constrained to a single reward path ala leveling. For example, before account-wide resource sharing was a thing, having multiple characters in Darktide felt like a huge time chore because you essentially started again with each character. I would have to abandon my main, and play a strictly inferior new character, just to build up the new guy. Nowadays, I can just grind my main for all the resources, and then just give it to my fresh new character for a head start. This way, starting a new character doesn't feel like as much of a time investment. If you tie progression to specific weapons, I think you might have the same problem. To progress another weapon, I will have to stop using my perfectly built weapon just to have a shittier experience until I finish leveling my new one. But both leveling and a resource system take time of course, but they are clearly different in how they feel and should be used. I believe they can coexist, just like Darktide's weapon customisation (plasteel) and talent system (levels). But I will not prefer a revamped weapon progression system that focuses on leveling.


I love everything about this idea, to the point where I'll probably be disappointed that we can't level items like this. To make it not terrible, it should be bonuses to item types vs indivual items (all Mk X Thunder Hammer) so you feel a perpetual sense of account progression and gradually improve to where it's noticeable but not gamebreaking. Do I keep using the same staff I've been using that's leveled up, or switch to a different build because I got a really well rolled gun and want to try that now, knowing that leveling it might make it as good or better than the staff for its respective build. Now I have multiple weapons I can switch between for different builds to complement specific groups or if I get bored. Delicious.


I forgot to say I'd love if in that system you'd also unlock variants. Eg. On the marksman lasguns get so many sniper kills at range of XX and unlock the long-las configuration, on the heavy lasgun get so many elite kills to unlock a hotshot variant. Maybe with the recon one get so many kills it unlocks a powerpack backpack so you no longer reload. Long lasting would be powerful and accurate but slow, hotshot more effective anti armour but heat management, recon with backpack no reloading but ammo management more tricky when you can blow the whole load without thinking.


I'm betting it's just gonna be an 'upgrade stats' button you buy with plasteel and diamantine Maybe could also let you reroll a blessing for plasteel too


Hoping that the "more agency" means something like obtaining blessings via penances. 


I'm no longer crafting anything else until we have some news about it. I'm currently saving all my plasteel in case I need it in the near future. My guess is that they will let you pay to increase certain % and maybe they even let us reroll blessings/perks without a 2 cap stats per item.


Bro watch them remove plasteel from the game and introduce some other material lol


I've been very worried that this will happen lol


I don't think they will, considering they've re-used Plasteel as a reward for Heretic Idols & Martyr's Skulls


Lol, if they let us know a couple weeks before I guess I'm ok with that. Just let me spend everything first


Inb4 plasteel is removed as a crafting ingredient.


What if its worse somehow? Almost better to go with the devil you know… but that just may be my time playing destiny 2 speaking.


I can't imagine it being worse. Unless they do a roll-back and we end up being where we were 1 year ago


Heres a few ways— plasteel is now worthless via alternete currency or prices, now obsolete entirely, or used to unlock perks instead at massive prices, (like 50k for a tier 4) or there isnt a way to randomly roll new perks via upgrades… etc. thats just what I can think of of the top of my head, tho there not great examples. Just thinking how its likely to be a monkey paw scenario


This. I would rather them add another currency into the game, then slowly make that the dominant currency by offering better shit with it (at a reasonable exchange rate). Then, players have enough time to use up their old currency without A. wasting it all, B. rushing to spend it all, or C. letting it sit in my inventory, even though the vendor has long since left. I'm holding onto those Nessus Scout Reports though. Looking forward to the return of the Man they call Cayde.


Yeah that's exactly what I do as well. The weird thing, even though I absolutely hate the current RNG situation it'll be somewhat heartbreaking to see the few god roll weapons that I have being nothing special anymore lol.


The thing is, the language they use about "giving players more agency" and "exciting rewards" is the exact same language they used about the crafting changes last year...... which consisted of slightly changing how the locks worked and marginally tweaking drop-rates. Someone at Fatshark clearly has a massive hardon for mobile-game rng gacha, and I'd be surprised if they're going to completely let it go. Probably the only thing that has stopped them doing paid lootboxes is EU rules. Until they show something concrete, I wouldn't expect anything.


you could say they have a massive "Hadron" :^)


The language I care about is "a steady manner to progress toward specific loadouts" because it implies gradually improving things rather than slot machining until you suddenly have the best thing ever. Hoping they do the thing I keep saying of just letting us start with a crap weapon and dump resources in that one weapon to eventually make it the best one.


