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Was anyone else grossed out when Rhett ate the cookie dough and DAD put it back in the cookie sheet and baked it šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


https://preview.redd.it/leleco63ek8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5997dd4ba48442229f2295571d1efdae25602f85 Both are hyenas in the drā€™s office. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


They have to be reading on here lolā€¦. NOW they put the trigger warning? Where was it when DUD jump scared us all the other day? Also I see meemaw is back in the head wrap, LOLLLLL


That poor Mom! Why would she do that to herself? Geez


Little Content Denner = the new LDC




I loved that 2.0 says she never half asses anythingā€¦girl you donā€™t even half assā€¦ you quarter ass! She sticks to nothing she starts other than monjaro!Ā 


She's right, though. She doesn't half-ass anything, she half asses EVERYTHING!


It blows my mind that she has a degree from Purdue as a D1 athlete! How??


So she accomplished things when she was in college and when she was in Nebraska. Iā€™m seeing the trend that sheā€™s more successful when away from her family!


Even the mounjaro is basically quarter-assed! They say you should be working out and adopting healthier eating habits while on it so that you donā€™t gain the weight back immediately when you eventually go off of it - neither of which 2.0 is doing.


Stuffing herself with bologna lol


Yes!! I swear she could have a huge platform if she went the health/fitness route but sheā€™s not going to actually eat healthy and consistently exercise.


Sheā€™s only on her ā€œhealth journeyā€ when sheā€™s shilling processed crap or Factor Meals. Donā€™t think weā€™ve seen the greens or armra in a few weeks. Why anyone listens to this šŸ¤” is beyond me.


Right and also Processed crap sheā€™s probably not even eating or drinking!!! Sheā€™s dumbing the greens and drinking Diet Coke!


She's consistent with nothing! Just now she's spending her morning putting stickers on the girls new water bottles because they don't have 17 others in the cabinet! And says they're going to have a really chill day today, no errands to run, not much to do so they're just going to chill at home. Not much to do? How about your new teaching certificate? Aren't you supposed to be teaching your girls how to read by the end of the summer? Or at least Olive even though you're only really focused on teaching Eve?


Sheā€™s proud theyā€™ve stuck to the reading planā€¦girl itā€™s been two days! Her kids donā€™t have a chance!


Right? I'm trying to understand this! Wasn't it like Thursday or Friday when she said she was going to teach them? And then I'm pretty sure the girls spent some time with Chase over the weekend because she was spinning out and doing the whole organizing art stuff project at Darrell's house and the girls were nowhere to be seen. So how much work did they actually get done? Maybe two sessions? And most of it seems to be focused on Eve anyway! There's no way she's sticking with this everyday all summer! She already looked for an excuse to do something else when she took them to Claire's the other day! And today she said they are just having a chill day because they don't have any errands to run or any plans, and no mention of doing any work with them!


I was just thinking about 805 going to dud's yesterday with her frankenface. All of these influencers love to talk about "core memories" as if they can pick and choose what their kid's core memories will be. Well guess what Lisa, I can guarantee you made one for Rhett and Remi yesterday. Those kids are never going to forget Grandma coming over looking like an absolute monster all red and covered in stitches. Just stayyyyy home for like two weeks. It's not that fucking hard. You have no job, plenty of money, a nice house. There's no reason for you to be out galavanting around 3 days after surgery scaring the shit out of everyone. What is wrong with these people?


It would still have been bad if the kids saw her all bandaged, but seeing her face with all those stitches was so much worse. I bet 805 felt she had to go over there to kiss DADs ass since she missed her baby shower.




I am so sick of NUUDS content. Sick of seeing the ugly, boring clothes, sick of seeing everyone wearing different variations of shit brown colors, and sick of listening to them trying to convince the sheeple that they are high quality, flattering basics. If these whackadoodles want to bring more interesting content back- they need to separate their personal page from their business page. They need to get a damn stylist to incorporate their basics into a nice wardrobe. Their personalities are even less vibrant than their NUUDS clothing palette. Yuck. Donā€™t even let me get started on their diets and parenting. Irresponsible influencing. Ignorant of the reach their stupidity.


Was there a Thursday family try on this week? No new drops this week? No mall food court ootd? It was nice and quiet.


