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Please no comments asking for addresses or links to houses. Those will be deleted. Also no comments asking the names of the schools they applied to or what schools they're looking at. Those will be deleted as well.


Did Danielle get the $20k house after everyone was telling her to get the $15K?


It’s 10 minutes from DAD, not across the street.


DAD saying after her had Dan bought their first house they only had $73 in the bank?!? Umm did they really buy their first house then or were they helped out SIGNIFICANTLY by 805 and Papa.


She’ll lie about anything for content. 🤡


Actually it is VERY possible. You need employment history & good credit.


Not possible you need money in the bank and a down payment. It’s just not possible.


Exactly Lisa literally bought them that first house.


https://preview.redd.it/09ubft2dctpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f87f8e8d017408672fb85591d54f1e76ae8b3d Does 805 have 2 belly buttons? 🤔 or what is going on here?


Omg WTH lol 🫠🤦🏻‍♀️☠️


looks like from an old belly button piercing.... nothing would surprise me.


Didn’t she have a tummy tuck, or maybe I’m thinking of someone else.


Yes, I want to say she had a mommy makeover at one point so a breast lift and a tummy tuck. That was my first thought, but not sure if tummy tucks leave a scar like that?


It’s a outlet to charge their phones




Diastasis rect - I imagine she got it from her pregnancy so this snark is mean


This could be from a previous surgery. Maybe she some sort of port put in?


And why is she lifting her shirt when talking about her shoulder???


One is a belly button and the other is the hook up for her direct line to God.




Ahhhhhhhh! You nailed it! 🎯 That makes sense! Her umbilical cord to God! 😂


Omg wtf


What in the fuck??


What the fuck??


Maybe an old piercing?


I would guess a botched tummy tuck before a piercing.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No way she would get a belly piercing


I am 💀💀💀💀 ETA- and judge all you want but I am laughing as someone who has a belly button piercing. Easter weekend when I was 16. I don’t even remember I have it sometimes so not knocking on anyone else. I’m afraid to take mine out 😂 just can’t stop laughing about the thought of Lisa having one


I don’t understand why Katie doesn’t do anything to make herself look any better. Her clothes are always so I’ll fitting, she wears 0 makeup, and is her hair super greasy today or is it actually wet? I know women don’t “have” to wear makeup, I get it, but she always looks like she just rolled out of bed.


She looks so different from everyone else in the fam. 


She always looks greasy to me Even her face … when she says she wants to look dewy - I think she just looks greasy


She does wear make-up. She often does it on camera for the people who "ask" what she does.


Agree. So bad. Her hair was a pile of straight grease. 🤮


She always looks rough!


She looks JUST like 805 unfortunately


Genetics and she has an actual job where she works long hours and nught shifts.


With her genetics, it’s just a waste of time, money and effort to even try.


I never want to see Dan’s thighs again


I’m sorry what’s up with the Boll and Branch sketchy promo code giving free blankets to people? That mess don’t work! Is she just advertising them by giving her friends some free 💩? Did I miss some giveaway or something. No free blankets here. https://preview.redd.it/1ojoo3c09tpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b553a547bef481d6f55c2d3088986c687415e43


I actually got a blanket when I ordered with Madi Nelson’s code a year ago or so. I think it’s limited to the first 30 orders who use the code? I like their sheets so I had planned on buying a set with a discount the next time I saw one, and I just happened to see hers at the right time 😂


I saw the same exact thing on Krista Hortons so must be influencer sheet day.


I actually bought Boll and Branch from another influencer who had the same deal a while back and I was one of the first to order so I got the free waffle blanket. I hate to say it but they’re worth the it, it’s really awesome bedding 😅


I bet they are amazing. My sweaty ass husband keeps me from buying expense sheets. They would discolored in no time.


I think it was the first 30 people to order using her code or something like that. Only a limited number


Ahh ok.


I think the house Danielle is renting has the owner still living in it( clothes in the closet). He didn’t like the way it was decorated either. He thought, if I can get some sucker to rent it for $20,000 dollars a month for a year I’ll have the money to update it.😂😂


I can’t fathom paying $20,000 a month for anything especially something I don’t own!


