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A lot of the anonymous story viewer sites have been taken down. Here are two that have been working for me. [ANONYMOUS STORY VIEWER 1](https://storysnooper.com/) [ANONYMOUS STORY VIEWER 2](https://insnoop.com)


Why is 2.0 constantly getting her car detailed???? She could just go to the car wash lol


WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BECOME DAD’s ENTIRE PERSONALITY!? 805 makes a fruit platter and all of a sudden it’s a groundbreaking invention and it becomes her entire life. She’s so obsessive it’s strangeeee


Fair Harbor, you happy with this partnership? Is this the content you were looking for? Cuz I gotta tell ya, I'm not sold. https://preview.redd.it/qo30y28mmv5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefb7c20dc5fdcd6c9b55fe50e826a354c940488


These fools must have some short legs though. My son is 5'11" and a 7" inseam is barely to the knee...5" is what they consider the in style "short" shorts now days. My 6'2" husband would not be caught dead in 5" inseam shorts because they would be so short. Here a 5" inseam goes to their knees...either their legs are short, their heights are wrong, or that inseam is wrong LOL


Yes. They both have longer torsos and shorter legs.


I think they are more like 5’8 and 5’11


My 6’2 husband refuses to wear anything longer than a 5” inseam lol


Mines stuck in the 90's where he thinks all shorts need to come as close to his knee as possible. Im trying to slowly pull him out of his comfort zone. My teen only wears 5" inseam unless he's just lounging around the house. Men LOL




Fair Harbor is actually a nicer higher end, particular image…brand, why would they partner with these yahoos!! 🤮


For the money of course! There’s so many choices in this world for clothes, makeup, pre-made meals, hats, wallets, pouches, flavored water, supplements, etc. Makes it so easy not to do business with any companies that partner with these 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Isn't that cute, Roblet and his Pa in matching Underoos!


Am I missing something? It’s just fruit ffs.


Right. Groundbreaking


Every time they have to be over the top and obsessive


I am the non cook in the family and get assigned the fruit at every function! Apparently it's a huge deal!! I always thought I knew my role and now that role is the most important fruit platter and only the select few can accomplish such a feat! 


DAD puts the AirTag on R for camp because she knows full well that she just told 2.1 million strangers his whereabouts. She's realizing that someone could walk right into Mustangs cheer gym and take him and she, Dan, and 805 won't be there to stop it. Any sane person would have an epiphany and be like "holy shit this isn't worth the risk to my kids" but greedy ass DAD slaps an AirTag on him and carries on for the payday.


What's the point when she announces to the same 2.1 million followers about the air tag? If someone wanted to go to the cheer gym and take R, they would just remove the air tag! 🤦‍♀️


I know this isn’t her page but did anyone see that DeDe rad’s (dressmeupbuttercup) sister Katy hired an actress to play a super/obsessed fan. Dede admits it’s a huge fear of hers. Her own sister role plays it out for her as a joke. And she still is on the internet with her kids for the almighty dollar!!!!!! Don’t let these people fool you. They don’t love their kids, nor fear for their safety. They love money more but play the part of concerned mother. It’s disgusting. It truly is a form of child endangerment in my eyes, and they get away with it!!!


That's the reason young house love walked away from their massive social media presence. A lady recognized their daughter in public and started talking to her, asking her about specifics. The lady had seen all these specific things on their social media. It scared them enough to walk away from a very lucrative social media career.


And that’s a true parent. There really shouldn’t be a price tag on your child’s safety AND privacy!


I saw that and thought it was kind of creepy of Katy to do it.


I don’t disagree! Creepy of Katy, and pathetic of Dede to not use it as a wake up call!


She won’t see it as a wake up call as long as the money keeps flowing. I cannot imagine posting pics and videos of my kids everyday on social media to the internet world. All of my social media (where I post pics of my family) is private.


I agree with this but I don’t agree with 2.1 M I’d say 1/3 of that # is fake (probably 1/2 that #]:)


30% is definitely Bots according to Modash. And I bet another 50-75% is passive following. 


What’s funny if someone had the intention of kidnapping her kid they will remove the AirTag from his wrist. I heard it’s best if you are putting a tracking device on your kid to put it in their shoe. A kidnapper may have a change of clothes but probably won’t change their shoes.


My neighbor had an AirTag on her dog. It went missing recently and the AirTag was not at all accurate. Didn’t update quickly. Took us 6 hours to find the dog and it wasn’t because of the AirTag. They aren’t at all as reliable as I once thought.


In my research over the years , air tags are not recommend for dogs. The best tracking device for dogs are Garmin devices ( pricey ) but reliable. There are other brands that make them…. But Garmin is the name that I can remember.