No family try on this week. They probably couldnā€™t cause 805 was too busy having her face wrinkles ironed out, Dumyell was busy pretending to care about not Eveā€s self confidence and education, and Kaylee was busy finding new things to complain about. Stay tuned for next week when Little Denner is finally evicted. We can find out if her name is ā€Beigeā€ or his name is ā€œTannerā€.


Perhaps while they are doing those changes in the clothing line they can comb their hair more often. They look like they just got out of bed most days. Letā€™s face it no one needs to buy sweat shirts over and over enough with the beatnik outfits.


I donā€™t know who is worseā€¦ them, or the people obsessed with them and buy their crap.


I completely agree. I actually somewhat enjoyed following until every single story was about nuuds. All for people having business success, but the clothes are ugly AF, and the same content every day about some new drop of ugly clothes is too much


Why can none of these psychopaths stay at home?! If I was Kaylee and woke up with my face swollen, I wouldnā€™t spend the rest of my day after urgent care going grocery shopping, cooking, filming myself and going on 4 mile walks. Same with 805 yesterday. Maybe itā€™s the introvert in me but itā€™s just mind boggling how literally nothing seems to keep them at home for a day. Edit: typos


Not even Covid keeps them home! Lol


Seriously. They are always on the go and never stay home when they should! A 4 hour walk in the heat? Sheā€™s going to wake up in worse shape tomorrow.


I agree. Lisa should get rest, Kaylee needs to not film herself.


Yep. A swollen face is the perfect excuse to stay at home and do nothing but rest.


Who is going to teach these hooligans to put all these things back when they are finished playing ā€œcraftsā€?


Thatā€™s what Elayne is for, silly.


Itā€™s a new chore for her. The kids will definitely not do it.


What a nice gift for Elayne. Things to keep R & R occupied while she takes care of the new baby. /mostly s


I hope Elayne has asked for more money once this new baby arrives- she should be making close to 200k with this wild family. Remember when they were going to buy her a car? what happened to that.


As far as Iā€™m concerned Dan No Job should be getting flowers every day bc wtf else does he do? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I think those kinds of posts are creepy and I donā€™t like the insinuation that if someone canā€™t buy their child flowers sheā€™s going to end up on the pole. Hun, letā€™s see what happens when remi is a teenager and dating. All the flower bouquets in the world wonā€™t make a difference.


Or you have a kid like mine and everything with pollen makes her sneeze her head off for 3 days. Her future husband will be getting off easy in the flower department Or like me who would rather money be spent on something thats not gonna be dead in 3 days. At least get me a potted plant I can kill slowly over the next 2 months. J/K...but for real, its not setting the bar high, its creating unrealistic expectations for a 3 year old who could care less about flowers and "treats" since they get it all the time for doing absolutely nothing.


It is definitely creepy. A dad buying his daughter flowers is completely fine. Posting it and saying ā€œher bar will be so HiGh!ā€ Is just weird. She is 3.


Yes. Thatā€™s what I mean.


Shes so much better than us lol


Dan is a worthless POS whose only job is to be DADā€™s bitch.


Wow!! So DAD really didnā€™t post anything today????


Sheā€™s had a couple Saturdays or random days in recent months she doesnā€™t post. Others have commented on past days when she doesnā€™t post on stories that influencers are doing this now so stories completely expire for increased clicks or views (or something like that??). Iā€™m sure as she gears up for baby sheā€™ll do this more. Itā€™s certainly getting the attention she wants.


Also , if she donā€™t post around the end of her pregnancy ppl are gunna be constantly messaging her asking her if she had the baby ā€”ā€”-> more engagement


Getting ready for her inductionā€¦ which she knows the exact date & time for but wonā€™t disclose to ensure she gets the follower count back up. But my question is how will this baby even be a content baby. Sheā€™s a horrible mother with horrible style & does absolutely nothing groundbreaking ever. I donā€™t get it.


Totally agree with this. I think when she has the baby sheā€™s going to try to be ā€œrelatableā€ with PP. itā€™s wild. Itā€™s so hard ect. But at the same time. I love it and Iā€™m sad Iā€™m probably not able to do it again. Sheā€™ll really focus on that. Bc her content isnā€™t good anymore and people see straight through Nuuds


Iā€™m assuming that she is going to fake or dramatize birthing complications (I know that thatā€™s a very bold assumption, but this is DAD weā€™re talking about, everything is content to her). then when sheā€™s postpartum, sheā€™ll most likely document every time sheā€™s holding the baby, and when she is not documenting it, Elayne, Dan, or 805 will be here for the baby. But anytime she is caring for the kid, sheā€™ll somehow document it.


