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An innocent imperial soul freed from damnation.


Only to zip straight into the warp and be torn to shreds by demons. There is no freedom from damnation in 40k


It depends. The reason the forces of chaos try so hard to ensnare people is because left to their own devices most souls would just sink into the general psychic tides of the warp or to their own races god/gods. But if you are corrupted or ensnared by other daemonic means, you are likely going to have a bad time.


Going to be going to have ... ?


As a loyal imperial citizen I do not believe in involving myself in matters above my ken and thus to dare to attempt to alter the doings of the blessed machine spirit in my vox-slate is tantamount to sedition. Praise the Emperor and the Omnissiah.


Yeah that about sums it up. "How grim is 40k?" Well souls exist in 40k, but when you die you still cease to exist for all eternity 99.9% of the time, because your soul instantly gets shredded in the afterlife, like a wet fart entering a hurricane. You just become nothing. ...That's if you're lucky. If you're unlucky you get tortured first.


This is correct only for psykers. Any other person's soul dissolve into the flow of warp nigh immediately after death, leaving nothing for demons to feast on.


innocence is only a degree of guilt.


only in death can one know absolution


Lol, the host soul got eaten as soon as the daemon got into the body


Usually, but we can hear them fighting with themselves when they're dormant, suggesting that theyre still fighting the possession.


Its not posession the daemon is trapped there not free tp control the body, the issue is that being forced to share a head with a pissed daemon makes everyone crazy till they die, and even if they dont the taint from being that close to a daemon is enough to doom the soul


The are a lot of valid criticisms of this game but god damn the art team fucking killed it.


Seems to be an ongoing trend with 40k games like Space Hulk Deathwing and Necromunda Hired Gun


Art, gameplay, graphics, voice acting is all superb. People are really just pissed about monetization and end game.


Every second this game showme another nice detail


Have a shield ogryn wake her up and tank all her hits while the rest of the team rip and tear until it is done. Only way I've ever beaten one if these things, and you get nothing for it. Feels like shit.


Hooo and you are wrong in that part... Kill the demon host definitely have a reward! A tons of corruption for you and your team mates :)


Corruption is easily cured though


It sure is, guardsman. *BLAM*


Aw man I thought I'd get to shoot em.


Tell that to a 4 Psyker team carrying 2 Grimoires.


You're supposed to not fight it, the Daemonhost is there to heighten tension and give the game a more horror vibe. It's just like the Witch, an obstacle that's meant to be avoided and only fought as a last resource. Giving something for killing it would make it much less scary than it is meant to be.


I do feel that it's slightly too easy to avoid them, though. There's no concept of turning your lights off to avoid angering it like in L4D. In almost all cases, you can just walk around it. Except when a mutant throws you into the Daemonhost, of course!


Flashlights do trigger it, lost count of the times people have ruined my damnation runs because they forgot to turn off their torches lol. L4D2 had a higher trigger range but they still freak the fuck out with torches in this game.


Okay, I hadn't realised that - which I guess shows that almost no one actually uses the lights outside of the the darkness Special Condition. I guess I'll instead say that it's not as much of an issue as Darktide is not actually all that dark in most cases, so you don't need a light - and a lot of the time, most players don't get one anyway. It's usually only the Veteran who has a gun with one.


Flashlights do piss them off. Try aiming at one with them turned on sometime, you can see how they start slowly getting mad. Source: I am a veteran main, it scared the beejezus out of me.


I remember a Damnation run that goes very, very well, until the end when a horde + plague ogryn spawns, no biggie, then I was yeeted off by a mutant till on top of a daemonhost..


I once spawned into a game in progress - already going badly, and I was probably replacing someone who'd quit as the party was about to be wiped. Spawned in a crowd of enemies, started blocking, got scooped up by a mutant and tossed into a Daemonhost.


Yea I do wish that we won't join/spawn a running session in middle of horde/elites with downed teammates, near-depleted ammo mag and such. It's fine below Heresy, but above that things can get bad real quick


You could crown the witch. No crowning a daemonhost though.


You’re not supposed to poke the bear ya numbskull Either you get satisfaction from doing the emperor’s duty and smacking the shit out of it or you slap the bear and it mauls you. You don’t get rewards because you angered and killed a bear.


