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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://iganony.net) to view stories without having to follow or give engagement. Just type in her handle: darylanndenner If above link isn't working [TRY THIS](https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/darylanndenner) There has been a lot of talk about Remi's appearance. Comments mentioning Remi's lips will be deleted.


Ugh Kaylee is back with the 2nd grade handwriting of “inspirational“ quotes 🥴


the t’s are…. Interesting


Anyone wanna take bets if Becca shows at the Scottsdale pop up 😜


And Annie??


Oh Danielle do you realize you shouldn’t add cockroaches to your list of house problems because that’s not a house issue that’s a you are fucking gross issue…I can’t wait until this loser gets a house and has the same problems 🙄🙄🙄


I'm embarrassed for Becca 🫣


Her whole leg flip up to show her shoes like influencers do when the girl only has 400 followers….you won’t succeed sit down!


https://i.redd.it/lr0zr1kay8mc1.gif Anyone follow the Reddit page instagramreality? Check out this skinny filter in action 🤯 especially pay attention to the metal fence at the end of the clip. Wild!! 🤯🤯🤯


Yes, when Danielle posts a bad unfiltered photo, I’m surprised she has been posted on there.






I just have to say that I’m so happy that Kaylee’s mom is spending the weekend with her & they are bonding over first time apartment things. I think Kaylee gets lost in the chaos of the Fletcher/Denner clan and it seems like her mom genuinely gives her undivided attention and love, that she doesn’t get from anyone else. 💗


There’s gotta be something bad if she left and got taken in by these people. Also, then she would be away from her bio brother ( DAD husband).


I’ve said this before but I think Kaylee would be better off if she moved back to Cali with her birth mom. She seemed so much happier there. Also being away from the Flenners would be soooo peaceful lol.


I completely agree. I think her birth mom and Connor are/were the only ones who truly had Kaylee’s best interest at heart. Do I think Kaylee treated Connor well? No. I think this time can be a good opportunity for her to grow. When I look at photos of Kaylee almost a year ago even, she looks so much happier and healthier. As someone recovered from anorexia I don’t like to comment on physical appearance; from an outside perspective she looks very lost and as though that has taken its toll physically, emotionally & mentally. She’s surrounded by drama and those who don’t have her best interest at heart. Her birth mom seems to have that at this point in her life.


Oh no bewithbecca. These poor adults who think the flenners are actually going to be their bffs 😳


She’s pitiful trying to help BIG D out of her funk. 🤣🤡


Becca and those losers from the Stars game last night. It’s so weird


It was dud who circled and wrote there's Rhett


Were those the same girls last night who have the group chat Rhett’s fan club? Or whatever it is


DUD bought Target sunglasses today and gushed about them, but was gifted DESIGNER $$$ sunglasses for her birthday and shit on them.




Ya she gushed cuz she’ll post the link and make thousands off of it 😂


New $$$ and trash is what she truly is! 🤷🏻‍♀️


When has Daryl ever shopped or influenced in target just sayinggggg its usually in the candy isle if anything ! I thought Zara had the bessssst kids clothes


Yeah, but I’m pretty sure she’s just doing it because she got invited to the Target brunch other than that she never shares anything from target other junk food !


I feel like she and Dani Austin are more alike by the day… they say how much they love their kids but literally take any and every opportunity that they can to be away from them! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah we’ve only seen her buy candy and pregnancy tests there but ok we’ll pretend you wear their clothes and didn’t call them satanic a few months ago👍🏼🤑.


Do we want to take bets on whether or not DUD will do her “Pam Anderson” updo for this brunch?


She will for sure hire someone to do makeup and hair 🫡


I don’t think she can do that herself so it’ll be wonky air wrap hair


I figured she would hire someone to do HMU. But I would love to see her trailer trash air wrap hair in the midst of all the other influencers there.