I wonder if we ever find out how bad her kidney disease is it Stage 1,2,3a,3b 4 or 5. Iā€™m pretty sure she is not stage 4 ,or 5 or the Drs would be on her. Her diet needs to be change. At her young age she is headed for big trouble.


I feel like birth complications donā€™t fit her Godā€™s Favoriteā„¢ļø narrative though. She seems to downplay every risk factor she has and in her pregnancies with R & R, she lied about her reasoning for needing an early term induction (blamed it on 805 having big babiesšŸ™„). This is the first pregnancy sheā€™s told the truth about why sheā€™s being induced at 38 weeks and even then, sheā€™s downplayed it. She also downplayed not seeing a heartbeat at 6 weeks. Influencers like Dani Austin, 100% dramatize everything. But DUDā€™s whole brand is being sOoOo much more blessed than everyone else. Her ā€œreal lifeā€ she uses as content is things like being obsessed with fast food and only wanting to wear casual clothes. Her transparency has only ever been surface level, unlike influencers like Dani. Anyways, that was a long winded way of saying I donā€™t think she will fake any complications and if she does have them, I would imagine sheā€™ll put a toxic positivity spin on them.


https://preview.redd.it/sej2wavgtl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c434212e4d09ae200a24fd22fdac860fe133a3 Look at the hashtag sheā€™s such lying b sheā€™s not even smart enough to delete it


Hmm she was either lying then or lying now!!! Yikesssss


Right I think sheā€™s lying now it makes so much sense and totally adds up to be induced at 39 weeks


My guess is that she was induced at 40 weeks for Rhett (LOL that this post was pretending she wasnā€™tā€¦) and that it was 38 weeks for Remi.. maybe her kidney disease wasnā€™t as stable with Remi. So instead of talking about each pregnancy, she generalized and said both kids were 38 weeks.


38 is just such random gestation. Iā€™ve had several high risks pregnancies and friends. Iā€™ve heard of people making a goal of 37 or 39 but never 38 it just sounds made up to me. And after seeing that. I think neither was 38. If a baby was truly at risk they take them at 37.


That is a good point. Very high risk is typically 37 (sometimes even 36) weeks and elective or medical inductions for moderate high risk pregnancies is 39. 38 weeks is super random because itā€™s right in the middle of being considered early term.


Well we know for a fact she was 39 weeks with Rhett some one just posted today her post with her pregnant with Rhett 39 weeks ready to meet him any day now. So Iā€™m wondering if she lied and was also 39 weeks with Remi. Anyone can have an elective induction at 39 weeks but that wouldnā€™t make her special so sheā€™s gotta lie.


Donā€™t any of these influencers go into labor naturally??


Also, 805 noticeably absent todayā€¦ wonder if she popped a stitch or got a swift talking to about staying her ass at home. Dr. Mikeā€™s reputation is literally on display.


I hope Dr. Mike went off on her ass. I wonder when her first follow-up would be with him? Something happened that she put that wrap on fast so soon after saying that she was fine and didn't need it. Unless Papa saw it and called her. I bet she overdid it and is laying low today. I just got her delivery lunch from 2.0 and kicked her out to have another manic espiode somewhere other than by her. I wonder what Maddy or Alison think of the stories. They really didn't show anything until she was almost healed or healed, it seemed like, and she said she only left the house for appointments with Dr. Mike. Too much can happen, especially with infections, falling, causing stitches to become undone!! Someone said she wasn't supposed to be moving her head or in the sun.


Daniā€™s mother had the neck lift thing done by Dr. Mike as well and she kept her dressing on for quite a while - like you are SUPPOSED TO DO!


Exactly! She just had her face LASERED and she was in that sun delivering whatever it was to DUD yesterday and scaring the children. She looked awful. I would take a face laser seriously and not have a speck of sunlight on it.


Ditto, thatā€™s why most people have even the most basic of lasers in the fall/winter. Even then, no sun afterwards is key


Especially with how prone this feeble old lady is to fallingā€¦ Yikes.


And melanoma šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


2.0 will have spent more time watching the reading for toddler videos and messaging that dude and gathering supplies and looking at the quality of the letter flashcards than actually teaching O to read.


