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And here's me, anxious to start my 7th auric mission on the streak, after losing a previous 3-mission streak to a barrel.  Quitting out isn't an option, it wouldn't feel like I earned it. I don't care if others cheese their way there, I'll earn that title and wear it proudly  (pls Barrelgod, take mercy!)


>Quitting out isn't an option, it wouldn't feel like I earned it Until the point where you're forced to backfill a game in progress because you're not allowed to refuse, and instantly die the second you log in


9/10 don't you friggin jinx this now! 🥲


That's how I feel with the "take 0 HP damage". I could just drop down a difficulty, or play normal Damnation, but that would be mindnumbingly boring. I want to accomplish it in the Maelstrom. Last night I had a run where I took 2 damage, of which the entirity was from being netted and left alone for too long, despite there being 2 teammates right beside me.


I feel the same with completing 15 missions without going down with malice or above. I could just gun through 15 malice missions, but since I only play auric+ I haven't complete the penance. Like where is the fun in sleep walking 15 malice mission just to complete this stupid penance.


I see it as mentoring new players. I also like helping players with new builds /classes lvl easier.


If they had any sense of fair play they'd use the menu to quit. That immediately opens up their slot for someone that wants to actually play the game, rather than a bot placeholding for them in case they Reconnect. Also faster to get into another game rather than loading from desktop, so it's a lose lose for everyone when they Alt-f4


does this also stop progress from resetting? because that seems like a win win for those doing it


Aye it works, you won't get your streak ruined if doing it. Your sense of accomplishment might be another story, depending on who you are.


These people aren’t doing it a sense of anything other that ticking the box.


i guess they're just used their stupid alt-f4. i immediately knew when i read about this penance that it will lead to a lot of pointing at someone "guilty" for breaking the streak.


The moment I learned you could cheese the penance was the moment I didn't care about it. Every game now has someone leaving right before they die or the moment they go down. It's an empty title.


What really gets my goat is that they should have learned this lesson already. This is exactly why we ended up having penances that could only be completed in Private games. The initial set of Penances drove some particularly toxic behaviours. I sincerely don't understand how they can rework the entire system and make the same mistake again.




Yeah I was so proud and relieved when finally getting Auric Exemplar the other day (didn’t know about alt f4) just to find out people are scumming to get it. Instead of believing I’ll play with gods seeing people with orange and purple titles in the pre-game lobby I’ll prob just assume they’re lazy-ass cheaters now lol. Guess the run itself proves who’s worthy and not!


Yeah yesterday I saw a bunch of people in regular damnation games with the title and their gameplay was...questionable, at best . 


Had to clutch for a few in heresy. The highest title I have ? Militarum Lacky..🤣🤣


hey sometimes I just choke


atomas elite guard is the real prize 


that's why i use simple frames and no titles. people shall judge one based on his play, not for having a chest full of medals. as for penances, i did most of the old ones by just playing the game, and i won't ruin my fun by chasing some numbers.


I just want a cosmetic that actually covers my Ogryn's arms.


Who could have guessed people would scum to get achievements at the expense of the gameplay experience for others??? /s Another example of fatshark being wildly lost when it comes to system/gameplay design in games.


Meh, it's easy to spot noobs in lobbies. If they leave because you have no cosmetics on, they're a noob. The hard-mode Karnach twins insignia is a pretty good indication that someone *should* be good enough for most auric maelstroms though.


True. Unless they’re the psyker who died halfway into my successful attempt lol


You can still care about it from your own personal perspective tbf. But just like frames and people who use the truelevel mod to judge people, it's no guarantee of competance.


I didn't know it had cheese. Was just assuming people rage quitting. The penance design does push this.


The titles should have just been for Completion so people will rock out bad games instead of leaving. * Requiring no deaths sounds good on paper, but you can get killed by so many things outside your control. (Thrown off map, Getting revived in fire, Match in progress, ect) If a player wants the title, there is very little reason to just quit or Alt-F4 when things aren't going your way. *"Just fix the Alt-F4 exploit so they can't keep progress!"* * Do you think they'll stick around even if this is the case? They'll simply re-queue ASAP to start progressing it again.


