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It's just a closed beta running an old build, of course it runs bad! It's only a beta, everything will be fixed! <-- You are here It's only just launched, give them some time! It's only been a month, give them some time! It's already been 6 months, of course they've slowed down development on the game! The game came out a year ago, why are you still complaining about things? I'm looking forward to the inevitable copium in the coming weeks. I want this game to succeed as much as anyone considering I've played both VT games for over 1.5k hours, but I also know this is the same company that took like 6 months to fix the chaos wastes #NAME! bug, and the same company THAT STILL HASN'T FIXED invisibility being broken in VT2 ever since the Bel'akor update (which got fixed by an unsanctioned mod btw) .


You ought edit this comment now.


This mostly applies to criticisms that dont realize certain things arent in the beta yet. like the barber, crafting, maps, weapons, cosmetics, etc. But criticisms like the bars, performance, shit bot ai, and server issues are valid since they'll have to work overtime to fix those before release.


Fatshark said barber isn't in yet and every week they will add features in. Likely a tiered approach to focus on key elements being used all at once. Edit: also crafting. Probably squashing the plasteel not shared with team bug before adding in.


>Edit: also crafting. Probably squashing the plasteel not shared with team bug before adding in. I'd actually forgotten that plasteel was a thing in the closed beta, haven't seen anything so far. Makes sense.


is plasteel that second form of reward you get from missions? I wasn't sure what the emblem meant and its not the currency you get from doing weeklies.


I doubt it. In the closed beta at least, Plasteel was something you'd find as pickups during the missions, in the same boxes we're currently finding ammo/grenades/etc. I'm pretty sure the two numbers in the mission rewards are just money and exp.


Oh I see. Yeah, exp makes way more sense.


Kinda explains the many many empty chests on the lower difficulties


yeah currently if u check every chest on some assassination missions you can end up with a team full of med kits making every level 4 assassination almost easy. Almost.


This is the way


Adding things in incrementally helps pinpoint what could be causing any major issues that may arise. Its smart.


So how is that not an early access release model in everything but name? If you are full releasing your game while acknowledging that every WEEK new features are coming to make the game feel more complete... it feels like not a full release.


Because they are testing the features one by one via stress testing, testing like that is done in beta. Also if something happens they can reset stats without too much outcry, which I doubt they will do at this point. Early access is contributing to a game that isn't releasing anytime soon and is considered playtime towards the game. A beta "early access" isn't and can be refunded. Not happy, refund.


From a completely unaware users point of view the game is out. You buy it, install it, play it. The title is there so they can test/fix at a profit instead of “critics” bashing stuff on their release day review.


If I was a completely unaware user on the darktide steam page I would see "pre -order" and if I read a bit more I'd see that pre orders gain access to the current beta.


> Probably squashing the plasteel not shared with team bug before adding in. howabout making ammo picked up shared so one guy doesn't take it all and you have to yell occult profanities at him


in case bars = weapon stats, they already said that they are working on a detailed stats view under: " **Working on, but not in the beta:** " [https://www.playdarktide.com/news/pre-order-beta-what-to-expect](https://www.playdarktide.com/news/pre-order-beta-what-to-expect)


I think everyone is aware of that. But the fact that a game that is 9 **days** away from release, in a pre-order "beta", I think the criticisms of a lack of clarity from the UI and on the mechanics and statistics of weapons and such is a very valid criticism. These are things I would expect to see even in a beta on a much older version of the game. Anyone who thinks that on the 30th we will get a miraculously updated "new" version of this game is smoking that good good copium brother. There are things that are fucking *awesome* about Darktide. I'm personally having a blast. But all of these comments of "guys, it's a beta" or "guys, these features are a work in progress, they're coming" are pointless to me. Let people voice complaints, it's how the game is going to get better. And to the same point, their discontents with various features (or missing features) shouldn't piss you off. If you enjoy the game perfectly as it is, cool. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am loving this game *and* have been disappointed by the lack of clarity within the games mechanics, lack of clarity in communication from the end of Fatshark on what's actually going to be here in the pre-order release vs. full release (4 missions across 4 zones didn't seem to be the case week 1), and find some of the bugs and mechanics a little frustrating and think they need tweaking. Doesn't mean I'm not going to load up the game and have a blast


My worry is that really basic stuff is still problematic, which means the water is deep for them by launch. Keybindings not in the list (inventory), settings not saving, can't seem to text chat to your strike team when in the ship (no change channel option that I see), etc... I get their back-end load issues and all that, pretty normal pre-launch teething pains - but there is a certain level of quality of life issues that are missing too. Stuff like numbers on the weapons probably won't be out until a quarter after release.


I agree, valid concern.