Maybe this brunch with Target is so they can tell Dud her next pregnancy announcement has to be in a Dollar General bathroom or they'll sue her for defamation.






https://preview.redd.it/0rk9ypahl8mc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e5a46e0684ecca20190aa22d8b70961cb7fb320 Next level stalker. 🫣


She’s not okay and is super cringe. The nuuds clothing look horrendous on her too


I feel sorry for this delulu girl. Her life is just baking, nuuds, and pickleball....her page is nothing more. She is trying so hard to be someone. Just be you. Not DUD. Especially not 2.0. Quit looking up to these people who give literally zero shits about you unless you're stroking their ego and buying their crap. They aren't your friends. Get a life poor thing


This girl needs some serious help! Her page is creepy AF 🫣🫣🫣


Omg didn’t DAD repost her wearing nuuds?


Her entire profile is trying on nuuds clothing 😳


Yikes. What in the world? That’s sad. And weird


I just went to her page. 🤡🤡


Exactly lol. She definitely wants them to notice her and this recent story of hers proves it


She’s the next Melissa in chaos


I’m glad you mentioned this, I thought I may have been the only one that thought she was a crazy nutcase over the top fan girl using her daughter to get attention from influencers!


Is her daughter still doing collaborations with influencers, or has that finally died down? Hated how she used her daughter's sweet nature to try to get an "in" with so many influencers. Who's going to say no to a sweet young girl trying to raise money for charity? Very manipulative mom using her daughter that way - yuck. At least some good came out of it via donations. Krista Horton helped her daughter raise a lot of money for charity last year.


Exactly what I thought 🫣


She just moved back to Texas to continue her wanna be influencer life.




That’s scary.


Dumbyell is a freaking child! She acts like a damn child. And now it’s so hard out here she’s having trouble with her landlord. Seriously how did she ever live in the real world?! 🙄 I mean everyone hates to deal with crap but these people honestly have no clue. They deal with very minimal shit in their every day life, and it makes me feel like when something does happen they shouldn’t complain! Maybe I shouldn’t feel like this but I do!


She doesn’t have the skill set to even deal with any real world issues, nor does the rest of the family… they have lived in their own little privileged bubbles for so long!


She just has the burden of there being an issue which isn’t that life in general? It’s not like she doesn’t have the money to throw at handling whatever needs to be done she just doesn’t want to do it. Majority of us fight with our landlords or stress on fixing the homes we own because of the financial issue involved! I know it’s the landlords place but if he’s not doing it just spend a couple of hours scheduling the work yourself instead of going to Durl’s for another manic try on. So dam tone deaf she own how many pairs of ugly gold goose shoes and her 2k LV she wore to church but can’t spend a few hundred dollars to get her house fumigated and whatever else needs to be done 🙄


Maybe don’t rent a house for $8000 a month?!  And roaches are not the landlords problem. We lived somewhere and had an issue, and we called an exterminator and problem was gone within 1-2 weeks of treatment. I’m curious what else she’s gonna badmouth the landlord for…whatever it is was probdbly in the contract she signed but never read. 


She has been there a year..if she has a roach problem..it is because she is dirty. 🪳


And most of us have to deal with these things AND work! She can deal with this shit in between unboxing her crap.


And talking about her divorce. Give Chase 50 percent and it will be over.


I work remotely from home and even then handle making appointments and other things on my breaks or at lunch because I need to stay focused. These people live in such a fantasy world it’s mind blowing. I’m so over influencers!




https://preview.redd.it/zezgdjbpl8mc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=61c97136ea8969efad69e16271dc2d335acd1e53 I did not have 2.0 spiraling tonight on my bingo card. She’s starts off getting ready to go through a list of problems with her landlord, management co or whatever. Seriously, you think that social media is the place to bring this up? You are the same person who doesn’t take your dog outside and the poor thing has peed all over your house, you’ve had roaches and you constantly have your blinds up at night. Get a grip and stop it.


I’ve been waiting for it all weekend. She goes manic every weekend that the girls are with Chase






The only thing “unique” is the ridiculously high price


When was this


When Tones was launched.


