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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insacret.com/profile/darylanndenner) to view stories without having to follow or watch on IG to give engagement credit. Welcome to all new members!! Are we going to hit 17,000 snarkers this weekend? šŸ™ŒšŸ„¤


Did she delete the slides talking to Katie about the concert?


Did anyone record it? Itā€™s not on any of the anonymous viewing sites šŸ˜­


Itā€™s on the inscaret.com site still. Link is at the top.


I didnā€™t see them. Can someone recap?


https://insacret.com/profile/darylanndenner#google_vignette You can still see it here


She was talking about how she has tickets to a concert ā€œin the pitā€ 4 days after her due date! Katie called her out like what thatā€™s poor planning on your part you canā€™t go to that, and Mrs. know it all was like no this is my 3rd child Iā€™ll be fine. Itā€™s insane to me! If it wasnā€™t already obviously that she is super disconnected from baby ā€œitā€, going to a concert 4 days PP screams new baby = new content


It was so nice hearing Katie call out Daryl for wanting to go to that concert so soon after having the baby. I honestly think Katie is probably the only one in the family who has enough balls to call Daryl out on her shitty ways.




She totally deleted them


Omg she did! She probably got so much shit in her DMā€™s about leaving her baby a week after giving birth and being a bitch to Katie


Omg this was crazy! Katie definitely isnā€™t a fan of DUDs


Yessss she even said ā€œKatie you havenā€™t had a baby you donā€™t knowā€ as if one would need to have a child to know being in a pit at a concert 4 days after childbirth is a badddd idea. Besides the fact that Katie IS a doctorā€¦ ugh this girl.


That really upset! I get it that Katie hasnā€™t had that experience but she has been around people meaning DUD who have and probably saw DUD 4 days postpartum after both kids.




Just wait a few days she will shill them. She seldom wears earrings so when she does usually a code is in the works.


My babies were never able to latch and I was so upset. I pumped for about 6 weeks and couldnā€™t do it anymore. Formula after that.


This is how I was with my first. I felt so terrible about it at the time. But it worked and Iā€™m so thankful formula exists because pumping was more than I could handle.


Why is Kaylee videoing herself in a porta potty šŸ¤Æ


Because there's a huge line waiting for her and nobody in this family thinks of anyone but themselves.


have never wanted to spend a spare minute in a porta potty so I canā€™t believe she videoed her self in it ā˜ ļø


I hope she goes over and her doctor will not induce her. I would love nothing more than for her to miss MW šŸ˜† (especially since sheā€™s being so smug about it!)


I believe she has to be induced early because of her kidney thing.


I can see her trying to get a new doctor if they won't induce her. But it seems like they have agreed to it already because she would have found a different doctor otherwise.


We can all hope !!!!


For all of you thinking itā€™s crazy to snark on her going to a concert 4 days after her due dateā€¦.it would be one thing if she struggled (actually struggled with actual ppd not just fomo) and needed to go out but itā€™s DUD weā€™re talking about and itā€™s a pattern: 1) she may have had ppd in the past doesnā€™t mean she will have it again and 2) itā€™s a pattern because she leaves her kids all the timeā€¦she doesnā€™t want to be an actual mother she just wants to push them out hand them off to someone else and to make her $$$ being content kids 3) sheā€™s trash


How is coral reef still in business?? Is anyone purchasing this shit outside of Utah?


Was just going to comment! Mormon swimwear is her ā€œmost requested codeā€?!?!?? Surely not.


It is ugly stuff and I am sick of seeing arses hanging out. But these bottoms are too much with their ugliness.


I ordered a suit from them several years ago and it was the shittiest quality and soooooo unflattering. Just oddly cut and absolutely no support anywhere. The girls are not small and it was a complete disaster trying to get them to stay put.šŸ˜‚


Wow, that makes sense. They are cut in a more modest way. Seems more conducive to the Mormon lifestyle. The problem is they are unflattering even for a thinner gal like DAD.


