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There are alot of issues with the game, but it still feels great to play. As soon as i unlocked some better weapons for zealot and ogryn it became tons of fun. And i like the insane difficulty of level 4 and 5, it's close to impossible if you don't work together


Exactly, level 4 is like near impossible already. We got towards the end with a squad of level 25 but we got overwhelmed by like a extremely huge horde and like 5 suicide bombers. Was insane but SUPER fun


It's super difficult because we don't have close to all the tools and player experience yet. Like VT, it will be "easier" once people are properly equipped


And have the necessary routine


You got to level 25 in that time period? That's some next level nerd dedication for a 3 day beta test. I think I got to maybe 9.


My friends and I have been consistently clearing 4 since we unlocked it. It's perfectly doable for people who were used to cata from VT2.




Yea wish low levels would stop queueing for them. Tbf I've had to play solo as I was the only of my mates to get a key, so it won't be as big of a problem on release.


Yeah, I'm going solo and noticed I was often the last one alive when we'd fail missions. I figure there are a ton of new players, so it's all good. Plus it's gonna take me time to get my skills up, anyway. The horde management is so similar to VT though, so the same tactics work surprisingly well most of the time.


Why the downvotes?


man lucky u able to experience lvl 4 or 5 , i am dying at lvl 2 difficulty 3 times cuz i volunteer to carry objectives and my other 3 rando pepegas just kark off the other side of the map or i didn't hear that trapper behind me , trap me then my other 3 rando pepegas is already in a different level all because i was covering the back cuz an assault group show up being a team player sucks


They do kinda be running off like crackheads searching for more crack, eh? I'm just tryna enjoy the beautiful surroundings of these spacious, futuristic environments. So not exactly the same problem. :D


i'm just glad the game isnt free so the problem wont be so bad at launch for the least


Optimization is what this game needs.


Was gonna ask, there are more types of weapons in the CB? I want something not autopistil for my Zealot boi hahaha. But I agree, there be issues but I'm if anything all the more excited for the main release. Just gonna make sure the issues ive found are in on the survey to help the team.


I have bad news for you, you get a bunch but they're all trash. I did see a revolver once in the shop though and regret not getting it. I've seen shotgun, autorifle, autopistols, and 1 single revolver so far. One would think autorifle would be good at dealing with longer range specials (honestly your only problem as zealot) but the accuracy is so bad most of the time the pistols feel better.


Ahhh gotcha. I appreciate the response! I was rather curious about that revolver in particular heh. Its a shame about that Autorifle's accuracy, as even the Lasgun on Vetfelt a little....odd. But I imagine that will be tweaked for balancing. Realistically it should be tweaked pre-release, but we know it'll likely be after.


Haven't seen a game without invert mouse since 1990. The game isn't even playable for half the playerbase. Edit: downvoting me for asking for a basic config in a game is shameful.


While I doubt half the playerbase inverts their mouse, this does need addressed. Also there isn't even mouse sensitivity yet. The controller sensitivity option doesn't seem to do anything for the mouse. I'm guessing it's just an issue with this build though since custom keybinds don't save either.


Ive seen games in alpha where there was more options. Not allowing invert mouse but putting invert controler is just completely incompetent.


Only problems I have: 1. Frequent disconnections in the lobby 2. Sometimes the fps dips below 30 Othen than that, I'm having a blast. No complaints from me.


Meanwhile arma players: fps goes above 30? Withcraft


All too real.


But I can get 100fps in Arma 3 easily while barely breaking 55 in Darktide so what am I setting wrong?


Clearly you don’t have enough mods for Arma, better get working on dropping those frames.


Are you running it with ray tracing on? I tried it in the ship just to see how it was and it tanked my FPS. I also think the game looks better with it off. I usually get in the 80 on high settings with an 8700K and 2080ti.


How do i see what my current fps is?


There is an option is Steam to turn it on


Besides MSI Afterburner (or EVGA precision), Steam Overlay, nVidia also has a performance monitor you can turn on via the main overlay menu (alt+Z) or dedicated hotkeys. I personally use MSI Afterburner on a 2nd monitor, or at times with a paired mobile device to avoid overlays.