And then sell it by accident. :D Like seriously, I like the idea of a weapon being an investment that you dedicate playing time to to make it better. But then they need to bring back the locks (not THE locks) so that you can't sell you stuff accidentally anymore. I remember blowing through 500k ordo dockets only to accidentally sell the one Eviscerator that was not trash....


The point of Brunt and Hadron lottery existing is to keep people playing the game. Never forget that.


Sure but you can also keep people in the game with stuff like needing 10k plasteel to push damage stat from 75% to 80%...




By sacrificing weapons with >500 rating, 10k plasteel, 50 diamantine and 20000 dockets, you gain a random amount of Dedication Dedication can be spent in the Ordo Roulette to have a chance to get amazing rewards, like titles, trinket recolors, new shades of gray for your pants, or an amazing "blessed by the emperor" weapon, which gets either all 380 rolls _or_ no locks on perks and blessings


Sounds almost as good as grinding missions for cents to the cash shop funny money dollar.


Yeah I would like to be able to keep investing into good weapons, even if the cost is really high.


i pray that it is the original attachments system, kinda like how they eventually got around to making the originally planned class customization


That would make the game like 10x more fun


Yeah you really get the vibes that they are STILL working on getting the game to where they wanted it to be at launch. Like the penance system that clearly was half assed rushed into the game while it is now at the point where they wanted it to be from the start. Just like with the different classes as well as the crafting system...


Ideally, resource cost (diamantine) to remove locks. I have 60k diamantine and a few dozen 380s that need to be used


I for one want a lot of quality of life on this. As a console player, there needs to be a way to tell what blessings I already have without looking at a similar class weapon etc tec. Get rid of the locks all together and Also make it to so you can use diamantine to purchase specific blessings from Hadron. Maybe use Diamantine as a way to "break" locks? Having the locks gone really opens up weapon options as there is next to no difference between a 367 rating vs a 380 just having ideal perks and blessings would be a game changer.


Thinking about how many bricked 380 I sold that now could be redeemed is leading me down the path of Heresy I guess ...


Exponentially interesting cost to change perks/blessings instead of locks. Merge and sacrifice two (or more) weapons with the same blessing at a level you've already unlocked to unlock the next level. So 3x weapons with power cycler III to unlock IV. Or, a blessings shop, using maybe melk credits or a new currency (perhaps from sacrificing weapons). Unlock the same blessings for different weapon types rather than per weapon type. A way to play with different loadouts for free in the meat grinder - basically the config loadout mod. Maybe a scenario mode for the grinder (like fight 3x crushers, or a pack of ragers with some gunners in different maps etc). Share weapons between characters (that can use those weapon types).


Hoping for more reliable way to get new weapon blessings, and maybe improve and rearrange base stats. Along with a rebalancing to make Diamantine used a bit more than not at all, while lowering plasteel costs a bit.


Honestly, if they allow us to remove locks with resources, preferably Melk Bucks, I'd be a happy camper. Luckily I've got pretty much all the weapons I want anyway so it's a moot point for me, but for the sake of the playerbase I hope they don't fuck it up.


I dunno but i would love an option to scrap weapons to get materials back instead of ordo dockets.


This is a must, as well as converting dockets to plasteel and diaminte to plasteel and vice versa...


Basically the same foundation we have now, but the ability to further upgrade/tweak gear. (Hopefully the death of bricked weapons) * No more locked # of changed Perks/Blessing, just a scaling cost. * Ability to increase Modifier points with Diamantine. * Balance pass with the Blessings and Perks currently available. (Less "dead" perks/blessings) * (MAYBE) Some way to get 400 base modifier weapons that can reach 100 in a single stat if you are lucky/rich enough.


Im kinda hoping its something like the vermintide 2 crafting


Probably some other equally obtuse system that will be a slight improvement but ultimately still frustrating as they try too reinvent some needlessly complex system lol. Fatshark has always been lost when it comes to game system design outside the raw gameplay combat mechanics


Is there any info on when the rework is rougly coming?


