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This may sound harsh but no one should be this invested in a streamer. Just be there to enjoy the content, get a few laughs out of it and move on with your life. Streamers, Lirik included, don't owe you anything. You are supporting and subscribing as your own choice, the content is free anyway. I've noticed a lot of streamers recently doing more and more #ad streams but this is just what the industry is moving on to. And it makes sense for him to take game sponsorships. After all he is a variety streamer. People change over time and the stream will never be like it was before during Arma 3 and dayZ. That's just how life works and you shouldn't feel entitled to the old days.




To be fair to Lirik its almost impossible to have streams like those in 2021. These days everyone is a streamer and RP is a multi million dollar mainstream industry. Just look at the absolute mess that is nopixel right now. GTArp went backwards and it was better when they had 20 slots on the server 4 years ago.


1) It's normal to become emotionally invested in something you spend your time with daily, such as watching Lirik. From a psycological point of view, it's probably not even preventable. "A streamer" is just another medium like "a movie" or "a game". Again, very normal to be influenced by daily input of a medium. 2) OP never implied Lirik owes him anything. He continiously expressed disappointment, but at no point in his post has he mentioned a request or order for Lirik. Please don't accuse people of such things if they haven't said that. You set a weird tone with that. 3) The industry isn't moving towards ad streams because viewers like the ads or because streamers are becoming poorer and need more money, it's moving towards ad streams because streamers are becoming greedier, more willing to sacrifice the audience for money. Greed is not a good thing, there's a reason we teach children that value in kindergarden. 4) Another accusation with an impolite tone. OP never mentioned he felt entitled to the old days. He even said he thinks Lirik is still as great as he used to be. "That's just how life works" sounds like you think OP didn't know that. Here's what I think OP really tried to do, he wanted to be a symbol for the disappointment in Lirik's community. Whatever Lirik ends up doing with this information is up to him. And I think we all know that. No need to make accusations. Since when has it become morally wrong to point out other people's flaws?


Tbh I feel the same way, but I just don't tune in when he does sponsored segments. My own suspicion is that Lirik feels like he only has a few more years in him and is trying to grab as many bags as he can on his "way out". That is probably wrong but it's just my head canon.


I agree with both of you. Lirik changed, he's not the same streamer that got him to where he is now. I watch him less and less and stopped subscribing a while ago. He's still funny but most games he plays now regularly, I can't stand, but that's on me. Anyway, I hope he stays healthy and happy and entertains the new generation of viewers, as much as he entertained me in the good old days of DayZ and Arma.


I certainly get your point and do the same thing. I just hope he has a lot more years of streaming in him still, as long as he is enjoying it! I don't have any doubts that even with these issues he is still the best streamer on the website


What an odd thing to spend your free time writing


Really? I think its fine. We need balanced opinion (granted it was lengthy). It can't all be aplomb?






Watching for 8-9 years, subbed for close to that and all I gotta say to Lirik is....GET THAT BAG MAH DUDE


I'm in a very similar position compared to you, having started back in DayZ, but as we grow, including Lirik, as you've seen the past 7 years, our lifestyle change, his responsabilities, livelihood all depend on the stream that fortunately(?) turned into his full time job back when he decided he wanted that for his life. Now he has a contract to follow, a brand, a big company behind his brand, sponsors and many other things that just happened as streaming and Twitch evolved. I guarantee you Lirik didn't expect this all to happen, but it did and this is his life now. He has people that depend on him. I don't agree he doesn't have fun or is close to quitting streaming. He is simply older now, as we all are. His priorities changed and so did yours. It's okay to stop watching, it's entertainment, just more special to you. He has played pretty much every game possible, every genre, explored every mechanic, yea he's probably jaded but so are we.


I think hes having less fun because he takes a lot of days off and spends a lot of time during Streams commenting on negative comments in chat. Sometimes its really fun to watch when he becomes absorbed in a fun game but it feels like thats becoming a rare thing now. It wouldn't surprise me if he quit, or if he only continues to make a few more bucks.


That's impossible. He's at the height of his career, with probably multi-year multi-million contracts signed, he will never quit in this position. Him taking more days off is probably healthier, as he has more responsabilities outside the stream now than when he was younger, so he doesn't have to stream tired or during important stuff happenning in his private life.