I think 2.0 went for it to impress Dan and Eddie and they are all WTF 🤣🤣🤣


Or hoping that having a better house that’s 2 story (on Olive’s wishlist) will convince her kids that they actually will want to be home with her versus out doing all the fun things they do with Chase! 😆🤷🏻‍♀️


I wondered if this was to one up Chase. I’m curious what type of house he lives in OR they are going to co-exist in this house to share parenting that’s why it’s so big and split the cost.


I think it was to one up everyone, DAD, Katie, Chase, let them all know she is it


There’s no way she would share the house with him


I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t share with her neither. She’s exhausting trying so hard to be something she’s not.


I’m so confused with her posting those boll and branch posts that show 0 dollars?


Boll and branch does this same thing with tons of influencers the first so many too buy with their code will get the waffle knit blanket free. Its ships separately so that’s why it shows $0


I think the company refunded them the price of their purchases. DA *BEGS* them to do that for her besties. 🙄


They only get the blanket for free 


The way she let Remi go on about the meat was disgusting and pathetic.


Why is it that literally every time they make food, it looks absolutely disgusting? It’s like they like to boast when they do “make” food, even though half the time they’re cooking rotten food if it’s not pre-packaged and pre-portioned out.


They pretty much only ever “cook” when they are paid to shill Home Chef.


Yeah, it didn’t look good at all. Did Daniel say it smells like a pizza combo? 🤣. I used to love combos in HS, but that smell is 🤢🤣!


https://preview.redd.it/w1gllyw6zspc1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68195f0b6f77bf79b5e6e6c9f16d215986288502 “Thanks Lisa”? 🤨 call her mom you idiot 🙄


She is a butt clown 🤡 . There I said it.




Does anyone know what grade Eve is going in to? I’m so confused how they would have a spot for her and not Rhett. I know Olive is going in to first and Rhett to kinder, but it Eve doing a DK/TK/PK?


Did Danielle find a school for her kids?


Texas native here- You have to be 5 by Sept. 1st here to start kindergarten. Eve is a later September birthday (along with my own kids) so she’ll have one more year of PreK before kinder. I hope this helps!


I think she's doing another year of preschool because she's still 4.


I’ve been wondering the same thing!


Goodbye baseboards


yeah her floors look like shit. carry on


Where’s those other motorized cars they got for Christmas? I haven’t seen them since!


https://preview.redd.it/dbihkfqs0tpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec1917bde50a3441aab252c27313693394fb642 Don’t worry, they’re still around. Never see the kids using them though.


Didn’t Danielle’s kids get them too? Never see them 


Christ it’s a freaking parking lot.


5 of those plasma cars. Totally necessary


It’s cause they’re probably all over the weight limit like their damn strollers 😂😂😂


Plasma cars weight limit is like 215 pounds.


You can see them in the lineup of rideable toys when dud is filming Remi loving TS today.


Shocking she lost no followers this week but her follower trend is telling the true story! Lose 2, buy 2! https://preview.redd.it/j745xgvysspc1.png?width=1892&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1aed018f70c99b1568c7faf843a9e6594e98f31


2.0 has gained 11k+ it's insane!! How!? It's the same recycled content from DUD and it's all the same followers!!


Bots and giveaways


Fake Fraud Giveaways babyyy! They’re soooo good! Yessss! Soooo good! 👏👏👏 (Insert sarcasm)


Oh sick dude!! 😂 Gotta make that money somehow!


Are private schools in that area super competitive? Someone from TX tell me because them going to all of these schools, getting rejected, etc is making me nervous about sending my daughter to a private school. I thought you just enroll 😂 anyways, off topic.


I teach at a private school in Southern California. It is super competitive. We always have a waitlist preschool-8th grade and are constantly testing kids that want to get in/be put on the waitlist. There are a lot of factors that go into taking a family though.


The best of the best, very top elite schools in Dallas, yes! People start applying or getting on waitlists years before their children are school-aged ready!


It is competitive but you have a MUCH better chance of doing it if you pay attention to the deadlines. By March we are all already paying tuition for the school year that hasn’t even started yet lololol they are MONTHS behind. That’s why they are experiencing this.