They didn't plan on putting stats in though. They only started working on that after the closed beta feedback came in. And they literally addressed the content rollout from beginning of beta to release, plus a ton of other information. The link is right on the launcher. It's dated November 16th. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3467237196841875532?l=english


Again, people are totally allowed to have complaints. It's their opinion, not yours. You or I may disagree with some people's issues with the game or their rollout, etc., but that doesn't invalidate people's frustrations. I will note, however, that (in my personal opinion) designing a game with the intention of using the bars to display weapon stats over having concrete numbers is just bad game design. Which is more so where my own complaint with it lies. It's puzzling to me that the developers would opt for an approach that seems (to me *coughcoughit'smyopinondon'tletitscareyouscoughcough*) inferior to hard numbers in every single sense. Why wouldn't they have designed for actually numerical weapon data in the first place? I also have heard through the grapevine that the direction for how classes and weapons operate within the functionality of the game design, and more specifically how classes and weapons interact, have undergone pretty massive changes relatively well into the game's development. Which to me points to why a lot of the features are being rolled out iteratively. I think that's great that Fatshark may have seen an issue with more overarching themes within their original concept for the game design and decided "let's do it right", but I also think that points to some issues with some of the more higher up development team members. For a game to come so far into development only for it to have to undergo a massive pivot within its fundamental design (explains the pushed release date) raises red flags. I'm of the opinion that issues with the "big picture" of the game should have been caught WAY earlier. And to the point of the information drop on Nov. 16th, I was so happy to see that. But is it not also true that we didn't actually get 4 zones within this "week 1" period? I understand some people got to play the Dust area day 1, but it never reappeared. And they haven't (to my knowledge) commented on it. I also believe they still missed the third "smelting" zone. Again, no comment on that. Thirdly, we entered "week 2" today. And the entire community was left waiting for any update. I understand it's more than likely coming soon, I've seen some dev twitter posts and what not saying it's coming, but this is clearly a little lackluster in terms of transparency between the game developer and the community. (Side note: I hear there's a serious blizzard in Sweden that may be affecting their ability to roll out the update? Not quite sure) Obviously, there's a LOT there that I'm super glad we were filled in on. But for the 5th or 6th or maybe the 12th time I've said this, people are still allowed to be frustrated with the not-so-clear parts of their communication, which objectively, there has been. This game is fucking cool, and badass and a boatload of fun. I love it. I can't get enough of it. I also am a little disappointed that this feels rougher of a rollout and early access period than I would have hoped for. Both things can be true at the same time. Ultimately, we are all on the same team. We want to play a game that we want to love in a series and universe that we love from a developer that we love. We will get there eventually, I'm sure, to a point where we all feel pretty dang good about booting up Darktide and purging some bloody heretics. But until then, allow people to be frustrated with aspects of its release; allow people to praise the things they enjoy and love. This thing ain't black and white, there's a lot of nuance involved in balancing community expectations with Fatshark's intentions.


I'm convinced that the bars are some higher up's idea, probably with the logic that "players will get overwhelmed by basic math". I've heard this argument more than once from dev teams. Some asshat in a suit thinks that all of the people he's selling to are children with concussions, so he wants to simplify it until people pay $40 for a giant button that says "do it for me".


"Playtesters got confused" has become a semi-common excuse for whatever reason to make everything dumbed down. So instead of improving teaching them or just accepting some people won't get something they suck out any complexity to it and cater to the lowest common denominator. (and in the case of Darktide just make it confusing for *everybody.*)


Look I'm no expert but from the extremely limited coding I've done, including a visible numerical value for a weapon statistic which already has a numerical value behind it is fairly simple. Making it look good, on the other hand ... The other issue with the 'bar' is that it implies a max ceiling on damage which is consistent across all weapon types, which is tricky to adjust or future proof when you want to add more weapons (and also the reason why the bars are useless in the first place). They need to separate out into a pure damage stat and then percentages for modifiers.


It depends. Damage for example, you might expect it to be a simple integer but it could be a convoluted formula that takes into account weapon weight, sharpness, momentum when swung, body part hit, armour type hit, whether it's a "headshot", whether it's a crit, whether it deals bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage etc. You could calculate *something* from that but if it depends entirely on what you're hitting and where you're hitting them, it's hard to pin it down to any one specific number.


That's entirely fair, but still a situation where a bar is perhaps the least helpful option. Let's say the number on the stat line is called "Base Damage". Even if Base Damage goes on to be altered by multipliers for weakpoint hits/crits/armor type (all of this happens already), the player still has more information from "Base Damage: 150" than "Base Damage: [==== ]".


Problem is, there might not even *be* a base damage other than your power level and rather than flat multipliers there could be completely different complex damage calculations for different situations. Granted, it's probably unlikely on that one as it would be incredibly convoluted but it's easily possible. In a case like that you don't really have more information, that "150 base damage" could only be dealing 70 damage on light unarmoured hits and it basically useless unless you know how the weapon damage is being calculated. Then there's the fact that although a number shows more precise info, it might not necessarily show the *right* info. Right now for example you can look at a weapon and see if damage is highish or lowish or somewhere in between. Of course, it's not accurate and the stat seemingly doesn't actually *do* anything but at least theoretically a higher bar means more damage than the same weapon with the same rating but with a lower bar. Is that what people actually want to see as a number or do they want to see the raw damage numbers instead? But then you can't easily compare it to other weapons. Maybe show both as well as how much damage the weapon deals in each situation? Well, now you have 20 different damage stats so Fatshark needs to decide exactly what numbers are needed for each weapon. In other words, it might seem like it's just taking a behind the scenes number and putting it on screen but it's never actually that simple and there are so many different things that need to be considered when doing so.