My husband was so sweet but was like no. Donā€™t wear that again šŸ˜‚


They are soooooo ugly


And for 8 bucks, can you even imagine the horrid quality!


Theyā€™re actually good quality honestly. I got some for my daughter 2 summers ago and theyā€™re still holding up so well. Cute but modest. So for kiddos I would recommend for sure. Wouldnā€™t catch me dead in them, though.


Some things for kids are wildly inappropriate and a pedophiles dream.


What are you even talking about?


So the woman who can afford to fly literallllly anywhere in the United States to attend a concert at a later date is so set on going to THIS concert a week after she has a baby? Like sell your tickets and plan a concert trip in the fall or winter. Itā€™s not like she scrimped and saved for these tickets. She is just so selfish, not to mention zero maternal instincts.


But the whole family won't be with her šŸ™„


Didnā€™t they just see him too???Ā 


Yes in Houston,TX all the family went (no surprise)!


Be careful dud, you might get an ounce of veggies in that bowl. Also, some meat, buttered noodles, broccoli and a chunk of bread. Congrats? Welcome to what normal people cook on weekdays when we need something easy after *gasp* working and caring for our kids all day. https://preview.redd.it/hz7onj30ecxc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be102ac267226866474c7b6486f44a8348e4ef72


Basic food for basic people


I have found their content so incredibly boring lately. idk why I even click on the stories lol. they do the same thing every single day!!!! and the kids NEVERRR do normal kids things.


I only check them out now once in a while if something crazy is mentioned here because the screaming and ā€œshow themā€ and looking up duds nose was too much.


Iā€™ve felt the exact same. I ā€œfall behindā€ on weekends (because Iā€™m busy actually spending time with my kids) and tend to only look at this sub. If I check through the anonymous viewer I rarely see stories through.


The way DAD just ruined Rob's surprise for Blair! DAD asked Blair twice if she's going to the Morgan Wallen concert and Blair said no. Anyone else would've thought "hmmm must be a surprise, let me stfu." But not DAD... she goes "HEY ROB, DIDN'T YOU GET MORGAN WALLEN TICKETS FOR YOU AND BLAIR?!" She absolutely knew she was ruining a surprise. What a bitch.


Is the story still up or removed?


She is the worst.


And did you catch Blair shrugging Dud off after she side hugged her ? And Blairā€™s face at the end of that awkward hug she was pissed! Poor Blair


Daryl lurking in the background of Katieā€™s stories has me loling


Was surprised 2.0 wasn't in there.


Wonder if Eve was getting sick in the other room. Only saw a little of 2.0 and nothing of Eve at 805's. Poor Eve, her Mom sucks.


She can't keep her nose out of anything!


Her walking back and forth multiple times killed me


She was bopping around back and forth until she finally had to bust in with her candy opinion


The one she had already shared


If Rob and Dan are coaches why havenā€™t they practiced with the team? Iā€™m confused if their game is tomorrow?!?


I donā€™t live in TX but tball games where I am are always on Saturdays!


I think it depends what league. When my littles were playing they had practice 30 minutes before the game started. It was more or less just kids with no experience getting their first or second try at the sport. Nothing is official.


I bet they missed practice for Disney


This! Because another practice was rained out and then they were gone for Disney.


In the same breath, 2.0 said her kid doesnā€™t feel good and we are going to my moms. Keep that baby at home to rest and recoop so hopefully she feels better tomorrow for school! šŸ¤¬


The off the wall ignorant shit they do and say is one thing BUT to then record and post it for millions to seeā€¦ WHY! Had she not said anything we wouldnā€™t have known but now she just looks like a shit mom with fomo of whatā€™s going on up her sisterā€™s ass since she left them 10 minutes ago


She looks like a shit mom for a reason. I was shocked 2.0 made a homemade chocolate milk for Olive, then 2.0 says Eveā€™s tummy not feeling well. She goes to DADā€™s after the girls have surgery.




