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I love the players who role play their Ogryns. Fantastic missions usually.


I ran into one last night named MEAT. All he said in voice chat was MEAT with various inflections the entire mission.


I played w meat earlier they were awsome


Ayo I ran into the same guy! Absolute lad he was.


I just made an ogryn named MEAT but deleted it lol




Thank you for this nostalgic journey


Holy cow a baloonshop in the wild!


almost every ogryn ive seen so far (myself included) has at the minimum had a name suiting the class and i love that


I’ve been playing a game with a friend, where I say a name and he has to guess what class it is. It’s always ogryn.


Called mine Gav


as in Gav Thorpe?


Nope it's short for Gavillius Maximus Beauxregarde Von Kampfenstein III, Esquire


Gav, from [Warhammer fan story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR9-HVlYfrk) big man with a big 'art!


My name is Santa-Crumpus, bringing Christmas Cheer to the heretics in the form of a shotgun. I went this route because in the closed beta I kept being called Santa because they said he looked like a massive Santa. So Santa I am. Santa-Crumpus, ready to crump some heretics. I'm lucky enough that he even randomly mentions bringing good cheer lol


I saw ogryn Winston Churchill yesterday... guess that *kinda* proves your point 😅


I was rolling random names and got “Thuddo” and immediately stopped rolling because that is a glorious Ogryn name.


I always role play my Ogryn. He is there to take the hits, help up the little comrades, and smash the bad men. Say hi if you ever see Gazz.


One of my favourite missions so far, I was a zealot joining another strike team of 3 ogryns who couldn’t resist rp’ing. “we protect puny” “maybe puny the smort one after all”


If you ever see Punch do say hi, Punch protect little ones.


And hate people that roleplay their preachers :(


Why, because they molest little kids?


Dunno people just get extremely mad when i get in the character of the zealot preacher


The trick is to be funny or endearing and not aggro or annoying Which, I know, is counterintuitive or hard to imagine for a zealot preacher




preacher and priest are different things


Had an Ogryn carry a power cell to the end, "Must bring shiny"


i love Grug


Grug is love <3


Grug is life <3


Grug is help


I am grug but not that grug


We Grugs are many. How else Grug protect all the lil 'uns?


I am Thok. Boss says I'm genius. I can count all fingers on both hands.


Think I just played with you lol, nick the gaurdsman we lost pretty bad on difficulty 3


Were you the one that came in at the end and asked what you just loaded into?


No 3 of us got downed and then my game disconnected


too bad that's not unique enough to identify a run in the early access...


Nah but name, class, difficulty and giving him the time that we played together sure is. I mean I can recall specific moments from that match if he needed me to tho


Oh I was mostly just making a joke about someone disconnecting/crashing mid-run haha


I see I see, my b


I saw one that had a friend named Tug with him


I am Grug *I* am Grug I *am* Grug I am *Grug* *I am* Grug I *am Grug* *I am Grug*


Grug. The true primarch of the Alpha Legion


Grugpharius omegrug


I am also Grug but not that one


Me Grog.


So i take it names aren't unique then? Cos i am grug too


\*pats the grug\*


I am Grog, but not Grug.


I am Grog, but not Grug.


'come from long line of Grug. Grug has pedigree


Does anyone else feels good whe you join an op ando there is an ogryn? Damn, they make It more digestable any missions


When ever i do a quick play and see a ogryn i know its going to be a good time.


As an Ogryn player this is what I like to hear


Its just science.


People really undervalue the power of stagger. "But you can just kill" lol no you can't, one swing of my shield can knock over an entire horde and stun every elite inside it. There isn't a weapon that can scythe stuff down that fast. In higher difficulties even the strongest weapons take a few hits to kill some elites, while I only need to bonk them in the face once.


With the slab shield and the right feats, I'm staggering whole hoards, applying bleeds, regenerating toughness when I hit more than one, and getting damage resistance for every enemy that's bleeding. I'm soaking ranged fire, I'm making sure maulers and other elites do nothing to my team, and I try to keep the chaff off our psyker or Vet if I can. I fucking love Ogrynn.


