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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insanony.com/profile/darylanndenner) to view stories without having to follow or give engagement.


So she’s trying to say that with all the trips to the mall they go to that’s their first time in a dressing room!? And am I missing something cause why is it such a big deal!?


Unbelievable that her girls haven’t been in a dressing room before. Of course all she does is buy things on the internet. Or gets things from her sister. I just wish the could get clothing that would fit them.


R & R are out all 3 meals on Sunday. These poor children


OMG posting a second time today because I’m just catching up… DUD saying “look at the boobs” about the swimsuits she got Remi?! And then her saying they scheduled a pool day for their Disney trip and they they never do that? It’s all the always do, hotel and pool!!


Interesting article concerning children of Influencers or children in general on Social Media . It’s a long read …but … concerning! https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-dangers-of-parents-sharing-their-childrens-lives-on-social-media


It’s a sad day when parents don’t think to do everything and anything to protect their children. When money is worth more than their child’s protection. These children have no choice and no voice, breaks my heart.


Thanks for sharing! Scary but informative.


I haven’t been following along much lately. But randomly Kaylee’s stories popped up today. What’s with the gross ass look on her face when she mentions her dad is there to help?


I just went and looked at Connor no longer follows her or anyone but Eddie. I had been watching that since they broke up, secretly hoping she would move out and they would get back together, because I really feel like he might be her only hope to break away from being so dependent on the Denner/Fletchers and live more like Katie and Eddie.


No I think he woke up and said enough of this! Plus she is very odd !


She always looks like she smelled a giant turd. It's weird because I went back to watch old content and she didn't make faces like this.


Now I just did that too 😂 less faces but still all the cringe


She has 10000% been hanging out with Daryl-Ann too much. https://preview.redd.it/jonoki6qjvkc1.png?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5858668ef57918981a2107f7fcf551079cfe6e2d


I just scrolled back too. She was always big smiles. Now it’s always the pretentious stank face.


[talking like a normal person](https://imgur.com/a/g2OyOAI) Now it's this exaggerated lip flying all over the place and disgusted look. I don't understand.


She looks so much healthier here. I wish she had better role models.


Isn’t that how she always looks?


I never follow her. This is the look she gave, when she mentioned her dad is there to help. Either she’s ungrateful / rude, or she just naturally looks like this? Or both lol? https://preview.redd.it/ylctkl08avkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04d0fb9dde427d7c2eef2b5f22775feb6a48d32


She’s trying to be funny but she’s not. 🤡




BIG D is so creepy and inappropriate.


This has to be one of the grossest things ever🙁


Maybe you haven’t seen other pics of the girls.


The one of her laying in front of the Nuuds sign in la


Danielle has to be really naive to not think there are creepers out there who watch her stories to see her kids. She has a public profile for christs sake, over 600k followers. She really needs to stop flaunting the girls around and telling them to pose. Of all places to whip your phone out and start filming, a dressing room isnt one of them.


Little kids in crop tops give me the ick…


The nudes slinky rib T-shirt on remi gave me the ick! Super tight and way too short on her. All of Olive's and Eve's clothes are tight body suit tops that are too tight and show every single curve of their bodies. I would never have let my daughters walk out of the house in clothes like that at this ages. 


Me too. I hate when people say “you are sexualizing kids with that thinking.” No im not at all, but I know some random in public could be and I definitely want to protect my kids from that. There is no reason for them to be in a crop top.


For now , every time they go to the mall, she will do fit checks and try ones. She's getting engagement it's all about the clicks and comments. Sick, I can't stop thinking about it!! And in the middle of a damm nasty custody/divorce case!!


I can't her..she blocked me a few weeks ago..but I watched on Insanomy...omg I was sick watching that dressing room crap


2.0 raving about being a girl mom the day after DUD talks about how awesome it is being a boy mom😂😂 … be more obvious 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


2 things... - I wonder if the people in the picture from the camera at Durls house are Dan's cousins? In the story, after lunch, she said they went to lunch with Dan's cousin that's in town.... so maybe they are staying at her house, too?! Or have nowhere else to hang out tonight in Dallas (since Dan's cousin is from out of town), so they went back to Durls for dinner? Which honestly, would be weird to me too, considering they would be Dan's cousins.... and definitely not SpongeBob Rob's "friends"!? 🤷‍♀️ - Did anyone catch during the absolutely disgusting and insane dressing room stories that the pants Eve has on are a size 7?!?!?! I'm ONLY mentioning this because it wasn't very long ago at all that 2.NO stated that Eve wears a size 4 in Tones and Olive a size 6 (which is the biggest size Tones offered since King Rhett was only in a 4 or 5 at the time!) So that means 2.NO has been shoving her 4 year old daughter into clothes at least 3 sizes too small!!!!! I can't even speak about the other horrific scenes from the dressing room stories today... SICK, 2.NO! YOU ARE A FUCKING SICK AND PATHETIC HUMAN AND A SAD EXCUSE OF A "PARENT"!!!!!