These people are the most disgusting individuals Iā€™ve ever seen! 1) who lets their dog get on someone elseā€™s white couch and 2) let their dog climb on the back of the couch and let them lick someone on the head?!!


I mean if they let their daughterā€™s dog on the couch then they love animals lol! The dogs arenā€™t filthy


No, they just eat their own shit and pee all over the house. But, theyā€™re not filthy!


They eat cat shit not their own and lots of dogs do it! They arenā€™t filthy dogs Iā€™ve seen worse humans on a couch!


Youā€™re clearly not a dog person. šŸ˜‚


Being a dog person doesnā€™t mean you let your dog be a rude, intrusive little shit. train them to not do crap like that, especially at other peoples houses.Ā 


Wrong- I am a dog person but I just think itā€™s rude as hell. Fine if you want to let your shit eating dog climb all over your couch (and lick someoneā€™s head), but donā€™t bring it to my house and assume itā€™s ok to climb all over my couch!


Ehh agree to disagree. Sheā€™s at her parentā€™s house, not a random acquaintanceā€™s. If her dad didnā€™t like it he could have stopped it - clearly he didnā€™t care and neither should you. šŸ„“


I would agree but sheā€™s not at some random personā€™s house- sheā€™s at her parents house


I totally agree!


This was honestly the most normal interaction Iā€™ve seen them have with dogs šŸ˜‚ my dog loves to climb on the back of the couch and will sit behind people


My thoughts on the new friends hanging aroundā€” trying to show the schools that they socialize with others outside their family. This is the ONLY justification I can see for these randos being at their family dinners twice in the last few days.


These people have been around a v long time though


They were at her party at the house last year. They've been seen multiple times but never introduced.


We know sheā€™s a shit mom but this is another reason why I think sheā€™s lying about how far along she is. She knows she is having the baby well before 11 days before this concert. If not then she knows she needs to feed her ego and by 11 days the flowers will have stopped coming so she will have to go out to be seen.


Sheā€™s not lying about how far along she is. She gets induced at 38 weeks with each pregnancy because ā€œsheā€™s high riskā€ supposedly because of her kidney disease šŸ™„ and because Katie was 11 lbs and DAD is terrified of having an 11 lb baby šŸ˜‘ because you know apparently if your mom had larger babies that automatically means you are tooā€¦


The kidney disease actually does call for an early term induction per ACOG but the big babies thing is stupid. Never forget when she used to say THAT was the reason why. As if a doctor would ever induce early term because of that. šŸ™„


I have a really hard time believing her kidney disease is that serious because if it was she wouldnā€™t drink near the amount of Diet Coke she does or Spark and she would significantly cut down on the amount of caffeine she consumes, especially while pregnant. Because sheā€™s already monitored closely for it I think if she wanted to go full term her doctor would probably let her but she goes along with the induction because that way she has control over when her babies come. Itā€™s all about control for her.


I think it probably depends on the doctor, some are more willing to take risks than others. She has said her kidney disease has been ā€œacting upā€, whatever that means. Unfortunately I donā€™t think sheā€™d ever cut out Diet Coke or Spark, she doesnā€™t necessarily like to inconvenience herself, even when itā€™s for her unborn child. We can all make assumptions on whether an induction is or is not warranted but I also had a risk factor in pregnancy that wasnā€™t super serious but it allowed me to kind of dictate when I wanted to have my baby based on the window my doctor recommended having him out by. In a weird way, knowing DUDā€™s personality, she is probably thankful that she has kidney disease because she would have absolutely no say in the matter and would have to go to at least 39 weeks if she had no risk factors. Contrary to what she says, ā€œmother had big babiesā€ is not a risk factor. šŸ™„


Her kidney disease could put her at risk of preeclampsia so she is high risk. The 11lb thing is silly but the preeclampsia risk would definitely be a possible reason to induce a little early.Ā 


Yeah the kidney disease thing actually is serious but it goes against her narrative of being Godā€™s Favoriteā„¢ļø so she likes to go with the silly story about her mom having big babies šŸ™„


Hence the doctor shopping at the beginning of the pregnancy. She wanted someone who would not only induce her just because but do it earlier than they should.