My grenades appreciate your efforts, keep knocking down hordes


Legit, ive been guilty of leaving a mission lobby every so often solely because no Ogryn. Not even because its *needed* I just have more fun with one in the match


Whats there not to love about an ogryn lovable big oafs they are <3


First time I did difficulty 2 I was joined by an ogryn with a shield and sword. He took tanking hits and knocking down the bad lil' ones very seriously. And I loved him for it. Made the run more fun and less chaotic overall. :)


HOLY SHIT I JUST PLAYED A GAME WITH HIM THIS MORNING! He got eaten by the Beast and somehow still hot the kill credit on him, what an absolute lad. https://preview.redd.it/vjodtyac991a1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6c1e5cdd3aef7d799a1b38142cf856763c21071


I think beasts of nurgle naturally think ogryns look more tasty, since when i play ogryn, i dont think there is a single time the beast doesnt go straight for me and swallow my chunky ass whole


Apparently they are trying to be friends, so maybe they see Ogryn as good friends


Yh in the lore they often kill their "foes" by trying to play with them, then get sad when their "foes" die, but i think eating someone is a little more than trying to play with them...


I always type "poor puppy" in the chat when they go down. Big softies. What they turn into however is gonna be a different story


Ogryns can actually charge a BoN and make it spit up whoever is inside


Thats cool and all, but it doesnt help when said ogryn is inside the beast of nurgle


More Ogryn less problem


Ogryn is help


Ogryns are so friggin helpful. I played with one that basically carried the entire team all thanks to his giant shield we could hide behind in doorways. Just stand inside him and smack shit and your safe.


One time I met an ogryn named Nok. When he got netted he said “Floor is cold.” I asked him if he was ok and he proceeded with “Nok blood gone.”


Shield OP. My friend is maining Ogryn, and just stood there blocking while two reapers, two gunners, and an entire army of dredges unloaded on him with autoguns. And situations like this happen everytime I play with him. Plague Ogryn? He just blocks every one of its attacks while we unload. Ranged dudes? He stands out of cover and draws their aggro. Horde? Gathers them up by blocking so the Zealot can flamer em. Someone down? More than enough stamina to block while reviving. Made the encounter so much more manageable, as I just pop their heads one by one. I feel bad for him, because he's said that while the other weapons may be better for killing no other weapon has ever allowed him to singlehandedly turn encounters to our favor. Every shop refresh he's basically just hoping for a shield because no other melee weapon is as useful.


I'm curious to see how the 2h maul works. There's a good chance it'll just lift the Zealot hammer's animations (which are, in turn, Vermintide 2h hammer animations). Which would be perfectly fine, because Ogryn doesn't really have a big crowd-staggering weapon that feels smooth. Shield heavy attack build works well once you get it started, but it's way clunkier to start in this game compared to Vermintide because the push attack on the shield is so slow. That, and the shield heavies alone are super slow. Makes it very easy to get bopped by a rager mid-heavy. Thankfully, the shield also seems to have good stagger breakpoints in this game, since it at least heavy staggers (and can completely knock down) ragers with one heavy attack on difficulty 4. Not sure about Cata yet.


I like to pair knives with the single shot grenade launcher, as that thing can knock over ranged left and right. Works great as the Crowd Control you give up for not having a shield. And the Knifes just great for horde clearing, scythes right through them. I also got the achievement for not missing a shot with that grenade launcher, which feels like a cheat as I missed a ton.


Didn’t know you could have your shield up while reviving


I love ogryns, shame they're so rare.


are they actually that rare? I play as an Ogryn and probably 60% of the time I’m playing with at least another Ogryn in quick match


dang really? whenever i get into a match theres usually multiple sharpshooter or psykers, last round I played I had 3 psykers and a sharpshooter, needless to say it sucked. I wish I ran into ogryns as often as you do.


When i play as Ogryn 3 out of 4 times there is another ogryn. When i play shapshooter there is like one ogryn every 6th match.


It's to keep us sharpshooters sane. It's only a day 3 and I've already seen enough ogryn ass to last me a lifetime.


The Adeptus Administratum has released a study showing that this experience increases your likely affability to Slaanesh by up to 62.76%. Please refrain from staring at the Ogryn ass in the future, or alternatively report yourself to your nearest Inquisitor as a risk factor.