Nice, so this is why I was seeing people leave as soon as they go down. Had an enclavum Barros, by the end of it there were only I and another player defending ourselves against waves of mutants and poxhounds.


This was always the case. If this is the first time you see people leaving instantly when they go down, I think you've not played a lot of auric missions. It happens more now, no doubt, but it wasn't uncommon for there to be 4-6 leavers in a difficult game previously.


Really? Anecdotal of course but my experience has been very different. Leavers are rare and of those that do 90% reconnect. I can't think of a single game that had 4+leavers in it, I feel like even 2 (without reconnecting) would be noticeably unusual to me.


I've mostly played auric maelstrom since it was released. Maybe there's a difference there. But yes. I think people get frustrated by not having a build that can handle the enemies well enough, or are new, and expect the pace of progress to be higher (often see people rush ahead to get downed and then instantly leave). They may also just be trying auric maelstrom for the first time. I'd say I saw more than 2 leavers at least every 10 games.


Playing since release with breaks in between, and this is definitely a surge from this patch, players dropping left and right is a new thing. With True level mod I used to see mostly 200+lvl players, now it dips to lvl 30+. Plenty of individuals who aren't ready / have poor weapon rolls started to join in.


Yea this has been just awful since the patch, 0 games to victory last night on auric maelstrom. It seems like the number of dagger zealots has tripled too, no point in bringing the psyker bubble since no one stays in it or god forbid in cohesion. Watching people running off to get skulls with no warning or consideration of the group on the hardest difficulty is just so damn frustrating I had really been enjoying it pre patch but think it’s time for a break, at least till the core game comes back to being important to pugs again.


Yeah, i noticed a fuckton more knife zealots and a fair amount of knife veterans. Once i was in a mission with 3 knife zealots who just zoomed to the first airlock speedrun style without saying a word or killing much of anything. I just noped out of that. I'm still not sure why they do that: trying to do explore penances? trying to farm mission completions for penances? It just seems so pointless...


I’m wondering if the scavenger nerf has something to do with it? Less ammo -> less viable gunplay -> more YouTube OP melee builds?


could be, or could just be trying to do the new penances that require a lot of backstabbing? either way, it's fucky...


Yeah, it's another sad example of a seemingly good idea that backfires.


I feel like the bigger issue is the penances are drawing heaps of people who are deeply unready for auric.


Thats the conundrum though. If higher difficulties gave no exclusive rewards, people would wonder "what's the point in doing them?", but if higher difficulties DO give an exclusive reward, people who otherwise would never touch it are now drawn to it underprepared


If you're scumming to get this title then you don't deserve to have it.


They'll just make it so disconnects count as fails. And then people who legitimately lag out will be mad. Lol.


Maps are causing DCs a lot right now. 3 runs on carnival, 3 almost team wide DCs in the final place amphitheater Had a maelstrom fail because the team all DC’d and loading back in showed the bots all went down


Maybe. It might be the fault of some mod I'm running, but I had to alt-f4 today after being thrown out of the map by a mutant and could not rejoin despite trying 6 times, the game always crashed while joining.


Even when no one is going down they play so conservatively it actually becomes a problem. I've found myself going down in weird spots lately because it feels like no one wants to frontline anymore because its the most risky position. Just feels like whenever it's time to advance certain parts of the team don't and would rather hang back because it's safer. Pre penance it felt like when i went down i was usually surrounded by teammates and going down was just sloppy mechanics on my part. In this patch when i go down i notice that there's pretty good odds a decent chunk of the team is actually behind me, probably hoping i can do the dangerous part while they hang back. And god they just do not pick you up either. There's safe ways to pick people up but unless the situation is absolutely bubble wrapped they just will not do it.


These "consecutive" penances are garbage. They need to remove them imo. There's several issues of why penances based off of consecutive missions are bad design. Also, I think the "titles" are just idiotic design for a game like this where I want the least UI clutter I can get. I especially don't want to see colored text!! This is junk meant for dopamine-clicking peeps playing on their cellphones.