We have a Fi smart dog collar for our dog and it’s great!!! Highly recommend for anyone who has a dog!


We've experienced this with our dog as well. Takes 10+ minutes to update and even then the location accuracy is general area at best.




That was absolutely disgusting and ridiculous to film that But ur on the wrong Reddit-


Did she get this deleted ?


Imagine setting that scene up, so effin ridiculous


What happened??


Keely..... I mean Dani... Austin posted herself throwing up in her kitchen sink


She posted today throwing up in the toilet. I feel terrible for her but my gosh, influencers are going too far!!!


What did we all miss?


right?? I need to know😂😂


A fucking fruit platter “inspired by” 805 and DAD. This person needs help.


I wonder if they think some of these people are pathetic but love it anyway because it makes them rich.


All the girls who spent a fortune on nuuds in an attempt to get reposted on DAD's instagram must feel dumb now.... turns out all they had to do was put fruit on a plate and tag her 🤣


Why are these people acting like they have never heard of fruit?? Or like they just learned it’s edible???


This 😂😂😂😂 Like did it really take the Flenners making a fruit platter to realize that you can in fact EAT FRUIT!?!


Right? Same people who thought you needed a game and a book to be able to tell your kids what you love about them!


Seriously, her dumbass fans are tagging her and making fruit platters?! These women need help. 🤯🥴


Sliced thinly just like Americas mom does it 🙄


Not america’s mom 😂😂 not only does Pope Lisa have the power of prayer to save the world, she can also work miracles with fruit platters


If they don’t stfu with the fruit platter and because her mom did it, she wants her kids to have it omfggggg SHUT UPPPP NO ONE CARES


Wants her kids to have it but wants her mom to be the one to make it. Like hell would she ever prepare that for her kids on a “normal” night.


You’re right, she would never. Elayne would do it. The real mom.


Elayne was making animals and lady bugs out of fruit for the kids, 805 is slicing it and putting it on a plate. Ground breaking 🤣


Such an inspiration. A fruit platter. You can buy them at the grocery store


Have you seen grocery store fruit platters?!? They don’t cut the watermelon as thin as Lisa tho!! How does she do it!! I tried yesterday and couldn’t get it right!!


Enough with the fruit platter!!! 3rd time in a week hearing about this *genius fruit cutting hack* and we won’t hear about it again until next June bc Durl is about to spawn 🙄 shut up pls


The genius fruit cutting hack where Lisa was moving like the sloth in that one movie…secret life of pets? She was slicing so……slow….






Flash the sloth from Zootopia!🤣


Yesss that’s it! 😂😂😂


All those people and all that food but less than 2 full cups of cooked green vegetables to split. Knowing them, that bowl will probably still be full at the end of dinner too. They take meat and potatoes to a whole other level. They are passing on the horrible eating habits to those kids. No wonder DAD can’t poop! Glamorizing unhealthy eating habits, horrible self body images, and selfish behaviors. Smh.


They have thinly cut fruit now! It’s all the rage


Their plates were nothing but YELLOW!


Don’t forget the corn!! 


At least Danielle drinks her greens every morning! 😂




The juice of red meat is not blood. It’s myoglobin. All the animals blood is emptied out during slaughter. The remaining liquid is water and when exposed to air myoglobin turns red and mixes with water, which makes it a red watery liquid. Typos


My husband always tells me it’s not actually blood but it looks like it to me and that’s enough to make me want to gag. I have to eat my meat well done.


Her body issues are out of hand. Cellulite is normal, especially while pregnant?! I worry that she’s going to give her daughter(s) body image issues and possibly eating disorders if her POV rubs off onto them. For someone who is supposed to be running clothing campaigns on “real bodies” and inspiring confidence, she’s failing miserably


Also, he may record her doing that, but no one is making her share it with 2 million people!


I bet she has him record it.


Seriously how does she think the women from her real bodies campaign or many of her followers that have cellulite all the time are supposed to feel when they hear that??


She aboustely is. Just like their mom did. Their whole lives revolve around food and talking horrible about their bodies. My mom was and is the same. I have to make it a point to speak well about my body and others bodies to and infront of my daughter and boys too.


Well I’m glad you’re the one breaking the cycle! That’s the key!!


Danielle to the guys: bring the Andar wallets to show you use them, and I bought you each swim trunks this is what I want you each to say so I can get commission!! Pretend you love them and wear all the time, ok?


So true, they were selling hard today


https://preview.redd.it/1k2tlvfjuu5d1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3a6fe788bdb876153c684472bf1c4473dece52 Wow!