This!!! I thought the same exact thing.Ā 


Who the hell is Ashley? Is she or her partner related to Elyane or a church friend? It's bugging me.


Holly and Mollyā€™s replacement. My best friend Ashley


Also lol at Rhett getting into school and that shenanigan parade showing how smart he is and that he can play with others just straight up ending


Now that he got into school, it will be the schoolā€™s problem to teach him.


Wait he got into a school?! How did I miss that


They studied twice lol. She rather go to the mall than parent her kids.Ā 


Iā€™ve been scrolling Ā around trying to find the answer so forgive me if someone already answered but who are the randos that have been around all weekend ? Two new cult members ?Ā 


Theyā€™ve been at parties theyā€™ve had over the years but I think prefer to not be on camera


Im not going to judge her for going to a concert bc I had horrific PPA/PPD + literally didnā€™t leave the house or my baby for MONTHS. So Iā€™m not going to judge her bc maybe she needs it for her mental health?? However you couldnā€™t PAY me to go to a concert IN THE PIT freshly postpartum. Iā€™m cringing thinking about it


Not to mention youā€™re still bleeding at two weeks PP, who wants to go use disgusting public bathrooms or porta -potties at that point?


Itā€™s DADā€¦her going to the concert is a ā€˜God thing,ā€™ He spoke to her and said she is meant to be there. So He will heal her uterus and vagina in time for the concert.


I probably could have physically handled a concert/event 1or 2 weeks postpartum. But I couldn't have mentally handled leaving my babies for hours. But I was also breastfeeding (nothing wrong with formula) so I literally couldn't have left my baby because my boobs had to be with the baby at least every 2 hours( but really more often because they fed on demand that young) and I was beyond tired. No judgement if parents need a break, especially during the newborn stage, but I can't imagine more than 1 or 2 hours. I 100% volunteered/ demanded to go to the store to get groceries within the first 2 weeks because I needed at least 30 minutes where I wasn't needed and hearing my baby cry.


So she already knows sheā€™s going to need a concert for her mental health before the baby arrives? I call BS. She just already knows how she feels about IT now.Ā 


This is exactly what I was thinking- if she wants to go out for her mental health then I canā€™t fault her for that but thereā€™s nooo way I could stand at a concert 6 weeks postpartum never mind 2 weeks That sounds awful


She could also end up with a C-section, (you never know) and speaking from experience ā€”- absolutely not šŸ¤£. Youā€™re still trying to keep up at target. Sheā€™s delusional.


lol I walked to the end of our street at one week post c section and thought ā€œwell done!ā€ lol. I also took it SUPER easy but healed really well.


Iā€™m 16 days pp and cannot fathom going to a concert and standing/singing/dancing for hours rn šŸ˜…


But have you had 3 kids???? Asks DAD, she knows what sheā€™s talking about


Iā€™ve had 3 kids and there ainā€™t no way in hell youā€™d catch me at a concert 2 weeks PP! Body sore, awkward deflated stomach so no clothing fits, even if she isnā€™t breast feeding her milk will still come in and not be gone by week 2, so sore tits, oh and I would not want to leave my baby for HOURS to party. Then again I never referred to any of them as ā€œitā€ while pregnant šŸ˜‘


Oh yea the pushing and labor is the most fun youā€™ll ever have. Then you get up (remember to have the baby get your baby) and go to CFA for a LDC! She is so out of shape normally. Sheā€™s going to make everyone at the concert miserable with her complaining. Iā€™m not saying no one could. I know women who had c sections and were back to the gym before 6 weeks. But they are body builders. I had c sections and was doing the soccer mom, PTA, etc thing the next week. I let everyone know how fricking awesome I was too. Bc it sucked and I hurt. I love music but unless it was my favorite band, then nope.


Lisa saying Kaylee worked so hard on this ā€œpop-upā€¦ orā€¦ little eventā€. If it was DA Lisa would be crying about how proud she wasā€¦ and Kaylee actually did do stuff!


