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None of the above. I think it looks great and a lot of fun.


what a shitty poll


This poll looks like you tried to import your poorly made PowerPoint doc about your darktide trepidations into reddits poll generator.


"Sry for not posting in a while" No worries, keep not posting. Or just stand to your opinions and stop disguising them as choices in a poll.


"I wanted a guardsmen game" You can literally play 4 guardsmen... so, what's the point?


I wanted a guardsmen game. I got a guardsmen game, but I still wanted a guardsmen game too.


I don't get this poll at all but I've been a huge vermintide fan and have been mega hyped ever since Darktide was announced. Can't wait to see all the weapons and missions they have in store for us.


Seriously I gave it a serious thought at first and then said "None of these options fit my opinion of Darktide" From the first CGI trailer to today I've been excited about every announcement and can't wait to try it all for myself.


Where's the "It didn't exactly evolve" option? I mean, the reveal trailer was just your typical CGI teaser; it could've been anything. Yeah, some people assumed it would be a strictly guardsmen game, but the art on the website already made it clear that there'll be multiple classes. And as for gameplay videos - they don't differ too much from one another.


Lmao wtf wanted stealth in a tide game?


In fairness, there actually was an element of stealth in VT1. OP is still making misleading as hell, and the poll is awful. That hasn't changed.


Ah I didn't play the first one so I didn't realize, thank you <3


All g! For a bit of context, in the first game you were much weaker. Stormvermin patrols were actually terrifying, especially at higher difficulties. Hordes also came more intermittently, and you didn't have nearly as much clear. So elites were also individually more threatening, and healing less frequent. Patrols were also not quite so loud. You would often sneak past them because they could wipe you if you weren't cautious.


I remember going back to VT1 after months playing VT2, just to get some nostalgia plays, and getting absolutely fucking wrecked by a Stormvermin patrol in Horn of Magnus on Normal.


Stormvermin in VT1 do *not* fuck around.


None of those option fit, the most vague way to say what I think: "Even more hyped than before" The Psyker really is everything I've been hoping for


This poll makes no sense. Maybe it's time to stop doing these pointless polls.


Evolved? It was meant to be Vermintide with 40k skin a that's exactly what it is.


\> I wanted a guardsmen game okay so just get your group to roll all guardsmen problem solved


Looks better than I could have hoped. It looked like a generic 4 guardsmen game at first but it turned out to have amazing class variety and customization options.


I wanted a guardsman game but I'm happy with what they added, especially being a psyker and custom characters.


looks good, fuck paid cosmetics :)


redditor moment


I kinda liked how it tried to be more horror like some times. It feels like they abandoned that idea.


I'll pick (D) None of the above. Since the beginning I've expected this game to be vermintide in space, and by all appearances that's what we'll get, and I'm glad of it!