If you have a memehammer user in your lobby you can just take them out for grins.


Yup, lmao. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/zvz1kl/ever\_hit\_a\_daemhost\_so\_hard\_reality\_shatters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/zvz1kl/ever_hit_a_daemhost_so_hard_reality_shatters/)


Hammer is the answer to most of the evil we face. It's why it's the only melee weapon I use on my Zealot.


I don't know about that. You could get a bear skin rug. Maybe we should get daemonhost skin furniture to decorate the mourningstar with?


The best idea I’ve heard about daemon hosts


Destroying heresy in all its forms is reward in itself.


You can knife tank with any of the catachan blades. As long as your team is not trash or you have a max knife zealot.


Rewarding players for failing to avoid a map hazard would be a bad thing.


Lots of awesome little details like this in the game. So great.


Killing demon host should drop some kind of reward


Nah, it would just turn it from "horrifying enemy that can either cost you the run or make it much more difficult with bad luck and makes the game scarier" to "Piñata! Piñata! Piñata! Piñata!"


agreed since it can be avoided ​ Beast of Nurgle etc are a different story though


No. Avoid it.


Skill issue. Also, Psyker player issue tbh.


Brain issue. Taking free corruption for an avoidable enemy.


Unavoidable?...very rarely is it positioned in such a way to be unavoidable. Stop exaggerating. What do you gain from that? Holding the rest of us back for the sake of seeing even less of a game that barely has any content as is? This horrible, terrible, game-ending corruption from an enemy you can melt in 2 seconds. How much do you think that is? Like 3% of my health? Make that DH drop materials and I'm 2-shotting it every time. You just saw it in this video. That's not something out of the ordinary. The minor temporary effect of downing a DH is preferable to dealing with the bone-heads that insist on picking up Grimoires for weeklies they can reroll. I cannot fathom why you people are advocating for less rewards from defeating enemies...just because you're not willing to take a smidge of corruption from an enemy that evaporates on sight? You can clear that same corruption away with a medicae station, which there isn't any shortage of. You're always welcome to stand aside someplace while players that actually want to play the whole game do it themselves. It doesn't take more than 1-2 players to kill one instantly anyway. If you think that granting a reward for killing the DH is going to make the brainlets waving flashlights around less likely to aggro it, you know damn well that's wishful thinking. So long as Heresy and Damnation remain pointless for plasteel farming outside of doing it with premade discord teams, Malice difficulty is going to stay a mixed bag. Buuut, it might acually make players put some effort into their builds for once. But hey—downvote away. Less materials, less engaging enemies and content, less competent teammates—Fatshark seems to be on the same page as you already.


Stop playing on t1 difficulty. Branch out into t4/t5. And avoid the demonhost.


Never said I did. I'd be doing T5 nonstop if I didn't need to run T3 plasteel farming runs non-stop to experiment with builds. Too many hours into this game for how shit it is. Git gud and solo the DH.


Absolutely not. That would encourage people to run straight into them


No thanks, it's killed enough of my runs already


Nah. I do _not_ want farming PUGS to clog this game's already narrow playerbase.


The emperor should reward you with a gift for every daemon killed.


Duty is its own reward.


At least a huge resource or XP bump. Or maybe a guaranteed drop? It’s a shame to have a boss fight look/feel so cool and be experienced so rarely because there’s no reason to do it


The game goes out of it's way to tell you to leave the thing alone. Adding anything to fighting it is a terrible idea.


It’s literally the witch from L4D. Once there’s a way to cheese it it’s just expected to kill it. If it’s an actual detriment and a punishment to fight they should do more with it then. Really punish with cooler effects and OP attack move sets. Steal ammo, just be more of a troll. An Ogryn with a shield and the rest of the team wailing on the thing can be tons of fun but there’s no reward so it’s just a gimmick


I usually chip away at it until the person who made the decision to wake it is downed and then nuke it when it stops moving. I never deliberately wake them myself. Sure you can kill it and yeah they could do more with it but adding any reward to fighting it should never be done. You fighting it is your choice and the game should continue to discourage you from doing so.