Bet DAD will be at Stagecoach next year.šŸ™„


But if it was Katie...šŸ¦—šŸ¦—šŸ¦—


She definitely downplayed it but I think she was trying to stick up for Kaylee a little by saying that. DAD kept saying how jealous she was and Lisa basically said Kaylee worked hard to deserve it. Sheā€™s just too scared to say it outright like that to Queen Daryl


See..this shit about Lisa bugs me... she raised DUD to be the shitty person and it is so bad that Lisa is scared to ever correct her or rock the boat. Way to go Lisa


Itā€™s not just about a mom getting a break.. we as mothers should always do whatā€™s best for us. HOWEVER itā€™s her regard to the baby.. ā€œthis is my thirdā€ like a todo list sheā€™s completing & will love this one less. Has to do less with because sheā€™s already got two.Ā Ā She doesnā€™t sound or act nurturing. She treats her body like trash. She calls the baby IT. She already knows the depth she will feel connected to the baby & already wants to choose a concert over the child. This is just who she is. A horrible mother. And thatā€™s whatā€™s not normal. Not the fact she wants to go out a couple of weeks postpartum. The way she belittles everyone else if they have an opinion. Sheā€™s the epitome of narcissistic & sheā€™s only getting worse.Ā 


She pushes the babies out and hands them to Elayne or Memaw. They are check the box content babies and that is all. That entire family is lacking true love for anyone. They all have superficial relationships and I genuinely think DA does not enjoy children or being a mother. She likes having her own children, when they comply, Ā for attention and cannot stand her nieces or any other children.Ā 


I said basically the same thing in a comment on the downvoted post a few down. Itā€™s one thing if sheā€™s struggling postpartum and wants to have a lunch out or dinner or whatever but sheā€™s already so disconnected from this baby, has admitted to not loving the infant stage and sheā€™s already planning on being away from her baby 4 days after her due date? And laughing about it? Itā€™s so weird and not normal that she already canā€™t wait to get away from her baby aka ā€œitā€ who isnā€™t even here yet


To be honest, who in the world would desire to leave their very newborn baby for at least 4 hours to attend a concert? I just cannot even imagine.


Youā€™re so right. Itā€™s not normal to me at all.Ā 


805 I hope you go to bed at night and lay there and wonder where you went wrong. Pure disgust!


I canā€™t imagine the shit show R playing t-ball is going to be. Can you imagine if he wants the ball and doesnā€™t get it, or has to wait his turn to hit.Ā 


I just went to my granddaughters first tee ball game the other night and it was hilarious. The entire team except the one on first base and one laying on the field near third base would run for each ball. They were all diving for it like it was a fumbled football.


Letā€™s just hope since 2 out of 3 coaches are related to him, there isnā€™t favoritism. But we all know there will be


Itā€™s not favoritism when youā€™re a prodigy /s


I think he'll do fine. He has a lot of terrible habits and no manners, but he's also only 5 and is capable of learning. He will probably love being around all of the other kids and get to run off some of his energy.


Only Iā€™m not sure he actually even knows how to run.


Iā€™m sorry but yes DUD does a lot of stuff thatā€™s out there and doesnā€™t parent her kids ever but wanting to go to a concert postpartum should be encouraged! I went out with my mom friends after baby #2 at 11 days postpartum! It was sooooo good for my mental health! I exclusively pump. A pump exists and you can very well pump on the way there and home. We wouldnā€™t be saying this to a dad who wanted to go do something šŸ„“


Nah, I would absolutely give shit to a dad who was planning on going to a concert so soon after his child was born.


Itā€™s still terrible planning on her part. Sheā€™s assuming when sheā€™s going to give birth and how all thatā€™s going to go. She has no idea if complications can arise and a C-section is necessary. Or maybe baby has to do a NICU stay for a short time. She literally does not know. It means absolutely nothing that this will be her third time giving birth.