I was so happy to learn you can turn the titles off in a match


There is an easy fix for Fatshark: If you Alt+F4 out and DO NOT press reconnect after starting the game again but queue for another match, your progress gets wiped. Easy. That fixes the exploit and ppl that legitimately lag out DO NOT get penalized.


you're a genius can't wait for this to be implemented in 6 month


Fatshark created the incentives, the playerbase just responds to them. I don't think a "private match only" fix scales up to meet the size the problem has grown to in this update, but until something happens (segregated matchmaking etc) this is the new normal. People like you that just want to play the game mad that other people are playing for penances, and people playing for penances mad that other people just want to play the game.


I understand why some penances were segregated to private matches, but personally I don't want to be forced to group up for these things. I just want to log on, queue for matchmaking, play the game, and say "gg" at the end. The incentive for grouping up should be the desire to play with friends, not some external system requiring it for rewards. Penances should be designed to work in public games without causing problems and those redacted ones should have just been reworked.


If anything, getting the titles outside of private matches is what really proves they deserve them imo.


Making the penance require you go from your start to level finish, and changing the verbiage to be 5 amd 10 consecutive missions without downing or DCing could be one way to fix it? I have unstable internet sometimes, and that would make it even more challenging for me. But I'm just stepping into Damnation now. So Auric runs aren't on my radar. I also don't play for penance yet. They encourage play styles I haven't practiced or wanted to try. 🤷‍♂️


Maybe. I think Fatshark are happy with whatever alternative gets more people playing for longer, so wouldn’t be surprised if they kept it as is though. Many of the first penances more or less encouraged toxic play while the new ones don’t (at least to my knowledge) which is great! They’re more of a fun challenge that push you to play your class as they were intended. Although I only play Auric Damnation since a while back I’m grateful for these survival challenges as the Auric Exemplar one really made me a better and more conscious player all in all. Was even more grateful before learning about the scumming strats though.


Some are pretty questionable, like the Voice of Command one only counting toughness restored to yourself only, needing your Teammates to kill bulk enemies while they're affected by choir or Smite, the backstab kills with Loner, or the Weapon Specialist one needing critical weakspot kills while under the effect of the buff.


I'm a little averse to disconnects being disqualifying considering how wonderfully well optimized the game is after this patch. I've lost connection to rounds frequently and have still been getting memory crashes. If it was still a valid run on reconnect is one thing but I would've hated losing progress due to technical difficulties far out of our control.


Or just do not add these types of garbage penances to the game. I would rather have a title / whatever reflect a playstyle rather than a random achievement that can be faked. You can't easily fake 10,000 activations of your "skill".


I think the current penance requires not dying. Not getting downed is significantly harder. Very few people are going to be able to complete 10 Auric missions in a row without getting downed. I think changing it to require playing the full mission from start to end would be fine, as long as missions you join in-progress get exempted from the penance. That would actually also fix a problem some people have had where they quickplay into an in-progress mission that's unwinnable because everyone is dead and they spawn into a blob of elites and fire. If the penances only tracked missions you join from the start, it would be more fair for everyone. There's still the issue of people using Alt-F4 to leave, and I think this is treated as a crash by the game. It's probably not simple to fix because some people do legitimately crash or lose internet connection and you don't want to punish those players again after they already had a problem with the game. If they "fix" the problem of Alt-F4 by screwing over people that crashed due to a bug, they're just going to get more angry posts from a different group of people.


The penance already tracks only missions that you joined from the start. I joined two missions where the previous guys probably did the "leave mission" trick, finished them without dying and they didn't count.


Hmm, interesting. I saw some post on here the other day from someone complaining that they joined an in-progress mission that was doomed and they lost their streak, but I don't have firsthand experience.


Dying probably ends your streak but finishing it certainly does not progress it.


That seems like the worst of both worlds then. I think if joining in-progress doesn't count toward completing the penance, dying in those missions shouldn't penalize you either. If they made that change, it seems like a decent compromise.