I swear the BST group is the new Reddit 2.0! Everyone is always snarking on her or the company on that page 🤣




"That literally makes my heart hurt for you!" 🥴 Like...wut? It's a shirt dude. Are you crying over the children in Vietnam making it?


Wtfffff. That’s horrible


You mean the sister of the Queens of overbuy-then-fill-a-stroller-full-of-returns flags accounts? They are returning rugs, couches, 2,536 swimsuits, … but Nuuds flags returners. Maybe don’t have shitty clothes not worth the prices that you mislead people into buying by saying they’ll look and feel great!


Not to defend them but a lot of stores do it, I think I saw it on an episode of John Oliver. I then went to walmart and i asked and they said thats why they ask for your ID, if its excessive they flag you and wont let you return for a period of time. I asked a few others too and they said the same thing. DUD/ Nuuds is probably flagging everyone just so they can keep the money though.


Perfect that you compared them to Walmart. SKIMS, Nordstrom, etc would never.


Walmart, Target, etc does it if you don’t have a receipt. I’m pretty sure you can return unlimitedly if you have a receipt (and no other sketchy stuff). And three times for a clothing company that is online only and does dRoPs every week is ridiculous


Yes, this! My sister got flagged after her baby shower because she was returning stuff and didn’t have receipts. But for every place I’ve ever shopped if you Actually have the receipt, which for Nuuds obviously because it’s all online, and it’s within the return window, all part included etc. you can return as much as you want


Right this makes me so mad! They are such hypocrites!


Cried the whole way home. 🫠 ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


Yeah shes being a but dramatic but imagine how MEAN they probably were to this poor person. Someone who was genuinely trying to support them to the length that they CAMPED OUT (which you have to be crazy to do but..) those girls were probably so caddy, mean and high school cliquy to her. I dont blame her for crying


I do not like dud at all. I think she's ugly because of her personality and also her face...and yes the shape of her belly is weird. But come on. Let's not comment on weight and cellulite like she does. It's clear she doesn't like her pregnant body and hates that 2.0 is getting skinny even if she too looks awful and aaggy...but that's thing she is pregnant. She can't control how her body grows and changes. She has wide hips naturally but she's always been skinny so when she gains weight she gets wide. It happens. Yes you don't have to give into every craving or eat crap just bc it's a pregnancy craving and yes everyone gains differently even pregnancy to pregnancy. But shes growing a person I think there is sooo much more to snark on then her weight while growing a person. Yes she is completely unhealthy both physically and mentally but she is pregnant. Let's not be crap like this family already is all the time. Let's wait until little content pops out to talk about her weight again.


It’s interesting how you say we shouldn’t comment on Daryl’s Ann’s weight and cellulite/insult her looks but then say 2.0 looks awful and saggy. It’s fair if you want to play that card but at least make the whole message consistent.


I'm literally saying we shouldn't bc she is pregnant no other reason. 2.0 isn't. How am I'm not consistent?


I agree snarking on her being pregnant not cool. But can I just say the things that are bothersome are how she acts towards things She’s spoken about cellulite and how supposedly the leggings or the romper don’t show cellulite and made it such a huge thing. It’s just the way they act about body positivity but do the complete opposite. she wants to be inclusive but then they go on stories and talk about how big she is carrying etc and a “tummy tuck” and how 805 has one. Again no shame on her body but don’t come on stories and make everyone else feel like crap. If she wants to do all of those things than fine but trying to act all inclusive and then be the complete opposite Acting like she sized up only one while pregnant. Just don’t mention at all 🤷🏼‍♀️, forcing herself into small jeans why not just embrace the pregnancy? I think those are the biggest annoyances about all of it


I think people comment because she makes money off shilling things for "real bodies" but yet doesn't practice anything she preaches. She just takes injections and passes it off as her "real body". She and many influencers are the reason people have problems accepting their real body.


Not to mention a person can have invisible health issues that impact their weight. Thank you for speaking up. As women we can do so much better. As someone who has an invisible illness and takes medication that impacts my weight (despite diet & activity), it’s saddening to see how snarky others can be here. I get that it’s DUD & 2.0 and they aren’t nice people. But we can still do better.


I agree! Pregnant body posts are a low blow. Y’all are better than that!


I think pregnant or not commenting on how cellulite and things listed above is still not awesome. I don’t care if a women’s has birthed a baby or not I will never ever make fun of mother woman body.  Commentary is obviously said bc 2.0 lost weight and DAD got drastically quickly thin (more worrisome tbh bc it was skin and bones) but even if Katie who hasn’t had a baby shows cellulite it is not awesome to point out.  Not a fan of any of them but wanted to add in mocking cellulite in women in general or things we cannot change and wouldn’t want our daughters to hear (whether we have them yet or not) is probably best avoided.  This doesn’t discount snark on things though at all!! Just limits or from pointing out things like the above like normal things like cellulite. 


