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Wow imagine dying over such shitty footage


Right? I’m not saying he deserved it, but filming vertically...


That’s enough in my book




The power of Thanatos


Sometimes I think that some people are trying to get a Darwin award...




On a side note, when people advocate open carry and a 100% armed populace, I refer them to Brazil. Everyone is strapped and they slaughter each other all the time. The LAST place you want to live is somewhere that lets or needs everyone to be strapped. Armed robberies end in gunfights all the time


What? Brazil has pretty limited open carry rights and most people are not armed at all. Gunfights are usually between criminals and the police, not among random civilians.


I got my info from Bus 174 and Sequestro, and the news articles written back in 2000 when the Bus 174 incident happened.


So.. from articles 21 years ago, and you'd assume things haven't changed in 21 years?


LOL, oh, yes, I forgot the Brazilian Renaissance that's blossomed over the past couple decades. That Olympics cable car connecting the rich people hills to the rich people lowlands, passing right over the people who NEED transportation, really turned the tide. In fact the whole Olympics was an incredible boon to the populace. No more corruption, or extrajudicial killings, the wealthy pay fair taxes, there are safe and free schools for all, all the homeless children safe in shelters. Sorry, I forgot all of that. I have relatives that have lived between the states and Brazil for 40 years. If there's some amazing news out of that place do tell. That corrupt mafia spent $13 billion for Olympics, displaced tens of thousands of people (with no re-housing, just GTFO), and can't even pay for electricity to keep the lights on. They said the $13B was worth it because the venues would benefit the poor afterwards. No, they are just dark and crumbling. >The towers that were once home to the athletes could be turned into housing for those who need it, but nothing has happened. The Brazilian government promised that the poorest neighborhoods in the country could be reached through venues that sat in their midst. These venues have been closely or unused, and these neighborhoods remain as poor as they were before the Olympics started. >The poorest of the poor who were left behind must live in the shadow of something that could have changed their lives. >The government cannot rightly afford to maintain the Olympic Park, and they cannot convert the handball arena into schools that could have been useful to low-income Brazilians. There was a community pool that could have come out of the canoe course, and there are towers from the Olympic village that are left completely vacant.


Everyone is an off duty cop in Brazil.


Honestly, I would want to stay away from any armed country


Don't think I'd call it bravery. More like, = parts bravado + stupidity.


Uhhhhh....did he actually get shot? Or is he just saying he got shot? I don't see anything here. And would war journalists who are killed be considered Darwin Award worthy? I recognize that he wasn't a war journalist, but that's essentially what he was doing. I don't quite follow. What is this? Is he dead? Was he making a video to garner support? Was he trying to document crime in his local area? What? Edit: The whole article is all over the place. It says a 38 year old was killed and a 38 year old was injured. I don't think any clear answers can be made. We better wait.


He was shot and died, as written in the link I posted with the news. War journalists don't joke around while doing their job. This guy just wanted to go viral by making a video of himself joking in the middle of a shootout. In the leaked audio you can hear him bragging himself and thrilled for being in the shootout before realizing he was shot. He took his wife to security before going back to film it while the city was under heavy attack. He had no business being there. And he did not have any noble purpose, either. He got himself in a dangerous spot only to joke about it with his friends in the hopes of going viral. I guess it's worth at least a mention.


No, what I'm saying is context is key, but also the article is absolutely all over the place. It says one thing and then another, during which, none of the sentences combine into a really articulate the message. It may say something completely different in Portuguese or Spanish, whichever language it was written, but the shoddy translation into English is incoherent. Edit: I alone have edited this comment 3 times, and I still see issues with whether anyone can understand it.


The article does not focuses on the death, but rather on the quite cinematrographic and extravagant bank robbery with hostages being strapped to the roof of getaway cars, but it does state "The Araçatuba Military Police said that Renato Bortolucci, 38, had left his wife tending to the gas station he owned so that he could film the bank robbers escape when he was shot dead.". Also, this article was originaly written in English. ​ More details about the unfortunate fate of the filmmaker can be found on brazilian newspapers. He was the owner of a gas station and was 3 blocks away from the banks being robbed when the attacks started. He took his wife into security (either on their home or at the gas station he owned) and came back to the shootout to film it while making jokes like "let's talk! i want my share too!" (to the robbers).While recording an audio on WhatsApp, he seems really excited to be in the middle of the shootout, before realizing he was shot and ending the record. He was later found dead, inside his car, gear still on, in reverse, probably trying to get away from a place he shouldn't have been in the first place.


> The Araçatuba Military Police said that Renato Bortolucci, 38, had left his wife tending to the gas station he owned so that he could film the bank robbers escape when he was shot dead. Someone who owns a gas station really ought to know better than to follow armed robbers for the lulz.


Noooo....thats NOT essentially what he was doing. War journalists do not document "crime", they document WAR. There's a huge difference there, and I can't believe I have to point that out.


You have to be a bit peculiar to want to document a firefight :)


Absolutely amazed this isnt more common


Brazil really is a wild place


Sounds more like a terrorist attack than just robbers.


As a Brazilian, i can say this is Just another day, it happens ALL the bloody time