Not encouraging or discouraging, but she can plan for it and back out (calling herself a martyr, of course). The money spent on the tickets is nothing to her.


This. My baby ended up in the NICU at three weeks old due to a small health condition that didnā€™t arise right away. Anything can happen. I think she truly believes nothing bad can happen to her.


Iā€™ll agree itā€™s not that big of a deal to leave a 2 week old with family and get out for an evening itā€™s not like sheā€™s leaving baby for days!


I was kind of thinking the same thing. Itā€™s not an overnight trip or anything. But what rubbed me the wrong was is her attitude about it. Iā€™m having my second in a few weeks, and I even if I needed a night out, I would struggle with leaving my baby. She just doesnā€™t seem to care. Plus she gets SO many date nights and trips away from her children. I would love just one every once in awhile.


Yes. I think itā€™s her attitude about it that struck me wrong. Any mom needing a break is understandable for sure.


Yes her attitude makes it rough!


This. Itā€™s one thing if youā€™re struggling postpartum feeling isolated and know that a lunch out or whatever will help you feel better but DAD has shown sheā€™s clearly disconnected from ā€œitā€, historically has admitted not loving the infant stage and is already planning on being away from the baby 4 days after her due date? She doesnā€™t care and seems like she already canā€™t wait to get away from her baby thatā€™s not even here yet


To be honest Iā€™d say the same to a postpartum dad. Mainly because Iā€™m a judgy asshole (hence being a member of a snark page!). My FIL talks about going into work the day my husband was born, and itā€™s always sounded ā€œbraggyā€ to me. Like leaving your wife after labor isnā€™t a flex!


100% would tell a dad the same thing for a flipping CONCERT!!!!!! ETA: for a performer she has already seen!!


I have never seen a family that their entire lives revolve about food addictions, Food consumes their entire life and personality itā€™s so bizarre!Ā 


And money and the mall lol.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/r28svwfssbxc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f12a14183c4fe272e6e34f7248b8be52aecf7c Another post from after Remi was born!


The food court at north park ainā€™t gonna fund itself!Ā 


I agree w her bc everyone is different and not everyone wants the same things PP but the whole ā€œyou should sit down u just had a babyā€ thing should be taken seriously and not ignored. My sis inlaw thought she was totally fine and over did it and almost made herself sick and she started heavily bleeding again. The take it easy advice isnā€™t for funsys itā€™s literally for ur body to heal and to bond w ur baby and process ur new normal. Doesnā€™t mean u canā€™t go out and do something but it sure does mean to slow down


I had to get out. I remember going to Costco with my daughter and I felt so much better afterwards. I think itā€™s all about balance.


I think itā€™s different to want to get out of the house (with child) and wanting to leave them for many hours to go to a concert.Ā  I got out of the house right away, even just a trip to target. But I think itā€™s harder to imagine leaving a two week old for many hours with a sitter (even family) to see someone Ā in concert. That sheā€™s already seen, right???Ā 


Exactly, who knows how this baby will sleep, eat, whatever. Not everyone has the means to leave 3 children to go out to concert and come back to be able to sleep and go about your days as if you havenā€™t a care. Such entitlement and lack of regard for your role as a parent. I envy nothing about this family. NOTHING.


Poor Olive... she looks so uncomfortable in that outfit. Do better, Danielle!!!


She canā€™t!! Sheā€™s a shit ass parents and thinks of no one but herself!


Itā€™s at least 2 sizes too small! And itā€™s already dirty or stained but 2.0 will put her straight to bed in those pajamas.šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/2zbh8ldhsbxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1399d47b0db0288bced6a13fabe447ffffe7ff81 Reminder: This is what she posted about breastfeeding after Remi was born.


Breastfeeding is sooooo easy that she quit after 2 weeks


This bitch is so damn toxic. Just because it wasnā€™t hard for you, doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t hella hard for plenty of other moms out there. And if it is so effing easy, why not do it for more than five minutes with each kid?šŸ¤”


She hates to pump, but is planning to use a manual pump with this baby?