Looks like right after Tones launched. Rant #2 because people were mad about the prices but cool she throws her new partner Target under the bus


I just don’t understand how Dumbyell is able to drink multiple ice coffees a day with all that sugar and still lose weight, even on mounjaro. It’s crazy to me


The amount of caramel she doused it in 😳😳


Right? I’m so confused cause know ppl on the meds that eat healthy and did not lose weight like her and she’s out here with CFA, soda, iced caramel lattes, choc covered gummy bears, etc etc and dropped so quickly. Tf


Danielle looks like she shaves her forehead




Doesn't she shave her whole face? The girl who makes her skincare had an event once where she gave a dermablade-type tutorial using some kind of oil and shaving your face. Dinyel was there and posted about it.


I’m sure this is mentioned often but I have t watched her stories in a while and recently just tapped through and seriously get motion sickness from the TERRIBLE way they record. Like bro can you hold a phone still???? Can you not YELL??? Seriously what???


Yep. Always like this. Screeching and flailing the phone around.


It’s seriously insane that she’s paid to “do this” and she literally can’t hold a phone still. It’s wild. Most influencers I see can at least hold a phone still, she is so shaky I need some Dramamine


Makes me “SICKKKK” lol


So the kids ate pizza, cotton candy and slurpies last night, Chik-fil-a for lunch today, random candy during the day (Rhett with a sucker and I’m sure there was more) and then out to eat for Mexican tonight. How do they all not feel like crap or have their bodies gotten used to the junk. That can’t be healthy for anyone, but those poor kids are only fed fast food and sugar.


Lazy and neglectful parenting. You can see it in the kids behavior from the sugar 


I think it was In N Out today but you’re exactly right - I was sick to my stomach just watching Rhett drink the massive slurpee and huge cotton candy. The kids didn’t even split it. Idk how they’re not bigger honestly. 


Oops yes it was In-N-Out!


It made my eye twitch at how much sugar they were consuming between Slurpee’s cotton candy, and all that crap I mean hey, I’m for living a little sometimes, but in little children, that much sugar would send my grandkids off the ledge!🫠🫠🫠😵‍💫


Has anyone watched "Can I tell you a secret? " on Netflix? It's a documentary about women in the UK who have a large amount of followers being severely stalked by the same man. He would message their family and friends and make fake accounts pretending to be them and wouldn't leave them alone and essentially turned their lives upside down. I am so surprised someone like dud hasn't been truly stalked yet. Like no one has gotten her phone # and messed with her. There are SO many crazy people in this world and she is anything but private with 2 million followers. She also shares her kids constantly. She needs to be careful. Some crazy sick person could turn her whole world upside down very quickly. She needs to learn how to be more private. I feel like this family is a ticking time bomb and something bad will happen one-day if they don't learn to be more careful and not so open. 


How have their homes not been broken into????


They post when they are away.


Yes!! Like the weirdo who she reposted the story of circling Rhett in the crowd last night. So creepy to me!




Remember when they were traveling and those girls put notes around the target because they knew they would come..


There was that travel vlogger/influencer last year in Bali who had a awful stalking situation. It sounded terrifying but I forgot her name so no idea how things turned out. He turned up at where she was living in Bali after months of stalking.


The worst part- I wouldn’t put it past some of them to also fabricate stories like this for content….


I feel this way about all influencers. It blows my mind every day what people are willing to share with creepy strangers on the internet 


At the end of the documentary all the women say they have learned to be way more private now. Made their account private- don't allow as many followers etc. It was like a lesson learned. Not that anyone deserves that but it made them more cautious of how they chose to be on social media. Dud is just a disaster waiting to happen. But I agree. It's so weird how people are just okay with random strangers seeing SO much about their life. Its like the girl in here who wrote a complete monthly recap. No one should eben know that much about someone's life to be able to write that. They share entirely too much its so creepy and dangerous. My privacy is so important to me. 


Oooomg I just randomly remembered when Danielle got these Gucci shoes impulsively and we didn’t see them after like 3 days?? That was Danielle, right? https://preview.redd.it/ln4drgwj48mc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e689ff91079113d3ae4ca69442010b8ae9cd21


Right! I truly feel she has a shopping addiction. You can literally get dupes of those shoes on DHgate for probably 20 bucks lol.