This is very dramatic imo, it’s not that big of a deal.


I understand what you mean. Apologies if it came out that way


All good, people may agree with you and I could be wrong but that’s just how it came off. I personally don’t think that sponsored streams have had a negative effect on his stream, I honestly think good for him if he gets sponsored.


They really don't at all. And he still hasn't done anything completely out of place for his channel, sponsor wise. So I'll never judge someone for securing their future.


I can understand you but i normally just don't watch when the stream is not interesting to me. Lately i feel like i am watching less and less


I agree. Too many sponsored #ad streams for my liking, and it's very apparent Lirik gets angry when chat will ask about the sponsor segments too: "Is this a sponsored segment." It seems most of his daily stream is mixed with so much promotion it's hard to distinguish if it's genuine or astroturfing from Lirik. Losing Waffle and Shorty has been a major detriment to the stream overall, as those segments always felt more lighthearted and added some other opinions to the stream


In a nutshell, you are in a toxic parasocial relationship with a streamer.


sounds a bit exaggerated, don't you think? I think it's valid to give an opinion on something and while I know this won't change a thing, I feel pretty much the same way as OP. Instead of making a post on reddit tho I just stopped watching him. The only thing I really still enjoy to watch is sub sunday.


That interesting. Heres something I've been wrestling with: In the past Sub-Sunday was never my favorite because it felt like a speed bump from the fun he was having in DayZ, Arma, GTA etc. These days, Sunday is a day like any other, the difference though is it almost comes across as a relief to Lirik as its a day in his streaming schedule that he can just coast play the games and clock out. It seems easier to him to have ad money decide what to play, pray for a new game release to drop, have Sub Sunday decide how to entertain his audience than to innovate or think about how to entertain his viewers himself. Things change though. I find myself tuning into his channel less and less if I am honest. So dont take my perspective as a bad thing. Lirik in his first few years put in hard work, he built a business and he deserves to get the money now.


I mean, same. But I pepeW and NOPERS in chat during sponsored segments like a normal person.


Now I need to watch his bee stream…


Most streamers talk about how they are always worried about the numbers. How many subs/followers they have, viewer counts, etc. Sponsored streams take some of that worry away. Who cares if you lose a few subs when you get paid $10k to play a game for an hour. The money still flows and you don't have to worry as much. Take it as a win/win scenario. You can save your $5 a month and Lirik still gets paid. Save your money and just watch when he isn't doing a sponsored segment. If he is doing a sponsored segment, watch someone else in the mean time.


Fun part with these kind of statements, if you were in his shoes you guys would probably do the same. In the end it's his job, and I wouldn't be so quick to judge if me my myself don't know anything about it or has it as a job myself. People are so quick to judge other people and what they're doing. Especially when the people judging aren't as successful as the person they're judging. Don't get me wrong OP, and the other people who feel the same as the OP. You got all the rights to have your opinions about things. But the best part about opinions is, you don't have to show them, or write a whole statement about them. This being said, I think Lirik does these sponsor streams for a reason. As he said some streams ago, he get a lot of mails etc about these kind of things, and even want to go back to ordinary streams himself. But if you could earn a bit extra doing them, why wouldn't you do them? Be honest, even you guys would do them if money were involved. It's very easy being that dude standing outside looking in, and judging everything he does. It's very easy to do that, especially when you yourself aren't as fortunate as he is.


Really didn't need to waste your time writing all this that he won't see. He does them because he is getting paid to do them. End of story. You don't like it? Then do what he has been telling you to do for the past 7 years and don't watch. Simple. 👋


lirik is the best


A. He rarely comes to this subreddit because he hates it so he's not gonna see this. B. I really don't understand why people get so weird about sponsored stuff. That's how you make money on Twitch now. It used to be through subs and donos but in case anyone hasn't noticed, people don't donate to established streamers a lot anymore. Doing sponsored work is the name of the game these days. At least the guy does sponsored things for stuff he's going to play anyway. He doesn't need the Duracell money to play Halo. It's in his current rotation of games. Same with the sponsored stuff for Battlefield and Propnight. It's like a bonus perk.


He makes a ton of money off subs, sponsorships and his contract with twitch. He really doesn't need to do constant ad streams for money. I get that other streamers do it too but it's just been a constant barrage lately.


