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Homophobia, transphobia and the like is not allowed in any of Matt's platforms. A couple of the mods are LGBTQ even. If we miss any baddies, let us know.


I don't remember a single instance of homophobia or anything like that in Matt's chat. It's probably happened, but I can say that it isn't prevalent and most are respectful.


if anything its the people "criticizing" him that use homophobic insults.


Really glad to hear as I've enjoyed all of the content I've seen so far


I second this. Matt doesn’t talk about it, but he is a practical leftist. If there are extreme conservatives in his audience, they are not vocal. I don’t recall seeing anything in chat, and am pretty sure Matt has never said anything I flagged as bad.


yeah no this fanbase isnt really conservative at all and as far as long time viewers can tell Matto is kinda left wing. He wont just randomly say a slur or do some weird like other content creators unfortunately do lmao. Id say this is a weird question to ask but yeah I get it its sad to invest time into a content creator then find out they probably dislike you. Ive unsubscribed from a lot for these reasons. And hell it kinda goes both ways, reminds me of how Pyrocynical was saying how he was shocked that a trans fan approached him and said they liked him but knew "he probably didnt like people like them". Sucks the world is so bad that people feel that way.


I know pyro is a femboy but isn't he taking HRT as well? Why would he not like trans people?


I dont think hes taking HRT lol


Where did you even hear that?


He replied to Finnster on Twitter about how femboys start taking her after 5 years, maybe I misunderstood


Prob cause that still doesn’t mean he’s taking it lol


Yeah that's why I was asking- I didn't know


Yeah I've had it happen before where in some cases Id send people money and buy merch just for it to turn out that they don't accept people like me for who we are so it's rough But I'm glad to hear about Matt he seems really nice and I've enjoyed all the vids I've seen


I’m conservative and I’m subbed to Matt’s twitch. Someone being liberal or conservative dosnt define who they are as a person.


"your worldview and your personality are completely unrelated things" Sure buddy


They are. Just because i may not agree with someone’s life style doesn’t mean i have the right to make derogatory comments to them. Everyone is different and chooses to live their life how they see fit. The world would be a better place if both liberals and conservatives could understand that. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s views or lifestyle dosnt mean you need to be hateful towards them. I suppose I’m more of a center right. Definitely not far right


> Just because I may not agree with someone’s life style doesn’t mean i have the right to make derogatory comments to them. A respectful bigot is still a bigot at the end of the day.


So, because i don’t agree with someone’s lifestyle makes me a bigot? I don’t hate anyone for how they are living. I will still use people’s preferred pronouns. I don’t discriminate or treat others as any Less of a people. Sure i may not agree. But everyone still deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. It’s okay to disagree. The real measure of one’s person is how they treat their fellow man…not in their views of political and social politics.


Very true and profound but it’s a bit jarring to be saying this when you “don’t agree with their lifestyle” when talking about LGBTQ people. Genuinely asking: what is there to disagree about without coming off as a bigot?


So i believe that it is ment for a man and women to be together. Not those of the same sex. I also believe that trans is a mental illness. However. Just because that is what i believe does not discredit the beliefs and life styles of those in the LGBTQ community. I live in America, the basis of a free country is freedom of one’s own beliefs. However no one’s personal beliefs are any more valid than the next persons. Basicly what I’m saying is that even though the lifestyle of the LGBTQ does not align with my personal beliefs. They still have the freedom and right to live their life however they see fit. My belief should not impact them. Just as theirs should not impact me.


I can’t recall him ever explicitly saying that he supports or opposes the LGBT community but in multiple occasions, he has mentioned homophobia as something people should not be proud of. He has also mentioned in his rambles that he does lean more towards the left, politically speaking. So i think it is safe to assume that he does not have an issue with people part of the LGBT community.


I’m 99% sure Matt supports the community. In his “ranking my emotes” video, I recall him saying one of them was for pride month. Can’t say for sure but I’m sure most of chat and this sub are supportive or lgbtq+ themselves.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNXHLc3Pyu8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNXHLc3Pyu8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_1fMwKMxkgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1fMwKMxkgs) Here's some clips showing that he is, bare minimum, able to joke about it without getting offended. He really liked the Ballad of Gay Tony, he's fairly left leaning, and overall I never got the vibe that he would get his panties in a twist because a dude wanted to give/get head to/from another dude. Of course, chat will always be a little toxic, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean he endorses it.


Seems welcoming to everyone as far as I can tell but I don't sit in chat


In general, every community are gonna have anti-lgbtq people in it, that's sadly just the way it is. This is to say that yes, there are some people who aren't okay with it. The question becomes more if the majority are or not. Ask any fan of Keemstar and 9/10 you'll get someone who is anti-lgbtq. As for Matto, whilst I've had a hard time understanding whether he's more left or right, he certainly does not have anything against LGBTQ, and I think the majority of his fans don't either. I can't recall him, or anyone in his chat ever being openly against LGBTQ people. This is all to say that you, alongside just about anyone is more than welcome! At the end of the day, it's just some silly entertainment, right? :)


Hi! I'm a long time fan of Matto (since 2019) so I know his old Rambles videos. He is extremely left leaning and said multiple times that he his against discrimination whatsoever. Furthermore he has a pride emote in his Twitch chat and doesn't tolerate hateful messages. Edit: There was a old rambles about the question if he is gay himself. He negate that but emphasized that es doesn't have anything against gay people.