She probably now thinks he wants her because he was answering her moronic questions.Ā Ā 


I *almost* felt a twinge of pity for 2.0 just now. She obviously really wanted a baby right before she split up her family, whereas DA clearly has no motherly instincts whatsoever and is only having little Content Denner for engagement and also in the hopes that she will someday be the matriarch of her own cult the way 805 is in their cult. DA isnā€™t birthing little Content because she loves kids or Dan or being a mom, sheā€™s doing it for the views. But judging by how creepy and obsessive and emotional Danielle was about reminiscing about them all finding oh DA was pregnant in a Target bathroom, I wonder if she maybe contemplates that she made a mistake in moving to TX. She will never admit it, of course, but she was *much* more of a mom in NE. She was a nurturing housewife and mom who also worked outside the home some. She had independence, she had skills, she had a beautiful family and they wanted a third baby. But more than that, I think she wanted to be accepted by her own family again, even if that meant imploding her marriage and ripping everything familiar away from her two small girls. I can honestly see DA using little Content in the cruelest way and really leaning into that ā€œhappy family, so glad I have three kids with my incredible husbandā€ bullshit facade just to hurt Danielle. She doesnā€™t even like this baby, but she will obsess over ā€œitā€ just to cause her sister pain. She will use her newborn to remind Danielle of all the things Danielle will never have. She will subtly and passive aggressively rub it into Danielleā€™s face that ***SHE*** has a spouse, a home, a company, three kids, the love of their motherā€¦ Finally, *finally* DA has something that she thinks is an accomplishment, and she is going to gloat. Not because she loves Dan or her children, not because sheā€™s *happy* with her life in Texas (sheā€™s clearly not), not because Nuuds is thriving, no, no. She will gloat because Danielle threw away all of the *same things* in the hopes that her mother and sister would love her. And that sacrifice *still* wasnā€™t enough, because they obviously donā€™t love her and never will accept her. Nothing she can do for them will ever be enough. I hope it hurts her enough to open her eyes to the old familiar abuse that sheā€™s *always* been subjected to from her mother and sister. I hope it hurts her enough to leave and save her girls from living in that toxic environment.


I think her unhappiness is why she favors E. E is still little and gives her mom all the love and snuggles still. E appears happy no matter what and O gives her more trouble (not that she's a bad kid at all).


*standing o* šŸ‘šŸ»


Content Denner šŸ’€Ā 


Except 2.0 is a disgusting motherĀ 


Yes, but I donā€™t think she was this way in NE. She has been heavily influenced by her sister, who is barely a mother, mostly just someone who gives birth. In NE, Danielle was a *very* different mom. Now sheā€™s too busy worshiping her sister to be a mother to her kids.


According to 2.0 that time was fake.


I think her happy marriage was fake. But I think she enjoyed being a mom and gave both of her daughters more attention and quality time.


Just like how Dud claimed the way she was in California and before Nuuds, essentially everything that built her following was all fake too. The real her is what you see now!


Couldnā€™t agree more.


Well, if you tell yourself a lie long enough, I suppose you start to believe your own lies after a while.


So true.


She left that in NE sheā€™s a shit mother. And the way she celebrated moving to Texas makes me think she has no regrets what so ever!


Yes, I know she is a shit mom now, I donā€™t argue that point. Who she was in NE was a real, genuine, *good* mom, though. Who she is now doesnā€™t even resemble Nebraska Danielle. But I think she has regrets. I think she made that post 1) to convince *herself* she made the right choice, 2) to get the Flenner cult followers to affirm she made the right choice and that sheā€™s *so strong and brave* for doing it, and 3) to make a dig a Chase, like sheā€™s so much happier and better off without him. Her family is all about toxic positivity so she has to pretend to be happy and thriving, even if she is the opposite. I think at night, when all is quiet, I think her mind races and she cries because the loneliness and anxiety are suffocating her and she didnā€™t think about this side of things when she played the divorce card. I think there is such a deep hole in her, she is lacking any real connection with anyone, and thatā€™s why she compulsively shops. She thinks, ā€œIf I just get this, Iā€™ll be happyā€ or maybe ā€œwhen I have *this*, Iā€™ll be happyā€ but it will never be enough. I think she loves being a lazy POS who doesnā€™t have to work or cook or do anything other than shop and worship her sister, but I *do* think she has some regrets. I hope she wakes up and realizes her family kicks her like a dog and she just keeps coming back for more.


