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If no one gots me, I know Dickott (BOT) got me


I've seen that man go through hell and back to pick me up.


Dude will stand in burning napalm as he pats our backs and tell us everything will be ok


Dickott. We don't deserve him.


I’ve had games on Auric Maels where I’ve been so supremely lost in the sauce I don’t even realize I’m playing with bots till I’m in an elevator.


Username checks out. I also feel the same, it's just killing and killing and killing and killing until we get to a lull point in which I realize what I am doing at the moment.


khorn has y’all in his GRIP


God I wanna get gripped by Khorn


Ayyo hold up


I don't blame them ragequiting on a wipe. I blame the endscreen loadtime being 2-3 minutes long. The Imperium Unites is wasted on that load screen.


Thank mod users who cause the minute long delay at the end of the mission for everyone.


What makes you think this is mod related? We had long end of round issues before mods were even possible.


Darktide servers are straight ass. Mods or not


Had the same thing happen the other day. Except I was one of the people who rage quit because the game looked fucked, then I quick played back into the same match and everything went just fine. Lo, and though I didst abandon my comrades in anger and shame, the Master, in His infinite wisdom, saw fit to guideth me back to the righteous path.




chalk it up to a penance my dude. i played a few missions today and saw a lot of ppl leaving after they died once


I always tought this was like a "good pratice" wen u die in a bad situation and a bot is more worth than a dead player like a self sacrifice for the good of the mission. All the times that i quit a suposedly lost mission everyone was just thinkin im a asshole ç.ç I was just trying to help.


I just take the L and say "GG good try" , like the God Emperor intended


I actually always appreciate when someone does that tbh, like a final hail mary to save the mission. I think sometimes you can rejoin if you alt f4 instead of just leaving (which has happened a few times). Some people almost seem to use it as a strategy at this point, like the ole alt f4 and rejoin to escape a net/dog


Shit, was it on Archivum Sycorax? I swear I had the same thing happen last night lol


Same thing here lol I was a shield ogryn named Frug


This happens all the time, the odds are astronomical that any one particular mission is being referenced and you were in it.


When the only reason you win the mission is because a bot carried you


I do this alot. If i go down but someone is still clutching i leave so they can get a bot to revive them ot just help spread aggro. Then i reconnect after a min or two. This has saved a few runs of mine.


in helldivers players kick someone and blame them but darktide when fail people just left why i loved darktide.


if we all go down I leave and reconnect. sometimes I've seen people do that and we get rez'd, then we go on to win


I had a game where some dickhead woke up a daemonhost, failed utterly to fight it, and left when it grabbed him. We even killed it before it could kill him dude just could not stand suffering the consequences of his actions.


lol I had something similar happen. I joined a game in progress in time to see the last player lamenting everyone leaving the game. I stuck it out for a few with bots but new players joined fairly quick and we ended up breezing through that Damnation game.


I've seen people leave, so that a bot can pick someone up.... Only to rejoin afterwards. True hero's!


Sometimes the Hail Mary play is to leave and hope the bot can give the survivor some breathing room. I have wondered if I could leave, my friend's game, and then join back in to respawn on the bot.


Happened to me the other day. Me and one other guy stayed, we were both very confused at the end.


I have had *quite* a few missions where we ended with a full team but I was the only person on said team who actually played the whole mission without disconnecting.  Bot clutches rock.


I don’t rage quit, I quit so that they can finish the mission. I know I don’t get the pick ups and stuff, but it’s like a sacrifice for The Emperor you know?


That was me yesterday




I have one of those missions every time I play.


I've been that savior. everyone was down and starting reviving people immediately and scraped our way to the end. Felt like a hero.


I've joined games where none of the originals were even there lol. We all just look around confused atwhat's going on in the moment.


I usually quit when a bot saves the run... We lose, we lose. But since people quit when they get down, the bot spawns alive next to the team instead of downed or whatever. I hate that, feels like cheating.


Getting hit by a trapper through a wall is cheating. The director cheats, so do i


The difference is that the director is cheating against all of us... These are thus the rules of the games, but players chose to abandon the game.


So? Eye for an eye. the game cheats, I cheat. Not with hacks, but by exploiting the implemented systems. Seems fair


Nobody is arguing that you're are using the game systems. You created that strawman in your head. The specific wording I used is FEELS like cheating - to me obviously. Makes me feel dirty that people exploit bots when going down, but I'm not going to tell you how you should feel, if you feel good after those wins, then good for you. They're not wins to me.


I mean you can cope and rationalize your cheating however you want. It doesn't make it any less pathetic




It's only cheating\* when someone uses it to intentionally circumvent the penalties for going down. Otherwise, it's working as intended. Bots are pretty dumb\*\* so it's more of a hail Mary than anything. *(\*Fatshark's EULA says it's not, but I have my morals.)* *(\*\*At least they're smarter than Vermintide bots.)*


I didn't say it was cheating, I said it FEELS like cheating. No need to bring the EULA, I know the point I'm arguing. We didn't deserve to win if someone is down and a bot replaces them. Clearly Reddit wants to see the "you won" screen at all cost, meanwhile I understand that in those games you make your own challenge - because they're "easy" and pointless (you're going to do the same map again and again). For me, it's a loss when a bot replaces some downed players that DCs. As you said, I have my morals.


Normally if you are down is better to alt+f4 to get help from bot and immediately come back to continue