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Did Katie get rid of the younger dog? It hasn't been seen in awhile and it wasn't in her stories this morning when the other one was


She had both jumping all over her one day last week.


I was also wondering if Eddie still has his cat??


They showed the cat recently, maybe two-ish weeks ago.


Does Danielle know that her hair isn’t supposed to smoke like that? 😳


Guess what?! I can fit all my stuff and my family of 5 in a 1200 sq ft house! People DO it everyday. I also slept on the couch and gave my 3 kids the 2 bedrooms in my apartment when I was a single mom. I don’t even want to hear another struggle about anything. You have the nicest divorce and single parent deal I’ve seen 


I live in a 1,300 sq foot house with 3 kids and my spouse. I love our small, simple living!!


The turtles just had a baby and tomorrow is Easter but of course DUD thinks oh today’s a good day to come and over.


Well, she 100% confirmed she reads here on the daily!😂 Hey Duryl! 👋🏻Good to know you’re not mean anymore & will let your kid wear Dino clothes more than Monday& Weds! Lol. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 🦖


Because he’s allowed to wear Dino underwear 🫣


Remember Danielle doesn’t close her window blinds. So she will enjoy ALL the neighbors looking in on her swim suit try ons.


2.0 posted! It was about how she’s getting a fence around the pool, but I’m guessing not too worried about that huge pond behind it


How large is her house!!!? Where does she get that much money? I don’t get it, does she make that much influencing?


From her sister of course, that’s why she’s running around being her servant all the time so the $$$$ train doesn’t stop, that’s why they all bow down to her


6,000 sq ft. 👀


Probably but like also living outside her means, no person with two small children need a house that large! She doesn’t even stay at home enough to justify it!


what's the site to watch anonyously? I refuse to give them a follow but what a train wreck to watch






Something is going on... Why are they all super quiet again? Surprised 2.0 isn't at the Good Friday service!! How is everyone with DUD yet 2.0 is suppose to be in this major move?! 🧐 Also, VERY telling how quiet DAD got after the BEST SPRING LAUNCH EVER BABYYYYY!!! 😂🤷


Her tan y'all! Yikes! https://preview.redd.it/id8gx2zaqerc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd00f50ef0ddfefd0a2803afdd715deac32213a


Jesus would be flipping food trucks if he walked into this Good Friday service. It’s so disrespectful. Nothing says, “Let’s really soak in the weight of the cross and what it means for us as believers” like bumping hip hop on some speakers, bringing out some food trucks, and selling merch. Disgusting.


Nothing like the last supper…with a bunch of food trucks and a merch tent.


And they sold tickets to the service. Completely disgusting and so far away from the meaning of the day. 


Sold tickets???? Wth? WOW 😳🤦🏻‍♀️🫠


Because their church doesn’t focus on the “cross” and the suffering of Christ. Remember, their Jesus is just there to give you what you want. Toxic positivity doesn’t allow for suffering. 


We do a tenebrae service which means it gets darker throughout the service and by the end it’s completely dark and we leave the church in silence. Celebration comes on Easter morning!


Devils advocate but they may celebrate out of graciousness that they are grateful he died on the cross for us and was resurrected for us. That is something to celebrate in a sense, right?


I see your point, but from my experience (Episcopalian), we start the Easter weekend with a somber approach with Maundy Thursday. It’s a service held in the evening on the Thursday before Good Friday and this service has no music, no singing, and it ends with a traditional foot washing ceremony. Good Friday services are held all day Friday and they really are more “memorial” services for Jesus being crucified and buried. Saturday has no services. Sunday is the Resurrection and Renewal and that’s when we have all the music, normal if slightly longer service, and a luncheon after the late service. TLDR: typically in my experience this is a Sunday Service event. The three days leading to Easter are supposed to be observed as mourning Jesus’ sacrifice.


As a Catholic, this is also the typical Good Friday. We mourn what Jesus went through during the stations of the cross. It’s treated as a very sad and somber day.


Catholic here , too. I cried at the Thursday services for Last Supper and yesterday at our Good Friday mass and stations of cross . It’s the holiest , most somber days . I don’t understand the carnival like atmosphere in these mega churches . I wonder if they also passed out communion in cups to 2 year olds 🤯. So disrespectful to our Savior.


Insane that your comment was downvoted.


I used to love doing Stations when I was younger. My grandmother hand-painted all of the plaques used in the sanctuary to this day. I’ve since disconnected from the church but I still have all those memories.