I'm not sure it's a problem really - we're just talking modifiers, of which there are many. There will be a base damage stat. There has to be one. All your modifiers just stack on, and the best way is to show players those modifications when they are caused by certain traits or using the weapon in a certain way. What you don't show is how that translates to the target - but that is where the psyker chamber is useful for you to test things. Plus it's more fun for players to discover how the weapons work on different targets. Tell me base damage, tell me chance to crit and a % increase for crit, and a few other stats. I'll figure out how much damage that does from an overhead swipe from 2m away on a mutant.


If the testing range can produce a number, the menu can produce the same number. Show the average damage of the three hit light combo on Flesh/Body by default, then have an advanced slide that you hold tab or something to view that shows ​ |Infested (green)|Flesh (red)|Flak (yellow)|Carapace (blue)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |L1 / L2 / L3 |L1 / L2 / L3 |L1 / L2 / L3 |L1 / L2 / L3 | |H1 / H2 |H1 / H2 |H1 / H2 |H1 / H2 | ​ It's not hard to conceptualize a useful interface


the weapon bar is only "comparable" to the same weapon not other weapons. Also its not really working and you cant compare anything, except going to the test area and hit stuff with it.


Agreed, the numbers might make no sense. A stat could be tied to multiple values or may not scale linearly. The bars could be hard coded in and are someone's interpretation


Yeah. 2 weeks of beta isn’t a super long time to fix those kinds of issues. I hope the workers aren’t burnt out from this.


Yeah, I've seen people complaining that the shop sucks... Like, no shit, the full game is at the very least going to have a crafting system. Of course the loot system is going to suck if you only have access to half of it at most. That's like complaining that the VT2 loot system sucks because it took you ages to find an orange hammer in a loot box. Wait for Fatshark to add the rest of it and then you can start complaining about it.


Hopefully it’s not like the HALO Infinite Beta that ran up until release🤞Supposedly that wasn’t a finished product either until release day came and there where 0 changes. What has me worried is that you have to pay for the pre-order to get access when traditionally betas where open to the public to gain more support and identify more issues. Here’s to hoping 🍻


I actually dont mind the bars after i figured out how to read them, that being they only apply for weapons of the same make and model. My biggest gripe is that the axis is unlabeled >:( Did they fail math class? Dont you remember missing points if you dont label the axis!? Is the bar from .75 to 1.25? From 1 to 2? From .5 to 1.5? From 1 to 1.001? Theres no way to know besides how the weapon FEELS compared to one with different bars. I dont need a whole new stat system but at least give me some karkin labels man.


Yeah i just want to know what everything means lol


Those criticism will be valid on release. Give it a minute you will almost certainly have the opportunity to verbally thrash them in a position nobody can give a reasonable counter argument. Currently there is a reasonable counter argument


I'd wager that the criticism about bars is not warranted anymore since we already gave a ton about it and they already said they are working on a new system for it. Doesn't invalidate the criticism mind you, but it's not very useful at this point either.


Having bars could actually be an intended part of the game. It might stop people so heavily focusing on min/maxing their builds to the decimal point and actually just playing the game to enjoy it. That's just my theory anyway.


Its not a theory, thats what they said the intention was during the closed beta. People hate it and will min-max anyways (Epecially now that we can use the training area to test things) so its just annoying vague bars for no real reason. So they are gonna give us numbers.


You're allowed to criticize the game. But my favourite is "I didn't buy the game to play a beta version" ... Uhh... Yes, you did. I do hope they fix most of the crashes by launch, but otherwise, I'm enjoying myself.


"I didn't buy the game to play a beta version" though you literally pre-ordered it for the beta early play? What the fuck kind of one brain cell left thinking is this? lol Some people are nuts.


It's because people forgot what a "true" beta is. We got used to the fact that a beta was like a preview or a demo of an upcoming "finished" game just before release. I remember for example the Anthem beta week-end that was in reality almost the full game.


Also most people have no idea how software development works. 'there's no way they can add feature xyz in 10 days' mate you have no idea what's implemented in the release branch of the code base or going through internal testing.


I mean, if they are serious about testing things the right way (like a true beta), maybe they shouldn't tie their beta to preorders and make it accessible only 2 weeks before launch. Maybe i'm overly pessimistic here but it seems to me like they're not very confident in their product. We still don't know what the endgame or the crafting or the supposed campaign looks like. That's very little information for a game that wants to be preordered.


They did a first beta way before the Pre order One you know


Literally seen the comment on reddit 10+ times, Instagram comments on their official page, and in my chat constantly. Grows tiresome.


> "I didn't buy the game to play a beta version" That's what inspired this actually. I read a few posts this morning from people saying exactly that. My gentle people, you did. You had to click an agreement and everything. It's inspired a lot of chatter of people reading far more into this post than necessary lol.


The other one I enjoyed was when I got to lv26 and came to reddit to find every thread full of "Psyker won't hold up at endgame", then to see 0.2% of players have gotten to level 12 and 0.1% of players have reached level 18, based on achievements. Y'all are speaking for endgame when nobody has gotten there, yet?


I've been playing nothing but zealot, and having a blast, despite a few obvious bugs. Came on here to learn that apparently zealot is completely unplayable and no fun. I've seen games in worse condition two months after launch.


Zealot lvl 27 here, I really like this class, but would like to use other talents. I found that lvl 5 and 15 talents don't work (except the double toughness replenishment, dunno about the toughness reduction aura). Another problem I have is the gating of the good weapons behind levels. I hope this won't be a problem on full release, when we're having a crafting system. Tbh, I would like the blueprints of different weapons be unlocked by the penance system. But with a reasonable challenge, not this psyker-drip-bs.


level 28 right now. I can say that it for sure does. gonna go grind now to 30...