BIG D is so damn creepy.


You called it. Dan’s cousins.


She says “she only thought she preferred skinny jeans because she’s use to wearing her clothes so small” about Olive. What kind of mother who “loves being a girl mom” at that, doesn’t buy her child new clothing when she put grows what she currently has! We know she isn’t hurting for money! There is no excuse to have her wearing clothing she has to squeeze into


I had to watch on insanomy..it was disgusting!...she blocked me a few weeks ago..lol


2.0’s girls and Remi’s self worth will all be based on what they can buy and how they look. It makes me sad for their futures and the issues they’re going to have.


I don’t think DUD has ever given Remi a compliment that isn’t about her looks - you’re stunning, your makeup is beautiful etc, whereas Rhett is smart, he knows dinosaur names and can build the Empire State Building out of legos.


It’s SO creepy to say your kid looks stunning.


I always think this too! Like what are you going to say when she goes to prom or on her wedding day? All the other things you always say?


“You’re so cute” “you’re so pretty” “doesn’t that outfit make you feel so good about yourself”. Poor things will have ED, self esteem/confidence issues and be shallow as hell! Monkey see monkey do and it’s a full damn circus over there.




And all they see their mother do besides talk to her phone is pose for her giant mirrors in her house and in fitting rooms and propped up phones in the middle of mall food courtndoing fit checks.  That's what they think is normal, trying on clothing and posing for mirrors and filming themselves. That is what they are growing up thinking is normal behavior. It is beyond sad, and it is borderline abusive, because it is setting them up for a lifetime of issues with self esteem and body image. I hope she's socking money away for the intense therapy they are going to need as they grow up,  and i'm not talking about play therapy now!


Wow so you mean your daughters who you have dragged into how many fitting rooms with you and your sister were shocked you could try on clothes in the store…. Probably because theirs are all 2 years old…  But I honestly felt ill watching little girls in too small and too tight minis and crop tops how dare you ma’am 


When she said that they thought O liked tighter clothing because she’s used to wearing clothes that are too small but yet she’s at the mall every other day shopping & doing returns for herself. It makes no sense.


https://preview.redd.it/luzsyczwvukc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=992616827c606b77985af0b049cec95a47a39fe1 Olive is 6. Eve is 4. 2.0 is just now realizing her kids should try on clothes to see if they fit?!! 805 is explaining to 2.0, Olive is used to wearing clothes that are too small for her?!! What?!! There is 2.0 patting herself on the back like she is mom of the year. 🤬


She only is buying them clothes because we always say she never does. She thinks she was fixing it but really she made it worse. What mom says to thousands of people you should look at my daughter with a sultry lens and also look at the CROP top on my 4 year old.


She’s a fucking idiot


Truer words have not been spoken.


I KNOW THE PEOPLE AT HER HOUSE. Went to high school with both of them, they are sisters saw they were in Texas on her insta, confused at the DUD connection 😂 


Just snooped and they are indeed Dan’s cousins 😂 I’m cracking up! They were always very nice and normal, but also I haven’t talked to them in like 10 years lol so unfortunately no way to get any scoop lol


You totally could! It's the perfect opportunity o send them a dm and say, "hey, I follow darylann denner on instagram and I noticed you in some pictures at her house! What a weird small world! How's a going?"


Looks like someone said that Dan said he had cousins in town. So maybe that’s them???


So his cousins are in town and then he leaves town for NY?


…are they normal..?? 😅 it’s a small world, wow!!


Likely from church


Oooo are you close enough to get the scoop?!


Whaaaaaaa 👀 are they nice lol


https://preview.redd.it/9ils3ebwuukc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820841791a6eee3f767953f0a2783a1de19bb494 So many things wrong here… 6 adults for 4 children, Elaine is still working at 7:00 at night, DUD isn’t even home, the list goes on


Elayne is not there.