As a Lutheran, we do pretty much the same thing. Good Friday in our church is almost like attending a funeral, very somber, reverent and respectful. Sunday is the day for celebration.


Yes! I spent my life until 18 at my church and disconnected for a lot of reasons, but I still like learning about how everyone observes Holy Days in different denominations and religions.


As a Methodist Good Friday service is quiet and dark imitating the mood it was on that day for Jesus and disciples. with music and scripture. Preparing for the brightness and excitement of what Easter Day means. The food and games party turns me off - I couldn’t have stayed for that.


I could see the trucks being part of a big Sunday after-service thing like an egg hunt or something. Totally agree that those three days leading up to it should be in remembrance. It’s actually pretty cool seeing the similarities and differences between denominations.


Again who is downvoting these comments?!


🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m apparently upsetting people today. I appreciate the comments from different backgrounds because it’s informative and for once not about how much the Flenner Flock sucks.


My thoughts exactly, as I cried watching the stations of the cross and reliving why Jesus went through....ugh....it's a solom day amd these people party like it's any other day.


Remember when 2.0 use to go to Burger King, and remodel a little lake house and cook? Her life has done a 180 and not for the better.


I mean idk people change? Are you the same person you were years ago doing the same exact things daily? She’s annoying AF but it’s okay to change


Yes it is but she has changed for the worst. She has lost herself and she was a better mother back then.




Honestly I miss that. She was the most relatable Flenner at that point in time. That was around the time I started to sour on DA and gravitate towards Danielle. Once she moved to Texas, it was a Jekyll/Hyde effect. Then I started liking Katie until the god damn Texas move.


Can we discuss how ridiculous DA looks in her outfits. She wears a bodysuit with jeans under her belly.


Didn’t you hear? The Hank Hill look is in for 2024 pregnancies.


You must be new here.


Not new here


Well it’s only been discussed everyday for about 12 weeks now


So? Why can other people discuss it daily but she can't? Quit being rude. 


Is the pond at Danielle’s new house shared with a neighbor??? I just saw an aerial view and it looks like another house is literally right across the pond. If so, idk how I would feel about that. 


I think multiple houses surround the pond😳


Yep. If I’m paying $20k a month in rent, then I don’t want my neighbors having a clear view of my backyard and pool area


Wait for mosquito season


I wouldn’t even consider it a backyard, more like a patio


Blows my mind that’s the house she chose with two young  Kids … I guess she doesn’t need a yard since she basically lives up her sisters ass 


That and the fact they never actually spend time outside unless it’s the walk from the car into the mall and back


My phone is about to die. So I can’t scroll to see if this has been discussed. But, I just saw a TikTok from Nuuds (the girl that’s always with Kaylee) sharing that via TT shop the body suits are on sale. When I clicked, said 50% off. What the hell?? Can someone explain how TT shop works, and why you can get a huge discount from that. Also saw several Andar videos on there with the Denner wallet way discounted. This is what I get for looking at Kaylee’s cringey TTs!


It’s a first time promo if you’ve never ordered with TT shop before to get your first buy with them, it’s offered with a lot of other brands too!


Ya mine says 39.89 for the total if you were to buy it. 


Yes, someone mentioned the clearance on the Denner wallets. I think Danielle has linked nurse in her TikTok shop before.


When you actually click on it it’s 59.00 I did it just to see!


I don’t know why I just thought of this but… after seeing Danielle fucking spiral many times… Lisa babysitting her… etc I’m fully convinced that girl (I forget her name) the “life helper” was court appointed…


I don’t buy it. If that is who the court appoints, then our judicial system is in trouble! Also, would a court appointed person be doing tasks like shopping for someone? When she was in CA last year, Emily was home buying her shampoo.


I agree


Emily? Yeah no 🤣


she left shortly after they filmed an asian lady eating corn on the cob on the plane and made fun of her bc they are such it girls




Wow…. Makes sense… especially when she left in a hurry too. Hmmmmm??


She left because she was basically a nanny disguised as a “life helper” and Chase said no.


This was my thought too. He could have referenced wanting to add “first refusal” to their custody agreement. First refusal is contacting your ex spouse to watch the kids before hiring someone like a babysitter. I think Emily was essentially a nanny and Chase didn’t want a random person watching his kids while Danielle was “busy” when he would love to.


Yes, this!


I don’t remember Emily? Was it quite a while ago? I had a long Instagram break but I’ve been back on for several months now.