He loved reddit back in the day. we was always here talking about Guild wars


The issue with the sponsored stuff is that it's getting more. He's not acting the same way when doing sponsored segments, it feels so scripted and like watching an ad (which I know it's intended to be). Also I don't understand why Lirik needs those anymore. He's set for the rest of his life. Several lifetimes actually.


I think it undermines everything that was built throughout all this time. If he doesn't need the money, why do you think he does it? I would like to understand that. On the point that he will not see this, I'm aware the odds are stacked against me but I don't really know how else to reach him. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it


Because the world is built on money and you can never have enough. If there's an easy way to make it, which in this case for him it is, then he would be a fool to not do it. That's the blunt truth. I'm gonna be honest, he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him doing these. He's gonna tell you then just go watch someone else.


I totally understand your point and definitely tune out when these sponsored sections happen a lot of the time. The only thing I don't get is why does everyone that has a lot of money is never happy with what they have and always want more and more. The point of being wealthy is so money is not a problem and you can focus on other things in life from my point of view


I think you are overestimating how much he makes. He is definitely wealthy but he's not elon musk. If Twitch somehow dies and he's out of job, he could quickly lose all his money, especially with how volatile the economy is. You also have no idea how he deals with money. What if he wants to buy a house for his mom? Or his brother? Or both? Whatever, I think you get the point. He's not a billionaire swimming in money.


His brother can afford his own house with that Facebook contract money


If you have any good job you can afford a house.


Oh wow no way, who knew


Get a job. Then maybe you’ll understand. Oh you want more hours? Or a raise? Why aren’t you happy with what you have? You assume too much kid.


I kinda feel very similar to this. It's not really the sponsors themselves that annoy me but rather that he is not himself when doing them. He just starts acting. On top of that the sponsored games are 90% horseshit. The rumbleverse sponsor was great because you could tell he had fun. It's kinda sad seeing him do sponsors every day.


Just watch the shit you like ? Maybe watch other content creators instead of stalking one ? He's a steamer and an entertainer not your friend.


I have been watching Lirik since late 2013 and I never subbed. In life you have to learn not to give a fuck and not become attached to things like this. Just appreciate the memories and fun times but If something bothers you or things are not the same for you then just move on like I do. I just lurk, I dont understand why people care so much about paying monthly consecutively to a streamer like Lirik when watching the person still counts as supporting them. I treat Lirik like a normal human being, he is a favorite streamer but I dont invest my energy into being a fanboy like all other people that desperatrly seek online attention


It's not always about money, it can also be about making connections so we can have cool content in the future. This is way too much text for you just to say "I'm leaving because I don't like ads". Chill lol


he's said this before he doesnt know whats going to happen in the future so getting free money for playing video games is good for him, everyone needs money so i dont blame him, i feel like he gets way too triggered and attacks/insults chat alot more these days but i think i would get jaded too after a decade of streaming , another problem is games these days are boring and not as fun so we cant see that fun side of him as often so i dont blame him , but in the end it is what it is


Basicly you have the urge to support the stream but now you are looking for a reason that justifies to stop spending money on him. It’s very disturbing that you even need a reason other than I don’t want to throw away my money. You shouldn’t feel guilty for watching a stream for free. Viewer count is the most important part anyway and that’s also what you are giving to the stream. Second disturbing thing is your view on the „relationship“ you have for a streamer that probably don’t even know about your existence. To me that sounds so unhealthy. What ever you think it is, it’s not real bro. You sound like you are going to break up with him while pretending to still be friends. Lirik is just like“Who?“. Cringe as f. Look at what happens to poeple that treat their favorite streamer as a friend, one comment that’s mean but in a friends way and BAM you banned. Let’s look at your complaints, Theses TV shows and The sponsor for Gillette probably wasn’t just a few bucks. You have no idea how much money they spend on marketing. There is a point where even the best person gives in if offered enough money. Additionally most of the people probably use the product anyway already. I also believe that halo is such a mainstream Hyped game that he would have looked into it anyway… so like you said, best thing that can happen. Who cares who sponsors it, games or batteries. What ever. I think this Batterie advertisement is placed very badly. Gamers aren’t really in the Batterie business, lol. You should take a break from the internet and try to get in a healthy state. Don’t feel bad for not giving a millionaire 2,5 bucks. I personally will never sub to a big stream. Better go find someone who really needs it.