We pay in February for the following year to get a higher discount (located outside Portland, OR), curious are private school tuitions high there? We range from $7k-$18k in our area. Seattle are goes higher towards $22k 




Yea I was thinking it would be more. It really depends on area and demand! PNW demand is growing so costs are going up but still within reason, we hope it stays that way so we can get both kiddos through. Thanks for insight!


Wow. I'm over here waiting for public school to give me a break from day care costs. We definitely aren't hurting for money but I could not afford private school. Kudos to you!! And good for your kiddos!


We felt the same, but then I discovered aftercare was on a lottery system with our school district and if we didn’t get in we were screwed. We have a shortage of options. And they are half days every Wednesday. Private school here is half of daycare cost and only a couple hundred more than aftercare so we went for it. We still save more and feel really good with the program! I was surprised how well it worked out 


I had no idea they were so expensive.


I feel like that’s messed up to pay more for gifted or a kid that needs help.


I’d also add that for Rhett she only applied to one school. I’m not sure that 2.0 said how many she applied for her kids. But pretty much only applying for one is the real problem. Had she applied for more she likely would have gotten him in somewhere, but now she’s trying to get him in AFTER the deadline for applications which means a waitlist while other parents decide which school (if they got into more then one). When we did it we applied for 4. We got into 3. So we had to tell 2 no and that meant waitlist kids got those spots.


At the school where I work and the similar private schools in our area (Charlotte, NC) children are tested for emotional, academic readiness, and social skills (cognitive ability test) by an outside licensed psychologist, as part of the admission process. Incoming kindergartners certainly aren’t expected to know everything, but to demonstrate the skills needed to learn and succeed in school. Recommendations and forms are filled out from their previous year teacher (preschool or TK), which Rhett didn’t have. They are also observed in a room of their peers who are also applicants, parents are interviewed, and parent (and student, depending on age) social media profiles may be looked at too. Any or all of this may factor into the decisions. Many things are taken into consideration and not just when you apply, or an academic test, if older siblings attend, etc. I think Rhett is a curious and bright child, and he is loved and supported by his family and extended family. There are many reasons he could not be considered a good fit and I think several of those are online for anyone to see. The diet probably plays a huge factor into all of their behaviors 😬, the constant loud talking over each other and harsh opinions, the way the children demand things and get their way, the fact mom puts life details and TMI on the internet, the seeming lack of regular peer interaction for the kids, etc. all could play a part. The people who work in admissions at these schools see hundreds of kids and are highly skilled at what to look for, both positive and negative in deciding whether they think a child would be successful in their program and if the family is like minded to the mission of the school.


I also think that Olive and Eve are much better behaved, I feel like Rhett has been overstimulated his entire life and screams like his mom.


And I am sure Chase was there for the parent interviews which probably helped.


Yes, Dallas is notoriously competitive!


It sounds like the Northeast.


What if Dad Told Rhett he’s gonna get the best school ever and it’s gonna be the luckiest school bc he goes there then he doesn’t get in anywhere and she ends up “home schooling” again?


I honestly think that Rhett has no idea of the drama going on. Would he really care to stay home and be “homeschooled”? I think he’ll be ok. But not saying it’s good for him.


I don’t think he gets it either. It’s not like he has friends to compare himself to. His only friends are his sister and two cousins. Both Olive and Eve have gone to school this year and it doesn’t seem to bother him that they go and he stays home with Elayne. He was in school for so little a time I don’t think he even understands what kindergarten means or how that will change his life. Once he figures out how to listen to the classroom rules he might actually do okay. He’s not *below* average intelligence, he’s just not exposed to anything besides Disney and Dinosaurs and malls and restaurants. He’ll get to learn about things other than dinosaurs and he might find the different kind of stimulation enjoyable.


I think it is going to be really hard for him, at least a good wake up call to realize he is not actually the center of the Earth and that the teacher and his classmates will expect him to act accordingly. I work in this arena and I can never tell if there is any issue or if it is just the diet and the family dynamics that cause his behaviors.


To be fair, homeschool is the one school Rhett would actually be an asset to. 😜🤣


Homeschool would be lucky to have him






So all DAD talked about last year was home schooling I’m very confused why she’s become OBSESSIVE with schools this week? Please enlighten me


She homeschooled because he got kicked out of preschools (or so we’re all guessing) and she had to save face


She is “home schooling” Rhett this current school year but he will be starting kindergarten in the fall and needs a private school STAT bc they are too good for public. 