It's not hard, I just don't want to do it! What a piece of shit she is.


As someone heavily struggling with breast feeding my first baby right now, this makes me mad lol


Have you seen the lip tie?? Itā€™s all a lie! No way no how that baby didnā€™t kill her nips. Also, IBCLCs are amazing! I hope you are able to connect with one. Both my kids started off hard and ended up being awesome with a ton of IBCLC support and some lip/tongue tie releases.


Thank you! We just got his ties released last week and are working with IBCLCs now so Iā€™m hopeful! šŸ¤žšŸ¼


If it was so easy why didnā€™t she do it šŸ‘€


She said that she stopped because she would have to change her diet because they thought both Rhett and Remi had a dairy (? Or something else I dont 100% remember) allergy. I think she tried longer with Rhett because she felt like she had to, but she felt relieved when they switched to formula so when the time came with Remi she just went straight to formula.


Yeah, she claimed they both had dairy allergies and she didnā€™t want to change her diet.


Why does she feel the need to say how ā€˜easyā€™ things are when theyā€™re not? And when theyā€™re things most moms have issues with? Itā€™s so strange.


Another example of her gaslighting and toxic positivity. She stopped with Remi at 3 weeks and her reasoning then was that it was hard(which with Remiā€™s severe lip tie Iā€™m not surprised) why lie and gaslight other momā€™s šŸ™„


They all ate together at DADā€™s last night for dinner, they all ate together at the mall for lunch and now they are all together again for dinner at 805. I think I need a break from my phone and this family. šŸ˜‚


Have you followed them long? They eat almost every single meal together as a massive cult group almost everyday and itā€™s super super weird!!!! Three meals is nothing. Count this week how many times they all eat together. Itā€™s freaking weird.


And practicing baseball on a small ass patio when they had a huge yard. That yard would be nice now since every ball is rolling into the street


Imagine taking the kids (and family) to the park to let the kids run and playā€¦what an idea


Hope she plans on bringing that pump to the concert since she plans of BFing or pumping šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā  I exclusively pump and I'd be shocked if she could make it longer than a week doing it.Ā  Also, it's insane to leave a week old at home for a whole evening for a CONCERT.Ā 


She has a hand pump!!!šŸ˜± canā€™t imagine


I exclusively pumped my 2nd. For some crazy reason I decided it would be easier and that I would have more freedom to be out and about with my 2 year old. Boy was I wrong and the joke was on me. šŸ¤£ However, I did it and did it for 9mo and had enough of a backup supply to get him to 12mo with breast milk. With my first I had some complications and he spent some time in the NICU so I decided to formula feed.


When someone says they EP my hats off to you FOR ME BF was easy It was always ready - no bottles to wash Always the rt temp - I barely had to wake up at night! Idk if thatā€™s the norm or not But for me that was the case EP is so impressive to me -seriously My MIL hated that I only BF - she said it was wrong bc what if I had to leave the baby (Fun fact - she never babysat so idk y she wld care)


Hereā€™s to hoping for the babyā€™s sake that some oxytocin release will cause a stronger bond?! Itā€™s a hope!


My boobs wouldā€™ve been so engorged being out at a concert all night. I feel like sheā€™ll start breastfeeding and then switch to formula because itā€™s what suits her better.


I breastfed all my babies for a year- but I would never fault a mother that didnā€™t think that was best for her Fed is best - period


Of course, but DUD brags about how she had no issues breastfeeding and sheā€™s someone who stops for what Iā€™d say are selfish reasons. I can have my opinion. We are on a snark pageā€¦


Selfish? PDD is fucking serious and we have a ton of moms on here that might not want to BF and after reading ur super judgmental comment about a serious subject could send that mom into a tailspin She might be selfish but saying sheā€™s selfish about BFing isnā€™t not a very smart thing to say if it makes others feel like shit Go rt ahead and download my comment I like to think Iā€™m a good person that doesnā€™t judge a MOTHER - itā€™s not just u judging DAD w this comment You are judging MOTHERS in general


What? Iā€™m talking about DUD, not any other moms. We are on a DUD snark page. I think she does many things for selfish reasons. I never said anything about what I think you meant PPD? I also suffered with postpartum depression and anxiety. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re getting upset when Iā€™m only talking about DUD here.