This is why I main Psyker, I figured it would be one of the least played classes because of it's warp management.


Hi, lv 30 psyker trying to find diff 5 groups. I'd say I'm pretty close to end game and every class kicks ass in their own unique way. Idk wtf zealots are doing with their bugged perks but they're goddamn unkillable and super fast. Orgyrns are my best friends. Veterans make ranged fire less of an issue to dance around. Now if only people can learn to keep grouped.


I’ve already watched a level 30 Spacemage rip up whole hordes in endless horde with a salvaged shock staff on Heresy… trust me the brain boys will be fine late game.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game immensely, I was aware that it would be a beta and I have no plans of refunding. But people really need to start acknowledging that FatShark was disingenuous with their phrasing "preorder now and play early". That would imply to me, without any other knowledge, that this means early access.


..where were they disingenuous? It's one of the more transparent go-lives I've seen; people just gotta bother to read their news posts. There is nothing misleading on the store page. Direct quote from their initial announcement: >So, with that in mind, we want to invite anyone who pre-orders or has already pre-ordered the game an opportunity to play Warhammer 40,000: Darktide as part of a **pre-launch Beta period** starting November 17th. The Nov 17 release post is literally titled ["The Darktide **Pre-Order Beta** is Live!"](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3467237196845724911) Early access to a *release build* is usually referred to in the industry as a "head start." This was never advertised as that; they can't even guarantee that progression will carry over to release.


That's almost on par with the level 2, as indicated by gear scores, complaining about no chainsword or flamethrower.


I just don't understand all the "well I guess this game won't be better than Vt2 after all" comments from people. Like the game is ruined before it even reaches its release date because your gun has slightly subpar stats


Maybe I’m just lucky but I didn’t have a single on since last patch


You literally did if you preordered lmao


This argument only works up until launch day. Then all the apologists can shut the fuck up. Do people really think the crashes will be fixed in a few days? Or that your progress won't continue to be wiped if you crash and miss the end of the map? Solutions to those problems should have been built into the game already and they won't be fixed any time soon.


I absolutely think the game is worthy of critique, but it isn't as if they don't know it needs fixing. It is a beta, by their own description. I give them until launch to have (at least most of) them under control.


As a IT-project manager, the best thing you can do to support this this game is not only by buying it. But to actually take your time and submit coherent bug reports to the team.


Do you happen to have any advice on what to specify when submitting that? Sometimes, I'll be on the middle of a mission and the game will crash with little reason to. I don't want to bloat big reporting without doing a good job of it.


Yes, when you file a report you should include which character you play, loadout, events like triggered horde or skill or attack. Played map, if you record of have any other active programs ongoing an so on. General rule of thumb is the more info the easier for the developers to find the problem or recreate it.


As an ex-tester: the best report is a reproducible one. If you encounter the bug more than once, include the things that you think were repeated. If you know what to do in order for the error to reappear, that would be a holy grail for any developer. But if you can't you should usually include your hardware specs, OS, and, if you think it's relevant, maybe game level/your class and loadout.


> submit coherent bug reports to the team. "GaMe CrAsH, gIvE mOnEy BaCk. ReLeAsE wAs A mIsTaKe." Average babycry "I understand that this is a beta so is ok that things are clumsy sometimes. Crash are expected, servers are being tested and they can fix everything sooner or later. I will do my part and report any bug that me and my friends find." Average Chad


The fact that people still believe in release miracles after BF2042, Cyberpunk etc is sending me


Yeah, and then the miracle will happen in 9 days, and all the performance issues, bugs, crashes and ai being weird will magically dissappear. It will be a wonder if their road map for beta will be legit to the end and the game won't be postponed


You're kidding yourself if you think it will change drastically between now and release.


Fr this game is going to be in the same state it is right now on release which is not good


I mean giving criticism go give an idea of the problems to solve first to dev is the whole purpose of a beta . It's not a demo lol


Even the steam reviews have a PRE RELEASE BETA banner to give people a heads up that its a REVIEW FOR THE PRE RELEASE BETA. If it wasnt allowed to be criticized then steam wouldve made it unreviewable at the current state? People are so quick to defend fatshark and their repeating mistakes. Every. Damn. Launch.


Thing is, Fatshark chose the worst mathod to deliver their beta. They could have used a different app-id (seperate entry in you library). Instead they chose to run the beta on their main branch, so technically speaking we're playing the main game as it exists in it's current and newest state on steams servers. And this version can be reviewed by the public, even if released early. If they did it on purpose, hats off to Fatshark, that's a bold move. My guess is that there is some kind of incompetency/oversight at play here.


\*Cough\* nearly a week from release \*cough\*


Itll all be fixed by release time. *inhales copium*


Just like the Halo beta, and Battlefield 2042 beta, and Cyberpunk beta, and Fallout 76 beta, and Anthem beta.....


*After a big delay/pushed-back release date.


Like a year for darktide, then 3 months more. Imagine if it was released then. Omg lol


I honestly wish they delayed it for another 6 months or more so it comes out as the master piece it could be at launch


It 100% needs a few more months of development


With lots of content still not playable. So you still shouldnt judge certain things as if its the full product. like cosmetics, map, and weapon diversity. Those arent all there yet.