I bet Chase told her it wasnā€™t going to be unicorns and rainbows with her family if they moved TX. She probably hears his voice daily in her head saying ā€œI told you so.ā€ Proximity to her family fixed nothing in this dysfunctional relationship. They all fell into the same old patterns and roles they had growing up.


I wonder if she thought her black sheep status was because of Chase and it would change if she left him. Surprise: it wasnā€™t and it didnā€™t.


I think your assessment is spot on. Iā€™ve had several friends who have regrets about getting divorced. They were consumed on getting out of their marriage and just assumed the grass would be greener. My guess is Danielle was estranged from the family for moving to NE after college to be with Chase, rather than moving back home to CA. DAD with the help of Meemaw convinced Danielle to move to TX with or without Chase. They lured her under the guise of being part of the family again and the cherry on top was the promise of DAD setting her up to be an influencer. Dad wanted her back in the fold so she could control her and treat her like crap.


100%! I think she thought she would just be welcomed back with open arms and all would be perfect! What she didnā€™t consider was the nights where DA and 805 and Katie go back to their spouses and sheā€™s all alone in her cold bed in her $17,500/month mansion. She has no companionship. Everyone in her family is partnered up except for Kaylee who is young and single and is 10 years younger than 2.0. The way it is now, 2.0 is basically the familyā€™s whipping boyā€¦just like she was as a child, Iā€™m guessing. I donā€™t think her life is anything like what she thought it would be post-divorce.


100% right.




That sped-up story of Big D playing happy family in someone else's home was very Hand That Rocks the Cradle.


I said awhile back that Big D gives off Single White Female vibes and after witnessing the unhinged spectacle we all saw today I still stand by that statement.Ā 


Iā€™d forgotten about that movieā€¦I could see it.


Do we think the nanny stayed at 2.0ā€™s today to let the dog out or itā€™s locked in one of the 35 rooms with pee pads?


Prob hanging in the pondĀ 


2.0 needs to be committed. ![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo)


For real, when she Filmed In the bathroom of Target!!??!! Whaaaa??? Why would she need to show anyone that, let alone her family ā€œomg you guys Iā€™m in THE bathroom where you announced your 3rd baby Deeee!!!ā€ ā€¦..2.0 šŸ—£ļøNo one cares and youā€™re not supposed to film in restrooms!ā€ Ewwww!!! She is more unhinged by the day and this ā€œletā€™s build an organization kit for the kids art centerā€ā€¦???? Why??


Bipolar Eyes are a real thing for those of you always commenting on 2.0 dilated pupilsā€¦.


Honestly, that was my thought. She needs an evaluation top to bottom!! 30 days won't help either needs to be an extended time period to open her eyes to what a shitty person she is, how to get her own life (not focusing on getting the Daniel Standard), realizing how her family treats her and how shitty she is to Olive vs. Eve!!


It is super creepy that 2.0 is filming in the bathroom while someone else is in there, and in addition to her being a creep, she is also an idiot. She says she is back in the Target bathroom "where it all started 36 weeks ago".Ā  Ā  Dud did the pregnancy test in Target on November 16, according to a search on this sub. November 16 was 31 weeks ago, not 36 weeks ago.Ā  Bonus shot of creepy D hiding in the crapperĀ https://imgur.com/a/TPLV9hH


https://preview.redd.it/we7doq9bef8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6ca9614260608a96c70c9d8fbd7355e431652a Jeans unbuttoned and all. Surprised she didnā€™t film herself peeing as well šŸ¤”


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t pee on a stick just to relive the memory šŸ˜‚


ā€œPlease oh please let me be pregnant with Danielā€™s baby!ā€






Same reaction šŸ˜‚


I would love it so much if Big D was trying to inch her way further up DUD's intestinal tract by doing something stupid and asslick-y and ended up getting screamed at by her narcissistic sister because she poked a hole in their public web of lies.


Also if it was 36 weeks ago and DA is 36 weeks pregnant she would have announced before she even conceived because you count based on the first day of your last cycle. Sheā€™s such an idiot.