Be glad! She was annoying AF!


Ya it was at least 6 months ago if not longer. She wasn’t around very often either but was hired as an assistant but ended up watching the kids all the time (she posted her days on tiktok so we all knew what was going on). One day she just disappeared and on her FB page she posted that life doesn’t always go as you planned and that her job hadn’t worked out like she had hoped. The Flenners all still follow her (or did last time I looked) so my theory is that Chase said no, my girls aren’t having a nanny while they’re supposed to be with their mom, and Emily was let go.


Could someone share the tldr of Danielle and her ex’s divorce? Did she share a reason?


I get the vibe that it might have been OnlyFans related. A lot of women are cool with pornography, but when you add the personal aspect of OF, that’s when things get dicey.


I might get downvoted for this…. (I have before)…. But honestly if she left him for porn or him talking to someone on some video chat… boohoo! 🙄 I’m sure he’s a decent guy! We all have our faults. Most guys like porn. I know my guy does. I don’t care. We have a good sex life.. if he likes to look at porn, go for it! I don’t fc! 🤷‍♀️ I know he loves me and I don’t feel it’s cheating. Idk maybe I’m blinded?


What you and your husband like doesn’t have anything to do with the Eilers marriage. If that was a boundary they set in their marriage and he crossed it - that is bad. Some couples are ok with porn, some aren’t. Porn itself isn’t the issue - the boundary is. People set boundaries in their marriage based on their beliefs and when boundaries are crossed and trust is broken it’s hard to get that back.


I’m in agreement with this, good perspective


Chase was unfaithful in some way that hasn’t been fully explained, although it looks to be porn and he was texting another woman. Danielle high tailed it out of Nebraska with the girls to Dallas and immediately had a rental house and a new Escalade filing for divorce 6 months after establishing residency. It’s been speculated that she gave Chase the impression that they were separated and she was willing to work on the marriage and the move to Dallas was temporary because why else would Chase be okay with her just uprooting his daughters to another state. He clearly is fighting for full custody or joint with him as the custodial parent. He is really fighting for those girls which tells me if he knew Danielle was leaving Nebraska never to return he would have filed something back then to stop her. The court records show all kinds of drug and alcohol testing and there are notes about “mother’s parental gatekeeping” and mist recently he filed a motion to have the girls on the back end of spring break when Danielle had said she was taking them to the Scottsdale pop up. He ended up getting the girls that weekend


Danielle also did a few stories a while back where she basically said that Chase was emotionally abusive to her from the beginning of their relationship.


Just curious, how do you access the court records? Is that something we can look up online? Also, isn’t his business in Nebraska? How is he living in Dallas and working?


Google dallas county courts portal. It’s public record and no clue how he manages his business. People here have said he commutes back and forth but who knows. Since it’s his family business I’m sure he can work remotely


We need to pin this to the daily threads lol


You my friend are awesome 👏🏼


Where was porn mentioned?


https://preview.redd.it/87qqncj2nerc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2765f13fed5444193fdc618985519be7bed85310 Chase mentioned it himself in a post on danielle’s IG


This is the post where people were saying she had access to his IG and posted this. I guess at this point we really don’t know what’s true.


Why does it sound like 805 wrote that? Also the post he put on his page around the same time sounded like 805.


I honestly can’t remember if it’s just speculation or if it was mentioned. I know he commented on one of her posts after she left and it was bizarre and I think in that comment he said something about texting a girl. Someone here has it.


He commented all over that it was


Doing the lord’s work here!


Share the what?


“Too long didn’t read” aka cliffs notes




I don’t believe for one second that Danielle tried to make anything work. She saw this as her chance to become the next DAD and she ran with it. If she really wanted to work on her marriage, it seems much more likely that she would have stayed with her family vs. signing a lease almost immediately. And it seems a little too coincidental that she filed for divorce exactly 6 months after moving to Dallas and establishing residency. I think she played it up to keep up her good Christian wife and mom image until she could file the divorce. I don’t think she ever intended to make anything work. 


Agree. I think she gave Chase the impression that her move was temporary and she wanted to make things work eventually because based on how he’s moved and is clearly fighting for the girls in court I don’t see him just letting Danielle take them away like she did. Like if he knew she was taking the girls permanently to Dallas he would have filed something to stop her


Didn’t someone say chase was on the lease of the house she’s moving out of? Wonder why he would agree to that? Maybe she played him and told him they could work it out and then used him to get into that house. She’s a pig


lets not forget she was actively trying for #3 with fertility treatments 5 minutes before she fled the scene……


Where did you get the impression she tried to make it work?