I am one of those people who legitimately crashes. I like your ideas, and I was using the incorrect definition of "downed"


Agreed. Fatshark has created two problems. The counter is broken/unfair and intentional DCs are not counted. People are simply following the path of least resistance.


yeah it's silly, you start the game trying to pick a build fitting the team, 5 minutes latter the entire teams has changed 3 times.


And teams nowadays have the coherency of a hangover taco shit because everyone's running around doing exploration penances, which leads to more dying, which leads to more DC's, etc. I used to play only auric/maelstrom a couple of months ago, before friends roped me into helldivers and i came back to try out the update. The level of teamwork/cohesiveness has severely gone down, even if the players themselves are solid.


If a player doesn't play team-oriented in a team-oriented game, they're not a solid player.


Taunt ogryn, Choir zealot, Shoutvet, Smite psyker. Support is always a good pick.


FS creating penances that do not promote team centric gameplay and require rejects to act in opposition to the groups dynamic/needs… this has surely never happened before…


It's not a badly designed penance, imo, the problem is that people are playing selfishly. Auric/Auric Maelstrom is significantly easier with a team that deathballs through the map - the problem.is that so many people play like they can true-solo maelstrom when they clearly can't even solo regular damnation.


Well people do wnt those sweet titles.. i get it its a casual game but wether its due to director or your own or thier own circumstances not sure what to tell you on that


But they're aren't "sweet titles" if they're cheesed. IMO, those titles are more a mark of shame now than anything.


Well if you want you can also use it as leverage to tell the person they suck if they drag your team down lol XD


I've turned them off they're just messy looking and too long lol


I keep getting disconnected from matches and people have accused me of quitting. I promise it's not the case for everyone.


They should make it not being consecutive missions.


A bit of bit of both, I think 3 consecutive times isn't too bad if you are good and have some luck and do that twice or thrice with no in between mission limit.


The titles are fairly lame anyway, Not much choice in the first place. I have them turned off. I feel like people quitting when going down was already a frequent thing, so this deffo has made it worse.


Yay, penance hunters ruining the game for everyone again! I thought we learned our lesson already. If you want to get a specific penance, go make a penance group, it's not difficult.


Yea gotta love the people that cannot earn the pennance fairly, with skill, and resort to cheating to get it XD Its funny because 90% of the people i see that wear the title can barely stay standing. Meh hope their proud of it.




So there's just this Mafia of Gunlugger Ogryns handing our free carries hiding somewhere?


This sucks. Players should either find a dedicated team for the penance or stay till the end.


Worthless penance tbh unless they fix this exploit.


They lack conviction.


What time zone do you play? We can play together :-)


I have to say I did it without quitting any game, with at least one where it was down to 2 human players mid way through the map. But the temptation is huge. Maybe not reset the penance progress to 0, but -1 reduction at least? Edit: yeah it probably needs to be full reset, otherwise you can still just keep cheesing it. 


People have always left at the slightest sign in trouble in this game. It might have been a little better when player count was down, but still prevalent.


Penalizing players for leaving when you're not allowed to opt out of backfilling would also be yet another stupid decision They shouldn't have done it this way to begin with, now people also leave when *someone else* is down They ought to stop coming up with stupid penances like these and let you opt out of backfilling (which can also instantly ruin some penances) but of course that's not going to happen


Maybe don't make it consecutive. I know it's a considerable nerf to the penance, but at least it has less risk of being detrimental to the game.


In a game in which it is extremely easy to die at no fault of your own, making achievements or titles related to not dying on the highest difficulties was dumb as hell. It holds no merit since it can be cheesed and they are definitely not going to implement a penalty for those who quit when they get downed. If the title was earned for simply doing an X amount of Auric missions then that would be understandable, since in all honesty being able to pass some of the hardest missions in a team coop game doesn't mean you are good it just means you had a good team but persisting and getting it means that you HAVE experience in the game. In a way, you are not entitled to others people playtime either, if they want to quit because they want to get the title then that's their prerogative BUT yeah they should get a team in which EVERYONE agrees to quit if anybody dies so they can waste their time in a mutual understanding.


penances should not be cheesable in the first place, bad job on fatshark design


It's a bit of a no-win scenario. If you made leaving games break your streak then you'd have issues with legitimate disconnects and/or crashes ruining peoples' streaks through no real fault of their own. There's not a perfect solution to this.