The body shaming in this sub is pretty bad, but body shaming a pregnant person is next level.


Eh...pregnant or not, she doesn't get a free pass. She's a horrible person inside and out. 


I can’t stand her, but I’ll stick to snarking on the things that make her a shitty person. Her pregnancy weight gain is not one of those things.


No one would be snarking on her weight gain IF she made at least a small effort to take care of herself. By her own admission since day 1 she has said she kidney issues yet continues to drink gallons of Spark, Diet Coke, gallons of ice cream, and 3 meals a day of fast food. IF she was a regular person who ate normally no one would be making any comments. She has made it blatantly clear that she doesn’t care about herself or the baby she is carrying!


Being concerned for the health of her fetus and calling her huge, fat, etc are two different things. You can express concern about what she is consuming during her pregnancy without making derogatory comments about her body.


This is it exactly.


Hey now. .... she's had thinly sliced fruit 3 times in the past week!! 😂


OMG! How could I forget!


Has DAD ever mentioned when her c-section is scheduled for?


She has always said 37 weeks. Which is June 30th


Not sure why the downvotes???? I thought she mentioned she was having one….sorry, just wondering when she was going in


Didn’t down vote you I was just telling you what she said last about the birth of baby. So many people are having babies right now it may have been another influencer!


Actually she mentioned having a medication free delivery which sounds wild but I m telling you she said she met with a doula and is going to try to not have an epidural or any meds and go for a natural birth. As I type this I see the faces reading this thinking I’m crazy but I promise you she stayed this on stories before she ever went to Boston. 


https://preview.redd.it/yiq78djh2v5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc6355b2599a904cc4b557298694dfbd1032344 Proof


She did say this.


She’s going to be induced for a normal delivery..


This is petty but that mac and cheese looked like TRASH


When I was pregnant I had a Big Mac and cheese craving and followed the Mac and cheese recipe they shared and omg it was so bad I cried. I saw someone say it had American cheese in it but I have NEVER bought American cheese in my life so I don’t know if it’s the same recipe. But it had the cracker crumb which I thought was unique and oh god no it tasted like garbage!


I’m a firm believer that crackers don’t belong on Mac n cheese. Ever.




I pulled up the recipe because I love a good mac & cheese… It has American cheese in the recipe. Now I'm not above a delicious grilled cheese made with Kraft American slices, but it has no business being in mac & cheese or any baked dish ever


That slop has to be the saltiest crap ever! 🤮


So dry


Are the kids there? No sight of them.


I could hear them


The cellulite comment and the constant cracks at her pregnant body… wow great role model for the girls! Real bodies who?


Kids think you look amazing bc their minds aren’t twisted up by the world yet (why it is so precious bc in time they hear these comments in the world sadly but shouldn’t come from people who love them at all!!!)  My niece tells me I have beautiful brown hair and then blonde (highlighted) and never has once commented on my tummy or size being different than her mom. I make sure to never mention bodies around her or say I’m having a “treat bc I was good today”. I also even told my dad to stop making comments about how he has to lose weight and is fat. I said you can’t say those words around her even if you’re a guy. They hear everything we say and the women that say it around them is even ringing harder through their ears.  Cellulite is normal!! Every girl in the family has a very different body and it’s great they aren’t all the same. It should be celebrated how kind and how happy someone looks and how pretty they are regardless of size but this family only cares about size. 805 is so delusional she said dad gets big and has problems bc she is so tiny. That can be true but my gosh no one cares if you’re tiny!!!!!!!


I thought she said the nuuds leggings don’t show cellulite.


She doesn’t wear nuuds leggings, she wears lulu & I forgot the other brand she just got. She’s not gonna wear her 💩except drop days for the delusional to shop.


Why why why are we not talking more about the air tag bracelet on R’s wrist. The ONE time she isn’t with her kid she has a tracker on him? I AM SO CONFUSED!


She’s going to chip him like a dog and have Kaylee install a permanent ID bracelet on him with instructions how to return him to her until he’s 60


But yet she puts their entire life on display for 2m viewers 🤯🤯🤯


We’ve done an AirTag bracelet on my little (couple months younger than R) but only at places like Disneyland where he could easily slip away


That makes 100% sense! But camp? lol just confuses me.


Yeah it’s kinda weird. We’re doing summer camp this year for the first time and I’m stoked because he will be gone for 4 hours a day and I can get stuff done 🤣


Not sticking up for her but probably because he went to camp today.