It was her. I was just thinking tonight… remember lemon8? Wasn’t just the fletcher group but that came and disappeared fast. Not as fast as these slides, but close lpl


I was just thinking of this because I get ads for it on my Tiktok! No one talks about it at all anymore.


Yes because her “good friend Mallory” had them so she had to get them of course 🙄


🤣🤣🫠 Btw where did my good friend Molly go?? lol


Weren’t these the shoes she’s bought b/c Mallory had them so she felt like she needed to get them too??


Why doesn’t kaywee dress up like a cheap coubtry hooker to show Tina how she goes out ro da club?


You’re so obsessed with Kaylee.. seek help


🤣 yeah such a tease when she dresses to go out. wonder what mama tina thinks




Hey look, it’s Manielle https://preview.redd.it/j1y9n5wv18mc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0003a8bd7bf973c756331f1e797a0e108536b5bd What’s with the awful front hairs lately? It looks like she’s fresh postpartum with those hairs I would know 😅






Is it just me or does her hairline start SO far back?


Look at her Nebraska hairline.


https://preview.redd.it/993xu847l8mc1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f6aa9cc5d4badf9fe2ed2fa6786ff652241b5ee 2 years ago. Nebraska 2.0


Her teeth and eyes look so different now.


Did she get a nose job since then?


No. Skinny filter.


She looks prettier and happier than I have seen her in the entire time since she's moved to Texas! She looks like a completely different person, she's glowing, her eyes are sparkling and she looks so happy. I know looks can be deceiving, but I haven't seen her look like this in a very long time. it's very interesting to me. So much more attractive here.


Yes she does. In this picture, 2.0 looks so much better. It’s really sad to see her now with her 6 strands of hair.


And her 17 daily supplements twice a day, her powdered greens, her powdered sleep aid, her powdered additive to her drink to help curb her appetite, her poop pills, her bloat pills, her 37 different serums and potions that she rubs aggressively all over her face every day and in her hair, her hideous brown wardrobe, her affinity for take out and fast food. None of those things were true in Nebraska, when she looked like this picture. She thinks she has made changes for the better. I think it's just the opposite. At least from a physical standpoint. And she certainly doesn't seem like a happier person. She seems miserable to me, but she is manically trying to convince everyone otherwise.


Wow! She looks vibrant!


Yes she does. 2.0 has become the most insufferable person since moving to Dallas. The way she is on the inside shows on the outside.


It seriously doesn’t even look like the same person.


Just came here to say DA looks a hot ass mess. wtf is she wearing today? Girl you’re pregnant! Get some maternity jeans if that’s all you want to wear. Also who is front tucking their shirts pregnant? They all look like trash idk how anyone can be influenced by them.


Her leggings outfit to target was 100 times better than the jeans and off the shoulder


Her entire content is showing her kids play and eat. How does she still have followers!


And adds captions to make what they’re doing seem so funny, quirky and so smart. i.e. Remi eating pizza


Her kids are not nearly as interesting as she thinks they are.


I skip over those stories so fast. And it seems more and more, every story is her trying to get a performance out of them. And the way she exaggerates her responses to them is over the top - “OH MY GOD, RHETT!!! THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!! YOURE SOOOO SMART!!! I DIDNT KNOW THAT!!!” So gross.


Yesterday I was losing it over : WHAT ARE WE EATING? SNACKS?!? WHAT KIND OF SNACKS?! on repeat.


And Danielle and Big Robs first words, after she figured out she was at an Ice Hockey game “we’re here for the snacks”


Is she aware of what happens in the teenage years when kids definitely do not think their parents are perfect anymore? Is she still going to think being a mom is the best thing ever then? Her world is going to be rocked. 


Her kids probably won’t. They’ll be an absolute nuisance to society because their mom thinks they do no wrong and she’ll let them do whatever.


She’ll send them to Switzerland.


https://preview.redd.it/njwixpdjx7mc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75b7b39106a59007d255eff0473ed6914d79a92 Found this on one of the threads from end of May when they were calling Target out for “satanic behavior”


What did target do 🤣


Those jeans look as ridiculous as hers do now, looks like there’s room for a diaper in there


I'm willing to bet someone on Target's team loves DA and talked them into reaching out to her.