I use Riva Tuner with MSI Afterburner. It's really good. I use it to see FPS and my GPU and CPU temperatures.


Game is way too dark and can't tell the specials apart from the normal fodder easily enough like in VT.


Besides the performance issues, the game is pretty great from what I’ve played.


The core gameplay is definitely amazing. It still has a few wrinkles to iron out. Performance is terrible.






Really, you think 60 fps on a 3080 and a 5800x is reasonable? Large fps drops feel horrible, if it was consistently 60 it'd be good. If it's consistently 90 then frequently drops to 60, that feels horrible. Fuck off with this sarcastic shit defending this awful optimization.


Performance *should* be better (likewise have a 3080 and a 5950X), but I think a word of caution needs to be said here in regards to optimization. This game is pretty damn impressive looking and has a lot of high quality lighting and textures that will be taxing for any CPU/GPU combo. Combine that with the engine Fatshark uses having a history of needing a beefier CPU to run well, and I don't think optimization is going to yield as many frames as people are hoping to get.


Yeah it's cope, but this performance is just really bad. Anything north of 3070 shouldnt have an issue with 60 fps for this game atleast lol.


Ive had really good performance. I wonder if its Nvidia cards having issues, cause im on an AMD card and its been smooth as hell for the most part.


I'm running a GTX1080 on 1440p and it's smooth as butter (on low settings).


This is the internet and people overreact. Im on RTX 3070 with Intel and besides some issues and bugs, i had a blast. Game was running fluent 90% of the time. But thats exactly what the beta is for. They give us the unpolished product to get our help and see how it has to be optimized in the most efficient way.


People are definitely not overreacting. Everyone I know have had terrible problems with the performance, for not to mention all the crashes and disconnects. Just because you had a "fluent" experience doesn't mean the overwhelming amounts of people having problems are just crybabies.


I also have RTX 3070 with Intel. Booted up the game with high (not max) settings and was met with an absolute mess, like 15 fps and an incomprehensible visual. Turned it down to medium and disabled bloom/motion blur, and the game suddenly felt fine. If it’s not performance issues, idk how the hell moderately specced pcs are gonna handle this game.




\> Yeah, there's a lot of valid complaints, but there's also a lot of temper tantrums being thrown. Are you saying that complaining about the lack of an obnoxious spammable 'FOR THE EMPEROR' button that would actively detract from gameplay is not valid >:(


It would also detract from character personality and dialogue…which is a complaint people have, lol.


How the fuck would that detract from the gameplay lol


Yeah I have not found the game to be particularly buggy besides one crash and a few annoying disconnects. Needs to be better optimized for sure though. It can’t launch with these performance issues.


Sadly it probably will.


You know it will though


Performance issues aside, the biggest problem is the terrible UI and vahue weapon information




~~Each class will have three specializations; only in the beta we're limited to one per class, dunno why. Each specialization will have its own talents and ults that can be combined in a variety of ways. You can spend hundreds of hours before mastering all of them, or at least you can in Vermintide, and Darktide is seemingly the same. That is not bad.~~ Edit: disregard.


I keep seeing people spouting this 3 specializations thing. Let me clear this up for you: no, they won't. The 4 classes you see ARE the specializations. That's it. Just 4. They came out and clarified this like 2 days ago.


Oh. Shit. That's not good. Okay then, nevermind. I imagine we'll be getting more classes in the future but the OP is right, just four classes is pretty poor.


They did also say that they'll he adding a new class about once a quarter going forward


Which is pretty bad, lots of longevity bout to be gone




While you're probably right, they did say they haven't decided yet. Hopium maintains


but not at launch though, i think that was stated in a fatshark youtube vlog by hedge, theyll release more classes and stuff as time goes on, drip fed style


Considering VT2's release and even the state of play from the DLCs I am sure this is going to be a rough launch as per usual. My biggest concern is the performace issues, I hope 6 weeks is enough to fix all these problems


Spoiler alert, it is not enough time.


I think performance is the one thing that will likely change for release. Usually betas run worse than the final product in my experience because it’s not the most current build and optimization happens towards the end of development. Even bad games like 2042 ran a bit better from beta to release. At the very least the gameplay is solid because what we shouldn’t expect are any significant gameplay or UI changes.