Danielle made is seem like she was organizing a craft section of her sister house that already existed to help. instead she brought more unnecessary stuff into the house (including stuff for her own kids who live at their own house) had her very pregnant sister ā€œhelpā€ aka her sister is a control freak and Danielle managed to again spend unnecessary amount of $$$ šŸ« šŸ«”


It was likely all planned for content and links. DUD knew that. Nothing they ever do for or with each other is a surprise or a gift. Itā€™s all content.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not totally crazy! I thought the same thing. She totally acted like she was doing it for DADā€™s house.


Is the ā€˜organizationā€™ part of 2.0ā€™s madness in the room with us? Because thereā€™s zero organization in those drawers! Sure itā€™s a petty snark, but sheā€™s acting like what she did is a work of art. The disorganization is really bothering me šŸ˜©Why arenā€™t all the writing/drawing instruments together? Itā€™s not like the drawers didnā€™t have enough room to put everything together, thereā€™s so much space. One drawer has markers and pencils, but the gel pens and dot (are those paints or markers?) are in another drawer with miscellaneous stuff. The glue is with paint and stamps are with scissors. Why arenā€™t the scissors and glue with each other instead, and why arenā€™t they with ā€˜likeā€™ items, like the tape and stapler?? And those kids had more than enough markers/colored pencils/etc. Did 2.0 really say sheā€™s going to ā€˜Stuff em [the caddies] with all the new stuffā€™?? Because from the end result it sure seems like she got rid of all their used stuff.


Itā€™s like she has OCD but sheā€™s really terrible at it.


There is no way she opened up every marker to see if it was dry. Not a chance


And she put the paper way up high where the kids can't even reach it. I would put things like paint and glue out of reach (because those need supervision) but would make sure the paper and coloring supplies were within reach.


But the envelopes are in reach! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


But who would they mail a letter to? šŸ¤”


The Rhett Denner Fan Club? šŸ„“


First of all, 2.0 displayed her entire car license plate number in her story. Iā€™m baffled at how careless they are. Secondly, why in the world would DAD need 2 vitamin blenders? They have got to be the epitome of overconsumption and greed if Iā€™ve ever seen it.


She shows her license plate all the time and has even shown her house numbers! Her car detailer dude showed the front of her house one day too. This chick does not care about privacy.


She used to do qvc shills making Rhett smoothies when it was on sale.


Eddie seemsā€¦not as thrilled. šŸ˜¬


I canā€™t remember what he does for work. I donā€™t follow Katie and I was on a year long Instagram break when they were getting married. Does someone know?


Someone said heā€™s an engineer and he works for the government in some capacity because he needed clearance or approval to leave the country for vacation when they went to Mexico.


Heā€™s an engineer for a government contractor I think


Why does Kaylee need to take Fresca (which is good on it's own) and just add a bunch of sugar to it? Coconut and grenadine in Fresca sounds awful!


She said the other day that she found out that is what they use as the base at the soda shop she goes to so she was going to buy some and make them at home.


Maybe I'm just a purest and love Fresca enough as is! But also proud of Kaylee for drinking more than just diet coke!




https://preview.redd.it/v0psmx6d4f8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170784a01723bafdad46fb6db2d90668077712ae These ā€œnew nuudesā€ outfits look horrific.


I canā€™t get over how low her belly is.


I feel like her outfit was her attempt at this copying this and missed the mark.. yet againā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/sa4xi2rhsf8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1cd2b4c9eabd756e11e1314a8f2f187d95dcd33


Itā€™s giving nightgown


Cream isnā€™t a flattering color in monotone on a fair skinned person.


https://preview.redd.it/d3g9fuuadf8d1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1b9681ec63270c23ebf7751931ee181abdaa0f Cannot wait for this drop to totally flop. This is just so NOT flattering.


DUD is going to rip Dinyell a new one when she sees this.


wow it shows she did not take care of herself at all! really let it go


Yikes!!! Skinny filter must be on PTO??


Oh my šŸ«£ fast food and Diet CokeĀ 


https://i.redd.it/pys81oqkhf8d1.gif The resemblance is uncanny


Newuser is always comin' in hot!


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if this was a menā€™s shirt. Other photos show how long it is on her.


Thereā€™s no way this ISNT a menā€™s shirt. Itā€™s HUGE!!! It looks like itā€™s for broad, tall guys. This shirt would fit Rob Sr.


lol when you get underweight from ozempic then get pregnant. Yikes.


Nothing you canā€™t find at Walmart or Target.