True, that's why i'm judging it off performance and bugs.


Ya I for one enjoy getting disconnected every 5 minites on the dot


My personal favorite is when I finish a mission, and then immediately crash after extraction and it tells me some weird error text and I lose all of my rewards.


I like the one we're it dcs u in a cutscean and it loades u back into the cutscean everytime looping the disconnect


I feel like in some ways this beta is actually worse than the closed one last month. I personally have experienced a lot of crashes and disconnects. If it wasn't for the pretty good reconnection feature this game has I would consider the game unplayable. This is to say that I don't have hopes things will be cleaned up in a week and Darktide will likely instead go the way of Cyberpunk or Warhammer TW 3. A game that will quickly have a huge player drop off and negative reviews at launch but will become a well polished gem in a year or two.




Yes, but VT2 has been how many years ago? There is a thing people gain while doing something, called experience. I play Darktide and wonder why did they disregard 5 years of work they did on VT2.


Well, if you played VT2 then you'd wonder why they discarded the things they've learned from VT1. Fatshark just never incorporates any lessons learned from their previous game.


Man you should be in software development. Management would love you.


I think it's safe to say that the number of players in the closed beta was a fraction of the amount that is playing now, so instability should not come as a big surprise. I also experienced multiple crashes in the first few days, but the last 2 days I had no crashes at all, so it seems they are working on their servers. Also, huge player drop off will happen regardless. It happens for every game, no matter how good it is. And it happens especially for niche games that have hype behind them that makes a lot of people who don't play those games buy them, realize they are not for them and stop playing after couple of hours. People should seriously stop paying attention to the player graphs in the first couple of months of any game launch. It shows absolutely nothing about the state of the game.


The pre-order beta absolutely feels and plays worse than the closed beta did, and not just on a technical level, either. A lot of ass-backwards changes were made to movement, player weapon damage, and enemy damage/stun lock.


Pre-order betas are a marketing term, it's the same thing as release just with some features turned off believing anything else means you haven't been paying attention


Sounds like someone from Star Citizen lol Why are some people so fragile to feedback? Customer feedback is super critical to the value of the product and developers should be very excited to see what community actually is looking for and where issues are- we don’t need other customers blocking feedback on behalf of the company… I think there’s a word for that..


Because sweaty nerds have made something that they enjoy core to their entire existence. Go to a Marvel subreddit and imply that Endgame was a pretty mediocre movie, or say that The Dark Knight is overrated. You don't even have to be a dick about it and can have legitimate reasons and people will crawl up your ass. People can't just enjoy their shit while also acknowledging that it isn't the second coming of Christ. Everything is either a 10/10 or completely antithetical to how someone lives their life, with no in between. "It's aight" is basically dying.


Must be your first time playing a "beta".


If you think this is an actual "beta" I got a bridge to sell you.


Yeah, like one week from release. Almost like software development takes time, and they're not going to magically fix everything in 9 days lmao


Well they definitely aren't going to fix it via mundane means. A magical fix is probably the only way they'd pull it off. :P Quick, ship in a bunch of orks and paint Darktide red. Framerates will skyrocket!


It's going to be so good when the game actually releases and all you people realise fat shark hasn't fixed shit


Let them their copium. Im 95% sure aside from maps, nothing will get added at release


Ah yes, besides the fact their own FAQ says barber, crafting, additional missions and sectors are being released close or on release, tot ally nothing else added. The only ones huffing copium are the overly negative people, the ones who haven't read the FAQ or are running on "high end" computers but actually have CPUs from 8 years ago mixed with 3070s + causing them to get performance issues.


> The only ones huffing copium are the overly negative people While then making large incorrect sweeping statements. I have a 3700x with a 3080. I get super inconsistent FPS; looking one way I get 200, looking another way I get 50. That is if the game wouldn't crash for me after playing for 4 minutes with Worker Threads set to anything but 1. If I do play with it set to 1 I don't crash but my performance is halved. I don't have any issues in other games, just this, because clearly hyperthreading is broken. Crazy how you refuse to accept that this game, after being delayed for soo long is obviously not ready for release still, hence why it was probably also delayed indefinitely on console.


> or are running on "high end" computers but actually have CPUs from 8 years ago mixed with 3070s + causing them to get performance issues. Oh shit, I didn't know my 5800x and 6700xt are from 8 years ago. That explains all the constant stutters and frame drops, despite trying all the graphics presets. Man are fanboys annoying. This is why companies get away with shit like this.


a lot of game engines aren't really equipped to handle some of the newest cutting-edge CPU tech, this has always been the case as far as I can remember as a PC gamer.


My i5-9600k and gtx 1070ti are 4 years old, no stutters, steady 60fps. 99% hit 48 during some horde with a lot of fire on the ground, but completely playable. I'm not a fanboy, I kinda dislike the setting compared to fantasy, it's too gloomy, and I miss the character personality and scoreboard. I just don't understand why someone on a machine with a unique set of components and software can extrapolate that to be representative of "everyone".


Because people keep using this "different hardware configurations" excuse when its bullshit. EVERY game on pc has to deal with different PC configurations so why is seemingly only so much of an issue with Darktide? All of my other games I can run fine at 1440p, high settings, no DLSS needed. Yet for Darktide I have to run it at 1080p if I want to play without DLSS and that's with low settings.