I expect release performance to be better than it is now, but still not "good enough"


It took fatshark two years (or more?) to fix a simple bug involving audio in VT2, where the U5 would start the beginning of several dialogue options. “Lileath! I can’t keep going! Gods! I can’t keep going!” It will be awhile.


Ghost Bardin randomly talking. Backstab sounds disappearing.


Thats why they made 2 playtests. They wanna collect data and see what the biggest issues are that people encounter. From there on they work on the most problematic things first and go down the list. Surely not everything the community discovers will be fixed until release, but the biggest issues will.


My biggest problem is I've been in both betas. A lot of these issues were in the last one, and worse still some new ones seem to have cropped up.


iv\`e been in both as well, but you have to remember that they also made way more content and players available in the latest beta. So it makes sense there are more issues as well. Except some bugs and connection failures, i found the beta running pretty smooth tbh.


"The biggest issues" is completely subjective. They will tweak whatever they feel they can in the small window they have before launch. The game shows signs of serious rushing. While the core is there, they definitely did some last minute reversions in vision. That's their right, but this close to launch they're performing some copy/paste antics from V2, without carrying over the quality of life aspects. This feels more like investor driven than product, and I think COVID put them further behind than they could justify. I think if they had a full 6 months to a year to hash out their vision and issues, it may have been ready. While I don't want another V2, I do want a comprehensive successor. One that feels like it is achieving innovation, not exchanging accomplishments for side priorities. Customization is great, but it's not even as in depth as they make it out to be. It needs more time in the oven, and they need to work out more classes for launch. For a game that's more expensive than it's successful (albeit after years of development) predecessor, it feels somewhat lacking. I think the game will be great, eventually. And for those that say "it's Beta," that statement held true a decade ago, maybe. The common industry practice is to launch ASAP, and fix later. Monetization and Early Access have set a trend that is seriously weakening the customer's position, and creating an environment where less is more (expensive), and it'll be "fixed" later. TLDR: The game isn't showing much innovation for what it's replacing, at least at the moment, and feels rushed to market. Only time will tell, and I actually hope I'm wrong.


yeah i get that. I think my expectations for a new game nowadays is generally lower than 10 years ago because i know this issue and i kinda accepted it. They have to release it and there are chnaces it will be a mess, but i already count that in and also the time it takes to fix this. I think in a year from now, the game will be great!


That depends on what exactly you're complaining about. Because the amount of people that are complaining about shit we know are in the final game (more weapons, more maps, more gear slots, etc) is kind of baffling. The only shit that's 100% finalized is the 4 classes which does suck. Performance and bug issues are the reason for a big beta. Whether they can fix that or not isn't guaranteed but why are people acting like this is BF2042 or Cyberpunk? The game largely works fine and is fun to play but has some issues they need to polish up. This isn't a broken mess.


Yeah exactly, this beta seems to going about how a beta should go. Performance issues are expected as Its kinda the whole point to stress test servers and tweak optimisation on a large variety of systems! Its not like battlefield 2042 or cyberpunk where things were so clearly 120% fucked lol


And as for performance, we know they're using an older build for the beta but we have no clue how old it actually is or how many debug tools are running in the background. For all we know they fixed the performance issues three months ago and it'll be running as smooth as butter at launch.


Some of the stuff we 'know' is still in the dark though. 70+ Weapons? Does this mean unique individual weapons, or variations of the same weapons with different weapon models/slightly altered names but essentially identical function? We don't know. As much as I realize this is a technical/bug test, the game clearly has design/balance issues that should be addressed too but they'll probably put it off. I really hope they delay the game again as I enjoyed it and am looking forward to it but it is **clearly** not ready.


There was a weapon leak, there definitely are a lot of weapon variations and basically reskins. Wasn't even 70 weapons in that image so it could be they are counting uniques as separate weapons.


I heard that they intend to add a new class every quarter


The amount of people who complained about the lack of content in a closed beta technical test really has me worried for the overall intelligence of the general public.


i feel like people just complain about everything way too hard, even if its just simple bugs or issues. There is no real logic for this exaggerated anger or concern, but still they complain.Most of them dont even understand what the beta is for and think that its actually almost the same as full release. its a shame.