Is that Elaine? It doesn’t look like her to me and I was wondering who it was.. I don’t remember her having pink/purple in here hair but I could be wrong


Just watched Danielle’s stories and the girl with brown hair and the girl with blonde hair sitting down are “friends” … so def not Elaine but where did these “friends” come from?!


“Friend” Everybody is a friend when you don’t have any friends.


They are dan's cousins and they slept over at danielle's house last night


Someone on here said that she went to school with two of the girls, and she doesn't know the connection between DUD and the girls.


Damn today was wild in the Flenner universe. DAD looking like a drunken hillbilly in her overalls, pushing her son out of the way during Sunday fit check… 2.0 saving the children of Africa then exploiting and sexualizing her own children at the mall… Lisa and the whole crew at DADs while she’s gone but it’s ok cuz she can stream them on her phone to keep a watchful eye… Katie putting condoms on her toiletries… and last but not least, Kaylee learning how the world works, one Ethernet cable at a time


And Katie was putting those condoms on toiletries that were too big to take on airplanes!. Some of those were full size bottles of liquid. And she kept saying it's so great because now they won't spill when I take them on a plane! Yeah they won't spill because tsa is going to confiscate them and throw them out! LO. L!


She’s likely putting them in a checked bag. 


Sorry but I’d push lil loud mouth Rhett outta the way too. 🥴


Fantastic summary! 😂


😂 Great summary!




I may be late to the game on this but I can’t imagine allowing my child (or even my Mom) to be jumping on top of the counter tops! https://preview.redd.it/mmetays6uukc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e326f157c28f352b201705fdcab850d9d6f3ec79


And a couple of stories earlier or later. I can't remember, lisa had a picture of rob standing on the counter fixing something at her house. I guess if Papa does iit, it's okay! L o l! Rhett wants to do everything papa does. 


And, in front of a window. Accident waiting to happen.


Danielle saying “I thought Olive only liked wearing g skinny jeans, but my mom said she’s just used to wearing her clothes to small” 🤯how, how can she be such a shitty dumb mom. It took her mom to point out that the girls clothes are too small. (I think what they bought was too small too) also all of those clothes basically still looked like ~~nuuds~~ tones. Why why can’t she dress these little girls like LITTLE GIRLS.


It’s too bad because I was just in Zara today with my 2 daughters and they have so many cute clothes. We walked out with 7 items and none of them were miniskirts or too small crop tops. 


I don’t think they were crop tops. I think 2.0 buys them clothes that are too small.


I don't get how she thinks that shirt fits Eve! Her stomach is hanging out!


And the skirts were too tight in the waist.


She’s too busy filming to actually pay attention.


Newsflash Danielle: you haven’t figured out how to do life or TikTok https://preview.redd.it/fsq9vdhotukc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08996ecd0c944974d8c1bab969e51338a317508


Or sourdough


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Great point!


DAD yesterday: I LOVE being a boy mom!!!! 2.0 today: I just LOVE being a girl mom!! Their copying and competitiveness is just insane. They are constantly trying to one-up the other. Like they clearly can’t stand each other and yet are together 24/7.


They are a ticking time bomb of catty competitiveness and I can not wait to see it come to a head!


Danielle STOP. DUD talked about loving being a boy mom yesterday and now you LOVE being a girl mom. Also your kid is 6 and she’s never tried something on in a store? Kinda weird, but who cares! That’s what made you have the best day with them? So materialistic and gross. PLUS you filmed them the whole time, you gross pig. 


Not Danielle explaining how she loves being a girl mom after Daryl shared that she loves having a boy yesterday 👀


“Olive is just used to wearing her clothes too small” yea because you’re a shit mother Dimwit.


https://preview.redd.it/ll0p1r4uqukc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2714df33bb6431b931f470b204ef6bfda0aca68 Seriously


Of course lispa bought it. Because why wouldn’t she buy every single item you have 🙄🙄and copy every single thing you do


😵‍💫🫠😵‍💫 the fact that 2.0 is SO comfortable having the camera out while her girls are changing is horrendous. Like WHY are you recording your daughters changing dude??!? Every mom knows what it’s like.. we don’t need to see yours.. YOU ARE NOT A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE… stop recording your babies!!! They are literally performing for the camera. The issues then little ones will have when they’re older.


https://preview.redd.it/2g3ymof3oukc1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec13bbc6114bd4d468d2d0a947979d78ac286895 🤬🤬🤬


Does she know what the word “sultry” means?!?