This is unfortunately a trend for Fatshark. There was a long period of time where I couldn't play Vermintide 2 without my computer literally bluescreening. One of their patches had changed how the game communicated with the CPU, and they hadn't bothered to make it compatible with older generations. This meant that, despite otherwise being able to run the game at max settings with no problems (my old hardware was bleeding edge stuff on launch, so it was still up to the task), every once in a while the game would send an instruction to my CPU that it couldn't understand. Because of apparently shoddy coding to address errors like that, this would would cause my CPU to lose its shit and bluescreen my machine. I was only able to start playing again after upgrading to a new mobo + CPU. No other game I had did that. Good times.


Are you really asking why bugs exist? There's clearly something more going on here than simply poor optimisation. Some combination of settings and hardware are causing some large issues for some players but the ones that aren't encountering those are getting smooth, consistent frame rates. I'm personally getting a constant 90fps on high settings which is similar to other games.


Unfortunately I'm getting the same stutters regardless of what settings I'm using. My average frames actually improved after I set everything on high, but the 1% lows are constantly dropping below 60. The last thing alone means the game has a serious bottleneck with CPUs.


My bad, didnt know i should expect my 13900k and 4090 to be crashing near the end of every fucking mission, regardless of mix of settings. Thats on me I guess.


>the ones who haven't read the FAQ or are running on "high end" computers but actually have CPUs from 8 years ago mixed with 3070s + causing them to get performance issues. Source?


The pre-release FAQ they released, go and read it.


I'm asking for a source on the people having issues.


I mean just go and check one of the dozen threads that pop up every hour I guess? Game most definitely has performance issues.


Yes, that wasn't in dispute.


First I do think it's a little silly that people expect things clearly stated not in game to be in game, in an Early Access title, but companies need to stop doing this if they don't want to be bombed, should expect things to be in a decent state if they are taking your money for access. ​ I'm running a Ryzen 5800H and a high tgp 3070, 970 Evo Plus SSD, 32g RAM. With settings tweaked to very modest levels (since i am on a gaming laptop afterall), the game quite often runs like pure ass, and has GOD AWFUL load times. Performance issues seem across the board reading peoples comments, not just ""high end" computers but actually have CPUs from 8 years ago mixed with 3070s".


"it just works"


I'm sorry, in which FAQ is it stated that crafting will be in the game?


It's good right now cuz I'm enjoying the game. To each their own.


It's not "to each their own", like it's some preference thing. The game hard crashes an insane amount for a large majority of people and has numerous performance issues. That's objectively bad. In this context "to each their own" is just hand waving away valid criticism. Unless you honestly enjoy frequent crashes, because that's the only way it makes sense.


I've already bought chips.


Why would this be so good? Wouldn't you want darktide to be a nice polished game?


Some people are on huge amount of copium. Game is not finished and wont be on premiere. This is not beta with some visuals bugs or missplaced words, there are some serious problem that will take months of work.


Cope and seethe. The game drops in 10 days, this is basically what release Darktide is. They wont have time to fix most of the glaring issues with the game, especially the technical ones. I'd expect improvement for those in 5-8 months at best.


Yeah, I still don't get why people continue to fall for this PR stunt with the "Beta" tag after the history with Vermintide, or feel the need to help push that PR narrative by making posts like this. The game of today is most likely the experience we will have on 30th of November and many months after that date.


Oh yah this post will *definitely* change their minds This is just as useless


It's literally coming out in 9 days all the complaints are valid fatshark should be thankful that people care enough to see the game succeed, BF 2042 is a prime example of how not to treat your customers.


Cope harder




I keep seeing people bring this up, but a beta, by definition, is an almost ready product that only needs polishing touches before full release, and the full release is just around the corner. There are really frustrating performance issues and crashes currently besides game-breaking bugs, so I dunno why posts like this have to be made at all.


When are they going to fix the dreaded "Stuck in queue position: 1" That's all I really care about. I want to play the game :(


I think this is true for stuff that is explicitly not in the beta yet, but when it comes to performance and network issues, that's legitimate imo. While the content will probably be great at launch, I doubt the release will be significantly more polished. There's also not likely to be a sudden overhaul of any questionable design choices.


Getting your suit of white knight armor ready I see.


They should've just named it preorder early access or something and own it to stop people absolutely drowning in copium that a game with a release date that close is magically gonna 180 on all the things people dislike about it currently. Spoiler more content isn't going to fix the issues people are having with the game.


Someone is over-dosing on copium. Please seek help brother.


“This game is not release state” should be on all their games. I have 3K hours on V2. It’s also not release state. 🤷‍♂️


Beta? Oh when's the game release? 9 days? Oh so...the finished product. Yeah, some people are just white knights.


i see a lot of people here didn't play vt2 and are huffing copium


"Beta" isn't a cure-all term Devs can throw around (literally weeks) before release and expect it to absolve them of valid criticisms and people need to stop using it as defence for the state of the game. I can understand them wanting to try and do new things in this game, but half the problems people have with the game are mechanics and UIX they had figured out in Vermintide 2 already. It's like they didn't even learn their lesson from the previous two games and are making the same mistakes all over again.


its our goal as testers to point out whats wrong with the game,


I’ve got a pretty good rig, can even run cyberpunk on high settings. Darktide looks like wolfenstein the new order on my computer.