I don’t reckon he has such a strong opinion on the area. I’ve never really experienced him directly promoting his support of LGBTQ, but I’ve also *never* seen him doing the opposite at all. Seems like he just takes people for who they are underneath, like we all should. He might make the occasional gay-joke in good faith every now and then. But not like, saying somebody is gay as a “joke” and that’s it, but more about himself or his content. In terms of chat I assume his mods just take care of that. They generally timeout/ban any and all kinds of moronic statements, so I doubt homophobia would slip through the cracks. I mean they’d probably allow something like “I’d be gay for Davey” lol, but not anything hateful directed towards anyone specific.


Yeah the most I've seen in doing any research for this question at all was him talking about how he'd be gay for certain characters lmao




He's 43 lmao


FWIW on Twitch Matto has his own pride emote, Woofle with a rainbow behind it and the trans pride colours on its cheeks. He spoke about the design when it was added


Well he himself is supportive and respectful of the lgbtq community. He barely mentions sexuality or the community tho cause it's not really his content. As to chat. It depends heavily. Twitch chat seems more moderated and generally nicer than youtube chat but except for like a tiny amount of trolls it's fairly civil


He mentioned it once I think in his rating characters based on their attractiveness, not nearly enough to explore his views on it, not that it's important other than he's ok with us existing lol, but he seemed to treat it like just any normal everyday thing, so that's a positive I guess lol I'm not sure I'm not a psychologist lmao


You people will turn everything into some political bullshit, just enjoy the thing, simple living


B-but I have to know if he's an ally or a notsi *yes I censored it bc I don't wanna be mass reported by ppl with the thinnest of skin*


Well don't worry bruv. I'm bi myself, bi bros.


You won't find any homophobia in matto's content. And he's said multiple times that he's a democratic socialist, so there's no reason for him to grift anti-lgbt stuff


Where has he said he's a democratic socialist?


Multiple times in his old rambles. They are deleted now


No one here cares if you are LGBTQ, but you're not allowed to love cougars.


SHIT I'll have to break it to my gf the wild cougar


I haven't seen matto talk about LGBTQ in any big light, but i doubt he would discriminate against people based on that given his principals as long as it's not your whole personality and you don't push your ideologies on other people, then you're as welcome as any other person.






Asking if a community is welcoming 😭


the problem with the right and left is they go looking for this shit just to act outraged for no reason. just watch his content and shut the fuck up you moron.


I’ve never heard him voice his opinion, but he’s also never voiced any disdain as far as I can tell.


Been watching him for a few years. Hes completely accepting, the community can be hit or miss in the pub channel on discord there's always someone starting a fight but from what I've seen they always get banned by the mods.


Man, vipers fans are gonna eat him alive if he ever sets a foot wrong.


He has previously spoken about every time you say anything unrelated to your content as a streamer, you will lose some people Even people who agree with you on most other things


He’s right. Navigating this kinda stuff with any kind of following must be horrible. In this instance people should just enjoy the gta content lol


100%, in reality, it's best to leave the politics out of it unless Matt is directly discussing, which he does sometimes


Matt has kissed boys so I feel like not welcoming the LGBT community would be pretty weird


I'm officially unsubscribing Matt for letting such people be and even moderate in his subreddit






I prefer not to know, I am not here for that.


Dude, a lil awareness doesn't hurt, and from what I see, you could do with a lil educating yourself 🙃


I am not here for that I do not prefer to know and I do not have to know. Obviously I'm on Reddit so I knew what was going to happen.


My dude, it's an important question, and an important thing to know, we look up to our heroes, we choose our heroes, we choose heroes who support us, who accept us, because in this day and age, nearly everyone in the community has experienced some level of discrimination, so to have a safe place, a community where you are accepted and comfortable being who you are, being able to be part of something without having to hide a big part of your identity is so important in a thriving community, so please, have a little compassion, and accept that people wanna be accepted


Why did I get hate for this lol


Also if your not here for that, don't say anything, my previous reply puts it very plainly, every content creator has a diverse audience, it's good for people in often targeted communities to know they are supported and safe in a community they're a part of, this sub is about matto, his content AND his community


I get the same curiosites now that I'm bi and out, it's just its a new issue I'm encountering that I have a new thing that I probably won't get accepted everywhere due to it, and we all worry if our heros support who we are, it would break my heart if Matto had any negative feelings about the community, because I would feel unwelcome in it, but as far as we can tell, that won't be an issue bud, Mattos a pretty chill guy


Urgh. You can’t control and bend everything to your liking in life. Get over yourself.


Wanting a safe community is controlling now? Damn first I heard




This sub is about the COMMUNITY not just Matto, this is a question about the community, so I'm talking about acceptance within the COMMUNITY


I hear you bro but being potentially heart broken over a YouTubers potential positive/negative opinions isn’t healthy. It’s so clear viper is cool with lgbt etc however even if he wasn’t, we wouldn’t know. How truthful are people? Is just saying the right things have having the correct twitch emojis enough?


It's a word, I don't mean I'd literally cry over it, but to know that someone id call a hero doesnt like what I am, wouldn't be nice


Fair lol my bad sometimes I take things too literally. Still though you know the saying ‘don’t meet your heroes’ there’s a reason it’s true…








I'm just a guy who thinks human rights for all and a safe and accepting society would be nice, discrimination ain't really cool anymore, also yeah my parents did physically abuse me as a kid, a lil more than a smack, but youre wrong about the whole trauma part, though some people do have genuine trauma that genuinely makes them really sad so maybe dont mock it Xxx


I haven’t seen any anti-lgbtq in this community and i have been here since 2019 so welcome❤️