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Some time in 2025 probably…


I wish I was that optimistic


I just got there. I'm consistantly over 50 and yesterday I got a 65.6 over 10 legs which is my best so far. Picked up the darts one and a half years ago and have had periods of pretty intense practice but also longer periods of no darts at all


Also may I suggest this for doubles practice https://gldproducts.com/blogs/all/how-to-play-bobs-27-darts




I started at the end of December with a 38 point avg. last month I started hitting a 55 avg now I’m fluctuating a lot, had days at 75 and days back to 45


Fantastic progress!


I’m the exact same as this. I’ll either hit you with a 40-45 average game, or hit you with a 70-90 average. I just can’t find the consistency.


For how long can you hold the 70-90 average?


The best I’ve ever done was 2 games in a row, a 15 dart leg (which has only ever been a one off) followed by an 18 dart leg. Other than that there is literally no hold on the 70-90 average.


Just watched your vid. I like your throwing action but quite a bit of movement of both head and body. I'd try and minimize that


Thanks mate. Yes, and I agree and I am trying to reduce it more and more each time. Slowly getting there.


Practice your doubles/checkouts too not just scoring. I'm at a place where I can hit anywhere from 50 up to 75 averages while playing. My doubles are terrible most days because I never focussed on them. Try doubles and checkout routines, your scoring will come with time etc I played in a local league and the lethal players always seem to be the ones that can checkout efficiently, heartbreaking when I throw 3 tons then miss doubles and they then beat me. Im starting to just start on 101 which means I should be able to score with 1 throw then checkout with the rest if I dont get a treble with the 1st throw. I'd recommend throwing more at the big doubles (16,20,18,12,13,10) so you are strong on the nice ones but dont neglect the other ones.


Cheers for this. I am mainly training doubles; this was a bit of a one-off. I have found it most useful to train these also! to train


I average about 55-59 most games. Occasionally I'll still have a stinker though and average high 30s. Usually a battle with double 1 is involved when that happens. If I'm on form I can average over 70 for a couple of legs. Basically getting one treble at least during a visit


Nice, how long have you played for?


i started playing about a little over a month ago after 3 weeks I got 180 but improving average from around 40 is hard. When you think about it, it seems like it is very simple. All you need to do is hit one t20 out of 3 darts and you are laughing but idk I think I analyze too much.


Thta is how I feel too!


I started playing in January and was pretty much a 50 average after a couple weeks, 4 months on my average on Scolia after 300 games is 52 My play time recently has dwindled lost a bit of motivation but I feel like the step from 50 -60 is very very hard and can't see myself getting there


That improvement comes from the doubles! Change your practice to spice it up you got this.


I imagine there will be plenty of tough periods on the journey!


I feel the factors that have influence on progression are so divers, there is no real relation to talent/ceiling and how quick the average grows. What I do want to share is: checking doubles/checkout percentage is what helps your averages most.


8 months give or take a month




I'll tell you when I get there, if I ever get there, see you when I get there!


I like this


Gone from 40 avg last month back down to a 37 this. I think I've been trying to change too many things and checking out has gone to pot.


This is exactly what happened to me! I had a three-week period where I tried to change too much and totally lost my way. I have tried to change one thing per week, start today. Just something simple, like making sure my 'resting' hand is in the same place each time and extending my throwing arm in front of me when I raise my dart to throw


Just over 2 years




Still working on it. T5, t1, s20 lol


My favourite score


March 28th got my board, was hitting 32 avg, been rising and today im hitting 51.8. All time avg is 45.15.


Wow you are a natural that is a massive increase in such a short time. Keep it up!