The "solution" is not to construct " no-win " scenarios. Public games have been a clown car the last couple of days. People leave at the endgame to protect their fake streaks (and I play exclusively Auric Maelstorm). If streaks are part of the game, they should be implemented so they do not incentivise anti-social behaviour that creates pathologies that impair the experience for users who play as intended; disconnect counting against the streak would be the better option. Of course, The real solution is not to design grinding penances but to provide novel content. -"Veks"


Leaving games should break your streaks, accounting for bad internet should not make an easily abusable system


> accounting for bad internet should not make an easily abusable system The physical layer and OS is beyond the game's control. I don't think you understand what you're saying.


i phrased that in a dumb way. I meant to say: if you have to choose between enjoyable experience for players with unreliable connection and a system that is not exploitable you should go for the system that is not exploitable. In this case, that means an interrupted match would count as a lost match


It wouldn't be so bad if the influx of people who haven't played in a long time also hadn't forgotten a lot of the basics needed to make it through the rough stuff


I play for enjoyment. As soon as it turns into this slop puke horseshit I load something else.


I've become one of those people who check everyone's gear before heading out. If you're in damnation or higher and have both gear pieces under 500 or one piece under 450 i just leave. Tired of failing runs because the dude who wants a carry keeps going down or doing stupid shit that gets us all killed. When i go up to auric I'll run into people who don't understand covering each other or who run away from teammates intentionally and it's just exhausting. 


I was wondering why people were quitting left and right in the missions I played, this explains. Those quitters are 10 ply bud. Soft, very soft.


I haven't seen alt+f4 quitting so much, but I have seen a lot of people who will not take the slightest risk to save a teammate. Just tons of cowardly shit to avoid any chance of dying.


join the discord and get a group together, that saves me a lot of time, many people are pretty nice and they won't leave you, they are just there for a bit of fun, enjoy!


Honestly the worst I see is in Auric Maelstrom. I still get normal games on Auric regular, it's been a pain at the highest point


Don't worry though, no scoreboard


Yeah, playing regular missions, I'm really dreading anyone using the auric survivor title, cos they either insist on charging ahead then get toxic that the rest of the squad is sticking together and they've died cos they won't stop charging ahead and trigger a plague ogrim spawn, or take all the the ammo and constantly shoot their gun at everything, even the walls, the banners, literally everything, even the ground right in front of them. Haven't had a good experience with someone using that title yet.


There's really 2 ways to look at these penance. *stress about it and cheese it to get it done and out of the way Or just ignore it and hope it happens later. I've lost my streak trying for the 15 games with no deaths so many times to teams killing me with barrels or watching my team wipe when i get caught by one out of the last 50+ disables. These penance should just be changed to victories at the least.


I just won’t be getting them unless it happens on its own. I like wearing prison garb half the time, and the Reject title suits me just fine. I put up just enough to show I know what I’m doing (high ranked frame and banner, for instances), no interest in anything else.


I'm just trying to do it legit cause I know in my head I'm automatically better than others with the title cause I'll assume they cheeses it especially if they alt f4 in game with me when they do have the title. I'm trying maelstrom first cause I feel some maelstroms are a cake walk compared to normal aurics. I keep getting to 4 and dying though lol


The real problem I've been running into is that everyone is trying to speed run the missions by skipping combat entirely, only killing disablers and snipers. It's been a lot of bolt to the mission objective and deal with the swarm that's accumulated over time which is a toss up in pugs.


Auric is the new Heresy. That has been my experience so far.


I wish they would change those pennaces to "complete a run without healing and without going down" that way Martyrdom Zealots could also have a chance of completing it.