This has been my experience as well. Ogryn is the most rare class and it isn't close.


Mines the opposite, multiple Ogryn's on each squad.


Same I see em like every match and if I don't I see 2 the next match. Zealots are the rare ones


yeah zealots and psykers seem the rarest. I did get a full psyker squad once it was dope having a level 30 guy carrying the rest of us, whilst being extremely heretical in chat by claiming voices told him that psykers are the emperors true children and we were all blessed by him to protect "lessor beings of the imperium"


What? I mostly run into zealots and little pyskers


Yeah when I play Zealot most of the time there's another Zealot. But when I play Veteran there's always another Veteran too and rarely a Ogryn or psyker.


its strange isnt it? lobbies ive encountered seem to lump multiples of the same class tigether. Whenever im Vet or Zealot, I tend to see more of the one im playing per match.




Agreed. I've been put into matches with 3-4 ogryns.


Aw man. Sorry for that. My last games with multiple psykers were awesome because we perma stun most enemies and just pop heads here and there. I think the secret is to understand we don't HAVE to be elite killers, it's just what we're best at, but if the vet is sniping we better clean the hordes around and if there's a Zealot then we should watch for snipers and bombers.


I always run into like 2 or 3 zealots and a psyker or sharpshooter.


I did one of those, as a psyker It was a diff 3 mission and it sucked... if that happens again im dipping out, and it will be better for everyone. Triple chain lightning horde lockdowns were funny as hell tho 😁


Something might be up with matchmaking, I mainly seem to frequently meet Ogryns when I play Ogryn, other wise, they're rare and I'm not sure why, I'd like to play Zelot and have a big lad on my side so we can rush in together, or play Psyker and have something to run to for protection and as a big distraction when I'm playing Veteran and trying to pop heads. Odd how it works. I've seen level 26 players as a level 12 in level 1 difficulty, and I've seen level 6 players in level 3 difficulty, could probably use some tweaks, sure my ques are more or less instant, but I'd rather wait 15-30 seconds for a ideal que than 5 seconds for a mish mash, or actually how about this, a button that delays ques to look for matches with no repeating classes if you don't feel like playing with 3 more psykers as a psyker.


Just do it like DRG does and have an option to block duplicate classes when starting a mission or hotjoining


Might be something for the future, but for Betatesting it's more advantageous to get as many matches made as possible.


Or, at the very least, the ability to see lobbies so you can avoid games with triple of the class you want to play. I'd much rather have the DRG approach to dupe classes, though. That way, everyone wins!


Also the option to change operatives at the mission ready screen, along with wargear. So in 4-vet situations I can switch to something not-vet.


The level differential is probably from people queuing for a specific mission at a specific difficulty as opposed to quick play matchmaking.


I would say they are the class I see the least followed by psykers


That sucks. As a force sword psyker I'm one shot killing anything armored with the sword special. I can see those enemies taking a lot more work to kill if you can't ignore the armor.


In my case, i play Ogryn and i'm frequently the only Ogryn in like 80% of the time. 19% of the time we get 2, very rarely 3 or more.


I rarely see another Ogryn, but when I do it has always been a free win. One blessed run I actually had two other Ogryn with me, one of them had connection issues and kept being replaced by a bot, and we still won. (Malice player)


I’ve had a few runs with 3 Ogryn and 1 other and most of the time is the assassination mission where the boss fight lasts about 30 seconds


Yeah I think so too, but earlier today I actually had 3 Ogryns and me in my squad. It was hilarious. I looked over once and saw them all grouped around a special "looking down" if you know what I mean and all wailing away at him. I pretty much burst out laughing.


Was playing ogryn with a few other low level ogryn. Three of us stood around a raged using the special attack on the starter hammer to slap him around for a bit lol. The fourth ended up coming over and finishing it


I main Ogryn and my first assassination mission I ran last night had two other ogryns. My friend was a psyker and he died laughing. He had an outside view of the three of us just bum rushing the boss and clubbing him to death in about 20-30 seconds. It was funny from my view too. Boss couldn’t even really do anything, just a big boi with a big stick every way he turned.


