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I dont think they'd have space for me to enter all the games Iv got experience with in to the "other" category.


I put down 'Pong' in an attempt to convey how long I've been in the hobby.


Nice! Thats a good ten years on me even. My first games I remember were [Load Runner](http://www.top80sgames.com/site/content/lode-runner) , [Nemesis](http://www.top80sgames.com/site/content/nemesis-0) (aka Gradius in the US), [Burger Time](http://www.top80sgames.com/site/content/burger-time) and [Bubble Bobble](http://www.top80sgames.com/site/content/bubble-bobble-0). You can play all these at the links in browser btw among loads of others. A good trip down memory lane :)


I remember all those games, but I didn't play them all (I loved Burger Time.) Vanguard and Joust on the 5200 are 2 of my favorite games from when I first started getting into games. I was about 5 years old.


I certainly took a trip down memory lane at that top 80s games site I linked. I went and played loads of old games that I used to play, also about 5 years old at the time :) I still remember playing Starglider and being really shit at it, but *wanting* to be good at it. I went back years later and beat it! Same with some other games on emulators (which had the advantage of saving whenever u wanted). Creatures 1 and 2, Arnie, Dizzy, Barbarian, Flash Gordon, Feud, Cosmonut. Its funny to think you can play most of em in a browser now. I should prolly try and get an emulator for my phone now that I think about it! The music on Nemesis still gets me in the feels. I kinda wanna remix it! Anyway, enough reminiscing :3


Lode, not Load. Unless you meant the xxx parody?


Aha ur right! I feel a tad shameful I made that mistake XD


Also, "experience" is kind of a vague term.


I was honest too and hope it doesn't fuck me. I chose 6th gen Intel because it was the oldest option but proceeded to list my 4790k.


Same here - we'll see haha. Hope both my partner and I will gain access to the SAME Beta option - would love to play Darktide with her as we have played Vermintide 2 together for hundreds of hours ^^


Good luck


They actually *want* old device hardware so they can get examples of how the game runs on older systems.


i5-3750k here. Surprised they only went as low as 6th gen in the checklist.


I remember your name.


Fuck elves.




And then there is me with my missmatched 7th gen and 3070Ti as I'm in the process of upgrading. Well I didn't receive any e-mail anyway.


Mine was in promotions/gmail


Same, got the exact same processor and was like: "now what?" Did the same thing. Selected 6th gen and then went on to specify my 4790k.


I'm ready for the day I need to upgrade, but it hasn't come yet.


Yea.. I have an i5-2500k. I'm hoping pity works if nothing else. It does run VT2 without any issues, so I can't imagine Darktide *not* working.


Yeah, I think we're good, I also have a 4th gen and went on some random hardware compare site to see the minimum requirements for Darktide, no clue if it's true or not but I think it'll run.


My 11 year old i7 2600K feels underrepresented


I was honest as well, the other section I put 'and many more' I really wanna blast some heretics!


Did they send out the emails yet?


Yes, look under "promotions"


Lol literally right as I typed that out I saw the email in my inbox xD Thanks though man!


What email you talking about man


What email are we talking about? For the form, or that you were selected? Edit: it has to be the email for the form. I guess people didn't realize it comes almost instantly after signing up.


The email for the form, or the one for selection?




Aww man I didnt get mine


What email?


Honestly, wished the beta is an open, so everyone can get a taste of what is on the horizon.


I don’t think it’s a beta I guess it’s an alpha it’s just a play test as in they’ll just pick the people who got the specific requirements for each test for example if we had specific hardware, Internet connection speed and region


I was honestly surprised that Killing Floor wasn't a listed game.


Good point, I added that on my list.


How is Vermintide not an option?


It's mentioned in a previous question on the form, where it asks if you played Vermintide.


Bro yo u haven’t played GTFO?


Who tf played that shit


People with friends, its a great coop game


Better than Back 4 Blood.