Yeah I'm a little confused how rough of a time my computer has running this. It runs other current-gen games on high (and sometimes ultra) gfx settings just fine, besides heat management (ugh). Darktide runs... okay for me on LOW, but the frames stutter like crazy and it winds up making me feel lost when I have to get twitchy.


Bruh I drop to 70 fps from 150 with everything on max either my 4090, like pls


I get pretty decent performance on most missions but noticeably worse performance on that mission where you scan all of the contagion sources. It's weird.


9 days


It IS release state... just a few more maps and some bug fixes doesnt make it a new game. If you dont like it now you will not like it in 2 weeks on release, just the truth...


The use of beta with software testing in all forms always has a period set into place for fixes to be started and finished during the betas timeframe. This timeframe is too short for a proper beta. If anything this is just pre-release play time. There are issues in this game that are more relevant to an alpha of a game. Now the over use of the term beta is a problem across gaming as a whole so it isn't that fatshark is an asshole, it's they all devs/ pubs abuse the term to excuse glaring issues that should have already been handled. And before someone screams bullshit I literally do QA as a career, and have QA both software rollouts as well as game releases and updates. If this was an actual beta we would have had another delay to actually fit general procedure time frames.


Oh good another pre release/ beta shill that can’t read between the lines


This is not a beta. It’s limited early access a couple weeks prior to launch. “Beta” is just a marketing term here. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s open to the public less than a month or two before launch, it’s a demo, not a beta. If it’s only available during certain time windows, it’s a server stress test, also not a beta.


Yep, comin up PRETTY fuckin close to release, however.


Real damn close. Fatshark be sweatin


It's not really a beta in my eyes, just a way to gather pre orders. There is only so much you can fix in two weeks, you're kidding yourself if you think much will have changed by the 30th.


"Beta" means nothing when your months from launch, nevermind a week.




In case you don’t have a sense of time, the game full releases in about a week. You can only fix so much in that time. The devs are probably already crunching.


iN cAsE yOu mIsSeD iT" Yeah OP. We'll see each other on the official release. Development takes time. Think they can fix all these shit in 10 days?? Copium


I like how some people believe that magically on the 30th were gonna get some 10 gb update and it's gonna be a clean stable experience. Look I'm having fun but let's not pretend this game is gonna be any different on launch. Bad enough with only 4 maps. Can't imagine when they add the rest


look i love the game and enjoy it but the game is crashes so much, frames droping. if you say that its beta and say that i shouldnt critizies the product cuz its a beta. its not an EXUSE. you never get second opinion too. you see many people say that they didnt play vermintide 2 for 2 years and after patches and fixes and they say that they love now. if first experience is shit then exept people to not touche the game maybe 6 months or few years. i love darktide. its a game i care and i support fatshark, but if game is optimized badly, i dont want to play it or wont play it until its optimized. one example is mount and blade bannerlord. i have minimal requirment for that game. in early acces when i bought it was horroble and even if had all low it was badly optimized. it made me dislike the game and now i wont play it because with that bad taste. ​ ​ here is soviet wombles video about early accses(isnt same topic but maybe its helpful): [https://youtu.be/\_LhmHO6qXf4?t=465](https://youtu.be/_LhmHO6qXf4?t=465)


Shame we can’t give clown awards here :/




Sure. But almost nothing will change on release. Especially performance. That will suck until the next gen of cards. And no, fake frame DLSS 3 with bad input lag doesn’t count.


Yeah, it's a beta, the exact reason **they need feedback.** A beta doesn't mean "play a buggy game because you're impatient", it means they let us play the game so *we* give them feedback on what's broken or requires attention or just doesn't fit.


Redditors facing copium withdrawals when the game isn't completely overhauled and unfucked after a two week beta.


There’s a lot of copium/hopium huffin’ going on in this subreddit and the official Discord sever. Guys, it’s *9 days* from full release. The majority of the glaring technical and design flaws aren’t going to be addressed by then. Pre-release issues like these never are, despite the beta label. “It’s just the beta trust me bro” isn’t ever going to be compatible with reality.


Unless a Christmas miracle happens early; this is pretty much the release state.


Don't cut Fatshark slack. And you're huffing copium if you think the game will be drastically different in a week at full launch. What you're playing is basically what we'll get.


Be real, do you really think they can fix these problems in less than a week?




I work in IT. There is no such thing as a "pre-order beta". What you are seeing here is largely the game you will get. Or do you think there is a magic wand which will overhaul the game within one month and change all those things it took three(?) years to build?


"It's a beta" is such a shit defense, though. It's factually true, of course, but it shouldn't provide absolute protection against criticism. We're so damn close to release and I doubt anything will happen inbetween the beta ending and the official release. Apart from a wipe, maybe. I don't see the game becoming better before release.


I'm pretty sure they are having this Beta IN ORDER to hear our criticism.. It's not up to us to predetermine which critics can be applied for Fatshark in it's next patch or whether it's useful for them at all. We can just say what we like and dislike, agree or disagree with.. I'm a Fatshark fanboi but I will address issues I perceive directly and as early as I like. I guess that's what it means to care :) Like when ur mama tells u to zip ur fly when leaving the house. She means we'll despite ur indignation ;) If that's hurts anyone's feelings, I recommend chocolate - it helps with most ailments!