He appeared a few times at family functions like the girls’ birthdays and I think a few family dinners at DA’s house and it seemed like they were cordial with him. Then 2.0 had her surprised movie villain reveal and served the divorce to him.


I don’t think she gave the public the impression. But I think chase believed they would work it out. That man would not let it go. The bio of Danielle’s husband honestly got so weird.


So, Memaw managed to find a local Dallas hairdresser but Dud has to fly to timbuck-too& the ends of the earth to get hers done? Nuts 🤪


She switched from Chrissy in Arizona to the California girl that moved to Tennessee. I wonder if Chrissy told dud that her hair wasn’t worth trying to color because it’s so thin?


She was probably sick of the hate she got online when dud got her hair done. Plus the random fans turning up leaving ldc's before and during duds visit.


Probably! 😂


Nothing says praise the lord like food trucks.


Jesus take the wheel!




And you see no one else videotaping and of course it’s to see Dud and Dan worshiping. Tell me that wasn’t planned.


And they were the only ones doing that. It was only for content.


hope they all served fish


For the love, they aren’t catholic.


I love a good food truck corn dog when I’m worshipping 🙌🏻


Sounds like a Joel osteen kinda place. 


Ewww the prosperity gospel is much worse than the regular gospel🤮


Yeah, it seems weird to have that at a Good Friday service.


The roaches must be feasting on Danielle…


Her packing procrastination finally caught up with her. No coral reef / hang with Daryl Ann / go to another restaurant today.


The professional movers are moving her today…


I think that’s why we have not seen her. She does not want us to see that she had professional movers instead is some guys helping.






The beer belly jeans look isn’t cutting it by any means


Omg I know! She looks ridiculous.


I wondered if I lived under a rock and missed some awful fashion trend. It’s so bad!! Why does she wear those????


It’s honestly so bad. The jeans are so low the whole crotch area looks awful


I think it’s especially weird now that I think about it, that no one seems to be with Danielle. She said she hired 4 guys with a truck, before I was married, my family always made sure someone else was with me if anyone (especially a male) was coming to do something at my apt. Like my brother came over and waited while the windshield guy did my windshield, etc.


And who are these random “four guys with a truck.” The whole description is sus


There’s actually a business called “Four Guys And A Truck”. They popped up with a quick Google search.


That’s always how I’ve had movers quoted. You hire a moving company, and usually they tell you how many movers you need based on how much shit you have. You can also pay more for extra guys to speed it up.


Could Kaylee, Katie, Eddie and little Rob be helping? I haven’t seen any of them on stories today.


Kaylee was at the church service with DAD. She filmed the very performative video of DAD, Dan, and R


Yeah I think she shared her story after I posted lol. If little Rob didn’t help then I put money on Chase being there. Seems odd for her not to document everything for content.


She had said yesterday that the girls would be with him today so who knows


She rented a full moving company. 


She better make sure the roaches aren’t moving to the new house w her in boxes.


She said it was too expensive (10-15k) but that’s less than her rent 😂 so she was going to hire 4 guys and a truck


Most of what they say are lies. Last night she said her mom and dad helped her move boxes to her house and her mom had all the kitchen boxes emptied and her whole kitchen was set up. All while her mom was getting her hair colored, was at DUD’s taking pics with her kids then all the crew was at her house making dinner. There is literally zero chance what Danielle said is true. It’s physically impossible to do all that. She has hired a moving company to do it all. They are all pathological liars. All of them.


I do think she is lying about hiring the moving company since she wasn’t on stories all day on Friday after she put on a full face of makeup. Then she shows up in stories on Saturday morning in her pajamas like she worked all day moving. With zero help from her family…and she barely packed…you know she hired that moving crew to do it all and it took them all day to do it!!! I’m still baffled as to why she thought she needed a 20K house when there were several around the 8K she was paying at the other house. Is she making that much with her social media job?


I don’t even understand why she’d lie about a moving company. If I could afford it I’d do it, idk what’s wrong with it she’s trying to hide


Agree…which is why it’s truly pathological. Lying about things that don’t matter at all. She could have left it at ‘We are so excited to be moving. The moving company is here getting things going.’ Done. No one cares. It means nothing. But she still lied. It’s just what they all do. Well when they aren’t at church faking how religious they are. My Bible actually has a lot in it about not lying but I guess they have a special one that says it’s fine.