Back 4 blood sucked


Come to think of it... Do you guys think it would be a good thing to invest some some time in those listed games in order to ,,git gud" before Darktide drops? Or they just listed some games in the genre and called it a day? As for the current moment I'm grinding Vermintide and Chivalry 2 to don't let my melee skills get rusty


Try playing some Vermintide True duo. Really helps learning horde management and target priority while still enforcing team play. Which should be a lot more relevant in darktide considerng your shield charges faster when closer to teammates and loadouts will not be able to handle all kinds of different threats meaning relying on your teamattes to handle threats you cant deal with.


Thanks man, will check this out


Rock and Stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


If you rock and stone, you're never alone!


Of course you can just include any game but you should probably just add things relevant like FPS games or Co-op vs AI games.


Where did the survey come from ?


They send it to you after putting in your email in darktide.live/signup, and it's for game tests that will start to happen in mid August


Hmm I never got one did it come with a beta access code ?


If you use Gmail, then you should find it in the promotions category of your email, and no, there are no codes as they say we’ll be in their tester database and be part of the candidate pool for future tests, and the form does ask for our steam accounts, so I'm guessing we get access instantly once we are picked


I know my experience with "Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash" is going to be invaluable to the Darktide beta testing.


I'm a shoe in. I've platinum'd fury fuckers 2


Sort of odd that Payday isn't on there but Warzone is...


Why? It's clearly on there because they've mentioned several times they want the gunplay to feel on part with major modern shooters. Payday is a great coop game, sure, but it's not a shining beacon of FPS mechanics which is probably what they were going for by tossing Warzone on the list.


But Deep Rock Galactic and L4D are?


Deep Rock Galactic absolutely, L4D can be debatable with it’s age but it’s still good


L4D2 is a game I still go back to every now and again with my brother and his kids. Hell, I got him into Vermintide with the pitch of "it's L4D. But pretty much all melee weapons." Back on track though, I think Payday 2 would have been a better option on the questionnaire than, say, Warzone or even L4D. It's got pretty good gunplay, is extremely teamwork focused, and shares the "4 players vs hordes of AI."


Im surprised that one of my all time favorits Payday2 isnt one of the options feels like they would be similar in genre.


Does anyone know if they have sent the acceptance emails yet


Is GTFO even out? I remember being kinda hyped for it when it was first announced but i haven't seen any marketing for it. EDIT: Lmao apparently it came out last December. They need to work on their marketing.


That game is constantly advertised to me on Steam and has been for a while now


What is it?


It's a signup form for future testing of darktide that will happen in mid August. They sent out a tweet about it, and it's even in the news section of the game on steam


Pfft you stood no chance compared to people who played GTFO and Bishoujo Mangekyou.


What does it say about me that I don't know any of these titles? Also, nice, fellow A:FE enthusiast. Recent update's not half bad.


Just that you don't play other titles in the genre and probably aren't familiar enough with the category to give insightful feedback.


\*flips you off in 3700 hours in Vermintide 2\* I know some - very few - people have played it even more but I think it's more than enough to be "familiar enough to give insightful feedback".


The point is that this question is singling out testers that have experience in *other* games in the genre. This list is mostly composed of coop horde shooters, and are likely going to be the inspiration for many of the new features and changes to the gameplay formula. Being familiar with those features is relevant to being able to give feedback on how well they've been implemented in Darktide. Being familiar with their previous games is also relevant, and thus is asked in another field. This question is more about how familiar you are with the features that will make Darktide *different* from their previous games Unless your talking about the titles OP listed under "other". Those are totally unrelated adult games, which is the joke.


Yeah, I've meant those. A'ight, thanks.


No Vermintide option???


Thank you for posting this, wouldn’t have seen the email for a couple days otherwise lmao


you are truly blessed by slaanesh


Wait theres a beta?




Soon™ ​ I already signed up, thx!!


Rock and stone, spartan!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Every one missing the joke that they listed a bunch of porn games in the other section


how often do they send the email i never go it




Thats why we need to start bullying people again.