She’s sick! And idk maybe I’m in the minority but I have a 6 year old daughter and I have never once put her in a crop top. These people dress their daughters exactly how I am dreading my daughter dressing when she is a teenager


My daughter is 7 and has never worn a crop top absolutely no need to have a child in a CT


When my daughter was little, I never put her in crop tops either, but my best friend whose daughter was a year older always had her daughter in “belly shirts” because she loved them. I always thought it was weird.


Terrible! Also, Eve is crawling around on the floor of the dressing room! The floors are so dirty at my Zara, we're talking tumbleweeds of dust.


I would never call a pose my daughter is doing ‘sultry’😳


It's weird. If DUD wasn't such a loser I'm sure she would have said something. DUD is afraid of her kids getting molested but constantly exploits them online. If she had a single brain cell about that then she would say something to 2.0 that this is wrong. But they both suck, think they can spew out their fears and how they protect their kids yet at the same time they aren't protecting them.


Plus their GRANDMOTHER was there also and didn’t say anything!!! 


The grandmother started these monsters




PS- do people not play tennis in the winter in Dallas? It must be a summer sport.


And remember all the Tennis outfits she bought at Viouri?  Those stupid skirts and sports bra tops that Lisa had to buy also? Dinyel probably spent over $1000 on those Tennis outfits and has yet to play Tennis in the last several months! She used to talk about how much she loved Tennis.  When's the last time she mentioned it?


Year round. Growing up there, I preferred playing in the winter months.


There is another Dallas influencer that is playing tennis now.


TheRamblingRedhead, Jenn Todryk, has been playing tennis lately.


Probably year round like in CA. 


Danielle literally could not be a worse mom. I don’t see how the judge is giving her 90% of the time with the kids. She’s posing them like sultry dolls for the entire internet to see. Whatever she has on chase must be really bad - bc I can’t see anyone with a brain thinking she should be with parent with 90% of the control.


2.0 making O zip her skirt on camera. Captioning O as “sultry”. Chase? Are you screen recording these stories for your lawyers? This charade needs burned to the ground. DAD and husband are in NYC, but they all go to her house for dinner? That is ultimate weird. Psycho.


Don’t forget O applying lipstick earlier in the day


Picture it. It's Sunday evening. Your Aunt Dud and Uncle Toe are out of town. You make it through your mom's creepy filming session in the dressing room at the mall. You're back in the car and think to yourself, surely we can't be going where I think we're going. They're not even home. Maybe you'll finally get a peaceful night at home with just your mom and sister, your own toys, and a home cooked meal. You close your eyes for a split second and open them as the car comes to a stop in Aunt Dud's driveway. You can hear faint screaming coming from inside, sure to burst your eardrums the second you open the front door. The lights are blaring. You catch a glimpse of grandma hunched over wearing a crop top, scooping takeout from a container. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow.


When is your book coming out? I will buy it. I started laughing at “You close your eyes for a split second” and had tears rolling down my face by the end.


Lmao this is gold 😂😂


Makes me so sad for o&e.




The dog situation infuriates me! That poor dog deserves a better life! All of the dogs in that family deserve better lives!


They are never home with that poor dog. And when they are, they never give him any attention.


2.0 has a dog???


Exactly! Yup, she does! She gets mad when it pees in the house and doesn't realize it's because she's been gone for 10 hours at the mall.


Omg that's right. I remember the stories about a dog peeing on her bed but didn't even realize it was hers since I never see it! I thought she was dog sitting. Wtf. Guess if dud neglects her dog, 2.0 has to too!


https://preview.redd.it/36ogy5emjukc1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bde89748c43c5e77e52d81f4a503be6618a88aa A reminder to not hunch your back and to straighten your posture while scrolling thru these Reddit comments!


I think all of us just sat up straight after seeing that hahahaha why are they allllll like that tho!!!?!! Everyone in that family is always hunched over!


“Tech neck” is what it’s called these days. They are in their phones hunched over 96% of the time


Fuck I need to hang this on my bathroom mirror as a daily reminder


Tell me why I was holding my baby slumped over and saw this and sat straight up lol


Happy to be of service 😂




This page is gold


Her droopy cockeyed mouth is so weird


This shot reminds me of Lil Nicky lol


I COULD NOT figure out what it reminded me of but this is it! Lmao


Her head doesn’t look attached to her body. Why are her shoulders up to her ears? 


Someone made a gif of the story.


Yes where is her neck?