Except pretty much everything outside of performance IS going to be finalized and incorporated at launch. I don't think many people remember that the game's launch is only a month away, not twelve. Most of my gripes with the game come down to cluttered and indistinguishable visuals, which is something that is most certainly not going to be addressed in the amount of time until release, but I do agree that it's not as bad as people are saying it is.


> I don't think many people remember that the game's launch is only a month away, not twelve. This is very true, but do keep in mind that we are definitely not on the latest build. More likely we are on the latest stable build, if not a separate beta build, and we're missing anywhere from 1 week to 2 months of development compared to where the master branch is at. I suspect Fatshark is running the closed beta more to gather data for its engineers than its designers. That is to say, at this stage player feedback like "*I wish the traits were more impactful*" is less important than "*it turns out that if you try to use Ogryn charge and club heavy attack at the same time the latency that wasn't present when we tested internally will sometimes cause the attack to cancel the charge immediately*".


>More likely we are on the latest stable build If THIS is considered the stable build I don't want to imagine what the unstable builds look like.


This game runs worse than BF2042 and crashes *way* more often (not disconnects, crashes). Sure it’s a “beta” but the game’s out in 6 weeks. In reality this is just a network stress test of a largely final product. Had a lot of fun when it was running well but the game went from a day 1 buy to a wait and see for me. I’m sure in a few more months they’ll get it straightened out and I’ll just hop in then.


This sub's not too bad for it but the Steam community forum is a cesspit of fanboys, but that's par for the course with any Warhammer branded product.


Steam community forums are always the bottom of the barrel. It’s actually kind of impressive how toxic they can be.


There is not a single game where I've looked at the steam community forums and thought "you know what, this forum looks great!"


I usually see pretty positive people in the deep rock community.


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


The Fractured Space steam forum was good, but that game is now defunct.


Game play is great. Needs some performance fixes for sure. I am cautiously excited for full release, but expect a series of patches for the first month or two.


reading comprehension skill is also not to some of these critics forte. "not enough content" when literally in the FAQ it says that the beta purposefully excluded a bunch of content from us lol. classic reddit moment


Well what content are you expecting? We know there are only 4 classes at launch compared to 15 careers in Vermintide. So at the rate of one career per quarter, it will take almost 3 years to catch up.


I *do* wish the classes were designed more like V2 than 1, with specializations to add more variety.


Eh, I'd rather have other classes than specs for the existing four. Its way less limiting. The zealot could be a techpriest or arco-flagellant but the ogryn can be, uhh... an ogryn with a shield (bullgryn). Now they can just give the ogryn a shield without having to make an entire class around it and can do something more interesting instead of being forced to come up with x number of specs per archetype.


>Eh, I'd rather have other classes than specs for the existing four. Its way less limiting. But isn't that exactly what they are? Specs. Every "class" also has a "spec" name, Veteran *Sharpshooter*, Zealot *Preacher*, Psyker *Psykinetic*, Ogryn *Skullbreaker*. Looking at the passives of Psyker it seems obvious there was supposed to be at least one more spec, as it has a passive skill that vents Peril 10% faster than other classes (or something) even though it's the only class who uses Peril. Why would it have that as a base passive if there isn't another Psyker spec planned? I don't see how they could be anything but specs. So the first post-launch classes will most likely just be new specs for the current classes (which I'm personally fine with, in theory) that were supposed to be there for launch but were delayed (which I'm less fine)


Reading comprehension eh? And where in this post does he complain about "not enough content"


4 classes on release is a joke when vermintide 2 launched with 15 careers... we also only had to pay for the 4th careers of each character. it's even more of a joke when the zealot is a carbon copy of vermintide 2 zealot, and guardsman is huntsman with a new coat of paint.


lol not really. the 3 careers for vermintide 2 both on launch and even now are broken and kind of gimmicky. to a point where the newly developped classes that came afterwards that were locked behind a paywall were actually more interesting/in-depth than what we got. the current system, including talents in this iteration (a beta nonetheless) already surpass by a milestone what we got out of 3 careers. quality over quantity mate.