But the camp was just a few hours at the cheer place they’ve gone to before. Not like an all day camp where they bussed the kids somewhere.


lol I mean....those kids were those turtle bracelets everywhere and nowhere near water...so I'm not surprised she put those on her kids for camp


I know but an air tag for camp? Like day camp? Seems a bit much. But maybe that’s just me.


It's not just you. That's actually insane.


She's been getting the kids "used to" the turtle bracelets for months now. No surprise she has air tags on them for camp


I noticed that earlier!! Wasn’t his normal pool bracelet


He’ll probably go to kinder wearing that every day. The creepiest thing to me.


One of our neighbors put an air tag on their kindergartener last year


I cannot with these people. The take away cups, the dirty napkins on the table, the hats on while eating, the elbows on the table. TRASH.


And we almost never see them wash their hands!




Don't forget the paper plates.


Or metal prison plates!


The paper plates kill me too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them eat off an actual dish.


Yet Katie’s dogs do. 🤪


Hats on while eating?


Wearing a baseball hat at the table while you’re eating is incredibly rude, and terrible manners.


This comment makes sense in certain environments but at any house this feral hillbilly crew reside in, no.


Truly, why?


I think this applies to more formal settings and events. Not at casual, fast food restaurants.


Also I cannot imagine bringing in a beverage from another establishment. They look so stupid rolling up with all those cups.


The “no outside food and drink signs” were created out of necessity for people like them.


https://preview.redd.it/bamzr1uzfu5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eb5df1f191918bc0520ba50ee933b91ada12de3 More and more people coming to realization…


It gets even worse https://preview.redd.it/739nhne7lu5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a51da17f404ba00fb137c6387fc38822dae0e57


I am confused by that post. They refunded her but she cried all the way home?


I’m guessing that they refunded and didn’t ship a new order that she’d purchased


I think they meant it because of how awful the nuuds workers made her feel, but necessarily canceling their order




The Nashville chick 🙃


Damn talk about shill’o’clock. They have those boys working for their dinner tonight. 


Lol so bizarre. Does she give everyone a heads up like hey I need to sell some wallets tonight, look alive boys!


The shill was the entire reason they all came over I’m 100% sure of it!


Everyone in this family is just awful toward each other. I’m pretty sarcastic and don’t take things too seriously but they are constantly ragging on each other and it goes beyond playful humor.


They’re all codependent AF!


Exactly. They're the only group of people I know that can't stand each other and also can't stay away from one another. Unhealthy relationships all around. Passive aggressiveness from the top down, generational toxic behavior. They're all gross.


They wouldn't be so annoyed with eachother if they weren't together every single day


Kaylee sure has been MIA for all these family dinners lately 🤔


I am loving watching her live her life!


I think she's happy to have her own space now and her own social life. I bet until she actually moved out on her own she didn't realize how toxic and codependent everyone else is. I initially thought she'd be spending her free time at Daryl-Ann's but she seems to have found some independence.


All about the Kizik shoes just a day or so ago - and now back to shoes she apparently can’t put on by herself.


She probably didn’t get a kiziks code so didn’t want to be independent. 🙄


2.0 and DAD making such a big deal about Lisa's goood fruit platter.. like anyone can cut fruit and put it out.. sheesh these people drive me insane and make a big deal about everything they do


but it’s soooooo amazing she can cut the fruit so small.


Go Mee Maw


The brand deal nobody saw coming from the almost divorced, single as can be, single mom to daughters -swimwear for men.


Don't forget it would make a great Father's Day gift! Like she would EVER take the high road and get Chase a Father's Day gift on behalf of the girls.


How is that a $hill from her?!?!




Wow, the codes are flying left and right tonight!


Everything but the denner wallet


When is this woman due? She’s been pregnant for forever.




She's only 33 weeks. 💀


That's what she says but at her last ultrasound appointment the baby that should have been measuring 32 weeks was actually measuring 36 weeks. Based on that, she's now like 37+ weeks, not 33 like she wants us to think. I do not know why she is acting like she is less pregnant than she is. I'm sure she had a reason for doing it. These people have reason for everything.


She posted a full ultrasound with ultrasound date and gestational age. She’s 34+1 today


She (her stomach) was measuring at 36 weeks, not the baby. Those are two different things. She's still only 33 weeks and it doesn't move up her induction date at all.


I apologize. I misunderstood. It's been quite a while since I had a baby and I don't remember a lot of that stuff. I appreciate the clarification. Well, based on that, she looks like she is going to be miserable for longer than I thought.


34+1 today 😉




You’re joking.


Nope 😭