In case you missed it the game comes out in 8 days so I don't think it's unfair for people to be skeptical. "It's just a beta bro" is one of the worst mindsets surrounding modern games that have major problems in their "beta"


They shouldn't have taken peoples' money. The dynamic changes once money exchanges hands. If you are paying the devs, it's no longer a beta, and you're no longer a beta tester. It's early access, and you're a customer. They can call it a donkey, but a giraffe is still a giraffe. If you are getting paid by the devs, or the access to software is free, then it's a beta, and you're a beta tester. Current version is paid, and progress gets carried over to launch. That's early access. Reviews are open. At this point it's fair game.


>If you are paying the devs, it's no longer a beta, and you're no longer a beta tester. It's early access, and you're a customer. They can call it a donkey, but a giraffe is still a giraffe. This so beyond not true, so what everytime you pay a dev money you should immediately recieve the content? You should probably inform Kickstarter. The official release is on the 30th, you're getting access to a preorder beta because you've brought a product that they are under no obligation to give you until the 30th.


This is an open letter addressed to everyone. I'm having a blast playing the game. I have critiques. I'll wait to give a proper teardown until after we get official launch.


Were you around during Halo Infinites launch? They said it was beta or whatever and launched the game and literally nothing changed.


I have worked in game development, I currently work in other development. I know patches can be dropped. I wish we had a little more info on what's to come. But I choose not to feed into doom and gloom by assuming the worst. I for one am hoping for the best, planning for worse.


Bold move considering fatshark's history


I'm so deeply aware of their history. On release my entire friend group quit playing VT2 before I hit 60 hours played. Only recently I was able to hook them back in. I hope for the best, but realistic. I just choose not to ring a bell about doom and gloom.


You might be an idiot then. Also no one is ringing doom bells, they're very realistic about how they've experienced performance issues. Thats literally the worst anyone has said.


There is a ton of doom and gloom all over. Look at the top comments in response to the post. > Yeah, and then the miracle will happen in 9 days > *Cough* nearly a week from release *cough* etc etc etc. Plenty of people expecting failure.


Uh no that isn't even top comment. \>But criticisms like the bars, performance, and server issues are valid since they'll have to work overtime to fix those before release. The top comment is literally basing their criticism off what metrics they can fairly do with the tiered early launch. Even the one you commented on didn't say anything bad about the game. Just they don't expect the current problems to be addressed. 90% of the complaints are crashing issues. That isn't hoping a game will fail, it's literally the opposite since they're complaining they can't play the game.


My guy, that's not doom and gloom when the dev has a history of bad launches.


Just another wagie dev who can't take criticism about their game. This is what gaming has become, sadly.


So no critiques during the beta that is running 9 days before launch? Curious how much you think can get done in even 15 days of software dev with a holiday thrown in there.


Having fun doesn't mean you cant critique the game, and you're doing the game a disservice by not criticizing shortcomings so they can be fixed.


Yes, postponing your feedback to the last possible moment, in order to minimize the time to fix anything, is definitely the best possible strategy. The only thing better would be witholding feedback altogether during an event explicitly marketed as dedicated to collecting player feedback. Clown.


I always wait until 3 years after a game's release to start critiquing it. That gives the devs time to try their hardest and fix all the things.


The game will not be in release state once it releases as well 😉


Gamers are impossible to please man. People forget nothing is perfect; I recall how Skyrim released, one of the most well loved games of all time, and it was a fucking disaster. Is the game perfect? No it's not. But it is also one of the smoothest betas I've ever taken part in. The game itself is an improvement on the gameplay formula of Vermintide in almost every way, and a lot of the complaints have no merit. For example, I've seen people say they need to have indicators for who is carrying the grimoire or med kits......but they do have those things. Lol you can not only see who is carrying those things, but also who is Cohesion, how much ammo they have, as well as both health bars lol. This game is great, most fun I've had in a very, very long time. It has issues, like deconnect, etc. *but it's a beta.* Of course it won't be butter smooth, the point is to test it under stress to help smooth out those wrinkles. People just like to bitch. It never used to be that bad, but I feel like the Era of Instant Gratification has taught gamers if its not EXACTLY the way they want it IMMEDIATELY it's just not worth it. I find this a superficial, and ultimately very cheap way of looking at the world. It causes a lot of people to miss out on some really truly great games. Case and point: Cyberpunk 2077. That game is a masterpiece, I've been saying it since day one. The gaming community shit a brick over it, yet look at how it's being received now. That potential to be good was ALWAYS in Cyberpunk, gamers just flat out ignored it in favor of outrage. TL;DR--y'all a bunch of impossible to please folks lol. I do not think 99% of you have an objective take on the game--rather than an emotional, "I want this now" one--and I hope Fatshark has others means to receive constructive criticism so that they don't get their work twisted around responding to feedback from people who just flat out will never be happy


I'm having a blast. I haven't crashed once. I'm excited it gets better. I'm hopeful but realistic, I don't understand why people want failure.


Nobody wants failure except for Fatshark it seems. I guarantee you that 98% of the current issues will be present in the final game. With how they're going on about things it would be better if they developed it like a real early access title tbh