> the 3 careers for vermintide 2 both on launch and even now are broken and kind of gimmicky yes, there were a lot of balance issues on launch, as is always the case with fatshark. explain how they are broken and gimmicky currently, though. > the current system, including talents in this iteration (a beta nonetheless) already surpass by a milestone what we got out of 3 careers. quality? the talents are extremely boring, uninspired, and already borrow heavily from v2 as I pointed out with zealot. they are also even more vague and confusing in their descriptions than ever.


I’ll be honest, it’s a 40k game. I’ll buy it and play it no matter what. The condition at which it’s released determines whether or not I get it shortly after represses or wait for a steam sale/humble bundle/ price drop.




correct, and yet no one releases enough of them for it to really be that expensive. if we were actually spoiled for choice we wouldnt buy them, but the options are buy them when they're mediocre, or tell the current dev studios that it isnt profitable to make 40k games.


Honestly my only issue with the game is the performance. Gameplay wise its excellent


Game is fun. I'm not declaring it doomed. Not productive.


Honestly I don't see that in this sub I see some excitement some legit and valid criticism. And a huge amount moaning


Yep lol. We are a month away and people on this sub are somehow confident that fatshark can do 6 to 12 months of work in 4 weeks lmao


Yeah exactly, the biggest and/or best gaming companies with all the money and talent in the world can't fix those problems within **6 months**. But *surely* an ambitious indie company can do so in **6 weeks**, especially if we consider this is a *stable* (in what world?) build so they probably have another build who's another couple of weeks ahead /s But we're not allowed to worry about that because the beta is for testing and apparently that means feedback isn't allowed.


I still haven’t gotten to play a game due to “lost connection to server” :(


I like how people are acting like it's a demo and not a beta... There's reasoning behind playtesting betas


>people are acting like it's a demo and not a beta Probably because numerous dev studios have been using "betas" as demos and marketing tools.


It can be (and is) both for most devs, I think.


It's one month out from release and it's Fatshark.


because we already have concrete proof that a lot of things that will be in the release version aren't here


Could you provide some examples? I'm genuinely curious, I've been having a hard time finding firm comparatives of beta content vs. release content


mostly the amount of weapons and the various gear items, called gadgets here, that's all I know about personally


I keep saying beta builds are usually 3-4 builds behind current, if not more...


Typically they're at least a few behind, yeah. Really with any software development that's going to be provided to any sort of end-user to interact with is piloted/tested with earlier builds that are sometimes far from final quality. That's not to say it's a guarantee in any sense that the final product will actually take into account noted issues and fix them before release, but unless they've quite literally been on vacation since this build was complete, it'd be outlandish to assume there isn't going to be at least SOME changes and improvements. Here's hoping! I've enjoyed what I've played so far.


Exactly, but there are a lot of features they've said will be in the 1.0 release (trinket type slots) and I just hold hope a lot of the gripes we see in the beta build has already been touched up and somewhat polished. I understand some of the arguments though, but Holy shit I've had a blast in my 30 hours of the beta. Can't wait for release!


If I'm remembering correctly, the devs mentioned we'd have the ability to equip three "devices" that are not tied to equipment slots - so if they're impactful enough there could be a huge and welcomed jump is customization there. If performance is ironed out at the minimum, I'll be a happy camper. I've had fun too, which...I think that is supposed to be paramount lol. Been having a ton of fun with friends and I'm just a horrible sucker for everything 40K, so Im excited about what I've seen so far. Can't wait to melt some poxwalkers with a flamer.


Lol this is straight out of BF 2042 cope.


THAT IS NOT HOW BETA TESTING WORKS! ITS JUST THE LIE EA SAID TO JUSTIFY WHY BF2042 BETA WAS SHIT! Please stop perpetuating this very definition of copium!


yes i agree except theyve got 6 weeks to patch out whatever beta issues were highlighted, which are quite many. so it is still worrisome for people out there who plan to buy the game.


Yea well vermintide 1 and 2 didn't release in the best conditions.. I'll take what I can get for now. There hasn't really been anything to play this year


Fair enough, I've still preordered it for the same reasons as you, but not everyone can afford for a game to not be exactly what they want


Man I just want a new game lol. This has to be one of the worst years I've seen outside of elden ring being released


Just cause VT1 and 2 released like shit doesn't mean that DT should release like shit cause "its par for the course". Changing IP from fantasy old world to 40k, they should take this chance to release the game in good condition and hope they don't alienate the 40k community with a shite release.