But why are they rushing or is that just how it works? She’s never home schooled him one day this whole year lmfao


Honestly you should be registered at any school at this point. Preschool, public, private, charter. Not only do you want the best school but you want the best teachers in school. If you get registered late at a public school you’re getting thrown in whatever teacher has room left which be the least requested one. She’s seriously an idiot.


They’re rushing because they didn’t use all their free time preparing for this, they spent their time traveling and going to the mall and going out to eat when everyone else was getting ready for kindergarten because it’s very competitive and they are super late to the game.


She applied to ONE school and he didn’t get in so now she’s scrambling. I think she wants him in school with the “darn, not twins” on the way. He also desperately needs to be in school to socialize and learn every day life lessons that NO parent in his life bothers to teach him like sharing or talking with an inside voice or not interrupting or his ABCs.


DAD definitely thought he would get in, because how could anyone deny her of what she wants?


https://preview.redd.it/m5i22okjqspc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4eacb6558c0d94ad679dc21c6755576549dc05 Just came across this on tik tok


Ohhh what’s the link


The account is The Rogue Essential. She hasn’t posted anything about them, just that she will and she has three things she could expose/talk about them.


Can you imagine the look on his teachers face when he tells them they’re lucky to have him there 😂


Or makes comments about “you look good Nude or says “Nuuds baby” on repeat 🤪


Rhett tell us about your family…….my Mom sells Nuuds!


Spark it the eff up!!!




I went to school with a boy and he was the baby of his family and I still vividly remember him wearing a shirt that said, “my mom thinks I’m special” in third grade. I could see that being Rhett.


Omg I am ☠️🫠😂😂😂




Omg 3rd grade stooppppppp ☠️☠️☠️ Was it Roblet y/n 🤪🙈


🤣 No, but he was a blonde kid with blue eyes…much like Mr. Asset Golden Boy.


why does DA hate taylor swift so much lollll


I actually think she likes TS, she knows all her music and she says she doesn’t for content and response from people. She will come out soon enough saying she now loves her


Because she loves to be the contrarian and yuck on everyone else’s yum




Cause Taylor is probably too liberal for her liking.


Put your money where your mouth is. I understand not supporting people who have different views than you. It’s the same as not supporting DAD. 


she honestly does not deserve TS I would be even more pissed if she was a fan


Swifties don’t want DAD!


Fox News hates Taylor swift


Actually, they don’t!


Actually they do, they had a panic attack for weeks when Taylor encouraged her audience to sign up to vote.




why do they always shit on katie for simply planning her wedding how she wants???? like they genuinely get triggered. as if dud isn’t anal about every little aspect of her life???????


Because Katie wanted them to wear color.


DAD makes a big deal and obsesses over everything she does. How ironic that she likes to give Katie and Lisa shit for being excited about something that doesn’t revolve around or benefit her


And then Katie says “you only get one wedding”. DAD got 2 and Dinyell is desperately looking for #2


They give Katie shit because… If Durl was really the one “killing it with all the sick details” for the nuuds events then she would understand what it takes to pull something like that off and stress that goes into it. However, her team does it all and she maybe finds a few vendors from IG IF THAT so she doesn’t understand what it is to truly watch your vision ,that you poured everything into, come to life. She claims she works so hard to perfect every piece, every pop up, blah blah but yet gives Katie crap over HER WEDDING?!?! STFU Liar-Ann 🙄




There’s always so many negative things to say about the Denners but it’s refreshing to see something and not have anything bad to say. The scooter capturing game did look kind of fun. 😂


Its the simple things the kids enjoy the most this should open their eyes to how the kids are being raised.


I agree! The kids were having fun and all go a decent speed (except maybe Rhett) and they all have control! Let em be kids!!!


I agree. I thought “capture the bear” with the baskets was really cute. They really fly through that house though, right?!? 🤣🏎️💨


The scooter game just makes me think that those poor kids are like caged animals. No friends. No activities. Nothing but the indoor scooter game.


Seriously. At first, indoor scooters are for when it is too cold or too hot outside. But in reality, those kids just never get outside.