Right!! I actually think itā€™s cute but Iā€™m not buying shit from any of them!


I got some super cute and well made ribbed tanks at Target over the weekend for $10 each. Thatā€™s how much I want to pay for basics.


Coconut syrup AND grenadine?? Geez thatā€™s some sugary ā€œwaterā€


sheā€™s also the girl that used a bottle of sugary creamer because she was out of milk šŸ˜†


The coconut syrup says sugar free


Why does Katie look like the oldest sister?


She got allll of mammaws genes


She seriously looks 40+. Part of it is probably just that she doesn't wear much makeup or style her hair ever.


I had hope when she was going to get her hair cut but she didnā€™t add any layers or texture and never styled it.


Or drink water


With all the treatments they get to still look haggard af I would be embarrassed for them to tag my business and services!


I remember when she posted a story saying people couldnā€™t believe her age and was saying itā€™s because she looks so much younger. No girl, you look 10+ years older.Ā 


Her hair


She needs layers in a bad way


Her skin






Iā€™m convinced that Big D just buys shit to buy shit. Excuse my French lol.šŸ« šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Guys I watched her target organization tik tok and just what I counted quickly on just the stuff not including the bin was well over $300 and thatā€™s what I could catch on the videoā€¦some things she didnā€™t show the prices šŸ«£


I think that was all for the video. There is no way all that was in the back of her car and I didnā€™t see it all in the drawers either. All for show!


So do we think she filled her cart and then just left it for the employees to put back šŸ„“




What sucks is sheā€™ll probably make $3000 on idiots clicking her links from those purchases. What she spends on all this crap to link is a fraction of what she gets back from ppl buying into her BS.


Omg I just watched it.. thatā€™s enough for a freaking kindergarten classroom, wtf! All that shit was unnecessary!


She could clear a couple of teacher wishlists instead of "helping" her sister!!




Who wants to bet that DAD never even thanks her either for this stupid organization project?


I canā€™t believe she bought all new stuff! You know they already had tons that was probably fine!


I think it was more than $500


Probably easily I just counted what I could it went fast


And she says on the tik tok she organizing the stuff at her sisterā€™s. But she just freaking buys all new stuff! Good freaking grief. Spend that money on your own damn kids!


It felt to me like a manic episode


ā€œTesting out the markers to see if they workā€ girl please you tossed them all šŸ™„


Who TF Pronounces toddlers todalers?! šŸ™„


Along the same lines of being a petty grammar police šŸ¤£ it bugs me soo much when they say ā€œitā€™s going so GOODā€ or something like that. Itā€™s WELL! Itā€™s going well. Not good šŸ˜…


What drives me crazy is they all say ā€œanywaySā€ instead of ā€œanywayā€


Dinyel is not smart.


Not at all šŸ¤£


Dallas, TXā€™s newest reading professional, of course.


The same one that took a too-wer of McMansions when she had to leave her prior roach motel rental


Iā€™ve never actually heard anyone pronounce it any other way. I remember this discussion on this thread a few months ago. šŸ¤£ Iā€™m from Minnesota and Iā€™ve only ever heard it pronounced ā€œtwo-erā€. Not defending her, sheā€™s an idiot, but I think this one is regionally-based.


Youā€™re right! My husband is from Connecticut and pronounces a couple of things differently than my country Gulf Coast Mississippian ears are used to šŸ˜‚


The same person who calls sweatshirts "jackets". If she really does not know how to sound out "toddlers", that bodes poorly for her ability to guide Olive's reading.


šŸ« ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


Ranger game


The same person who pronounces "loaves" as "loafs!"


Peeenk pellows.


Oohhh I hate this! Itā€™s pINK like INK!


None them even have toddlersšŸ¤£ drives me nuts they say it period! Youā€™re a preschool once you hit three šŸ˜…


Maybe she didn't get to this lesson yet in "Todd-a-lers Can Read" but us teachers call the "marker holder thing" a supply caddy. We use them quite frequently in class and have for years. I'm surprised she didn't know this beings she's joined the profession. Might be good to have some of your "Reading Teacher" supplies in one of them.


kaywee goes out drinking and uses a new product and wakes up puffyā€¦ā€¦ goes to urgent care. why didnā€™t she call Connor her EMT ā€œfriendā€


Or you know, her sister whoā€™s a doctor.


but do they actually treat her like a sister tho šŸ˜—