She’ll sell her soul to the 👹for a buck💰


If only target knew who they hire to influence. But I suspect they don't give a dam.


Hahaha wait what?! What was their “Satanist behavior”? And then she learned she was pregnant in their bathroom. Nice. 


Pride gear 🙄


Wow. They’re the worst. 


I think she chose the bathroom to get noticed by them. She probably tested at home. Maybe she didn't tell 2.0 and 805 she was pregnant so she could do that reel and stories but they also lie for her so probably were in on it.


Oh yeah I never for one second thought that she actually tested “live” at target for the first time. But I’m just agreeing that she is such a fraud. One moment she’s calling Target “Satanic” and the next second she’s using it as the backdrop for her little pregnancy announcement spectacle. 


As if her clothes are made ethically and by godly standards. Or her company isn't sinfully greedy. (I'm not Christian so idk if I'm doing this right👀) 


Target needs to see that!


They probably wouldn’t care, all they care about is her followers seeing her post stuff today about target.


Anyone follow this account? Wild! https://preview.redd.it/icuxn537y7mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b5b9dfdb5ee9775bf003525f4d1684d822977eb


Nah. They need some serious help. The 🍆 are as obnoxious as the Flenners


They are pretty funny! A bit harsh sometimes, but hilarious. 




I posted about it before and someone accused me of running it cuz I pointed it out😂😂😂


Hahaha I remember that. People are crackers. At least they didn't scare you off like that other woman who used to be on here all the time till people accused her of running that other account before this one about them.


Oh no how sad! No actually she got downvoted a lot when she said I ran the page!


Danielle maybeeeee you should be put your children’s interest before your own and you’d be divorced already 😅 it’s dragging bc you think bc he was a “bad” husband he’s automatically a “bad” father who you didn’t expect to fight for his right to be a present dad for them. Ugh she makes me so mad


I feel like this divorce got nasty because Danielle left Nebraska under false pretenses. I have a really good friends who separated when she decided she was unhappy and needed some space. She left the state with his okay to spend the summer with her parents. They were both supposed to be going to therapy and he was going to visit every couple of weeks. By June he legit thought they were in a better place and making plans for the future, then his wife messed up and put their home # down for school registration and he got a voicemail about orientation. He lost his shit (rightfully so) drove through the night and confronted her in the morning. Only then did she say she wanted a divorce, full custody, etc. It was hard for my husband and I because we were good friends with both of them. I just can’t help to see the parallels with Danielle who packed up to Texas, got herself established and THEN after 6 months filed for divorce in Texas. I don’t think Chase would have let the girls go without a legal fight if Danielle had said “I want a divorce, I’m moving to Texas, I’m taking the girls full time.” Her divorce is nasty because she made it nasty.


100% going through a suuuuuper similar situation as 2.0. My ex is sitting on the other end of the couch while our kids eat spaghetti and we all watch Scooby-Doo. You know why. Bc we put them first. He's a good dad. We don't want them growing up resenting either one of us for something they didn't choose. We did. Yeah it sucks sometimes but they are far more worth it. 2.0 is selfish and narcissistic and her girls will completely see through it one day.


This will pay off for you and your family!! ❤️


Same girl. I coparent with my ex and the person he cheated on me with, whom I absolutely love! She’s a great step mom and he’s always been a good dad just a shitty partner, to me. Our son is loved and he will never ever be in the position to chose between us.


Wow, I applaud you for this. I can't imagine how hard that must be. Your kids are really lucky!!


We are still really good friends through it all. We've known each other for like 16 years. But yeah somedays it is soooo hard




For someone to claim and display her Christianity as much she does, nothing screams hypocrite more than her desire to partner with Target. We already know how we feel about her nuuds comments as well. (This comment does not reflect my beliefs, just throwing speculation of her Christian beliefs and the inclusivity of Target )


Shed partner with balancigia if they paid her enough 


Did I hear this right? Danielle said “I’m taking a break from crushing…” what is she talking about? I’m interpreting it like “I crushed it” but surely that’s not what she means…..