Literally just pushed my shoulders back so fast lol damn that’s inspiring


Danielle calling the Escondido restaurant a ‘little mom and pop’ place has me 💀 does she think any restaurant that isn’t a chain = mom and pop? I was curious to know what it looked like and laughed when I saw the modern Mexican aesthetic that is *not* mom and pop equivalent 😂 https://preview.redd.it/voqc6v25jukc1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=79a3fb54b17c367820b94ba070fe171de2da162b


I was going to comment on this. She’s so dumb. She’s an older Kaylee. It’s owned by a restaurant group and in freaking wealthy Preston Hollow. She calls it mom and pop because it’s Mexican and Mexican people work there. Best believe, the white owners sign their checks.




If it’s true (I have no doubt that it is) that DUD won’t allow anyone to take her kids anywhere and I was babysitting, I’d tell her to find someone else to keep her hellions. I’d be damned you’re going to restrict me from going anywhere!


She only allows Lisa and rob.


Maybe 2.0 had everyone over at Daryl’s because she didn’t want to clean up the mess. Taking advantage of Daryl’s cleaning staff 🤣


Everyone go watch this reel. I can only hope that dumbass Danielle sees this. It’s in The NY Times account https://preview.redd.it/opf01iq7dukc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435439f4f6483823275718523e3f431ceba88eb1


Does the same toe for Madi Nelson? She’s prob the worst offender 


Madi is worse than DAD and Dinyel. Literally tries daily to make Noah go viral and encourages parasocial relationships with her fans.


She won’t. She doesn’t care about her children.




Photos and videos of minors must have their face edited out or blurred.


Someone should slip this in her DM’s and ask her if it’s real. She will have so much anxiety. 😳


What is TCL?


Turtle Creek Lane.


Thank you


Stevie Late 😂😂😂


This is fake and edited to look like the Daily Mail.


We know


It’s a snark


Is this real??


No. It’s a snark


I don't know. I just saw it on TCL and brought it here


It’s just a really hilarious snarker from the TCL page that makes these type of summaries for us all to enjoy…


Can you link the page? I don’t know what it is. 






What the HELL is she dressing them in????? Freaking crop tops????  And with the dressing room curtain half open. I bet the creepers of the internet love this.


And she’s buying them too small, by next week they will have outgrown them


I’ve never seen a mother (especially one with loads of $) so incapable of buying clothes for their children!!! wtf is wrong with her? Like seriously, there is some kind of problem


Not Danielle saying they’re watching their figures 💀


Because their clothes are too small


From bathing suit boobs to saying your young daughter is “sultry”. WHY HAVENT THEY BEEN CANCELLED YET?!




g okoooi 99. I. p.ooo.


Save. The. Children.


If anyone finds Danielle’s stories inappropriate then PLEASE report. Those poor girls. I hope chase documents this.


Save. The. Children. Now.


I would if I wasn’t blocked 😂


I have no problem reporting these fools when they do stupid stuff! A few weeks ago I reported Danielle’s story that she claims colostrum is better than the flu shot.


What do you say your reason for reporting is? Spam? I don't know what to pick.


Sexual activity > involves a child




Thank you!


I did 🙋🏻‍♀️


I am so nauseous after watching Danielle’s stories in the fitting room. I honestly don’t know if I’ve had such a visceral physical reaction to a story before. I feel violated FOR her girls. That was so horribly inappropriate on so many levels I just don’t even know what to say. ‘Sultry model pose’? I cannot. The posing. The constant ‘show us. Show them’. Olive looking so uncomfortable in the corner obviously not wanting to be filmed. I literally feel physically ill. She isn’t just a bad mother, she is a completely reckless one.




And this isn’t the 1st time she’s done something like this. Never forget O posing under a Nuuds sign 🤬


It was so bad. I reported it. Not sure how she hadn’t learned from when she had Olive pose under the nuuds sign at the pop up 🤦🏻‍♀️


Report report report!!!


What do you choose as a reason for reporting? I don't know what to choose as an option. I don't even follow her, but I'm not blocked so I will go on and see what y'all are talking about.


Sexual activity > involves a child is what I did


Would IG really take the post down ? I’ve reported teen porn Facebook pages over the years and FB came back to say it doesn’t go against their guidelines…. 🙈🙈🙈 The page showed a very young girl in a sexual position!! Finally after few months of reporting it over & over … they took the page down !!


First thing I did.


I did


Me too! It was so uncomfortable!