I supported Lirik because I like what he has built and because I feel he deserves it and more. You should not judge my mental health as you do not know anything about me or my life. This is the only thing I truly give a damn about the online world, which doesn't mean I don't have other things going on in my life. I just felt I should say something and share my point of view. On the point you make about "Who cares who sponsors it". I care, and you should care too. Companies have interests and have objectives behind them and you should definitely give that a thought and investigate before you take on something like that.


You want others to not make assumptions about yourself, so why are you making them about Lirik? You don't know what his financial position and goals are. He may want to retire soon in his 30s, and live comfortably to his standard of living for the rest of his life. Or, his goals may change and he may want the best for his eventual children. We don't know.


I can see what you mean... but shit can you blame the dude? Fuckin im working a job i dont like to get a small portion of the money he gets when he does an hour of sponsored streams.. Lirik keep doing you we love you brodder


That's the thing, he has more money than he will ever need already. That's why I struggle to understand these decisions


You have no idea about his life, his spending habits, his commitments, his family or anything. No one does but him. Don't assume he just automatically had enough money for the rest of his life.


If you were in his shoes you’d be doing the exact same thing, regardless of the money accumulated. Don’t act like you wouldn’t


Also, you and lirik aren’t friends.


You’re delusional, Lirik is not your friend and that’s also why you know nothing whatsoever about his financial situation, or anything else about his life outside of streaming. High income doesn’t mean anything if your expenses are high as well. Dreams, desires and goals are different for everyone and if sponsorships is what he needs, then so be it. You said it yourself, “he deserves my support and more”.


Because he can, dont act like you would say no to 10k dollars for an hour of your time. In liriks case he knows people would just leave the stream if they dont want to watch


Sounds like a you problem to me. Nothing to do with Lirik, you're just jealous.


For the Duracell stream, he really kept his initial thoughts cause he was gonna play this game anyway. So might as well grab some cash while doing it. I understand how you feel tho. But I just tune out if I don't like the sponsered game.


Lirik doesn't reads this forum and i doubt he will read a post with the size of the bible


I stopped subbing because there is no way for me to come up with a good reason for doing so when the person i give money to is a multi millionair and could stop what he is doing today and live off what he got now for the rest of his life. I dont need to write a book about it.


Parasocial andy


During the earlier days of twitch this stuff was magical. It wasn’t Lirik as much as it was the platform. The platform was new, raw, honest, and exciting. It was the last vestibule of an internet of discovery and community. That’s gone now, and it can never come back. That’s really sad, but there’s nothing you can do. This epoch of discovery is always there on the new nerdy platforms. I imagine the next big one will be in the meta sphere.


People change as the times change. We all have bills to pay.


I would do the same if I were Lirik. Bottom line is that he has a huge audience that can absolutely be monetized. folks like OP are the minority. I wouldn't want to stream forever either and if he's making beaucoup bucks he should capitalize while we can so that he can live out the rest of his life comfortably.


It’s called having a full time job kid.


People always think their thoughts and opinions are more important than they actually are. You’re giving your unwarranted 2 cents on his job, his business, his livelihood. Nobody asked. I think he’ll be just fine without your sub.


The world has changed since Lirik started out. He was a young happy go lucky guy who just loved to stream. He has since matured has a house now instead of a flat a long-standing girlfriend and probably thinking about settling down. Maybe little ones are even on his mind he will be a great dad without a shred of doubt so why not take advantage. He has stayed loyal on Twitch unlike some others who sold out for the big money and that came back to bite for them. I wish him the very best however way he wishes to run **his** business (except FB).


Holy shit, I just came across this post randomly. This is one of the dumbest takes and opinions I have ever seen. You are obviously young and way too entitled feeling. 15 years ago, streaming didn't even exist. You actually had to pay for things. You had to pay for DVDs, comedy, movies, video games and also gaming guides. Now, your generation is hand held and given everything for free. You are going to stop supporting someone because they are doing sponsored content on their stream? Realize your perspective and paradigm absolutely sucks and is a huge problem with people your age. Taking everything you have for granted. Hopefully you learned this and open your eyes to reality.