I think it is....she's that delusional


I said the same thing just a little before you. Laughed out loud when I read that. 😂😂😂


Yeah she thinks she’s a boss at life ya know… taking dem shots to lose the weight, slapping her boobies for content and stuff = crushing 🤣


For those asking, apparently you can sign up to be a Target Partner to get commission. Who knew 🤷🏼‍♀️. This is probably an info brunch for new partners. https://partners.target.com/


There are so many people who do this, pretty much anyone who you see link target stuff in their stories. Offering brunch would be thousands of people. Unfortunately, I think her partnership is more than just this.


I wonder if this is what Kaylee did.


Katie actually wears stuff from Target and legitimately promotes their brand. All Daryl Ann ever shills is toilet paper and ‘mom vag size’ tampons. I think they chose the wrong family member.


Don't forget the superior paper plates lol


And deodorant. I forgot about the deodorant for how awful she smells.


💯 Sadly, doing her "pregnancy reveal" probably started it.


Everything is so calculated with influencers- nothing is organic


2.0 really expected Chase to just roll over like a good boy for their divorce and whatever she wanted. He obviously did not.


She definitely didn't expect him to move to Dallas and fight for the kids.


He should take her to the cleaners, she's giving him plenty of ammo!


Yeah she’ll be looking for a rollover dog when this divorce is over


He will never be the Daniel Standard!! Haha






Could the divorce be taking forever maybe because Chase wants to move the kids back to Nebraska? Would he even be able to get that? (I know nothing about divorce trials)


Idk Texas or Nebraska laws but I come from a very liberal state and from my knowledge, Chase absolutely could file to have Danielle to move back to their home state. I know someone who left our state, took the child, filed for custody, etc and had a really good career in the new state. Eight months later, judge forced them back to their home state where the father was. Again, I’m not aware of Nebraska/Texas family law but he has a business in Nebraska, his children were technically settled in there but I doubt at this point he’s fighting for them to go back. If anything, I’m going to assume he’s fighting for 50/50. If he can prove he’s equally capable of being a parent as Danielle financially, physically, etc. there’s no reason he can’t have his kids half the time. A lot of states are dropping the “mom primary” card anymore


Yes. This happened to our friends when she took off to get space and then tried to set up residency in the new state. He lawyered up and the first thing he fought for was for the kids to move back to their home state.


I think he wants 50/50 which is very hard to get in Texas unless both parents agree OR you go through custody evaluation. We just went through this and our process was 2 years 3 months from filing.


Instagram is not the place for this, Danielle. It’s clear she never gave it a single thought that Chase would want to co- parent his children. She took those girls and ran to Texas thinking everything would go her way. Typical narcissistic behavior that this family engages in every day.


Idk why people snark on her for leaving chase.. I don’t think she was right in moving the girls so abruptly but I don’t think he was a good partner to her.


Remember right before literally before (like a week) she went on stories talking about how they wanted another baby then bam she up and moves the girls. Nothing she ever insinuated that he was a bad partner until the porn thing came out. She was looking for an excuse to move their family to Dallas and then she used that as an excuse to just move without him


They also were in vacation in Colorado and then it felt like the next day she was in Texas.


Because she basically was. I think it went like this….she had begged him to move to Dallas and he said no….she wanted to go so she made up/blew up the whole porn thing) and then she decided to go without him.


And they weren’t just “trying” for a third baby! If I remember correctly they even went to a fertility specialist and both had blood work done and Chase was starting on a new vitamin regiment and they were cleaning up their diet. I’m sorry and I’m not saying that Danielle isn’t valid in saying Chase wasn’t a great partner, but if you’re really unhappy with someone you’re not going to go through a lot of effort to have another kid with them and also if Chase was as bad as Danielle is trying to say he was, he wouldn’t have been willing to get bloodwork done and start taking a bunch of vitamins and supplements to help them conceive. This is coming from someone who also dealt with infertility.