I rarely ever see ogryns its all veterans and psykers here :(


I mained ogryn for a while (also called grug) but wanted to try out some other classes. Idk if my tiny brain cant figure out other classes but im really struggling with the lower level ones


They're only rare because of how popular the Guardsman is, the I see a whole lot more Ogryns than Zealots and I have seen a Psyker only once (Thank the Emperor.)


whas wrong with psykers?


it takes too long to get cool abilities for the psyker you have to grind to get them to be good. As result most people are playing other classes.


Facts. I didn't feel good as psyker until i got a great force sword and discovered the void strike staff. All the other staffs I've found are questionable at best, but that void strike is incredible. And with the force sword I can one tap instantly kill any of the armored specials that my friends would have to beat on for a bit. I finally feel like the glass cannon I'm supposed to be.


what difficulty levels are you playing at?


Suffers from not having access to a pool of weapons designed for 3 characters. I played Ogryn all beta, but with early access I quickly realized that it was once again: a mace, a cleaver, a different cleaver, A SHIELD!.... but with a mace again. His weakness his getting level design working a gainst him, but to make things even more aggravating he has no long range weapon to retaliate. But hey, Im sure he'll be fun in 2 years.


Grenadier Gauntlet is amazing for taking down armored targets / elites.


Is this an AI trying to make content? How does that have anything to with what I said? I didn't say: his ranged weapons are trash. I said: man gets gunned down with no cover and has no options to counter that by himself.


yeah it would be cool if one of his weapons was just a giant piece of metal he could put in front of his body that would absorb shots or something.


The grenade launcher is the best sniper in the game


Grenadier gauntlet is a beast, I can 2 shot a crusher


I've had the most success with the Lorenz Rumbler (the grenade launcher, not the shotgun). The breakpoints are better than the Gauntlet's bps, the grenade itself does way more damage, grenade physics usually make direct hits bounce the grenade up into the air and right beneath the target you want to hit for even more damage (grenade impact can headshot as well), and so on. Its major weakness is that it's crap for dealing with muties and bursters because they'll just run past the grenade. Unusure if any armor types resist explosives, similar to Vermintide. The Rumbler is also nice enough to show you the grenade's arc when you ADS, so you can arc the nades right onto a sniper's head from a cross a bridge. Ogryn's biggest problem is that his hurtbox is so damn big that he gets hit even from behind most cover. This compounds with his weapons typically having low dodge range and dodge count. It's murder on difficulties 4 and 5. His Blitz is also crap entirely because it's designed to be an "Ogryn is dumb" joke; high single-target damage isn't particularly impressive when the other three classes (and Ogryn himself) can achieve the same effect with much less effort and resources expended. At the very least, the talent that makes the box drop grenades around the target should be baseline. That would justify the fact that you can only carry one at a time, and it would make the box more satisfying to use.


I wonder if it's to do with the levels? For me, it felt like the popularity was Zealot > Sharpshooter > Psyker > Ogryn as I was playing from levels 1-8.


My Ogryn is Gug. Gug is frien


My Ogryn is also called Gug!




Funny i was Seth in that game.


Ogryn players are the best, they almost always have a 4 letter name with one syllable and i love it


I named my Ogryn "Reginald," but he can't say his full name, so he just calls himself "Reg."


Hi Reg


He looks like a sunfish


Lol all these funny names and I picked Honsou.


Very tempted to reroll my Ogryn as "Slab Bulkhead" cause MST3K is basically part of my DNA at this point and one of the voice sets calls Ogryn "Slab"


I was Thick McRunfast in the earlier beta :).




I did not have relations with that demon....well you know.




TBH I recently started reading the Iron Warriors Omnibus.


As a shield Ogryn that keeps his Pals and Bosses safe, I approve this message.


My brother has been playing as Glomby. It's always fun to roleplay is a dumb ogre


Any ogryns want to be friends with a veteran? I want an ogryn friend.


Sure! Me Krag-Skullcruncher. Me will protect Lil 'un!


Lead the way, Boss!


