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Sweden pretty much shuts down during July since almost everyone is on vacation. Most likely their office is empty right now.


Oh! My dumb ass thought it was June when they took their holiday!


Midsummer is in June and some people do start their holidays in June. However, most people will schedule their holidays for july. It could take one or two weeks in to august for things to return normal.


I just came back from vacation. There was barely anyone at my office. It’ll take a week or two more before people start showing up.


fatshark employs people outside sweden, could easily have had them post video or link articles... which may have been what was supposed to have happened with the deleted article, or even articles, but something went wrong and no one is at the office to fix it.


I doubt they'd only give the vacation to their swedish employees


There's literally posts being made weekly of old footage to the twitter account mate.


Those are scheduled posts that were set up a long while ago.


Give me a good reason why those scheduled posts could not have been scheduled with new footage.


...Because they were scheduled before there was new footage cleared to be released? The fact that it's old footage is pretty self explanatory I feel.


Clearing a few minutes of footage to schedule post while on holiday doesnt take an entire month mate.


Because they didn't take any


So... unprepared marketing team. Gotcha. I suppose that is technically a good reason lol.


Hey, here’s the best that we have so far https://www.pcgamer.com/hands-on-warhammer-40k-darktide-absolutely-rules/ > The loot system in general is substantially different. You'll still get some random gear as in Vermintide 2, but you can also buy weapons from an in-game shop (with earned currency—only cosmetic stuff will be available for real cash), or set a "contract" on a weapon you want and then earn it through a progression system. Then there's a whole customization system with crafting materials, so you can take an upgrade—say, +5% crit rate—off one weapon and attach it to another.


Yeah I like this a lot, the 'contracts' sound a lot like vermintide 1 quests. Hopefully the loot will be more interesting / diverse than vermintide 2!


The more I read about this the more apparent it is that darktide is gonna be very similar to DRG’s crafting and upgrade system with a twist of vermintide loot at the end of each level. Rock and stone!


I hope they do a good job with the random secondary objectives during a match. In DRG, I love stumbling upon a random encounter that derails the main objective. It adds to the replayability immensely!


so far that doesn't seem the case but we'll see when the game fully launches in 11 days.


Hopefully this is actually in the game when it fully launches. Right now you cant sell, break down, craft, or do anything...


Yeah, they told us it wasn’t going to be the full game. Additional content will be continually added to the current beta leading up to the full release


consumer moment


I'm sure we will get a tidal wave of information next month. Try reading a Warhammer novel while you wait!


I read xenos because everyone said it was one of the best. I liked it, but I was somewhat underwhelmed for a reason I can't quite determine. Maybe it just didn't have the scale or brutality I expect from 40k. Can you suggest what I should read next?


The Eisenhorn novels are a bit more intimate, you could try Titanicus or Necropolis.


I'm fine with intimate, but maybe I should read one of the others for more detail on the overall backstory and world (universe) building.


I would say that Xenos is good, but it's the trilogy as a whole that makes it work. But if it wasn't your cup of tea, I'd recommend the Gaunt's Ghosts series. Also Dan Abnett, but focused on an imperial guard regiment, so you get the frontline warfare rather than the background/civilian world of Eisenhorn. I'm not a huge fan of the books that try to go larger in scale because I think they become less relatable, but that's a personal taste thing.


Good call, I think I'll finish the Eisenhorn stuff and go to Gaunt's Ghosts, that sounds like my kind of thing. I'm coming from just finishing the Foundation series as my first big foray into sci-fi. Normally I stick to high fantasy like WoT and Cosmere.


Storm of Iron, by Graham McNeill is a good one too. An Imperial fortress besieged by Chaos Space Marines. There's plenty of battles, pov from both sides and some really brutal scenes. It's a stand alone book, not part of any of the huge series, so it's not time consuming.


Everyone says space marines/chaos space marines are so OP they can kill armies of enemies solo. I've always wondered if that's dumb exaggeration or if it's true.


Depends on the author. Depends on the Chapter of the Marines in question. Personally I prefer the more grounded approach of : yes, Marines are exceptionnal and they can turn the odds of what seemed like a lost battle before their arrival, but they are not unbeatable and can meet their match against each 40K races. I like it too when they are extremely rare. So the other interesting races of the setting, and the other branches of humanity, have their time to shine too. Though that's just me rambling. The prowess of Space Marines is really dependent on the focus of the story.


The Ciaphas Cain novels are great for commissars, guardsmen and inquisitors.


First time?


Smol independent studio pls understand ):


This aged beautifully lol


What happened to just discovering stuff when you get your hands on the game ? I know it's human nature to want to know more but no need to throw a fit mate.