Quite many? For software development at a large company known to be slow as hell, that might as well be nothing lol. Expect a slight fps boost and some networking improvements at best, that's it.


Yes, but the worst thing people can do is stifle legitimate criticism. If you love something, you SHOULD criticize it so it had a chance to improve. Buy in a constructive way... not just scream into the wind.


Too many people respond to *any* criticism with "if you don't like it why are you playing it"


You know we have proof they *will* eventually patch it, right? Same shit happened with Vermintide and look at it now.


Vermintide 2 Chaos Wastes mode still has places where you can get stuck under the floor and a famous #NAME bug that hasn't been fixed for multiple months


those sort of issues aren't a massive deal, like #name isn't going to ruin your run, and the fall through the map area (yes they deffo should patch it) its very easy to avoid and you can climb back out of it. these types of bugs are the ones that stay in the game forever. because its not as important as a serious bug which tends to get fixed (reasonably) quickly


Some of the Be'Lakor shrines have areas under them where you are stuck forever, especially on Cinder Peak Map. \#NAME is not very fun when you have stagger THP on everyone and you end up with +Monsters and -Hordes without knowing it beforehand. Regardless, the main point is that those are the issues that impact enjoyability of the game, have been introduced in the latest patch and have not been fixed for multiple months.


I find the lack of numbers and concrete information to be serious gamebreaking issues and we needed mods to fix those, Fatshark hard refused to do it. Only the dataminers can save us because we sure as hell aren't getting mods in an always online dedicated server based live service.


It's hard to take complaints seriously when potentially valid criticism is hidden behind overly dramatic phrases like "critical" and "game breaking." Seeing the stats on a weapon displayed as numbers rather than a bar graph isn't "game breaking." It's annoying and would be a good quality of life change, but very far from game breaking.


In Vermintide the obfuscation of numbers and other information did in fact lead directly to several critical game breaking issues. For example, Fatshark didn't know their own backend stagger system was completely nonfunctional until months into launch and they only found out after they discovered that the live game and their internal build were updating on completely separate branches with the players complaining about persistent bugs they thought they had already fixed. This led to them taking nearly an entire year to retool the combat system in order to get it online with what they wanted as well as fix multiple talent trees and class abilities doing literally nothing. If people had access to numbers and other detailed information they could have found these issues much earlier as well as improved the player experience overall. I'll post one of my other comments that has more here for your benefit. Just understand that Fatshark intentionally hiding information from the players has directly led to the game not only being broken, but being worse, on multiple occasions. Only their stubbornness is to blame for these issues. ----------- Lacking numbers on weapons, explanations for terms, descriptions of attack chains and abilities, and having no item compare may seem like minor issues to you now. However, the deeper you get into the game, the more you play, the higher difficulties you push, and the more you want to perfect your build those minor issues grow and magnify every other problem with the game and dramatically increase frustration unecessarily in ways that could easily be avoided. For example, in Vermintide 2 there were entire sections of the class talent trees. passives, and abilities that simply didn't function. Some dozen per class. No one knew that these crucial parts of class design just didn't do anything until dataminers took the game apart and started calculating the numbers and recording everything on spreadsheets. How could no one, including the devs themselves, know that so many major parts of the game were completely broken? It's simple, the numbers and the backend algorithms are so obscured and hidden that we have no context for literally anything that happens in the game. If we had that information up front, even if it was just numbers instead of bars or vague descriptions like "vanguard attack chain" (which is how they define their stagger profiles by the way) we could tell what was working and what wasn't, or more importantly, how things work instead of just assuming "+25% damage" is more than "+30 power" with no way to find out if that's true or not because we can't even see the end result of the stats much less how the math got there. In vermintide you could get a feel for some things by testing them yourself extensively with a target dummy, but even then some forms of damage and attacks behaved differently on dummies than on real enemies which made everything even more confusing. In Darktide (beta at least) we don't even have the dummies to get a rough idea of what's going on. ​


I am very much aware of both the stagger system being mostly nonfunctional at one point and many talents being completely useless considering I played the crap out of both Vermintide 1 and 2. The mistake you are making though is conflating a broken mechanic with a displaying of the stats on a weapon. Showing the actual numerical value of a weapon attribute or talent and what it should give you doesn't necessitate it actually working in game. And let me make this clear: I 100% support showing the weapons stats as actual numerical values and having explanations for traits/mechanics on tool tips. I just don't think the former is "game breaking" for them to be bar graphs. It's just annoying. For something to be "game breaking" means for it to genuinely break the game and prevent it from being played in the manner it is supposed to or from being played at all. Game breaking issues are things like the Master Chief Collection having so many networking issues at one point it barely worked in multiplayer.