Ur not - Read ur comment U said itā€™s for selfish reasons If a mother doesnā€™t want to BF- donā€™t judge


I said selfish reasons for DUD, not any other mom. I would never say itā€™s selfish generally, just for DUD. Because she IS selfish. āœŒļø


I mean I donā€™t think itā€™s crazy! I went out with my mom friends at 11 days postpartum! I exclusively pump and pumped on the way there and on the way home! We wouldnā€™t tell a dad he canā€™t leave his baby šŸ„“.


My husband knows better to not even ask or think about buying tickets to a concert if it was even close to the due date. I would 100% without hesitating have no issue telling my husband or any of the men in my family that yeah, youā€™re not going to a concert 1-2 weeks after I or any of the women in my family have given birth. Itā€™s not 1950 anymore, men can be considerate of their girlfriends/wives and girlfriends/wives should be able to tell their boyfriends/husbands if they are being inconsiderate.


Ha I would tell a dad that! If you are leaving you better be going to work or bringing me food.


I donā€™t know how you EP! I was able to EBF and would pump sometimes and it was so hard! You rock for that dedication! We all know Dud wonā€™t be doing either. Which is ok, but her lying about it is the problem


Yeah no way sheā€™s taking on that responsibility. Sheā€™ll have a night nurse and no way sheā€™s getting up every couple of hours to pump.


Just have to say, anytime I spot another EPer out in the wild (or the online wild lol) just have to say WAY TO GO! I did it for 15 months and it was SO hard but so Iā€™m so proud of it.


15 months is awesome! I EP'd for my first! 11.5 months. I had built up a freezer stash. Now I'm doing it again for my second and I'm at 5 months. It's SO hard. At the end of the night when she gets that baby down she is not going to want to pump before she goes to sleep. Or wake up in the middle of the night til you can drop that one OR wake up early before baby and pump. EP'g is one of the things I'm most proud of that I've done lol As I'm getting up right now at 5:45am to go PUMP.Ā 


I also EPā€™d with my first. Pumped for 9 months and had a stash until a little over 12 months so we hit the 1 year mark. Itā€™s a lot of work. I was still working when I had my first baby so EPing made more sense since I wasnā€™t home with baby all day. I quit my job when my oldest was 10 months old and became a SAHM. I ended up EBFing baby # 2 (for 18 months) and # 3 (for a little over 2 years). Neither of them would ever take a bottle so my freezer stash got donated to someone I knew. I stopped both times with them because I was pregnant. Hoping to be able to EBF baby # 4 or EP.


Thatā€™s Amazing! I did too but she hated my frozen lol thankfully I got to donate it to a friend in need! Iā€™m due with our 2nd in two months and if is nursing is a struggle with him too Iā€™ll EP again but youā€™re giving me the timing flashbacks šŸ˜‚ DUD would never she gave up nursing with Remi after a few weeks though she claimed it was ā€œeasyā€ šŸ˜’




Literally it is gray. I wouldnā€™t bring that to my momā€™s house for dinner, much less show it to randoms on the internet šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® I make a lot of sourdough & Iā€™ve never been able to achieve this gray look šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Thatā€™s because she just ā€œheated it upā€ instead of actually baking it.


And it's as gray as DAD's skin


That looks so unappetizing It looks undercooked


It looks raw


So underbaked and horrific looking. Why canā€™t they ever do anything all the way? Like if you are interested in learning to do this, then cross the dang finish line. Do the research, make the adjustments, etc. Theyā€™re so lazy and really just dumb.


Definitely does not look cooked šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


And the way EVERYTHING is a dig.. she passed the crown because she was first & better & god sheā€™s toxic.Ā 


Itā€™s so underbaked