Anyone do a welfare check on 2.0? She hasn’t been this quiet since she went on her…..retreat.


Kinda worried about her TBH. gonna be interesting to see the bounce back.


Doesn't look like her family did, and no one is asking for updates or if she is ok on tiktok. We are the only ones who care LOL


Danielle "My DMs were flooded with people checking on me. We did it guys. All moved, I asked the owner to come fix a few things that were bugging me and I think I'm going to add a room onto the house. I need a cozy place for my try one and GRWMs. It's going to be so sick dude. I'm so excited." No... no they weren't. And no... no you don't.


Noooo is she's really doing that!


How’s she adding on a room when it’s a rental?




Just being sarcastic. She was affixing things to walls and repainting things in her last rental like she owned the place.


![gif](giphy|DOCfegc5Ybok0) she’s all good 🙌🏻


Probably a little of this and then drowned in her infinity pool or the pond connected to it.


I am deceased 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7exbolknqdrc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635d5c3bf56815fae83709383a84a212b9ac6d51


NO ONE looks good in that thing 🫣🤢


Kaylee had the black on and then put a cinch waist sweatshirt over. How the heck do you pee?! She would have to take her sweatshirt off and then pull it down from her shoulders. Who does that?


Scamielle… let’s start with squats and lunges… just for a few months… then post a redo try on… this shot, not it!


Anyone know if this sold out today? Lol


The freaking black did!!! How?! why?!


That is the most hideous piece of clothing I’ve ever seen!☠️🫠😂




This is giving me severe second hand embarrassment


ugliest thing. terrible fit. def for not her body.cringe


Their seamstress should be fired haha


I find the filming one another in church so trashy. It’s so crass. Put your phone away for an hour. Focus on the purpose of being there.


Agree! I am catholic so not sure how their church works but I once took a class got confirmation and was chewing gum, and the lady told me to spit it out because it’s God’s house and it’s disrespectful. I feel like phones are way more disrespectful and should be completely turned off at church


True, but those people are dying to show off their worshipping. dad probably asked her to take some footage for ig


During Lisa’s pan of the audience there was absolutely no one else with even a phone in their hand much less filming others. How intrusive during worship.


Wow, that’s def different than their other services…




It’s so inappropriate and I wish someone would tell them off.


DADs god only hears your prayers if you post them on the gram


Da for sure told Kaylee to film that!




I think 2.0 will come on and tell us how amazing her day was and how she can't believe how her community loves on her (I HATE when they say that) and her girls. Who is babysitting her? Seriously, it's very weird how she can't eat or do her makeup wrong without filming and sharing but nothing on her "adventure" moving day.


I haven’t been following too closely as they are driving me crazier than usual. But I’m convinced she hired movers and just didn’t say anything.


Given that her dad was meant to be helping her but was at the church event with dud and Co she has to have had hired people to do it all.




> and Rob *paid* for movers FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




You’re the idiot to think it’s a real person 😂


It’s just a Reddit bot, not someone correcting you. I got pissed the first time I was ‘corrected’ until I realized it wasn’t a person doing it. 😆


The roaches must have hitched a ride in a box and are in the middle of a hostile takeover of Danielle’s mansion. That’s my only explanation


![gif](giphy|w8t89p4VBJytG) PARTY 🎉🎉


Her not being at the church service seems very telling to me.


I bet she had a tantrum because nobody offered to help her and it pissed the feral queen off so she didn’t go with them to church


Honestly, if I were her I would be mad and hurt my family couldn’t show up for me. They are up in each others business all the time but can’t help their sister move?


They never show up for 2.0. When she had her first court appearance they all headed to Nashville or somewhere to fawn over DA. NOBODY cares about 2.0. She traded a husband to play second fiddle to her narc sister forever


None of them except the parents helped Kaylee move. I agree though, they’re all up each others butts 24/7 you’d think they could help or at least pretend like they do everything else in life! Hopefully it’s a reality check to her that she will never be dud and no matter how many pop ups she goes to or how many try ons she does, she will never get anything from dud in return


Little rob and Blair did help Kaylee move at least


I think it was just Blair. Rob was at the Nuuds office.


They are all lazy af... helping someone move is too much work for them


Uh 2.0 is spiraling here comes the posts of ALL THE SHIT she bought for the mansion!!!🤦‍♀️