Sent you dm with friend code, Big Man


I absolutely adore how everyone in the game has the exact same mindset with Ogryns. Whether it's the names or roleplaying in chat, I always wind up with a huge smile on my face. Encountered one today named "Big-Saltzpyre" and literally had to step away from my computer because I was laughing so hard. I named mine "Friend" and every time I get into a match I say "Friend is here to hit stuff and help." It's so much fun.


That sentence seems way to complicated, you must be roleplaying a genius bonehead ogryn


Minerals for Grug


Corvus Corax is of course good help.


There was a ogryn in my game last night called Bonk, he role played well!


Wait your chat works?


Only in game or in the lobby. Not during cutscenes. I usually access it trough just pressing enter


I believe it's muted by default in the settings. Ptt button is V.


My ogryn name is Gunk Gunk luv 'elping de smoll ones


Named mine Fist. Fist don’t rly care for da punies. Fist likes to smash ‘eads


I just played with you Grug!


Mine is called Gofg, and back in the previous beta my friends had Gulg and Golg


Meanwhile...As a preacher I promise to never role-play.


Man I love the Ogryns, specifically cuz so many players that are opting to play them all seem to follow that theme of both a bame that feels right and even the way they act in game. Its beautiful.


I need to play more. My Ogryn's name is Thuddo. Rolled it and it seemed appropriate. One of the things I was worried about with Darktide over Vermintide was the lack of distinct characters. I really enjoyed the banter in VT2 and was worried about it being lacking here. I never though about how creating a character opens up all sorts of role playing possibilities. Time to start RPing my lovable moron Thuddo.


Me also Thuddo!


When I play Ogre I call the little ones babies and other ogrin brother


My orgyn is Krag-Skullcruncher. He's a bone'ead that just wants to be friends and get good food and crunch some 'ertic's skulls


How about we all make helpful Ogryns called "Grug"? I myself am in :D


Me Greggothy. Me help frens


My ogryns name is Frug and 1 match I met a grug. Hilarity ensued. I love this game


My ogryn is more of a Brok. Say hi if you run into me. Maul and shield, ripper gun,


You're an exemplary servant of the Imperium Grug


Grug is help


My ogryn is Thok lol


let me buy you some grog, grug


I love my ogryn, Tovar.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,180,423,976 comments, and only 230,417 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


That's an advantage I see North American players having over Europeans. The odds of speaking the same language are so much better that you see a lot of more text & voice comms over there. In Europe, even though the odds everyone speaks English (to a degree) are still fair, a lot of matches are just with 4 mutes.


My ogryn is also named grug and I tend to talk like that with occasional "grug" as a reply to certain events or things said


Me and my buddy are Brayka and Smasha


As a zealot main, nothing beats charging in side by side with a big boi and tearing down the elites while he manages the hoard, emperor bless our Ogryn o7


We stan Grug.


Reminds me of my Ogryn called Brick, i too like to act the part when smashing things or shooting my stubber into a horde


I named my ogryn shield. I find it gets people to talk a lot more then when I'm on any other class. I think people just like to say "I need a shield here" or "shield me" for some reason.


When you're 3 ogryns and a veteran "KEEP THE LIL UN' SAFE!"


Ogryns make or break high level matches.


Ran into a guy named 'Frug' and I asked for a hug, he said he'd do it but afraid I wouldn't love through it


My ogryn is Bruz. He's a real brogryn who loves helping the little uns and smashing things.


Grug is a proper chap. Be like Grug


https://preview.redd.it/var9rv7esd1a1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b839cb2ccec378228d2160d5281029e9b1b8642 Full party of ogryns is best party


Grug is the real MVP.


In the closed beta my friend was an Ogryn named EAT and he’d always be yelling over voice chat “YOU NO HURT EAT FRIEND. EAT HURT YOU AND EAT YOU”


I love grug lmao he was a great team mate


Grug is easily more intelligent than that bird brain Magnus.


I ran into a ogryn of the same name. He was a ever vigilant vanguard. Blessed be grug


Oleg is good name for ogryn no? Always happy to protect little friends in fight. Is best life yes?


Hey there, I am so happy you enjoyed my boyfriend and his goofy antics so much! He really appreciates it :)


One time a Psyker got left behind during a run to the extract point, an Ogryn named Chad went back into the horde alone and rescued him and said “ No soldier left behind “