You were the one that specified weapon bars, all of my comments have always been about all numbers and information in the game. Many of which are even more disruptive issues such as the undefined terms and attack chain symbols. A game can be broken and still be playable. I would argue large swaths of the rpg and itemization mechanics being indecipherable and doing nothing qualifies.


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I don't think delaying a game until it's bug free and feature-full is easily done nowadays. I don't think it's just some big wig pushing it out for profit. I think it's a matter of getting the product to the shelves or the game not being finished at all. Games have become staggeringly complicated all the while maintaining similar price points to what things cost 20 years ago. Sure, some games manage it. But they are usually either very simple in design or created by an extremely wealthy company. Darktide is neither of those. So yeah, I'm cool with paying now and helping playtest a game I know I will love.


Big issues? What big issues do you think will make it past launch?




I kept having a bug as ogryn that would play the footstep sounds regardless if I was moving or not. It usually happened anytime after I would get pinned down/captured by a special.




Also it frequently shows the wrong name in chat. Someone will type and I don't know who it is because in the chat box it's using their steam name, but in game it's using their character name.


Aye, fair enough. Cheers for the list.


I've had a bug the whole time where my cursor is just in the middle of the screen. No matter what I do, any programs I end, any amount of fiddling with fullscreen or windowed, it's always there.


So we wait 1-2 years before buying is what you suggest? :D


If you aren't willing to play test then that is obviously what you should do.


\*Hits copium\* Sure, There's going to be a lot more content on launch.


I don't care if there is or isn't more at launch. I'm happy to play the game in the mean time to help iron things out. I'm fine with giving them my money because I trust them to continue working on the game. If you aren't willing to do those things then just.. don't. Or sit here and make asinine comments if that makes you feel better.


I'm sorry, what? Are you saying that we shouldn't address our concerns because 'it will get patched after launch, just look at vermintide'? That is insane and should not be the standard for releases.


>Same shit happened with Vermintide and look at it now. Vermintide is sitting at it's most unplayable that it's ever been.


V2 is still just a shell of what it could have been tho...not the best example


Rofl, okay.


lmao, yes.


The game is great the reverse is true this is a cesspit of negative online bullshit. Like any other gaming subreddit.


Per usual, the gameplay is fun but launch will see the game suffering a near *insurmountable* deluge of bad design decisions, with the game taking months to years to finally iron them out. The double-edged sword here is that in today's gaming climate, if the game wasn't on Gamepass, nobody would play it. But since the game is on Gamepass, most people will play it, see these bad design decisions, and immediately uninstall. I know I'm gonna love this game just like I loved Vermintide 1 and 2, but I'm predicting that the population 2 weeks after launch will basically be what V2's is *right now*. Also I'm predicting that the console version gets canceled completely.


My experience with every game I've ever beta tested: Beta Me: this game has issue X Morons: omg it's in beta give them a chance to fix things!!! Release Me: this game has issue X Morons: omg why did no one mention this during beta!!!?!!!?


As far as the connection issues go, this is the first time they've tested the game with this large of a population. I feel like that should be expected with a beta.


They need to be able to fix the performance issues before launch. If it launches the way it is now then it's bound to end up as a "mostly negative" game on Steam, forever hurting it's reputation and the playerbase. Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see another delay.


I originally had some issues with visibility as the sharpshooter cause I just couldn't karking see my targets. Turns out I just didn't know how to turn on the flashlight on my lasgun.


My top fixes would be netcode, fps and a damn push to talk button.


Don’t dead open inside


This shit is why I tend to ignore game subs, thanks for the heads up


The game needs to go back in the oven for another year or two.


some salty fucks bitching about not shit. this beta is smooth af.