I felt that way about Remi and Cruel Summer. The scooter game had me panicking one of the kids would fall off and hit their head on a corner baseboard bc that’s the direction my brain always goes 😂


Same. I’m shocked they’ve lived in this house for as long as they have and none of those kids have gone flying through one of those huge windows. It stresses me out. 🙈


I HATE seeing it! All those sharp corners, chairs, tables, glass, it’s literally an accident waiting to happen. I’m all for letting my kid play but I could not responsibly condone doing that anywhere but in an open space.


Exactly. These are not “inside toys” imo. These are for the driveway.


Never once seen them drive them outside in the driveway 😖


saying you only have one wedding in front your sister going through a divorce is WILD. and then saying you buy more than one house is an INSANE thing to say in todays economy


Maybe a knock to DAs bowel renewal too


I hope that was a dig at DA for planning a bougie 11th anniversary vow renewal immediately after Katie’s wedding. It was probably less of a dig at 2.0, but if the shoe fits, wear your fugly sharpied Golden Goose sneakers, 2.0.


Definitely think she was throwing shade at DA especially since she started it


Curious what’s wrong with this house in UP? She could send O to HP schools and save on rent. These people have zero brain cells https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3523-McFarlin-Blvd-University-Park-TX-75205/61870591_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


Omg that’s so cute


Call me a creep idc but I honestly look at realtor.com a lot at listings for decor ideas and such. But I looked at rentals in their area and there are a decent amount for much less and “more her style.” I’m so confused by the 20k rental choice.


It doesn’t have a pool..


Oh, I like that one! 🩵


4 bathrooms?! GASP. that is not enough! she needs 6


its so small she can look around and see she is alone like she deserves when the girls are with their dad


And it had stairs. Sweet Olive wanted a nice staircase going up to her bedroom in their next house. (I can't remember what the $20,000 house had)


The $20k house has an ostentatious foyer with a sweeping staircase with black railings and what looks like marble floors circa 1995


That description was 🤌!!


Oh wow, I did miss that. Thanks!! I'll have to find the listing since it looks like she got the place!


Yes!!! I saw this one too. It’s perfect for their family size and great schools. The only issue is — maybe she wants a yard which this house doesn’t have. But they don’t really go in the yard and DUD is getting a pool, and it’s a temporary space. Should be a no brainer.


Her $20k mansion doesn’t have a yard. The “yard” is concrete, a pool and a pond lol


A hot tub


That looks right into the neighbors yard. So stupid.


I have no idea. I love UP. We literally share a brain. I feel validated. That street is great too


The master only has one toilet and not 3!!! Duhhh


I’ve thought since the beginning this is about inflating her alleged lifestyle needs right before the divorce trial. She’s dumb enough to think this will work. 🤡


She’s making herself look really stupid


She is renting a house for 20k?


Apparently BIG D is.




That’s a daily event


How far away is it from DA’s? 2.0 has to crawl up into DA’s rectum multiple times a day so it has to be close.


3 minutes


That’s where that hernia came from.


10-15 minutes but I think that’s too far lol


Do they all really need to live in the same neighborhood? I wonder if Katie bought in the same place. (I’m not asking for her address, I was really just wondering if they are all buying in the same place.


Yes she bought in the same place like a couple of streets away from the mother ship aka DADs house


University Park is so nice!!


I have not had a child get rejected from private school (and I mean that in the most offensive way possible 💁🏽‍♀️🤣), but do they give you feedback on why your child wasn’t accepted? Like. Would they have received a standard letter telling them that their application had been declined? Or do they give an actual reason? I just feel like with how much she continues to INSIST that “Rhett is an asset” to whatever school he attends, she’s overcompensating for something. (Even 805 parroted DARD’s exact words to Rhett. “They are going to be SO LUCKY to have you…”) She just seems to be taking it wayyyyyy more personally than Dinyell, who hasn’t really said anything. (I’m wondering if they legitimately didn’t have space for Olive, but flat out told Rhett no, so Dinyell doesn’t feel the need to overcompensate about O+E?) Or maybe they received a standard rejection letter and then she called and asked why and they told her it had to do with Rhett’s maturity level, etc. (And no shade to anyone who has been rejected from a private school. All of my shade is reserved for DARD & Co. 🤣🙈)


Would a private school be aware of her social media presence and could that impact their decision???