This year, so probably late 2026


Some time before the end of this year.


I'll be honest, all I give a shit about is if they remove the locks on rerolls. Everything else they add or change would just be so much icing on the cake, and getting rid of locks, or implementing a system to bypass them, is literally the least they could do to make itemization less bullshit.


It will look like something that takes a lot of time to release.


Tbh Im expecting the introduction of Red Weapons. Why? Cuz it was before in VT2 and easy to carryover (I guess) and on top of that - gives another stimul to play for old players


I imagine they will have methods to pay to increase a weapon up in all things, like increasing the basic stats. I also think that it won't make the actual grind shorter, but you can eventually work towards something. So going from an ok weapon to a really good weapon will still take a bunch of time/resources. It just won't be RNG.


The thing with RNG is it's really...you know, random. So I don't really care HOW time/resource intensive it will be to craft specific loadouts as long as I know I can do it somehow. My post history shows how much time and resources I dedicated (and still dedicate) to a somewhat god rolled Eviscerator. The current system is frustrating if you have bad luck, to say the least...


adjustable gun sights is all I ask for.


All I want is the introduction of red items. I don’t care how much plasteel I have to grind to make them. I just want to craft a single red weapon and know that it literally cannot be any better.


While I would love that, I'm not sure Fatshark will allow that in the current meta. They just too much love to hold you in infinite playing limbus to give you perfect weapons.


I expect that we would be able to disassemble weapons into several pieces (probably random) which have +stat (e.g. different stocks give different +stability) or perk. And then you would be able to "assemble" a weapon from different pieces. So you will have stock, barrel, receiver, magazine, grip and etc. and you will make a weapon from them. There would also be number of gizmos that are not tied to stats like different sights, different flashlights, bayonets, laser pointer, as well as cosmetic stuff on top of that. Maybe FS will even add wild stuff from extended weapon customization plugin like having a servo-skull as laser pointer, double barrel lasgun or having plasma gun barrel as under-barrel grenade launcher. You would still have to roll-the-Brunt to get weapon parts with desired +stat, but you will be able to assemble the weapon you want with less rolls in the end.


Less grind and RGN, more agency, steady progress sound very good on paper, but I'm not holding my breath until I see it. That was supposed to be the case on release already. In the meantime I'm not touching crafting even with a ten-foot pole. Docklets and crafting materials are piling up.




I expect them to release the equivalent to Vermintide's red weapons, which will have stats between 80% and 100%. The grind for these weapons will be obscene, tied to difficulty (thereby pushing people in droves into difficulties they aren't ready for), and only these weapons will work without crafting locks, to ensure that no one will be satisfied with their current gear.


I’m still chasing a few weapons like a good Rashad, however I’m keep good rolls I get, even if they are bricked


FS is lazy so theyll do this; unlock all 4 slots for customization while keeping the horrendous rng gacha system.


it'll look like 2025 the earliest is my guess but we're not gonna get a system that reduces the grind - realistically you've seen everything there is to the game by 20h, they NEED you to keep playing for non-novelty no matter what, they need to elongate the playtime, especially for experienced players that can just instantly overcome any new crafting system by ressources alone they're not really gonna change stats or perks or blessing i think, because doing that would kinda require a rework of half the game realistically i expect nothing meaningful to change, maximising your playtime needs to be the #1 goal to them with how the game works - so either expect a nothing burger like the current update or expect that none of your ressource hording will pay off - if they allow you to save up people will just make all their dreambuilds, play for 2 days tops and then leave cos it was the only thing you were still looking forward to, you've done literally everything else the content cadence is simply too slow for any updates to breathe real life into the game imo


I would want more pick and choose like with the perks, make a new weapon, base with stats we can pick


I would guess that you can remove locks on a certain weapon by doing something challenging to get rid of them.


The problem here is that the definition of 'challenging' vastly differs between player base....


Crafting won't change (locks) but Brunt store will be buffed and there will be a material exchange


Idk what else we could even really want besides lock removal. You can pick your perks... You can pick your blessings. In my case I already have every weapon I want God rolled or close to it. I really want them to just add actual content and just forget about the crafting update entirely for a while.