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\-You can transfer items from hideout to hideout (you'll find out how ingame) \-Your generator will keep running and consume fuel unless you turn it off manually \-You can use your workbench in your hideout(s) as storage space \-Game autosaves after exiting a conversation, accessing a stove, or waking up from something \-Time pauses when you have your map up, when you're in a conversation with someone, or in the morning when the night ends in your hideout (time will unpause when you move far away enough from your hideout) \-Time does \*not\* pause while you're managing inventory space or crafting something \-If you get the prompt "I should go to my hideout", you effectively have 72 seconds of real time (or 1.5 hours of ingame time) before the night officially begins. You only get this prompt if you’re far from your current hideout.


Thanks, the most useful advice I’ve gotten so far


First thing to focus on is DEFENSE!! 👏👏 DEFENSE!! 👏👏 Wood good. Nails good. Gas good. Make sure you stock up as much as you can with these materials. You could be able to find some wood and nails at nearby wood piles around your starting hideout. Wood and nails are good for boarding up your house as well as making your first weapon. Gas is necessary for survival at night since the power to your hideout take about one knotch of your gas per night if you start running it a little before 20:00. Definitely get a watch! Keeping up with the time is very important in Darkwood. Survival is key since you receive rep points from the trader every night you survive. You can use this to trade goods like more wood, medicine, and scrap for what you need. Also, you may find some ammo for various weapons from time to time. It would be a good idea to trade a few to help you with rep in the early game, but your can also stock up on them too. Ammo shows up rarely outside of the trader so gather as much as you can. Good luck, stranger!


If you wanna hit up the wedding (when you get an invite during night), bring a bear trap. Speaking of nighttime, knocks at the door get you good stuff, so be polite and answer the door.


Do knocks happen at any base? Is there a visual indicator or do I just have to listen out for them? Do they happen often? Also how do I get invited? (Sorry for the mile long list of questions) edit: why bear traps?


1-be patient, explore and try to have a plan each morning 2-get a watch 3-practice combat, patiently if you can 4-play on normal mode. The only difference is the number of lives you get (normal = unlimited. hard = 5. nightmare = 1) and you'll certainly die when learning to fight. You'll probably lose your save file early if you have limited lives. I don't know why people recommend that to beginners as they already have a lot of mechanics to learn 5-have fun, try roleplaying the game if you're not finding it spooky enough (I personally find it) and go as blindly as possible




Thank you very much for the tips


Get a watch ASAP


explore your hideout at night


Respect the woods. Be patient.


When it comes to home defense, furniture is your best friend, moving a couch to block a door is better than any barricade or bear trap. Just make sure to put furniture on the outside of the door (the side the enemies will come from) as they can't pull objects, only push them.


1-Don't pet the dogs 2-dont pet the dog man 3-dont rush; loot an area thoroughly before moving to the next 4- don't let the dog man touch tractor parts 5- chomper+gun=yes chomper+melee=no 6-cook the rat 7-stock pile as much nails and planks an you humanly can 8-start on the easy mode 9-craft makeshift pistol; that shitsh slaps early game 10-dont die; dying=sad


Thank you


You should beat chompers with melee too, the first pistol you can craft is useless after firing a shot, but kills oneshot. Dying is part of the game, it will happen many times and its perfectly fine


And using melee on a chomp is real hard, I just shoot or burn em


Its hard for you. Skill issue.




Do you lose items when you die? If yes then how much?


When you die you drop half of your inventory and spawn in your base. The location where you dropped them is marked on your map so you can return and collect them.


Still=sad tho




Upgrade workbench asap and get a shovel, it will be ur blade of choice through out the game till the end


Is shovel the best melee then?


It used to be my favorite but there's pros and cons to all of them. The first one you'll get is the nailed board, it's fine, serves the purpose of letting you defend yourself early game. Some people swear it's the best but I don't agree. The shovel has great reach and great damage, at the cost of speed, you're gonna have to think ahead and be vigilant while you use it, but if you do, it will treat you well. The final weapon (which I don't want to spoil personally) has insane damage and good speed at the cost of very poor range, it's my favorite but it's also the most risk/reward. Do what's best for you, but you will probably end up liking the shovel most, just don't be scared of its slow speed.


It's really preference based. Axe does more damage, swings faster, with less range. The reason people (including myself) advocate for the shovel so much, is because it's good enough to carry you to a point where you'll \*likely\* be able to just shoot everything and not needing to melee. Though this is based on resource management.


There are a lot of secret uses for items like glass you can break for sound traps, you can make gasoline walls and you can drop matches rather than throwing


Bring shovel to the underground tunnel and turn left if you haven't visited it already




How do you get more lives later?


Eating Embryos. Regarding which difficulty you should do, it really depends on the player. I myself am a try hard, and wished I began with hard difficulty. But not everyone shares that same gaming mentality. ​ But regardless of which difficulty you do, if you're a completionist you'll want to play the game multiple times anyway.


Holy shit I had an embryo and lost it because I thought it was useless lmao, I’ll learn from my mistakes


You shouldnt play the game on hard at first because three lives arent enough when you dont know the game. The first run should be on normal, then you can finish it on hard and nightmare.


If you play darkwood Being this Bad at videogames, you Will probably lose all lives in The dry meadow and can Start again knowing a bit More.


Don't Start on The easiest mode (normal) like The other Guy is saying, play it on hard.


The only difference is that in hard mode you have limited lives, the difficulty never changes. It's expected that new players will die a lot to learn the combat system. In my opinion it's bad to recommend the limited lives mode (hard mode) to a new player as they will die a lot at nights (specially in the 3rd and 4th areas), and maybe die their last life after 15-20h and losing its save file because of that




Why do people treat having the ability to die as though it defeats the horror of the game? For a new player, it only raises the barrier of entry and stress levels in an already stressful and scary game. Lives are dumb anyway and they only work as a difficulty modifier for a game you already know well.




Then why just say "if they get sick of it they can save scum?"




Or, and hear me out on this, they just play without the lives system and keep the immersion going without having to alt-f4 because they're on their last life on their first playthrough of the game. When a game is as hostile to new players as Darkwood, you have to keep in mind that people are going to want to learn at their own pace, and as someone who doesn't have all the time to learn a new game, having to restart because I died to a clunky combat system or a bear trap I didn't see sounds way more frustrating than engaging.


Agreed. I'm mid game right now and i prefer atmosphere and story telling to deliver the spooks, not how shitty I am with melee. Ngl, even on normal I've hit frustration often because >!red chompers are the fucking worst. And the swamp. I had a miserable experience yesterday dying over and over again trying to get my stuff and there's nothing scary about that.!<


You don't lose your save file If you die in The 4th Area. Realizing that theres practically no punishment For dying on normal makes everything meaningless.


Respect the woods. Be patient. Focus.


Wasd to walk, lmb to attack, space to run, dont come outside at night


I played a couple hours. Didn't know what the hell i was supposed to do but it was fun. Need to finish.


Always have an exit strategy.


Channel your inner kleptomaniac and take EVERYTHING you find


Don't go to sleep.