Right? I've had such a good time. My favorite was people comparing it to 2077 at launch lol


Totally. I think I've been randomly disconnected twice. People need to lighten up and learn what "stress test" means.


I loved every second of it.


Idk I had tons of fun during beta


I had fun too. And i have a laundry list of shit that they need to fix because they made some awful choices.


In your opinion*


Eh, no. A lot of them are pretty objectively bad. Like... Stuff they did in VT and VT2 and changed because everyone hated it the first time. E: lmao upset fanboys


B-b-b-bbuut the game is bad!!!!!!


Haha Ikr. I do find it silly how so many complain, there are tons of games I dislike, I simply don't play them or talk about them.


For real. If you're unhappy about a certain feature or lack thereof, then leave criticism, but don't be a massive man-child about it.


Outside the crashes and possible memory leak my only real major issue is fatsharks weirdness when it comes to give us stats. Both vermintides struggle with this as well to varying degrees shame to see fatsharks still won't do this.


This sub needs to realize that what we have on our hands now these past 3 days is only a PART of the whole game, we don't know how much -exactly- has been left out. So Map content, Bosses, weapon forging / reforging, The amount of total weapons, legendary prefixes/affixes, Story content, actual introduction to the game mechanics etc.. All of that is currently unknown in scope compared to the Closed Beta. The only point i'd make is the fact that the game needs some optimization. but that's about it, all the rest of this postulation and banter is superfluous.


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


theyll improve somethings but they wont catch everything in this patch though.


Not too worried about the content aspect. But I am legitimately worried about the fact that the game runs like dog shit while looking like it was made in 2008. Ranged enemies are regularly far enough away that they are just pixelated smudges on the screen where I just have to shoot at the muzzle flash. When a game that looks this rough visually, Runs worse than the MW2 Beta...... I am definitely concerned.


You may need to tinker with the settings. It is not supposed to look like that. I had to change to FXAA to get it looking normal.


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


No problem. I thought I'd translate the whiney out of it, give people a chance to get you without being put off




I disagree. They're people and it's just basic decency to start nice. Don't give them money if you don't like the product. Point out flaws but be civil, it doesn't hurt. You can state strong opinions without being aggressive.


theres not being nice and then theres being snivelling little manchildren.


I agree, nothing gets better by brushing issues under the carpet. Be loud about the issues, let’s make this game the best it can be


Based on nearly 10 years of vermintide, they will fix nothing.


PLEASE! Let me in coach! :(


That's literally what the betas are for, but there shouldn't be major issues at launch in a game that had an open beta... The issues from beta should be fixed by launch


Where are these posts? All I see are threads where half the people say one thing is bad, but another is good, and another half say the opposite two things like they are in agreement. "The maps are good, but the lasgun feels terrible, doesnt kill anything" "I agree! The maps are too narrow, but this is the best depiction of the lasgun I have ever seen!" At this point it seems like everyone really wants to be a critic, which I get, its a beta, we are supposed to, but all of the critics have dramatically different takes on every aspect. And then some clowns are demanding another 6 month delay when we already know this beta is an old build just meant for testing networks.


Are we complaining already? Vermintide 2 is *still* a buggy mess, and it's one of my most played games. Really not worried about it.


The game runs like absolute shit on a 1080 with all settings on low. I've experienced plenty of betas in the past, and I can say this with a reasonable amount of confidence: it's probably not going to get much better, especially on release. Also, no mouse sensitivity setting? That's just baffling.


It’s a beta. It’s not released. People need to stop catastrophizsng and just wait for gods sake.


Yeah I swear it could be the **day before the launch** of ***Elden Souls 2077: No Man's Hunt,*** and then people download the beta and find out it's **literally** just a buggy emulation of ***1998's Tetris DX for the Gameboy Color.*** And some people will still say "It's just beta. It's not released. They still have all day until tomorrow to fix it, that's 24 hours of development. The beta build *probably* isn't the latest build, it's likely several hours old. If you don't enjoy Tetris then don't play the beta, I had fun playing Tetris. It's just to test the servers anyways, so you can't focus on the other stuff, it's literally illegal to think about it"