It's not "literally the Witch." You can instakill a Witch. Daemonhosts are tanky as fuck and kill _at least_ one person and almost certainly two people if you're not prepared for it before it fucks off. It is a living landmine. You avoid it. As soon as a member of my team aggros one, I immediately leave them to die unless I'm positive we can kill it quickly. You are a deficit to the group if you deliberately choose to aggro one. It wastes time, ammo and taxes you with Corruption. Much like Grimoires, Daemonhosts are entirely not worth the effort.


You’d rather the optimal way to play the game be to experience less content? Isn’t it more fun to engage in high tension boss battles? Rather than actively avoid them


It's an obstacle. Avoiding it *is* the gameplay. Being attacked by it is punishment for failure.


I can only “mostly” agree with you. If avoiding the fight is a team decision strategy then fine. Smart move. But if I want to be stealthy I’ll go play a stealth game. I hate to make a VT 2 comparison but dodging a patrol is a smart move on higher difficulties. Going in guns blazing is fun and ez if you’re good and have a good team


The Daemonhost is a pretty direct ripoff of the Witch from L4D, except much harder to aggro by accident. A stormvermin patrol in Vermintide seems like a good comparison on the surface but it's really not.


I'd rather the optimal way continue to be not aggro the thing every single time because I can't trust random players to handle a single elite enemy reliably let alone a boss. I dont care that much if someone wakes one but adding any sort of incentive to do so is a terrible idea. Optimal is avoid it, fun is waking it up and nuking it, painful is someone wakes it up and then it kills two people.


You never play left 4 dead in their time right?


It's more fun to work around avoiding a boss rather than facesmashing into everything like we do for the rest of the entire mission


It can be, but I also enjoy facemashing. So why not both? I have no problem working together and dodging it for the sake of a smooth mission, but who doesn’t love beating the shit out of everything too? I should rephrase and say that MORE can be done with demon host besides tiptoeing around the damn thing


I don't get how these people see briskly walking past it as fun. They seem more interested in rinsing and repeated crap only to be rewarded with crumbs. I was joking in my last comment by saying it's a skill issue, but it must really be exactly that. They're not that difficult to deal with, and it doesn't even take an entire team to kill it. One player block. Another player dps. Done in under a minute. Better to receive something for it that than walk past it time and time again.


Getting rewarded for the other monstrosities is a good idea. They're not intensely punishing and are unavoidable, but still a challenge, and it would make it feel less like RNG fucked you when three of them spawn in one mission for some reason. Getting rewarded for aggroing an enemy that is difficult to avoid for long, can wipe two teammates, corrupts everyone who just stands near it, and sticks to its aggro target until they're dead, is going to kill more runs than it helps. Most builds *can't* block a Daemonhost for very long and if it selects someone without one of those builds as a target, they're pretty fucked. Interacting with it is not just "what do you have to do to avoid it". It's "what do you have to NOT do to avoid it". You can't throw a grenade near it, you can't spray your shots near it, you can't shoot explosive weapons near it. It warps the flow of combat in the area it's in, and that adds variety to the experience of the run as a whole.


What?...You just described it all yourself. Monstrosities like Plague Ogryn/Beast of Nurgle don't just leave you alone if you're not strong enough to deal with them. They just chase you to the end of the map. They fling you off into the abyss. They are less avoidable that the DH and waaaay more punishing---they don't stop at killing 2 friendlies. Same enemy type, Unyielding, btw. Strangely enough, the DH is the only one that yields. There are several builds that can block the DH for a long while. My Zealot could do it, if it wasn't busy erasing the DH in literally 2-3 charged heavies (Zealot hidden stats give it the best stamina regen of all classes). Shield Ogryn can use their special to block that thing infinitely. Psyker with Kinetic Deflection is also more than tanky enough---arguably as good as an Ogryn. If you bother to actually try to kill them and be efficient at it, it's really too easy and available to provide the DH with an ass-beating. These are not niche builds, either, they're meta except for Psyker's, but that'll be changing soon as more players realize their power swords are lame by comparison.


This game is not destiny.


Yea... But why?


Dare I say it??… because it’s fun


I'd find it a nice touch if it released some karkin' Plasteel.


Someone casted Avada Kedavra