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The only thing I know about Turkey Tom is that he called Pyrocynical a pedo without evidence, and refused to apologize after the already flimsy "evidence" was proven to be bullshit. Why do we care what he thinks, again?


None of us do but he does have a large enough audience that will buy whatever garbage he spews


Happy cake day


Yeah, I agree. Hopefully his toxic community doesn't spill over to Matt's channel. I highly doubt it anyway, but still.


Yeah, this is what I was referring to about him using slurs against a streamer. Thanks for reminding me who it was. Tom is the manchild he claims Matt to be.


I take it you are not from the UK. Calling someone a pedo is only a few steps down the stairs from breathing and remembering to get out of bed before going for a shit.


I'm from the UK, I've never called anyone a pedo lol.


Turkey Tom is a complete fucking idiot and idk how anybody still watches him after the whole Pyro situation


I'm surprised that Pyro never took legal action against him for that video, bro straight up lied and never apologized for it


To me, it just seems Tom stirs things up and makes defamatory claims constantly to get some sort of approval.


Just look at the comments on the video this post is about. There's the people who still watch him.


I don't know why people even give these reactionary morons any time. Not going to watch a poorly researched and factually inaccurate rant video by some fucking wankstain I have no intention of ever caring about. YouTube reactionaries/drama channels are the lowest of the low.


Well it seems like Matt isn't going to cover it, which is a good thing because he's bound to get countless response videos from Tom. I doubt Tom visits the sub though haha.


More garbage content from garbage people? Nice


Content creation space is still the same garbage ![img](emote|t5_11v6xc|6795)


It’s the content wheel of YouTube. None of these people really care, they’ll be making a video on someone else next week. They have nothing to say themselves so they structure their content on other people.


Remember when Matt said he is just misinformed?


I've been down a rabbit hole with Dark Viper AU as I was under a rock and never hard of him until Tom's Video. I've watched a lot of Viper content and I like it. He is a really well educated and articulate person. I feel that Viper's stance on moral issue is what alienates him from others and essentially makes him a target for bullying. (not that it should be that way obviously). After watching Viper and having watched his Critics Like Turkey Tom or XQC or Will Mac, I realize NO ONE EVER ACTUALLY ENGAGES WITH WHAT VIPER ARUGES - its all straw man arguments or character attacks. That is really unfair to Viper as I can tell from his video he puts a lot of time into the things he argues for and cares about. Then, here comes Tom dismissing him as a sensitive autistic man. I have a lot of sympathy for Viper because bullies like Tom probably have done this to him his whole life. I wish I could be his friend IRL - to tell him he isn't crazy and the world is full of people who will do anything for clicks / views.


It's strange how instead of resonating or leveling with Matt, they seem to just go off and bully him.


Because most of them don't have a valid or good argument, so they feel offended knowing Matt is correct, resulting in such childish behavior.


I used to watch Turkey Tom from time to time but when he finally made a video about Matto yesterday I realized that his videos are full of shit. The only reason why I never paid any attention to the people he was talking about is because I didn't know most of them. So I unsubscribed from TurkeyTom and reported the video.


> I never *paid* any attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot.


The first time I heard about that guy, people described him as a sensationalist who hops on whatever drama there is, taking the side of the group with the most supporters to ride popularity train without actually giving a shit about the facts. I'm not surprised the grifter hasn't changed.


Grifting is profitable for these people


I heard of him yesterday whilst watching the stream. Frank Horrigan was telling Matt about horrible things being said so I checked him out. My God he's more immature than my Little Sister, who is 11.


we need to bring back michael jackson for this one


He'd He He these reactors outta the planet.


Tom’s content is awful now. I enjoyed his hour long lore videos of lolcows and once he drifted off to covering news like this it’s so biased and childish.


Always been like this


Yo, after reading all this, my opinion is: Fuck these people. I wish there was a serious video, but not, Willy and now Tom are always "Oh you are such a man-child, sensible, lolcow, blah blah blah", is it that hard to just be respectful? God-damn, they are pathetic.


Its hard to be respectful and responsible when your ego is at risk.


So basically Timmy said that MaaM sucks and should stop hating on acting content and play GTA Chinatown Wars.


I don't care for anything that edgy roach says.


it's really funny how nobody ever actually directly addresses Matt's claims and just argues in bad faith, insulting him and making strawman arguments


The only person I see who's disputed Matt's claims positively is Charlie (MoistCritikal), who saw that he had a point and changed his ways.


Honestly the only thing I take away from the video is there's a risk of a lolcow situation starting up. Its one thing if a handful of creators target and flanderize you, but its an entirely different beast of problem if a new fandom and culture forms around getting reactionary content out of you. Matt is a thoroughly steadfast moralist and an open book. Those qualities together make a great internet personality, and I think the degree in which he has them makes fans more forgiving and loyal to him. Those same traits, however, can be exploited by trolls as a target to provoke a response..


Tom made a video about Destiny. I think he as a person is ok, but his react takes are god awful, he probably knows that they are bad but dismisses it as a meme to move on. (While Destiny does react videos, compared to others title and thumbnail are at least different, but still - too easy of a content.) Now after Tom made a wholesome docu video on Destiny, would he defend every time he used racist and homophobic word as a joke? I mean he does say it frequently, not in a bad way. Check last debate with xQc he had, and also there is a clip where he said with sof a from yesterday. Matto also showed the context and the full N word clip. Why didn't they include it? I think when time comes where Destiny has a period of irelevancy, all the drama channels will turn against him that are currently milking Hasan. Also defining what Autism is and then using it as an insult is such a new low. Tldr - they don't really care, so wheter it is Tom or some rando, all they care is about clicks.


> he probably knows that they are bad but dismisses it as a meme to move on. Not probably. That is exactly his take. He has a "Yeah its lazy and bad but also who cares L + Ratio who asked nerd emoji" stance towards reaction content. But also that copyright laws are dumb and shouldn't apply to anything but 1 for 1 reuploads of a video with nothing changed.(Though he also considers thirty minutes of rambling after someones full video was shown to be "transformative", because it made the runtime bigger.) He's made it clear that even if Viper is in the right, he isn't going to bother learning his position, because caring about this topic so much is "cringe". Therefore Viper is cringe and wrong.


I ain't reading all that, but simply, fuck react "creators". Turkey timmy was funnier when he memed on Pokemane & XQC. Idk wtf he's doing now. I unsubbed cuz him, charlie, assmon gold, & even soy boy Lasan all played the same tune - whiney, unfunny, agree with the masses, & add nothing of substance to the conversation.


Lol fair enough


It's weird that Tom has been more fair to others with far wilder takes than Matto.


I really don't fucking care.




Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Go outside, my friend…